Salut!! je viens de finir avec la licence en histoire à l’Université de Ndjaména.
I want to develop my self, and country. Je rappelle aussi que je me suis inscrit en 2016.The winners of the OFID Scholarship Award will receive a scholarship of up to US$50, suis titulaire d’un baccalauréat série A2 avec mention assez bien et je veux bien postulé pour la bourse…je suis au +22995362740.merci d’avance[…] 16. They are: You must be a national of a developing country except for OPEC/OFID member countries. Deux thèmes pour deux articles sont arrêtés. I also have BSc and MSc in Urban and Regional Planning (University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria). Je m’appelle KOTY Bernadette ,je suis de nationalité Béninoise,je suis titulaire d’une licence en comptabilité Audit et Contrôle de Gestion,j’aimerais bien que vous m’aidez à obtenir une bourse d’étude pour faire le master. Bridge Finance ass garantéiert fir finanziell Servicer u Clienten mat engem favorabelen Zënssaz ze bidden. i have being scammedI would like the ebook mailed to me for my niece that seeks the scholarshipJe réponds au nom de Sébastien HONAGBODE. The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) was established by the Member States of OPEC in 1979 as a development finance institution to channel aid to developing countries.
Winning this e-book will be extremely useful in helping me to successfully apply for the scholarships I need to be able to do my honours degree and then also post-graduate studies. I know your organization has a good will & reputation. je suis titulaire du du diplôme de licence en histoire à l’université de Lomé au Togo.
Thanks in advance. My contact is+237678170974Firstly, thank you for this resource which is so helpful – full of all the information that could otherwise have taken many many more hours of searching online. Once your application is submitted, you can no longer make any changes or upload any more documents.Bonsoir, je suis Maeva AKOUE . In addition in 2016, i enrolled in soil and water conservation engineering Msc programme at Hawassa university, Ethiopia and graduated with Great distiniction(CGPA 3.64) in April 2018. J’aime bien bénéficier la bourse en master pour poursuivre mes études en histoire moderne de l’Europe. contact: 228 90417456I am Reba W. Nasimiyu from Kenya, I have a Diploma in Information Science and will start my Degree in September this year. I think this is way to reach my goals, and become dreams truth. The primary prerequisite that enables the OPEC Fund to continue to function effectively in fulfilling its mandate and meet the standards expected by its Member Countries, is its ability to attract and motivate competent and dedicated human resources.
Applicants must be from a developing country (except OFID Member Countries), Applicants (he/she) must first obtain admission to pursue a Master’s degree studies in a relevant field of development, from any recognized university/college in the world.
For example: how technology can help soil and water conservation and management in general. ONGOING: $50,000 OPEC/OFID Scholarships for Developing Countries 2017/2018 – APPLY […]he gave me loan. J’ai le Bac G2 et je viens de terminer ma Licence en Finance et Comptabilité à L’ENEAM ( École Nationale d’Economie Appliquée et de Management) au Bénin.
Thanks immensely, Blessed.NDULA OTTANCE YAHBUNE by name.i have a Back degree in geography and a minor degree in environmental sciences in 2015 with a GPA of 3.14. I have five years work experience in total. I wish to continue my studies in thesame line so that i can come back and help my country in its dieing state of need of both human and material missuse.i will be hope full if i can get a scholarship in ur pristigious organisation. Please if you can secure me a scholarship I,d really appreciate.