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The government has been able to rule by decree since January.Alonso is talking in the headquarters of the FNFF, in Madrid’s Chamartín district. Historian Stanley Payne described Franco as being the most significant figure to dominate Spain since

The Caudillo's rigid centralism and its brutal application to the Basque Country and Catalonia had left more powerful nationalist movements there than had ever existed before 1936.That remains the case to this day, exactly 40 years after his death. In the face of such resistance, his probe came to nothing.“The issue of Franco and the issue of the amnesty and all the rest of it, none of that has been resolved,” he says. But the law’s impotence was reflected by the fact that elsewhere, street signs dedicated to the caudillo and his murderous generals remained.Mark Sedwill backs calls for government ministers to be based in the north of England.Many people, like this German, get the impression that Spain simply hasn’t tried to get to grips with its recent past.

Maybe we need to talk more about Franco and therefore knock the whole thing on the head and move on, instead of spending the next 100 years talking about him.”Rise of Euroskeptic agitators is pulling European leaders in opposite directions.EU’s rule of law mechanisms have failed. That was not entirely accurate: The past was not forgotten, but agreement did exist among the main political powers not to use it as a weapon.There’s no single way to deal with statues from a painful past.And yet, his supporters see him as a hero.Polish border guards refused to admit ethnic Chechens fearing reprisals from Russia.The president also offered new praise for a Houston-area physician who peddles in conspiracy theories.Beyond helping to curb infections, face masks offer a reprieve from small talk and social niceties.The pandemic is one nightmare we should try not to forget.For those like Merino, that meant sweeping the collusion, repression and outright violence of Spain’s recent past under the carpet.“I haven’t seen him lately,” the president says.‘But we need the US,’ Heiko Maas says.Much of the praise was due to the fact that moderates from the Franco regime and from the previously outlawed opposition on the left were able to sit down and talk about the future in a mature way.

He denies that Franco was a coup-monger who overthrew a democratic government. “In the end it was almost the opposite.”“You could compare Franco to De Gaulle, or to Churchill — Churchill before World War II, that is,” says Jaime Alonso, vice president of the FNFF. Built at Franco’s behest by republican prisoners between 1940 and 1959, it is a massive monument to the dictator’s National Catholicism ideology. The consequent divisiveness, at times bordering on mutual hatred, is one of the most damaging legacies of Francoism.Oregon's governor calls the officers "an occupying force", but the president says they saved the city.What happens to your body in extreme heat?Recent research has uncovered proof of how he used his power to enrich himself and his family. A number of statues of Franco were removed from squares across the country, as were many other symbols of his regime. Nevertheless, it is true that the Caudillo used corruption both to reward and control his collaborators.Scarred by the horrors of the civil war and the post-war repression, during the transition to democracy Spaniards rejected both political violence and Franco's idea that, by right of conquest, one half of the country could rule over the other.Moreover, especially in his later years, Franco did not rule by repression alone: he enjoyed a considerable popular support. It was not until 2007 that the Law of Historical Memory made tentative efforts to recognise the sufferings of the victims of Francoism.Although in the many national, regional and municipal elections that have been held in Spain since 1977, openly Francoist parties have never gained more than 2% of the vote, a residual acceptance of the values of the Franco dictatorship can be found in the ruling conservative Popular Party and its electorate.Drawing on a residual Francoist centralism, the Popular Party has fomented hostility to Catalonia in particular for electoral gain. But that’s not altogether true.A weekly newsletter on campaigning, lobbying and political influence in the EU.In phone call, Zelenskiy and Putin affirm support for an expanded truce starting Monday morning in eastern Ukraine.Turkish President Erdoğan recited from the Quran while thousands gathered in Istanbul to mark the occasion.Questioning the decision not to investigate human rights violations and the brutality of that time also means questioning the sacred status of the Transición. There were those who, for reasons of wealth, religious belief or ideological commitment, actively sympathised with his military rebels during the civil war.Have you been getting these songs wrong?However, what was impossible in a democracy was a counter-brainwashing.Then, from the late 1950s onwards, there was the support of those who were simply grateful for rising living standards.These are external links and will open in a new windowIt will thus be many years before Spain is free of Franco's legacy.Franco's vengeful triumphalism had been fostered in the military academies, where officer cadets were trained to regard democracy as signifying disorder and regional separatism.Accordingly, no government has ever declared the Franco regime to be illegitimate.