If so, education and totally independent learning don’t sit well together any better as concepts than education and totally dependent learning. Independent Self-Construals Definition Self-construal refers to the way in which a person thinks about and defines the self. Educators (experts) may act as facilitators or guides. If you're knowledgeable about the destination you want to visit (even if you've never traveled there), you may well be able to plan and execute the whole trip yourself. To some this may appear to be an impossibility, to others it might seem like a terrible idea, however I do not believe that true independence in learning can be achieved until we are prepared to completely redefine the curriculum.Both questions generate contrary ideas, in that I find it hard to square away an internal belief that IL is something that can be taught with the notion that IL is something that is not taught but rather a self-directed path chosen by the learner.Agreed. We are both independent (active agents) and dependent (social beings).It is my intention to not separate independent learning and dependent learning but independent learning from personalised learning. They need you to reflect on how well you are doing it. I just thought they might help to think through the practical issues, although I am not sure how easy they will be to decipher.Hi Colin, thank you once again for responding in such detail. I actually appoint a student to tell me if I have talked for too long. We do learn alone at times but we also learn as we explore and debate together. Self-dependent means you rely on your own strength and not on others. I’d like to say that it’s my passion and drive, to support my students in their learning, that keeps meĀ interruptingĀ their learning with thoughts, ideas, advice, but that would be a lie. We all need support in learning and that is one reason why we exchange ideas and knowledge informally, even after we leave formal education. We'll cover those types of travel experiences in this article, as well as ones that make more sense to do on your own.A self-guided tour is one where the traveler has a route, information, and some amenities arranged by a company, but is responsible from getting between point A and B each day on their own. However, should we decide how much and should we decide the disciplines? It does not mean you have the resources to survive being independent. ; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker. If you prefer to retain complete control of your trip, independent travel might be your style. So not only is it conceptually difficult to conceive of IL as separate from DL or PL but it is fraught with ideological concerns.The point, of course, is that the extremes rarely, if ever, exist in practice. What I do believe is that Literacies are fundamental to learning. Her work points out that an independent self-construal fundamentally focuses the person inward, activating the self-concept, and motivates the person to behave in a way that is consistent with his or her unique personality.
I will try to respond in kind to some of the points you raise.Imagine arriving each day with the learning undefined, with a the opportunity for you to learn as much as your students. Do they know how?So the question, perhaps is not, ‘What is independent learning?’ but rather, ‘What features of independence and dependence do we need to encourage in our students’ learning so that they function efficiently and, more importantly perhaps, happily in our society?’ That is a very difficult question but one I have every confidence in the current generations of teachers to work through.Secondly, your point about “feeling of uncertainty and confusion for some of the teachers responding- they wonder if their young people can be independent, if they talk too much, and so on.