In creating new headquarters, some companies are taking their cues not from other offices, but from spaces like gyms and hotels. It helps visitors and newcomers find their way around the space, while also creating a look that's visually stimulating, especially when viewed from afar.Ready-to-go, cookie-cutter offices--known as "vanilla boxes" in design parlance--are out, says Brooks Atwood, design director at architecture firm OfficeUntitled. Good read!With a natural affinity towards storytelling and the written word, Zack has been writing and reading his days away since the third grade.
Anything that makes the workspace multi-functional is a plus. In Swiss marketing firm Digital Luxury Group's headquarters, workers have their own desks but can set up shop in private nooks, on comfy chairs, or at cafe-style high tables.In creating new headquarters, some companies are taking their cues not from other offices, but from spaces like gyms and hotels.
More popular are offices that keep the guts of the original space, and then overlay them with elements that make it both modern and in line with the company's personality. \"It's an incredible opportunity for not only historic preservation, but also adaptive reuse,\" says Atwood. "It allows that digital overlay to enhance the experience," he says, "not be a barrier to it. Some offices, like that of music media company Fuse, give different areas their own distinctive color. Which, of course, is totally fine: \"Good design is good design.\"New technology has upgraded conference rooms for the digital age, but figuring out how to actually use those features can be a hassle for workers. Now, artificial intelligence is making the use of that tech more seamless. According to David Galullo, CEO of design firm Rapt Studio, companies are installing new A/V and lighting systems that can use Bluetooth to detect when a certain employee has walked into a room and adjust it to their desired settings. According to this article , “The blurring of live-work boundaries and changing social needs are affecting the kinds of homes buyers want, especially as more and more people work remotely or are self-employed. In many newer office lounges, sterile lighting and couches bought from big-box stores have been replaced with mood lighting and unique, cozy furniture. "That should teach us about how to design a workplace," he says. To discover the latest color trends, you can get your copy of. Gone are the days of spending the first 10 minutes of a meeting fumbling with a projector or setting up a conference call. The Portland, Oregon, office of fintech platform Expensify is housed in the 100-year-old First National Bank. Stunning, Thanks for the excellent outlineExcellent article and some truly original and awesome blogs to aspire to!!