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As of Sunday afternoon, the area had 435 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, more than any other ZIP Code in Florida.That data, state officials say, is “based on the cities of residence for cases in Florida residents based on the patient’s ZIP Code.” They add this caveat: “Note that city is not always received as part of the initial notification and may be missing while the case is being investigated.” Cities by ZIP Code™ For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code ™. Check the map below to check your ZIP Code. Looking at the Florida Department of Health's map of confirmed COVID-19 cases broken down by ZIP Code, it would be easy to assume that 33028 is a hot spot for the disease. A team of county officials and University of Miami health researchers has started testing 750 residents a week from representative population samples across Miami-Dade.The website says officials are “working to review these cases and appropriate them to the correct residential information.” On April 6, the Miami Herald asked the Florida Department of Health if it could provide a version of the ZIP Code data that’s based only on home addresses — stripping out any data based on the addresses of testing sites, hospitals or labs.Positive cases “may be originally attributed to that site when first reported,” said Alberto Moscoso, a spokesman for the Florida Department of Health. City of Miami, FL - MIAMI-DADE County Florida ZIP Codes. ZIP Codes sorted by Florida County. Florida City, FL ZIP Code - United States. Florida City, Florida (FL) Zip Code Map - Locations, Demographics - City boundary - Zip Code boundaries. Search for: near: Zip codes: 33034, 33035. Detailed information on every zip code in Miami What is the zip code for FLORIDA CITY? That’s because, according to state health officials, some cases counted toward a given ZIP Code are initially attributed to where a person was tested, not where they live.But that only lasted about a week after Gelber said there was a discrepancy between the state’s numbers and those gathered by Miami-Dade County’s state-affiliated health department. This is the FLORIDA CITY ZIP Code page list. Without a clear indication of how many residents in Miami Beach had tested positive, Gelber decided to stop announcing the numbers.Please give an overall site rating:Even the city-level coronavirus data in Florida, which has been available in daily reports since mid-March, has drawn skepticism.“Just so you know, we are no longer reporting our city data to you, as it has also become apparent that a good deal of the reported data isn’t reliable or even reflective of the extent of the infections in our community,” he said.In Miami Beach, part of which appears as a hot spot on the state’s dashboard, Mayor Dan Gelber incorporated the citywide numbers into his video addresses to residents after state officials first began reporting positive COVID-19 cases there.Although the blood tests have limited accuracy and can’t detect the novel coronavirus in its earliest stages, they can detect antibodies that tell researchers if someone had the virus weeks or even months ago. Note that the zip code may be searched with nearby approximation. {{#if ewsFlag}}{{ewsFlag}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{#if elot}}{{elot}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{#if recordType}}{{recordType}}{{else}}-{{/if}}eLOT ASCENDING/DESCENDING INDICATOR{{#if carrierRoute}}{{carrierRoute}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{#if pmbDesignator}}{{pmbDesignator}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{defaultCity}} {{defaultState}}{{#if pmbNumber}}{{pmbNumber}}{{else}}-{{/if}}COMMERCIAL MAIL RECEIVING AGENCY{{#if defaultFlag}}{{defaultFlag}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{#if cmar}}{{cmar}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{#if elotIndicator}}{{elotIndicator}}{{else}}-{{/if}}{{{isPrefixed urbanizationCode}}}Complete the two fields below to see a complete list.