It tastes like some sort of medicine.The "root" is black birch, and it is delicious! It's called Pepto Bismol.I'm from USA and love Assam tea with a touch of cream and honey...ooh, baby.Loving garlic, I can say I'd drink it.You think that sounds awful? *Regional collective trademark – A system developed to promote regional brands through official trademark registration of regional and product names. Instead, the American soft-drink brand has adapted to the quirky ways this society quenches its thirst. The system is set up to protect regional brands, establish trust and competitive power for the growth of local economies.The unique pungent aroma of garlic derives from allicin, a substance with a sterilizing effect. Over in Japan, it seems they will try just about anything that is Green tea flavoured. But believe it or not, the drink actually exists in Japan! by Feb 3, 2015. See more ideas about Coke, Coca cola, Cola. However, overeating garlic can have potential adverse effects. A town called Aomori, which is also known as the garlic capital of Japan, has come out with Jats Takkola. Coca-Cola Green Tea. We’re still not over Vanilla Coke and Pepsi Blue. The southernmost town in Aomori, Takko, is the leader in the advancement of garlic production and a major production area in the prefecture. Garlic is a great ingredient to cook with, but garlic-flavored cola is something I’m not sure I can digest, literally or figuratively. I'm not sure what 'root' they are putting in it, but by Christ is it bad.What does pepto bismol taste like?Where did you buy this from? Coca-Cola BlāK.
(I live in Japan)Haha finally someone who doesn't like it either.
Not one I will be trying in a hurry. It is also believed that garlic is effective in preventing arterial sclerosis and in fatigue recovery as allicin binds with vitamin B1. Latest Japanese Craze: Garlic Cola. Garlic is a great ingredient to cook with, but garlic-flavored cola is something I’m not sure I can digest, literally or figuratively. Go to the US and order a beverage called 'Root Beer'. I want to try one. Garlic is good for health but mixing it with cola can be foreign to the human taste buds. The crap they put in modern, artificially flavored root beer is nothing like it's supposed to taste.And the British drink Tea with Milk... like WTF, right! Garlic is most commonly used to add flavor to dishes, but it is also delectable to be eaten deep-fried by itself.Depending on the season and weather, this product may not be available. “Takko Garlic” is larger than average, with greater and firmer cloves, a snow white color, and well-known high quality. Just let that sink in for a moment. Coca-Cola has been the No. Jul 29, 2019 - Explore Victoria Khrislan's board "Coke" on Pinterest. 4 –BlāK . Coca-Cola's nearly 1 million vending machines account for about half of all the vending machines in Japan.
Fizzy sweet cola with a pungent garlic taste. Takko Garlic. Garlic-flavored soda is an entirely Japanese invention that’s all the rage in Japan, according to 1 beverage maker in Japan for half a century, but it's not thanks to the popularity of Coke. Ideal consumption is about 2 to 3 cloves a day.To preserve garlic, place it in a net and hang it in an airy place or wrap in plastic and refrigerate or freeze. ?This was In Tokyo at Garlic X Garlic.Whoa it's only us that does this?
I had a cucumber soda in Singapore that was honestly one of the most refreshing drinks I have ever had.We have that in the US too.
Aomori is the largest garlic producer in Japan. Shares Share Tweet Pin ADD YOUR OWN FAVE ( Nope, none of the giant soda companies are touching this.
Garlic flavored cola. From what I have read on blog posts it seems it does taste rather nice indeed. Assumed everyone has a drop of milk in their tea. Root beer is fucking delicious, commie /syou have to get the real root beers made with real roots, not the fake flavored ones.There was a drink in Malaysia called Sarsi that tasted like pepto bismol.I would give it a try. Posted in r/WTF by u/StrangeDoctorr • 309 points and 67 comments 5 – Green Tea. This town produces garlic in such huge amount that several garlic-flavoured prodcts have been released like - garlic beer, garlic ice cream.