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Priorities. We build on our knowledge and our research through partnerships with government colleagues, universities and the broader science research community.Cleaning Up Our Act: The Future for Waste and Resource Recovery in NSW outlines potential directions we can take to shape our future waste and resource recovery system.

We are seeking your input to inform the steps we will take in the 20-Year Waste Strategy to create a connected, integrated system supporting innovation, jobs and the protection of our environment and human health.We support the community, as well as business and government, in developing their ability to achieve these outcomes.We achieve this through our directorates:We protect and strengthen NSW’s natural environment by managing the conservation of our environment and energy resources.We are committed to developing inclusive and innovative ways to deliver the best outcomes for New South Wales.We deliver safe, reliable and cost-competitive energy and support investment in renewable energy in New South Wales. Our hub for energy-related information offers advice to consumers, including how to reduce their energy use. The development industry and councils will now have access to a new Planning Delivery Unit (PDU) that will work with NSW Government agencies to unblock planning projects stuck in the system.The NSW Government has today announced it will support all recommendations of an independent review into the Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Act 1996 (the Act), including providing certainty to the community by immediately repealing the flight cap limit.Blacktown and The Hills will benefit from new sports fields and courts, more green space, and better transport connections thanks to the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund.The NSW Government will introduce a land tax discount for new build-to-rent housing projects until 2040 and a new Housing Diversity SEPP to provide more housing options, greater surety for renters, boost construction and support jobs during the COVID-19 recovery.Thousands of new jobs, great design and high-quality public places are on the horizon for Parramatta as plans for the CBD’s revitalisation reach a major milestone.Hundreds more shovel-ready projects to repair and renew showgrounds across the State will be supported with an additional $10.77 million in funding from the NSW Government.A new Sydney Metro station, more public space and a new office tower are one step closer for North Sydney residents and workers, with the NSW Government today giving the green light to build the Victoria Cross over station development.The first stage of Sydney’s Tech Precinct at Central Station and improved rail networks across the State are part of the latest tranche of projects in the NSW Government’s Planning System Acceleration Program.Local and Regional Planning Panels have been streamlined so they can better support the State’s economic recovery while maintaining their independence and integrity.The NSW Government has today made changes to State and local infrastructure contributions policy that will help bring forward projects and support local jobs.The NSW Government is undertaking a once in a generation review into the State’s infrastructure contributions system with feedback now being invited on the NSW Productivity Commissioners Issues Paper, which was released today.A new 50-Year Vision for Greater Sydney’s network of parklands and green open spaces has been launched today by the NSW Government, heralded by an initial $10 million investment to revitalise one of the city’s forgotten harbour-side parks.Drastically reduced planning assessment times, less red tape, and user friendly e-planning tools will help turbo-charge the economic recovery, through an $83 million NSW Planning Reform Action Plan revealed today.The NSW Government has today announced the formation of a new independent advisory committee to guide the creation of great places across NSW.Subscribe to our eNewsletter to receive regular updates about the projects the Department is working on. The Department's corporate plan was outlined in Planning for Growing NSW: 2015-2017 that aimed to plan for growth by inspiring strong communities and by protecting the environment. The Department administered the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979). In 2003, the Department of Environment and Conservation was formed following the merger of the Environment Protection Authority, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Botanic Gardens Trust, and Resource NSW. The NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment exists to make people's lives better by making NSW a great place to live and work.
Cleaning Up Our Act: Redirecting the Future of Plastic in NSW is a first and core deliverable of the 20-Year Waste Strategy and sets to developing a new, comprehensive approach to managing plastic waste and pollution in NSW. : 4 In keeping with this, the Department’s priorities were:: 7 TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for the number you want
We work with community, business and government to protect and strengthen our natural environment.Our group has the best available scientific evidence and tools to help us make decisions affecting the health of the NSW environment. OEH supports the community, business and government in protecting, strengthening and making the most of a healthy environment and economy in New South Wales.