He didn’t go into detail about how everything played out, but he does regret how much misinformation and “whisper wars” there were about him in the following offseason.Solo is a rarity within them who seems to perform really well in both the solo queue environment and professional environment. Golden Guardians are OK not making the playoffs and seeing what they have with the players under their umbrella, and that's not a terrible thing. With elimination on the line, Solo became the starter for good and FlyQuest experienced a sudden resurgence. Although this team might not have the same highs as a CLG with their moves, Flyquest have gone from being overlooked to a team that might be ready to become one of the more exciting squads to watch in the LCS. This causes pros to place solo queue at a lower priority than other regions as well.Enter your email address and follow instructions to reset your account password!“People were really quick to blame me for a lot of the problems when it was really a team thing,” Solo said. Johnsun has the mechanics to be a game-changer for an LCS franchise, but that might be more of a 2021 storyline than one we're talking about in his first season, pitted against a row of veteran AD carry talent.Sometimes a team doesn't need to go wild in the offseason to get closer to its ultimate goal. He could become the next Licorice if he keeps up that performance.As an example, he brought up his last year with Echo Fox, and how he “was definitely told on Echo Fox that they didn’t care about winning as long as people had a good time.” This didn’t sit right with Solo, since he was performing really well at the time, and wanted to try to win as much as possible. However, they were decisively swept in the finals by Cloud9. With this year's roster, the only difference in the starting lineup is Jake "Xmithie" Puchero moving to Immortals in favor of Broxah. Liquid could win their fifth and sixth LCS titles in succession and even do well at the Mid-Season Invitational, but none of that will matter unless the gold-standard franchise in North America can do damage when it matters at the end of the year. This is one of the older rosters in the LCS, and with that, there are positives and negatives. After selling league MVP Svenskeren over to new franchise Evil Geniuses and solidifying Blaber as the team's new jungler, C9 used some of their money from the Svenskeren deal to acquire Vulcan from Dignitas and pair him up from the departing Zven from TSM.
Probably not. V1per is ready to take a step up the top-lane hierarchy in NA and should flourish with a team more willing to play on the offensive. Say goodbye to any chance of MSI or worlds.Similarly to CLG, FlyQuest quietly improved their roster over the offseason as TSM, Liquid and C9 made the flashier signings. NA players are also notorious for not taking solo queue seriously, making the quality of games a lot lower than it is in other regions.
As this offseason approached, it could have ended in disaster for TSM.
sOAZ and Xmithie are two of the more respected players in western League of Legends history and are accustomed to winning. FlyQuest is facing Evil Geniuses one more time for the last spot in the finals. Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.