Many in the body are missing this adventure with our Creator. I already did the steps before but the thing is that I keep going on and off with God, like one day i am right with Him and the next day I commit a very big sin so I am not right with Him. 8:19 11.42 MB. My prayers are not answered although I pray constantly.I will tell you the reason why,they leave out Acts 2:38.Because Acts 2:38 do not agree with there Trinity Doctrine.The Apostles baptized in Jesus name,Acts 2:38,8:12,10:48,and 19:5.Jesus commanded the disciples/apostles in Matthew 28:19 to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.The Disciple went forth and baptized in the Name of Jesus.Now,either Jesus is the name of the Father,and of the the Son,and of the Holy Ghost,or the disciples/apostles did not obey what Jesus commanded them to do.Its just that simple!I rest my case for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.God will not honor any other religion, and He makes it very clear that it is only through His Son Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross that will give people eternal salvation and thus eternal life with Him in heaven.The Bible says that we are appointed for the defense of the gospel.
A Native American, I began to look into other religions (anything but as a sourse of stablilty (I was in my early teens yet). And Jesus when he started his earthly ministry was also baptized by John the Baptist. Kings Ransom Rs3. And even when I tried to do these steps, i am feeling kind of maybe hopless because I have done this so many times but I keep going back to the sin and going away from God. God the Father will not honor any other name, religion or faith!Thank God for this site i am reachly blessed.the information is on another awesome website called wayofthemaster.comThe life that we are living down here on this earth is serious business!The Bible says that there are none that are righteous before the eyes of God the Father.I will show you how God the Father will set people up, and why every Christian needs to be open and sensitive to letting God, through the Holy Spirit, direct you as to who you should witness to and exactly how to go about it. Now I really know what the Gospel is all about. We've just started our first trip collection too, which is minimising our overheads with cash collection - ticks a box for our admin staff. The way you present is beautifull, easy to understand and appealing. God the Father has made it as clear as He possibly could with the way that He has worded all of the above Scripture verses.Please note the extreme power and authority on the first four verses listed below.Notice the last verse says to confess with your mouth, and with the mouth confession is made to receive salvation.What He means by this is that He is drawing a major battle line in the sand.You may get some critical comments (some kind of judgments from their point of view), but don’t feel discourage brother, you have exposed what the Bible says and that’s it.