So to all of those parents out there that survived isolation and relied on PCC@Home, I congratulate you! How do we make sure that our children do not become mindlessly glued to the screen? As a dad, I struggled to know how to best help my children study and work from home. We are of course delighted to have them too. I am so very proud of how the Year 7’s have stepped up and taken to PCC@home! Your child does not need to see the plan but it helps if you have a strategy. It can seem like everything is stacked against you. ‘J&C Smith’School Transport Assistance Scheme The Queensland Government offers financial assistance to parents of both state and non-state school students travelling to and from school daily …Everyone must practise good hygiene to protect themselves and others against infection and prevent the spread of COVID-19.If you have no changes to your details, you will receive your new bus pass in the mail in early January.Children like structure. The College follows a four quarter year and precise dates are published in the College Information Directories and other publications. We see this even as young as prep age, once children know what you mean by fun/no fun or fun/room, they start to develop an internal reflective process that helps them to make this decision with minimal prompting from parents. Research indicates that ongoing parental involvement in children’s learning reaps benefits in many ways, including shaping positive attitudes to learning and supporting student achievement. Thank you for your support of our teachers. We are made for connection, and when connection is broken or changed, something within us cries out to be restored with those from whom we have been separated.Instrumental & vocal lessons have begun to happen online, with a few technical hitches of course, but it’s been great to see students engaging with their music teachers.
The service operates for before school, after school and vacation care. And we have missed our students!We currently have limited spots available for before and after school care and advise families that a current 2020 enrolment is required to accept all bookings including emergency care bookings.Over the course of 21-days in May you’ll be challenged to complete 3,046 push-ups in total, representing the number of lives lost in Australia to suicide in 2018.I think we’re going to make it!
Knowing the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum will help you to determine how to support your child effectively and apply good quality emotional regulation skills.Celebrating our School-based trainees and apprentices!
A few highlights since returning have been our daily push up challenges. Recently we sent out a survey to our students asking how they are going, and received some great feedback regarding PCC@Home. We will also survey our parent population to see how our Mums, Dads and carers have been faring during isolation. 6 April to 17 April.