I swear, cyclists are the tumblr feminists of the road. It holds your manly bits in place.I've never seen more than 15 together at a time. Or when they're on the road and completely ignore red lights.There needs to be some type of road test or license for these idiots.I know right. 83% Upvoted. As he was pulling away, he really got on the gas and covered them in a big black cloud of diesel exhaust. More …
Not only did he not slow down, he eyeballed me as he sped past as though I should have yielded for him.
No, spandex tends to be a lot more comfortable when riding long distances.I'm not an experienced bike rider, but I've done rides that were around 35 miles. I had just finished lunch on campus, and I was walking back to my car. The law says bikes must ride in the same direction as the other vehicles. WHY CYCLISTS ARE RUDE UNTRUSTWORTHY DOUCHEBAGS! The guy was a dick, but cyclists are constantly berated for not obeying the rules of the road - it's one of the biggest sticks we're beaten with and it pisses me off to see people continuing to do it. He was trying to get in a turn lane on a dark part of the road and flipped me off when I slammed on my brakes. 14 comments . Because I'm not that kind of douchebag.I don’t care if someone wants to ride a bike, very green and all that good for you, but god they’re always the most unreasonable and insufferable people. You can pursue health without impeding others comment. Some days it took 40 minutes to drive 10 miles (with 2 stoplights).If you are part of a team or something, no. FWIW, I rode a bike everywhere for two years, and NOT ONCE did I impede traffic or almost run down a pedestrian. As I was riding home today, the guy driving the truck got really close to a group of cyclists. It's one of the reasons drivers treat cyclists like second-class citizens on the road. Every weekend there was a bicycle group of about 40 people that took up the entire road for hundreds of yards and moved for no one. Guess who never stopped at stop signs when cars present, almost ran me over, and would be visibly intoxicated while on a street?what’s more douchey? share. Sort by. So many cyclists just run straight over crosswalks without waiting for cars to pass or barely even looking. I deem them, perhaps unfairly, asshole pricks without ever meeting or saying one word to them. if you can't peddle your ass the speed limit, get the fuck out of the way. Every single time it was a bad run-in, it was always some douche bag in their ultra tight slick jersey and shorts set, plastered with company logos like some billboard. This thread is archived.