The plural of circus is circuses.In Latin, and therefore technically in English: circi.In modern accepted English: circuses.Either is acceptable, mainly depending on context.
Impressum & Datenschutzerklärung Cookie-Einwilligung. Word forms: plural circuses 1. countable noun A circus is a group that consists of clowns, acrobats, and animals which travels around to different places and performs … The plural possessive form is circuses'. Definition of circus. They abhor hunters and fishermen, and want animals out of research labs, circuses, and aquariums. B. Artistik, Akrobatik; im Zirkus …Substantiv, maskulin – 1. Ayarlar bölümünü kullarak çevirisini görmek istediğiniz sözlükleri seçme ve aynı zamanda sözlüklerin gösterim sırasını ayarlama imkanı. … What it the plural form for the word circus? Die Zirkus Deklination online als Deklinationstabelle mit allen Formen im Singular (Einzahl) und im Plural (Mehrzahl) und in allen vier Fällen Nominativ (auch 1. ‘I … For the best answers, search on this site
She always wanted to join the circus. Yazım Türkçeleştirici ile hatalı Türkçe metinleri düzeltme. Was ist plural of circus? Die Beugung bzw. The declension of the noun Zirkus is in singular genitive Zirkus and in the plural nominative Zirkusse. Cümle ve Videolar ile zenginleştirilmiş içerik.
Fall, Wer-Fall), Genitiv (auch 2.
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Substantiv, maskulin – im Zirkus auftretender Clown … Zum vollständigen Artikel → Zirkusluft, Circusluft. [=to become a performer in a circus]
Fall, Wes-Fall, Wessen-Fall), Dativ (auch 3. 4 years ago. You add "-es" if the word ends with s, you ad "-s" if it does not. The plural form for the noun circus is sircuses. The plural form of circus is circuses . Fall, Wen-Fall) übersichtlich als Tabelle dargestellt. 1 a : a large arena enclosed by tiers of seats on three or all four sides and used especially for sports or spectacles (such as athletic contests, exhibitions of horsemanship, or in ancient times chariot racing) b : a public spectacle. iOS, Android ve Windows mobil platformlarda online ve offline sözlük programları. Here you can not only inflect Zirkus but also all German nouns.
Substantiv, feminin – Vorstellung eines Zirkus …Suffix – 1. drückt in Bildungen mit Substantiven … 2. charakterisiert in Bildungen mit verschiedenen …Substantiv, feminin – z. circus (plural circuses) A traveling company of performers that may include acrobats , clowns , trained animals , and other novelty acts, that gives shows usually in a circular tent . So if are talking about the monkeys at one circus, that would be that circus’s monkeys. Unternehmen, das meist in einem … 2b.