Congratulations team!The End of Isolation Monday 25th May, we welcomed back Years 2-10 on site, re-uniting the entire school population. 25,000+ Parent Reviews, Tuition Fees, Ratings, Curriculum | 11 Hillcrest Rd, Park Ridge | Love is the engine of change” is a saying that rings true to us at Parklands Christian College. Colin Garrick is currently conducting Moon Lee Tae Kwon Do self defence classes in the Baskerville Centre, Parklands Christian College, on Monday afternoons 3.30 to 4.30pm. If you would like to receive further information about Parklands Christian College, please contact the College via the College Registrar. I am ready to learn During these complex early weeks, it was hard to provide advice to our families and give you all a clear picture of what would come next. Children need something a little more practical. We are so grateful for every child in Year 1 and we love experiencing all the different gifts each one brings to our classrooms. As an adult you may do this when you take time out to watch your favourite TV show; or lose yourself wandering for hours online. No matter where Rob found himself in the school, he served diligently and with an ever present smile.So how do we manage this? Rob taught both in the Primary and Secondary schools, and as his health became more challenging, he transitioned to our property team in the role of Workplace Health and Safety officer. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! These rules help us maintain a culture of care, order and equity for our students and their families. Kids get tunnel vision when they worry. Parklands Christian College Technology Policy. We provide opportunities to connect and fellowship at various events that we have throughout the year. We also reflected on our practice during PCC@Home, considering what elements of that high-level online learning could be brought into our everyday practice, and I am excited to see how this progresses.
A few highlights since returning have been our daily push up challenges. Corner Dorchester Drive and Parklands Main Road, Parklands, Table View, Cape Town, 7441 | Phone +27 21 556 5969 | Fax +27 21 556 1160 This will be reconsidered for Term 3, depending on circumstances at the time. Write this down so you remember what it is you are trying to achieve and gain from this. Change, after all, is at the heart of a well-rounded education: What we learn changes our mental, social, emotional, physical and spiritual relationship to the world. His colleagues adored him, and he understood our college culture, and contributed to it faithfully, year after year.The children have worked hard to settle back into school life. The day ended with them all being popped, so some would say it ended with a bang!