Feel free to contact us for an individualised discussion about your potential as an Executive MBA candidate and discover how our programme can help you achieve your personal and professional objectives. Executive MBA. IAE Nice offers for students and Executives a high … Arts et Métiers - ENSAM. Indeed, Walmart is committed to corporate family responsibility to think about the future together as part of its strategic vision. Die IAE-Dosen gibt es in folgenden Ausführungen in den Varianten Aufputz (AP) und Unterputz (UP) zur Montage in Unterputzdosen oder Kabelkanalsystemen:[1] GetEmail.io : get anyone's email address in seconds. MBA ESG. IAE Caen 3,408 views. As an integral “win-win” aspect of the programme, participants must work with both a company and an academic mentor to design and provide an in-company consulting project focusing on a specific area for growth or improvement.. The programme regularly involves intensive smallgroup projects guided by faculty mentors like the Entrepreneurial Project. IAE Business School - Universidad AUSTRAL, Government, Business, Society and Economy. The fast track mode is a full-time course not permitting concurrent professional activity. But we go a little further through our focus on Leadership and Innovation, less tangible but nonetheless critical aspects for succeeding in an ever changing global business environment. Alumni EM Normandie. We might mention key benefits such as employability, revitalizing your career, enhancing your projection globally, and so on. IAE Caen-France IAE Caen-France Maitrise en Sciences de gestion :Finances. But here are five specific reasons that explain why taking this MBA is a safe bet: International Talent Program. In addition to our full-time faculty, we welcome distinguished professors from top universities across the world. The scores are a significant element of the decision process. Ngan le Thi Thu, Class of 2018, Sales Manager, KONE Elevators, Ho Chi Minh City. Additionally, it offers unique opportunities for corporate visits, conferences, business simulations & games. As a leading University Graduate School of Management in France, with 60 years of experience in training top-level managers in international environments, we share these concerns and provide a “win-win” alternative for our executive participants and stakeholders. continuous evolution of management practices and the … Executive MBA participants gain access to new professional networks and a diversity of global business perspectives from an experienced international faculty. - Duration: 4:00. As Europe's largest network association in the field of management development, with 400 members from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 40 countries of Europe and the world, EFMD plays a central role in shaping the European approach to management education.EQUIS has been designed through a process of close cooperation between existing national accreditation bodies in the field of management education assembled in an association called EQUAL. On the side of professors, there was a various range of high quality professionals and scholars, amongst which, we had the chance to meet great individuals and outstanding pedagogues, that allowed me to solidly gain a holistic understanding of corporations mechanisms, both materially and humanly speaking. As an MBA participant you will gain a life-changing experience enabling you to go forward as a leader in business, find the perfect life-work balance for you through increasing your knowledge and expanding your inner potential for continuous self-improvement. We could give you loads more. It has been always renewed since. I left early in the morning, took the metro to Paris St Lazar and from there, took a train to Caen. All IAE Schools of Management offer a range of courses covering all fields of Management, some of them taught in english, and deliver Bachelor's, Master's and … Please turn on JavaScript and try again. This master’s degree offers an opportunity to acquire a double qualification. The Executive MBA is conceived to give you the ability to take your career to the next level. If you are a demanding, restless individual who wants to stand out and move forward, this is the right EMBA for you. Ein MBA-Studium, MSc-Studium mitten im Leben. Next session begins September, 2021 and will end for the fast track participants in June 2022. Each Executive MBA participant is required to engage him-/herself and companies in a Strategic Consulting Project . To satisfy the needs of busy executives, we have designed a unique and flexible programme (part time or fast track) in a challenging yet congenial environment where long- and short-term objectives can be achieved. The IAE … Our Executive MBA (EMBA) aims to train the type of leaders that businesses need to achieve profitable and sustainable growth. Qualified applicants should have a valid undergraduate degree or equivalent, more than five years of significant work experience, a good command of English and the professional ambition to work in a challenging international environment. Learning and understanding business workings is the only way to acquire sound, sustainable knowledge. CULTIVONS ENSEMBLE L'EXCELLENCE MANAGERIALE À L'IAE MONTPELLIER ! Finding the right educational options to advance your career and change your life is never easy. MBA - Management Business Academy. A hallmark of EDBA Nice is the dedication to your individual development … Die Management Business Academy bietet MBA-Studien und MSc-Studien für Führungskräfte und Unternehmer. When you train, you manage to push your own boundaries. It was launched in 1997 by the EFMD that brought together the key European operators in a common initiative. PDD (PMD) helped broaden my horizons: to visualize concepts from alternative angles and to interact with number one professionals and relive their experiences firsthand. Does the programme focus more on theory or fact? MBA Fernstudium; MBA Fernstudium berufsbegleitend; MBA Online; MBA Suche; MBA Teilzeit; mehr » MBA-Studiengänge nach Fachbereich. We also focus on empowering leaders not only with analytical abilities but also with capacities to act and to behave (Think-Do-Be). I was delighted to discover truly enthusiastic, qualified, experienced and engaged faculty, and a brilliant cohort of interesting, bright and experienced people. Because our mission is to create innovative and flexible leaders, we value risk-takers and those with a genuine entrepreneurial spirit. What brought you to France and especially to IAE Caen? The specified audit procedures were carried out … Buenos Aires. For MBA IAE provides life-Work Balance. Stéphanie FOUCHER - Tel : +33 (0)4 13 94 26 20 stephanie.foucher@iae-aix.com, Ekaterina VELCHEVA - Tel : +33 (0)4 13 94 26 43 - office 22fcontinue@iae-aix.com. Cours en Anglais. The full English Executive MBA of the largest University in France. ESNE - École supérieure du canton de Neuchâtel . What does a participant get out of the programme? *To be noted : in between the 12 residential weeks, your time is dedicated to group work and projects. Als Vertragspartner von Universitäten und Bildungseinrichtungen beraten und begleiten wie Sie gerne. Executive MBA participants come from diverse backgrounds and continue their professional lives in a variety of senior management positions globally. Yes, AMGSM-IAE has a very active Alumni network with nearly 18,000 members in nearly 120 countries around the world. MBA à Caen. Finden Sie Ihren MBA. IAE’s Full-Time MBA program goes well beyond participants’ professional scope, transforming them at a personal level as well. SIHAM KHALIL. International- Executive MBA. The EXMBA at IAE Aix was a great learning experience, as much about myself as about the subjects taught. Age and experience are necessary elements for success in this programme as we will draw heavily upon this accumulated knowledge and experience to deal with complex international business issues in class and during group and individual projects. Please enable scripts and reload this page. However several other criteria are also taken into account :quality of your application including a motivational essay, current CV, transcripts and diplomas, professional experience and objectives, an English proficiency results [TOEIC: 900], the interview with the admission committee. Unsere Bildungsberatung ist für Sie als Kunde kostenlos. IAE FRANCE is a network of 35 Schools of Management located within Universitites. Our world-class faculty has combined all the ingredients to develop a unique and participant-centered EMBA. Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. IAE’s academic faculty supports you at every stage of your professional career, We think the best are those who train themselves, Intensive Training for SMEs’ Owners, Partners and Top Executives, A place to exchange and enhance ideas among peers. MINES ParisTech - école des Mines de Paris. 1:31 [ACIESlab] Qu’est-ce que le management de l’innovation ? juin 1, 2013 par muffinoy. The teaching is based on the case method, innovative approach at the time. I arrived at about 12pm and it was raining and … 5.4K likes. Contact our office for further details or see Scholarships informations. Argentina. With this very high-level diploma, IAE Nice seeks to impact the management community by offering top-notch learning to senior executives from around the world. TBS Education. You will gain more than expertise in business administration: you will acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions. Lectures take place on Thursday/Friday/Saturday. EMBA degree offers a whole set of general management skills that can be applied across virtually all sectors and functions of business. We strongly value the personal contribution of each of our Executive MBA participants and we attempt to tailor our Executive MBA to leverage their unique skills and life experiences.We also focus on empowering leaders not only with analytical abilities but also with capacities to act and to behave (Think-Do-Be). That is why we take a one-to-one personalised approach to Executive MBA admissions, giving each candidate the opportunity to discover the programme at their own pace. Incubateur Paris-Dauphine. International Aero Engines AG (IAE) ist ein Zusammenschluss von ursprünglich fünf Unternehmen mit dem Ziel, das V2500, ein neues Triebwerk in der mittleren Schubklasse für die Airbus-A320-Familie zu entwickeln.. Der Name des Produktes V2500 symbolisiert zum einen die römische Zahl 5 für die Anzahl der Gründungsmitglieder sowie 2500 für die angestrebte Schubklasse von … AMGSM-IAE received its EQUIS accreditation for the first time in 1999. The Executive MBA was a great opportunity to get to know myself better. I am an international student, will I receive help from the school regarding my carte de sejour, accommodations, etc.? In general I had a very interesting journey at IAE last year. Page officielle de l'IAE Nice Graduate School of Management Executive MBA participants will graduate with two Master-level business degrees: an international Executive MBA degree (Equis accredited - see below) and a French national Master degree in General Management. Can I speak with current participants or alumni? My name is Lazar, I'm a Moroccan-American Graduating from Queens College in New York City and I am doing a Master's degree at the Graduate Business School of Caen (IAE CAEN) Holding an MBA in International Management from the IGR-IAE Rennes School of Business. EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) is an international system of strategic audit and accreditation designed for the assessment of institutions. 2014 - 2016. That were gaining the comprehensive and strategic view into the enterprises, having different ways in working approach, and moreover was learning from multi-dimensional experiences of the classmates as they come from wide range of expertises and diversity. Let's take a clo... ser look into Natalia's story to IAE. The school has specializations in Finance, Marketing, Accounting, International Development and Trade, Human Resources and Social and Health Management. What are possibilities for Scholarships or funding? As part of Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management-IAE Executive MBA programme, you will become part of a group of individuals with strong and sustainable links as well as a close-knit and diverse international network of alumni who share a belief in the programme and can be valuable assets in taking your next professional steps. GetEmail.io. It has been for nearly 20 years, the common degree of most IAE in becoming “DESS CAAE” and continues today through the “MAE” (Master of Business Administration). Increasingly, executives seek lasting professional satisfaction and personal development as well as greater adaptability to constantly and rapidly changing business environments. Argentina. EQUIS can only be obtained by an academic institution and not by an educational programme. The environment ensures effective and interactive lectures, where renowned professors and practitioners from different countries share their knowledge and expertise. In short, it entailed an intensive training in management, leadership and values with a strong impact on daily activities at the organizational, business and family levels. Why IAE Nice ? It is necessary to support educational institutions in the development of authentic, conscious knowledge that is both theoretically and business relevant. Master 2, MBA. IAE’s Full-Time MBA program goes well beyond participants’ professional scope, transforming them at a personal level as well. You will live an international and multicultural experience. Campus: Mariano Acosta s/n y Ruta Nacional 8 (B1629WWA) Pilar. The group was heteroclite and diversified in terms of backgrounds, life experiences, but also in terms of life and professional goals, with amazing different personalities and profiles, that was worth meeting and knowing. ​Nowadays, companies need to disseminate and research practices that turn workplaces into family-responsible environments. After completing my Bachelor's degree, I wanted some new challenges and to improve my French and that's why I chose to come here. Recognized degree, designed to be followed on a year, during the evening, is a “MBA à la française”. Retrouvez la liste complète des formations et des écoles dans notre annuaire de formations pour etudiant le plus complet de France. the BBA, MBA, DBA, and institution-specific credentials in all fields of business and management — among them general management, finance, accounting, marketing, communication, sales, human resources, purchasing, logistics, international business, and public administration. Personal and professional coaching sessions provided by the programme will help you to define your professional objectives. … Aix Marseille Université - Tous droits réservés, IAE Aix-Marseille |Chemin de la Quille | Puyricard CS 30063 | 13089 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2 | France, MSc 2 Finance, Management Control & Reporting, MSc 2 Information System & Digital Business, MSc 1, MSc 2 Marketing, MSc 2 Audit, MSc 2 Communication, MSc 2 International Business, MSc 2 International Finance, MSc 2 Services management, MSc 2 Human resources, MSc 2 Finance, Management Control & Reporting, MSc 2 Information System & Digital Business, IMMIT (Information Technology ), Research Master, Doctoral Programme, Diploma "DESU Research". Our professors are invested in cutting-edge research as well as actively engaged with the broader international corporate community. completing the application online on the School’s website, An interview with the Admissions Committee, All tuition, instruction, training documents and handouts, Language laboratory, library, computer centre, Access to the International Participants Office, International Seminars with our international academic partners, Advice & assistance with scholarships and funding. Find out the professional email of EVE HILAIRET, mba program assistant, IAE Caen.

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