السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ my Dear Brother, i’m truly sorry for what has happened to you and i just read this website and all the comments now. Etiquette Tips for Visiting a Mosque as a Non-Muslim, Lessons from the Qur'an Regarding Gossip and Backbiting, Ramadan Mubarak and Other Ramadan Greetings, The Benefit of the Ramadan Fast for Muslims, Shahaadah: Declaration of Faith: Pillar of Islam, The 5 Muslim Daily Prayer Times and What They Mean, Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare. Comme cité dans le Coran : « Quand donc vous entrez dans des maisons, adressez-vous mutuellement des salutations venant d’Allah, bénies et agréables. It’s true.. Assalamou alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh. Celui qui dit: -As Salam ‘Alaykoum Wa Rahmatoulah Wa Barakatouh- il lui est inscrit trente bonnes actions ». As salam alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh. I am truly not a very learned Muslim convert because of my own faults (Astagfirullahal’azim!) As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ("May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you") Origin . J'aime Je n'aime pas. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. 2005 #1 salam aleikoum svp ne riez pas, ne me prenez pas pour 1 folle, je parle plutôt mal arabe pouvez vous me traduire: - tu me dégôutes - il me dégoûte merci . C’est de cette manière que l’on se salue en islam, et l’on répond à cette salutation par « wa alaykoum Salam » qui veut dire « et que sur vous soit la paix». Assalamou alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh. (2020, August 27). stephanie.adelinet@wanadoo.fr. Times have changed, and most families are much more liberal – as South African Muslim women we enjoy so much more freedom than our sisters in many other parts of the world. Living in a westernized society there is so much temptation and exposure to things which maybe we shouldnt be seeing or doing. الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي - سورة البقرة (النسخة الأصلية) | (Surat Al-Baqarah (Official Audio - Duration: 1:33:32. @ 9466 7888 and partly, due to my own time problems of my new workplaces after retrenchment in 2008 which caused me to be unable to bring myself and my late wife during our spare time to study Islam for quite many years. Change ). Assalamou Alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh mes frères et soeurs en Islam I know i may be very late but i would love to give my prayers to your wonderful faithful wife , and inshaallah allah will place her in jannah plus may you and her reunite in the hereafter. Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots familiers liés à votre recherche . (http://www.revertmuslims.com/arabic.html), I also came across (http://www.missionislam.com/kidsclub/islamicterms.htm) and (http://islamicink.wordpress.com/basic-islamic-phrases-terms/). https://www.facebook.com/22ndcenturymuslimah, plz like and share my page on FB It is an Arabic phrase, but Muslims around the world use this greeting regardless of their language background. She did recite “La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasululah”! more than once in her later life in the presence of me. I have sincerely promised to Allah(SWT) and to her personally that I would be her one and only husband here and in the Hereafter quite many times since the day I have converted to Islam many years back. The Meaning of As-Salamu Alaikum for Muslims. The Quran reminds believers to reply to a greeting with one of equal or greater value: "When a courteous greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or at least of equal courtesy. As-salam alaykoum wa rahmatu-Llah (السٌَلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ الله) traduit par “que la paix et la miséricorde d’Allah soient sur vous”. ), Alaihi salaam – whenever say the name of a prophet Peace be upon him (A.S.), Radi Allah Anhu – whenever say name of male companion of the Prophet (Sahabi) May Allah be pleased with him (R.A.), Radi Allah Anha – whenever say name of female companion of the Prophet May Allah be pleased with her (R.A.), Radi Allah Anhum – Plural form of saying companions of the Prophet May Allah be pleased with them (R.A.), La hawla wala quwata illah billah – during the time of troubles There is no strength nor power except Allah, Fi sabi lillah – giving charity For the sake of Allah, “Tawakkal-tu-Allah – rely on Allah) to solve a problem. \"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you \" This is the most common and thus \"natural-sounding\" translation for this term in English and is used both by Muslims and as an explanation of the term to nonMuslims. Nouvel inscrit, je me prénomme Mickael, j'ai découvert le site récemment, je suis venu essentiellement pour m'informer et découvrir encore plus l'Islam et échanger … Enthousiaste. BarakAllahou BY SABITH CK MOGRAL 7736783053, السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ Yet if we were to just take a moment to sit back and reflect, if we could see our lives displayed in a mirror a la that movie scene where you are transported to having a peripheral view of our lives. In this day and age, with technology as such a powerfull tool we should embrace it. As-Salaam is one of the Names of Allah, meaning "The Source of Peace." THE Mashallah I like this because so beautiful to and VERY NISE PAGE ASSALAMUALIKUM FRENDS, 11 July, 2013 21:55 → In the Quran, Allah instructs believers to greet one another with words of peace: "But if you enter houses, salute each other—a greeting of blessing and purity from Allah. One or two day(s) back at our home, she carefully followed me to learn again how to recite Astaghfirullah al’azim in silence and I know she did ask forgiveness from Allah willingly. The Prophet Muhammad used to greet people by saying As-salamu alaikum and encouraged his followers to do so as well. Allah takes careful account of all things" (4:86). ( Log Out / Celui qui dit « Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh », il lui est inscrit trente bonnes actions. As salamou alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. To face the facts – it is a reality. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! As-Salaam is one of the Names of Allah, meaning "The Source of Peace." Being a muslim does not guarantee a “boring” existence. Hasbi Allah – (Allah will suffice me) when you are in a difficult situation. How many of us know the following terms and its meanings? The greeting is sometimes spelled salaam alaykum or as-salaam alaykum. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/islamic-phrases-assalamu-alaikum-2004285. Of course, I entrust Allah(SWT) to take good care of her spiritual life in the Hereafter for eternity. nice blog, nice share, keep spirit in our faith.. thankyou my sister, thankyou my brother , for sharing and remembered me to Allah S W T, for All Muslim & Muslimah arround the dunya .. (Alfathia…), hope we all strong to face the fitna dunya, and hope we all bring into Jannah and meet there. 3 Re: As salam alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh le Jeu 30 Aoû - 16:41. mimiweb. Yes I am aware, I referenced the link where I sourced that article, but I personally use In shaa Allah. We should strive to make the lives we lead in this dunya worthy for the akhirah. My Janazah Prayers for my late wife might be performed after Zohor Prayers (Singapore Muslim Prayer Time: 1.19 PM) on this Tuesday 25 February 2014. But alas, my wife was suffering from a sudden Acute Myocardial Infarction at about 9 something yesternight on Sunday 23 February 2014 inside an ambulance near to my home at Tampines St 45 and she was being on cpr machines inside the ambulance and at Changi Hospital emergency ward till 11.11 PM she was finally declared dead due to Acute Myocardial Infarction at the Changi Hospital in its emergency ward. I trust I am finding you enjoying this lovely day wherever you are…. » Tabarani * Tiré du livre « نصيحتي للنساء » de Oum Abdillah, fille du cheikh Muqbil disponible dans une librairie islamique. Dearest Brothers-in-Islam & Sisters-in-Islam. Tabarak Allah – (blessed be Allah) when you hear a good news. my Dearest Sister, it surprises me the fact that you are from South Africa and im extremely grateful that you are a muslim. Alhamdulillah. In the name of Allah, the beneficient, the merciful. Your Lord has inscribed for Himself the rule of mercy." We should not be ashamed to wear our hijaab; we are so priviliged to be able to, unlike our French sisters. Furthermore, the Quran states that "peace" is the greeting that angels will extend to believers in Paradise: “Their greeting therein will be, 'Salaam! Accueil; Présentation; Prestations; Nous contacter; Daily Archives: 17 février 2021 Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Croyance: Islam Messages: 326 Inscrit: 27/08/2012. At the end of the day, when we are seated in sajdah and feel the release from the hold society has on us to conform – that feeling of being close to Allah makes it all worth it. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. ️ À l'approche du Bac, du Brevet et des autres examens, nous prions Allah pour qu'Il vous accorde facilité et réussite, et qu'Il raffermisse votre cœur et votre plume lors de l'épreuve. http://www.missionislam.com/kidsclub/islamicterms.htm, http://islamicink.wordpress.com/basic-islamic-phrases-terms/, https://www.facebook.com/22ndcenturymuslimah, Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. It might be hard not going to clubs and disassociating ourselves from being in the ‘it’ crowd. I will say thank you all very much at the bottom of my heart. Partager 0. Im so proud to call you my sister in islam and you seem to be an amazing muslimah. Jazakallah hu khairan. Shall I tell you about something which, if you do it, will make you love one another? (6:54). Il convient de répondre, au moins, par l’équivalent “wa alaykoumou-ssalam wa rahmatu-Llah” (وَعَلَيْكُمُ السَّلامْ وَ رَحْمَةُ الله). Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you, سْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم I can be contacted Huda. How hard is it not to resist that pair of shorts on a 34degrees African summer day? Rahmah Allah – Allah have Mercy on him) when you see someone in distress. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. » (Sourate 24 – An-Nûr La Lumière, verset 61) Cette salutation peut s’allonger de deux maniè… Irsalina Fathimah Saladin ❤, Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh. Bismillahhir rahmanir rahim: A freedom which we more often than not take for granted. ( Log Out / Post précédent. Hayyak Allah – (Allah maintain your life) when you greet someone. And she ate Halal foods for a very long time trying to refrain from Haram foods to her best that she could – and she did recite Bismillah & Alhamdulilah before and after her meal only when she remembered but whenever I often reminded her whether she forgot and she replied no honestly and she told me sometimes she forgot. Jazakh Allah. When two Muslims argue and cut off ties, the one who reestablishes contact with a greeting of salaam receives the greatest blessings from Allah. Imaan (faith). Prochain post. Allahu Yahdika – may Allah guide you – to forbid somebody to do something indecent. And it should all start with our Imaan, our Faith. B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. Inna Lillah – we are for Allah – when you hear about a death. Wassalamu’alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh. She was 54 years of age when she left this world yesternight. very nice information .. frequently searching for Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh with right spelling .. Alhamdulillah .. She had been my most faithful, obedient, kind and caring wife for many years. Description Assalamou alaykoum wa Rahmatoullahi wa Barakatouh au Nom d’Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux A la découverte du Plus Beau des récits… Les épreuves sont loin d’être terminées pour Yusuf a.s ! Wa’alaykum mus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatu. The Prophet Muhammad once said: “You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. I cant understand your full comment but I think I got it , Plz like and share my page on FB Salaam (peace). As-salamu alaikum is pronounced as-salam-u-alay-koom. Huda. What Does the Quran Say About Sectarian Violence? "The Meaning of As-Salamu Alaikum for Muslims." Activism is my rent for living on the planet (Alice Walker). ( Log Out / Allah Aalam – (Allah knows best) when you say something you are not sure of. May the Almighty grant all Marhooms Jannatul’Firdaws In shaa Allah. I would confidently be her Muslim witness because she did reply to me personally for about several times now and then since many years back by following me to recite Kalimah Shahada. Are we so concerned with what foods the MJC deems Halal, that we do not stop to look at the little things which we consume in our lives that is haraam. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. '” (39:73). It is also recommended that a person who is walking should greet a person who is sitting, and that a younger person should be the first to greet an older person. This universal Islamic greeting has its roots in the Quran. May Allah grant you strength. Taqabal ALLAH minna wa minkoum. How many of us use these sunnah words during the day? The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community. Message [Page 1 sur 1] 1 As salam alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh le Jeu 30 Aoû - 14:44. mike77600. https://www.learnreligions.com/islamic-phrases-assalamu-alaikum-2004285 (accessed February 22, 2021). Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullah ... -As Salam ‘Alaykoum Wa Rahmatoulah- il lui est inscrit vingt bonnes actions. Being a muslim is something we should be proud of. Please advise and help me urgently! In fact, I wanted to find the right time to bring her to Muslim Converts’ Association to help her officially convert to Islam asap. Greet each other with salaam.". Huda. @ 6787 6674. I am right now at a great loss for words and for every serious matter; and I don’t fully know how to perform Janazah/funeral prayers for my late wife as well. Muhammad once told his followers that there are five responsibilities each Muslim has toward their brothers and sisters in Islam: greeting each other with salaam, visiting each other when someone is sick, attending funerals, accepting invitations, and asking Allah to have mercy on them when they sneeze. Updated April 17, 2019 As-salamu alaikum is a common greeting among Muslims, meaning Peace be … . Assalamou alaykoum wa Rahmatoullah wa barakatouh, Un message de notre cher Imam Mohamed Bajrafil à nos étudiants. My wife Ho Yoo Yee (Shirin Ho) whom I had been married for many years hadn’t been officially converted to Islam yet in any Muslim centre due to my own many personal reasons but she often recited some Muslim prayers practically everyday sometimes on her part and sometimes on my reminder that I asked her to protect herself and all her loved ones faithfully with certain easy Islamic recitations she could remember. I hope you could gather as much willing Muslims all over Singapore and elsewhere if possible to perform Janazah Prayers and recite Al Fatiha as well for my late wife on my behalf. We should never forget that. Being a Muslim is a grateful thing. I hope to be her eternal Muslim husband in the Hereafter as well. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Sincerely Your younger sister Again shukran kasiran ya ukhti shahirazad Irsalina fathimah Saladin , Walaikum assalam warahmath ullahi wabarakutuhu subhan allah. salamou alaykoum. Cette année écoulée depuis l'apparition du Covid-19 a été une année particulière et difficile pour nous tous. Comment se calcule zakat al maal ? Est-il possible de la partager en plusieurs fois entre différentes personnes ? ( Log Out / Unfortunately I have only seen this now and hope you had been successful in consulting with someone in your area who is learned. AsSalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoulLah wa barakatouh … Afin de dissiper toutes les ambiguïtés au sujet de l'effort prophétique,le blog La Oumma du Tabligh répertorie les avis de savants qui sont favorables à ce travail. Insha-Allah! As-salam alaykoum wa rahmatouLlah wa barakatouh . Mashallah I like this because so beautiful to and continuous read I love this page, THE PAGE WAS WONDER FUL LOVE YOU THIS PAGE LOVLY. Tawkkalna-Alai-Allah – we have put our trust in Allah) when you wait for a problem to be solved. Cette année comme plusieurs années le jour de Âshoûra correspondra au samedi – selon un avis parmi les différents observatoires –. Amal (hope). « As Salam alaykoum» c’est la salutation en arabe, traduit en français par « que la paix soit sur vous ». Croyance: Catholicisme Localisation: bretagne Messages: 583 Inscrit: 10/08/2012 As salam alaykoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh traduction, pour les non musulmans. Na’uzhu-bi-Allah – when we seek refuge in Allah) to show your dislike. A little something which is on my mind today: When it comes to religion, our deen, as the youth of today it is indeed a great challenge to keep on the straight and narrow. Azhak Allah Sinnaka – (May Allah keep you cheerful) when you seek another Muslim with cheerful countenance. Mtume Mohammad saw alisema hapana amali(amri) yeyote ila nimekufundisheni na nimemjulisheni…Ukweli ni hasara ni jambo au kitendo ambacho hajawahi kukitenda mtume au amri asiyoiamrisha au hasara ni Uovu au harabu ya nafsi yako kinyume na mtume. Habitué . Wa’alaykum mus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatu. 6 mérites de la hijra dans le Coran et la sounna . However I know many Arabs who write Inshallah, but Allahu ‘alam, Allah knows best. It might be hard to get into the routine of fulfilling our religious obligations, of performing our salaah and wearing our hijaab. Please keep us informing about deen. Ma Sha Allah. Hi, this is a comment.To delete a comment, just log in, and view the posts’ comments, there you will have the option to edit or delete them. Thank You for sharing your story bcz it has inspired me and furthermore it’s the holy ramadan month and i want to do a lot of good deeds. At the end of formal Islamic prayers, while sitting on the floor, Muslims turn their heads to the right and then to the left, greeting those gathered on each side with As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. P.s a little rectification In Sha Allah is wriiten as thiswhich means if Allah Wills but not as insha Allah coz it means create Allah… Na’ouzhoubillah. All my non-Muslim family members and non-Muslim in-laws aren’t capable of helping me to go through all my Muslim funeral procedures that which should take place on this coming Tuesday’s morning. I want to know when somebody say Ma Sha Allah, what do we supposed to answer? Envoyez-moi un e-mail. When they reach it, the gates will be opened and the keepers will say, 'Salaam Alaikum, you have done well, so enter here to abide therein. It was the practice of early Muslims for the person who enters a gathering to be the first to greet the others. Her heart failed to pump at all for so long despite all the medical device and many professional medical personnels had provided us with their best effort. @ 9866 1098 Baraka Allaho fik. Learn Religions. Again, I wholeheartedly beg all of you on my knees as your brother-in-Islam to give her spiritual hope in the Janazah Prayers before she reaches Bazarkh and also, your precious prayer of Al-Fatiha to my late wife is most needed, so that she could easily enter Jannah/Paradise for eternity! As-Salâmou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullâhi wa barakâtouh . I thank you for sharing this splendid infromation and filled my summer with alot of barakah bcz my aim for this summer 2k14 was doing lots of good deeds & knowing deeper about our religion Islam. I speak under correction, but I would say Alhamdulillah as Ma sha Allah would mean as Allah has willed, and Alhamdulillah meaning praise be to Allah. Atqaa Allah -fear Allah – when you see someone doing a bad deed. https://www.facebook.com/22ndcenturymuslimah. Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, learnreligions.com/islamic-phrases-assalamu-alaikum-2004285. Wa alaykumus salaam (peace be upon you) – in reply to the greetings; Bismillah (in the name of Allah) – before making a beginning; Jazakallah (may Allah reward you) – for expression of thanks; Fi Amanullah (may Allah protect you) – by way of saying good-bye; Subhaanallah (glory be to Allah) – for praising something ; Insha Allah (if Allah wishes) – for expressing a desire to do som Sincerely Your Younger Sister from Indonesia '” (14:23), “And those who kept their duty to their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups. The expression As-salamu alaikum is often used when arriving at or leaving a gathering, just as "hello" and "goodbye" are used in English-speaking contexts. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh! The appropriate response to this greeting is Wa alaikum assalaam, which means "And upon you be peace.". À la découverte de Go Fast Food ! for All Muslim & Muslimah arround the dunya .. (Alfatiha…). "The Meaning of As-Salamu Alaikum for Muslims." (24:61), "When those come to you who believe in Our signs, say: 'Peace be upon you.' We should strive to learn about our deen in order to empower ourselves, and enrich our knowledge. بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ, May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. Thus does Allah make clear the signs to you, that you may understand." To not have a sip of what the in crowd is drinking? Quand faut-il la donner ? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Assalamou alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh Vous étiez près de 3000 bienfaiteurs à participer à l'opération SMS destinée à sauver le projet Tawaqqol de la Mosquée de Montrouge au mois de décembre dernier. Assalaamu Álaykum (Peace be upon you) – by way of greetings, Wa alaykumus salaam (peace be upon you) – in reply to the greetings, Bismillah (in the name of Allah) – before making a beginning, Jazakallah (may Allah reward you) – for expression of thanks, Fi Amanullah (may Allah protect you) – by way of saying good-bye, Subhaanallah (glory be to Allah) – for praising something, Insha Allah (if Allah wishes) – for expressing a desire to do something, Astaghfirullah (I beg Allah for forgiveness) – repenting for sins before Allah, Maa shaa Allah (as Allah has willed) – for expressing appreciation of something good, Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) – for showing gratitude to Allah after success or even after completing anything, Yaa Allah (Oh Allah) – when in pain or distress, calling upon Allah and none else, Aameen (may it be so) – the end of a Dua or prayerInnaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon (to Allah we belong and to Him is our return) – this is uttered as an expression of sympathy of the news of some loss or some one’s death, As salamu aleiykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh -Peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, Waleiykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh-And peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, Bismillah – before making a beginning In the name of Allah, May Allah reward you – JazakAllahu khair for _expression of thanks May Allah reward you for the good, BarakAllahu feekum – responding to someone’s thanks May Allah bless you, Astaghfirullah – repenting for sins before Allah I beg Allah for forgiveness, Aameen – the end of a Dua or prayer May it be so, Sal allahu aleihi wasallam – whenever say the name of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him (S.A.W.
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