I for one have scrapped together every dollar that I can afford to support him, and so have other seniors that I know.
But there’s no sense pretending, it’s too late for me. Reply. Trump 2020 no matter what. Trump printed money with the PPP stimulus, now he’d be printed voters with amnesty.Ok, vote for Biden and then nobody has to wait there turn.
she might pass on before she gets it in usa .. i didnt know how hard it was and how long it was .Trump’s announcement comes just weeks after the Supreme Court 5-4 ruling that rejected Trump’s attempt to dismantle the program for young immigrants. you’re little kids who say “ If you don’t let me play I’ll quit!” No vote, no right to complain!
He’s been hit from every side, yet he’s building the wall, working with the Mexican President to stop illegals at their borders, and trying to slow the student visa programs & refugee programs. its a good read . Drs would see a patient expecting a 60 year old and open the door to 20 year old.And I will vote for him also, but many will not and he could easily lose the election for that reason.So are you going to vote for Biden? Trump 2020 Landslide; Crisis Reports; Select Page . I myself would still vote, but other people will get frustrated and walk away.
President Trump doesn’t have to do something to alienate his base right before such an important election.
We must reach out to them by phone &or email and encourage them to stay the course for all the reasons they were elected. Trump has a plan to satisfy us as Americans and to fix the Obama mess. What if they never hear from their child again? But many, many Trump supporters will not vote at all if the President does this. I heard somewhere there is over4 million evangelicals and only half of them voted. Squatting doesn’t give privilege.What would you do if you were President? Most are adults and a good portion are working.
It’s a path to citizenship.
its our country we need to protect it ..Trump has done a phenomenal job for this country considering the constant battering he’s received from the left AND the group George Conway is pushing! There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is going to be re-elected in November! A Road to Citizenship does not mean automatic. Three, all immigrants have to have a financially responsible sponser. DML, I’m so disappointed in you.
So why is he doing it?
The Supreme Court had thrown out an earlier executive order to terminate the program… They deserve nothing. Dml this news sucks and I and I am not happy with it, but he would still get my vote .Exactly.
Back in the early 90s a county in Ca had to completely redo their health care record system. I still will vote for Trump,but this would be a mistake.
i know a person 70 yrs old just put her papers in to canada cause she needs medicare and she would have to stay in usa for 5 more yrs to get it ,so she going to canada .
No illegal deserves to stay for any reason when millions have come in after applying, paying fees, learning English and waiting their turn in their home countries. Make sense now?If he is lying, or playing nonsense games, I have to say it’s a really bad strategy. He tried to change our health care. Also DACA recipients cannot get social security, college financial aid or food stamps according to the DACA fact sheet. This country is so divided might as well just have another Civil War dnd get it over with.By the way Trump will always have my vote. I’m not watching you any more, I’ve lost faith in what you say.I repeat, Hannity on his radio show said in 2012 that no Republican could win the White House without the Latino vote.
Ending the program was a …
The DemonRats always band together no matter what and that it is what the fence line independents and that is what the Republicans need to do!
That means all DACA people can not bring family in. Turned out that 4 million Republicans didn’t show up because they hated Romney. I pray For President Trump to do what he promised in 2016.