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Sport Fishing Magazine may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site.A hook pinned lightly though the back, a bit forward of the dorsal fin, works well for slow-trolling and reduces the number of turned hooks.A No. If a bait doesn't get bit right away when tuna-fishing, replace it quickly with a fresh bait.Placing the hook just forward of the anal fin makes the bait swim down and away from the boat.A hook through the roof of the mouth and out the top of the upper jaw is less likely to turn back into the bait, resulting in a better hookup ratio.Pinning the hook lightly around the anal fin causes the bait to swim away from the boat.Pin the hook through the nose for casting, drifting and slow-trolling.Avoid puncturing the shrimp too deeply or piercing the meat.As an alternative, pin one hook of the same style treble through the shell near the smallest black spot between the horns.Pinning the hook through the nostrils works for casting, slow-trolling, drifting or fishing on anchor with current. It also pulls out easily for better hook-sets.For casting and fishing squid on a dropper loop for white seabass, pin an Owner 3/0 to 7/0 Aki Twist hook one time through the tip of the tail.

A combination of braid with a top shot of monofilament is optimum and if you are serious about catching big fish this is the way to go.

“I measure out the bait and build the rig to fit so that the last stinger treble hook is near the tail and the sliding treble can … Point the rod tip down and whip it left and right until the slider is fully submerged. If you want your bait to run straight, slide the hooks together until there is just a bit of slack in the mono between the two. 4 or 6 VMC 9226 treble hook and wire leader for kingfish.When slow-trolling, drifting quickly or fishing on anchor in a strong current, pin the pilchard crosswise through the nose with a 1/0 Mustad Ultra-Point Demon circle hook.Thread the squid on worm-style to help hide the hook when species such as yellowtail are hesitant to bite.For wahoo, use a No. Fresh cut, whole or live bait fish such as mullet, mackerel, whiting and pilchards along with squid, crabs and octopus all make excellent baits for this rig. For bait, use a four-inch Berkley Gulp Minnows (a swim bait), and hook the minnow through the nose. This rig includes a stringer. The bottom bouncing will kill the liveliness of the bait within a few minutes. Use a Mustad Ultra-Point Demon circle — 3/0 to 6/0, depending on the size of the bait.A treble hook through the back just forward of the tail gives the bait a slightly different action, which sometimes pays off when the bite slows down.Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. For those fisho's who hold the rod in their hands, "J" hooks or circles will work. Anyone who's spent hours to collect live baits will understand the beauty of this concept. Pellegrin’s favorite for spotted seatrout is live shrimp, fished on a sliding cork rig set to drift the bait 2 ½ feet off the bottom. Using braid alone will give you a great cast the downside to braid is that if your bait gets hit by a good fish before the slider runs down to the shock leader, wind on or slide stopper you risk getting burnt off. Avoid hooking too much of the meat.Hooking the bait lightly through the breast will make it swim downward and away from the boat.Pinning anchovies sideways through the nose is good for casting, and it allows the bait to live a bit longer in the water.Hooking the bait through both jaws secures the hook better, but you will need to re-bait frequently, as the anchovy can't breathe well.Hooking the fish lightly under the skin in the middle of the back makes the bait swim away from the boat.

The fishing rig is a crucial factor when fishing from shore.

Ultimately this is up to you but I think I've seen 2 fish lost by slide baiters due to hooks in the last 6 or so years.Yes, Yes and yes. Attach your live bait on the hook and proceed to clip the slider onto the mainline, during this process the mainline can be slightly slack as this will assist with the slider clipping. 3) Once your grapnel sinker is anchored you can prepare the slider rig. Make sure the hook pierces the internal shell.When anchored in a current or fishing the bait on a kite, pin the hook lightly through the back, just forward of the dorsal. Live baits tend to work best! The way I see it is if I'm using a live bait either will work, if I'm using a dead bait in an area without much current weighted may work better.Slide baiting or sliding is relatively new to Australia, the team at Tackle International have been mastering it for 10 years now, the style originated in South Africa and is also used in Hawaii to catch GT. Halibut sliding rigs allow the bait to swim freely, while keeping it very close to the bottom, the target strike zone for halibut. Once the slider is out of sight, start whipping your rod tip up and down for a few minutes, this will send the slider further down the line. The slider should be facing with the hook end pointing in the drection you want it to slide. What’s the best way to rig a live bait for halibut off a high pier like the ones in Monterey Bay?