Race or Ethnicity:White. Roy Raymond. Remembered as the founder of the Victoria's Secret lingerie chain, he operated the business for five years before selling it to fellow businessman Leslie Wexner for one million dollars. Roy Raymond had an inspired idea back in 1977. Not to mention, the saleswoman who came over to help treated him like a pervert.Success in business is all about finding a hole in the market and attacking it with vigor. In nature and in business, adaptation is key to survival.In fact, it inspired the idea behind one of the most recognizable and popular brands on the planet: Victoria's Secret.He completely revamped the catalogue, hiring gorgeous and elegant models to grace the pages. Roy Raymond’s genius was recognizing the need to remove shame from the process of buying unmentionables. The last thing you want to do is box yourself in.It's true that Victoria's Secret was initially founded for men, but Raymond lacked the insight to realize how much this would limit his business in the long-run.This journey into the women's underwear section wasn't entirely worthless, however.Yet, as history has shown, even the most powerful empire will fall if it isn't able to build on past successes and recognize necessary changes. The saddest part about Raymond’s life is that he killed himself after not being able to participate fully in the potential of his company. Biography - A Short Wiki. Sexual orientation:Straight. In the long-run, however, being too niche can lead to collapse.
He was last seen alive walking toward the bridge, and shortly thereafter his body washed up on the shores of Marin County. Here, you can utilize the advantage of multiple databases from both public and private sources, enjoying instant results on your computer screen in the comfort of your own home. Roy Raymond was able to found a small empire because he understood this.His idea was to open up a classy lingerie place where men would feel comfortable shopping.
Remembered as the founder of the Victoria’s Secret lingerie chain, he operated the business for five years before selling it to fellow businessman Leslie Wexner for one million dollars. It went bankrupt in 1986.
Investigators concluded that he had committed suicide by jumping off the bridge.Gaye Raymond, former spouse to Roy, speculated that he suffered from depression, possibly due to business failures.Born and raised in Connecticut, he later settled in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two children.The entrepreneur Roy Raymond died at the age of 46.
In the end, money doesn't buy happiness, but giving up on your dreams can be deadly.Simply put, he saw that the business really only catered to men and was failing to attract a significant following amongst women because of it. The entire situation made him feel extremely uncomfortable.He named it "Victoria's Secret" because it perfectly encapsulated the inspiration behind the business.It's incredibly sad that Raymond ended up killing himself. Gender:Male. Both the catalog and the shop were geared toward male customers.In the mid-1970s, a man named Roy Raymond walked into a department store to buy his wife some lingerie. Thus, it was always meant to be a tasteful shop where sexuality didn't have to be such a secret and underwear could be fun.In other words, Raymond had a great idea, but didn't know how to expand upon it. Tragically, in 1993, Roy Raymond killed himself by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Wexner was a businessman himself, also in retail, and quickly recognized what was wrong with Raymond's business.This is not to say that the billions of dollars the company now possesses would have prevented him from making that fatal choice. Died:26-Aug-1993.
He died, aged 78, on December 20, 1971 from an intracranial hemorrhage. Born:c. 1946.
The fact that the chain had amassed a profit of over a billion a year by the early 1990s was suspected to be a factor in his 1993 suicide. He spoke with other male friends and came to the realization that there was a huge gap in the women's underwear market.All he could find were hideous floral-print nightgowns.
The entrepreneur Roy Raymond died at the age of 46.