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Most notably they are:EY is a global leader in assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. Although an entity is not identified as a "trust" in its country of establishment, it could fall within the scope of the filing duty in France in relation to trusts as long as it meets the French Tax Code (hereinafter "FTC") definition of a trust, i.e. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. However, under French law and subject to double taxation treaties, property in a trust may be taxed at the highest rate applicable (60%) with no tax free allowance available. The intention of the French legislator was not to give any legal effects to trusts under French law, but to enable France to tax trust assets and/or their participators when there is a connection with France. The New French Tax Treatment and Reporting obligations of Foreigns Trusts STEP BAHAMAS BFSB 1st December 2011 Jean-Marc Tirard 9 rue Boissy d’Anglas 75008 Paris France Tel: +33 1 53 57 36 00 Fax : +33 1 47 23 63 31 . T IRARD, N French Taxation Of Trusts. No liability can be accepted by us for any action taken or not taken as a result of any information or advice given or omitted.In summary, trustees need to regularly review whether trust assets include French situs assets and whether the settlor and/or any beneficiaries are French resident.  If they fall within the French trust framework they need to seek expert advice to comply with their obligations.There has been a form of wealth tax in France since 1982.  Currently, it is based on the net value of taxable assets held by individuals on the 1 January each year and it is taxed in incremental bands.   In essence, any French residents are charged this tax on their worldwide assets and any non-French residents are taxed on their French situs assets only.  There is a particular exception relating to the first five years residency in France.  Most treaties impose French tax on property situated in France. Under French law, residents of France have been obliged to disclose details of all foreign bank accounts opened, closed or used during the year. Work reimagined: a two-geared approach to reopening and transforming your businessEY | Assurance | Consulting | Strategy and Transactions | TaxAccordingly, the Finance Bill for 2019 specifies that the trustees should report annually the market value on 1 January of the year of the following:Some of the features of these regulations have been specifically designed to address the avoidance of the French net wealth tax, among other taxes due by individuals.These regulations, often referred to as the “French mini-FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) for trusts,” include various components. These regulations, often referred to as the “French mini-FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) for trusts,” include various components.

Most notably they are: A set of reporting obligations for trustees of trusts with a French nexus (i.e., French tax resident settlors, beneficiaries or trustees or assets or rights located in France). TAX POLICY DIRECTORATE – Bureau A – OVERVIEW OF THE FRENCH TAX SYSTEM – Legislation in force as at 31 December 2016 – This document summarises the French tax system.

All Rights Reserved.As from 1 January 2018, the substitution of the French wealth tax (Impôt sur la Fortune or ISF) by the IFI introduced changes with some uncertainties relating to the scope of the annual reporting as highlighted in EY Global Tax Alert, French Finance Bill for 2018 impacts trust reporting rules, dated 26 January 2018.Are you reframing your future or is the future reframing you?You may withdraw your consent to cookies at any time once you have entered the website through a link in the privacy policy, which you can find at the bottom of each page on the website.The Finance Bill for 2019 reconsidered the scope of the annual reporting, taking into consideration the current trend of reporting tax obligations and transparency.No search results have been found Turning to the reporting obligations, these requirements apply to the trustees.For trusts in existence before or on 31 July 2011, a one-off declaration was due by September 2012.  Subsequent declarations are required for later creations, modifications or revocations.The criminal sanctions (including the criminal fine) are in addition to any tax sanctions.There are two scenarios where a global charge arises and when this is the case, the trustees are liable to pay the French inheritance tax.Once you have a trust that falls within the French trust legislation there are a number of consequences.  In particular, wealth tax, inheritance tax including lifetime gift tax, income tax and the reporting obligations on trustees. These charges apply to any gift or death which has occurred since the law was introduced on 31 July 2011.If the fraud takes place as part of a group and/or involves a series of aggravating actions, these sanctions are increased to a fine of €2,000,000 plus a seven year term of imprisonment.  The use of trusts for tax evasion is an aggravating action.It is important for trustees that they are fully conversant with the provisions of the legislation in France including any amendments which may occur in the future.  There are extremely onerous personal liabilities and consequences for trustees if they fail to observe their reporting and taxation requirements. We have received many enquiries from trustees following the introduction in France on 31 July 2011 of new legislation relating to trusts.  There is now a definition of what falls within the scope of French taxation as a trust and various taxes now arise specifically on trust assets.This information has been prepared by Sykes Anderson Perry Limited as a general guide only and does not constitute advice on any specific matter.