My call for neutrality at a publicly-funded school is not a suppression of your beliefs over mine but rather a respect for the Constitutional call not to establish a government-endorsed religion.I think a lot more people think like me but are afraid to say it out loud (as illustrated in one of the comments in this thread). The pledge says, in part, “I pledge to care for my patients with all of the knowledge, skills and understanding that I possess, without regard to … Thanks for sharing Lorita.Florence Nightingale in Crimean War, from Wikipedia CommonsThanks so much, Rosemarie. All nurses can agree on the values it espouses. Some do it without any real knowledge of the beliefs, practices, and related value systems that they are attacking.To share our knowledge with, encourage, and welcome future nurses.One question though, when can we get the “God” out of the pledge? There are no doubt many perspectives on this aspect of the pledge, and it would be a terrible shame if anyone held it against you that you didn’t want to invoke their particular god, God, or gods.Lorita’s pledge may be appropriate at a religiously-based nursing school but not at a publicly-funded school.There is common ground on Lorita’s proposed pledge with theists, agnostics, and atheists. Still today, new nurses take the Nightingale Pledge at their pinning ceremonies and the Florence Nightingale Medal is awarded internationally to nurses of the highest distinction. We all really can be loving and caring people because we chose to be, which can as easily as not be a choice made far from any belief in a deity. God has nothing to do with religion; one can belive in God or in a “Higher Power” (however they want to say it) without being a member of some church or religion. ... 2017 Pinning Ceremony Florence Nightingale Pledge - Duration: 0:58. I just don’t believe in one more than you. Florence Nightingale: Lighting the Way for the Future of Nursing Nursing. Nightingale’s Nursing & Attendent Care Services is South Carolina’s leading at home nursing care provider. I was hoping that the nursing issues that I mention in the pledge would become the topic, as nursing has changed so much in the over one hundred years since the original pledge was written. Concepts like souls, afterlife, and heaven are understandable since thinking about our own mortality is rough. Keep up the good work. Nontheists are not attacking you they are just asking for evidence, just as most of us do for any expressed idea. The majority of people believe in some sort of Higher Power than themselves… The Great Mystery, if you will. It is not a religion any more than being bald is another hair color.To advocate for the health and needs of our patients, respecting their cultural and religious beliefs.Lorita, I really like your pledge.