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Why can’t they stick with easy to understand percentages?Is this information current with the new 2020 exam? Cambridge English. If you introduce 76%, it will transform it into 145 points, which means I would have passed. Download a sample Statement of Results for B1 Preliminary The only difference is that Reading and Writing are now two standalone papers, but they have always been marked separately.I would be very happy if you can shed any light on this matter.With the scale Cambridge only changed the nomenclature, but you can still use percentages to tell your students if they do well or not. In part 4 answers are worth 2 points, but you can score 1 … On the left choose “Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) taken before 2015”. I have lived and worked in Australia, Spain and Canada and enjoy helping others learn new things.The article is current with the 2020 exam even though this is irrelevant for the Cambridge Scale system. Take 1 point for every correct answer in parts 2 and 3. I need to know the mathematic calculation to go from a percentage, which I can easily work out, to the Cambridge Scale, which mysteriously appears to start at 80 and finish at 230! Cambridge English (also known as ESOL) is a department of Cambridge University. score on the Cambridge English Scale for each of the four skills (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) score on the Cambridge English Scale for the overall exam; grade (A, B, C) for the overall exam; CEFR level for the overall exam. Maybe it’s supposed to be ellusive lest someone copy it! The overall score is the average of the four different parts. The examination also provides reliable assessment at the level above B1 (Level B2) and the level below (Level A2).Your Statement of Results contains the following information:Depending on which university, college or organisation you are applying to, you may be asked to achieve a specific score or grade, either overall or for a particular skill.

Use this calculator to transform the percentage into the Cambridge English Scale score. I think it would help if there was a date on your article.I hope this helps at least a little bit.As for the conversion from marks to Cambridge Scale score, I think Cambridge keeps this a secret, but you can still go with a rough “60% to pass” guideline, so for example 20/32 marks in the Reading paper would be 60% and equivalent to a score of 140 (B1) on the Cambridge Scale, 26 marks are roughly 80% or 160 on the scale (B2) and everything below 20 marks is A2.Hi, my name is Phill and I’m an English teacher from Germany.

You will probably have to take a guess at your score. So say if my student gets 20 marks correct out of the 32 in her reading exam I know she has 62.5% (if indeed every question has the same weight?). there were two different numbers to deal with instead of the old system where you had to get to 60% to pass the exam My students are mystified when I can’t tell them whether their 20 correct answers in the reading exam translates to a B1 pass or an A2 (failure of B1) or a B2. Pre A1 Starters (YLE Starters) A1 Movers (YLE Movers) A2 Flyers (YLE Flyers) A2 Key for Schools (KET) B1 Preliminary for Schools (PET) B2 First for Schools (FCE) Use this calculator to transform the percentage into the Cambridge English Scale score. For instance, if you introduce 64%, it will transform it into 135 points, which means I wouldn’t have passed, as I need at least 140 to pass a B1 Preliminary test. Use of English. So what would that correspond to on the Cambridge scale? I need to be able to tell them instantly where they are!On this website I try to give you ideas and advice to make sure that you can learn English the right way.I find the Cambridge Scale system ellusive. How can I calculate one from the other? Examenul Cambridge B1 Preliminary, denumit anterior Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET), este destinat celor cu un nivel intermediar de cunoastere a limbii engleze. Find out how to understand your Statement of Results.