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You will have to make the case as to what benefits you can offer the sponsor besides the good work you do. Sponsorship Information: 44th Med. For example, we’ll look at a local Relay for Life event’s sponsor page, but not the sponsors of the national Relay for Life HQ.Wells Fargo has some limitations on the organizations their employees select – it must be a 501c3, it must not be an organization that re-grants out funds, and they must fit into Wells Fargo’s focus areas, which include K-12 education, health & human services, arts & culture, or civic & environmental, Debbie’s colleague, Community Affairs Officer Carrie Gray, told me.In addition, while we do work with organizations in every U.S. state, our database leans toward urban and suburban areas, so we may have missed, or underrepresented, companies that sponsor rural nonprofits.

2020 Sponsorship Contact List.

Christopher also explained that the processes he’s built out to take in sponsorship requests measures potential organizations’ return on investment, particularly for sponsorships that aren’t as closely aligned with health and fitness.The organizations we look at are all hyperlocal, in that they serve specific metro areas, cities or neighborhoods, either as a nonprofit working with residents of that area, or as an event located in that area. These “thank you” pages can be on the homepage, but they’re often unique pages.Wells Fargo (ranked #1) gives $1000 of donation funds to many of their local branches.Companies can have different reasons behind local donations, from branding to employee satisfaction. I get asked this all of the time, but if I don’t have personal experience working with you, sorry, but I’m not going to vouch.Sponsorship manager – You’d think somebody called the “sponsorship manager” should be right person to receive your sponsorship proposal. Over 100 contacts from Audi, McDonald’s, Lyft, Verizon and more. Most of these sponsorship hubs also allow you to create a pitch and submit it to the sponsors on your shortlist. Chances are, there will be a quote from the brand manager in charge of that brand and voila, you have the name and correct title.Sponsorship isn’t anywhere near six degrees of separation. You need to prepare before you make that call.Regional marketing manager – If what you’re offering has a primarily local or regional focus, you could opt to approach the regional marketing manager.

There are more general directories, listing brand managers. If it’s sponsorship-oriented, it’s the sponsorship manager (gatekeeper) that is usually listed. 30. Increasing social media impressions - Because events are a great platform for social media content, companies see the perfect opportunity to elevate their social media presence through event sponsorship. You can contact them here.