However, out of the total municipal waste collected, 94% is dumped on land and only 5% is composted.PM Narendra Modi in his monthly radio programme Mann ki Baat had said that 4,000 towns were to see new litter bins for segregated waste on June 5, the World Environment Day. Please note that Council will not collect containers which are placed on top of or next to your bin.Once collected, paper and cardboard in your blue bin is sorted at a Material Recovery Facility (MRF), before being reprocessed into a range of new paper products. Approximately 30 per cent of what is put in the Blue Bin doesn’t belong there. Please do not place these carrier bags inside your blue bin.Due to essential maintenance, our online payment systems will be unavailable between 10pm on Wednesday 29 July and 2am on Thursday 30 July.
There are two main reasons for this:The City does not accept the following items marketed or labelled as compostable or biodegradable in its Blue Bin recycling program:The City is inspecting Blue Bins and those that are found to have a significant amount of non-recyclable material are being tagged and not collected. Beakers, medicine vials, and other broken glass equipment can be placed in these receptacles.
Every type of waste – from solid urban domestic waste to sewage and industrial waste – is mismanaged and has become a mammoth problem on the face of rapid urbanization. The Importance of Recycling Right Bad things happen when the wrong items are placed in the Blue Bin. Still, many toss garbage from their balconies or rooftops and dump the waste open in streets.However, citizens of Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Pune and Coimbatore, appealed to the Prime Minister to do away with this two-way segregation of waste, and adopt a three-way model instead. Not sure of how to put them out for collection? Ask the Waste Wizard to find out where and how to properly dispose of an item. *We will collect small electrical items for recycling along with your green bin. Textile collections. Please DO NOT PUT the following materials in your blue bin:. Plastic lids can be recycled when placed inside a clean plastic bottle.
Once recyclables are collected and sorted, they are baled and sold to partially offset the cost of collecting and separating recycling. Follow these steps:You can use our Waste Wizard tool to search for things you can put in your household waste including your recycling and garden waste.
Blue: Blue cardboard boxes can be used to discard various glass materials. Alternatively, products can be returned to retailers/manufacturers who have take-back programs.Bad things happen when the wrong items are placed in the Blue Bin. Contaminated […] This process saves precious natural resources, in fact making paper from recycled materials uses 99% less water and 50% less energy than if produced from raw material.Putting the wrong items in your blue lid bin can result in the bin contents going to landfill instead of being recycled. The blue coloured bin is used for segregating dry or recyclable left over. When this happens, it lowers the quality of the plastic bales making them less valuable and more difficult to sell.Note: remove product before recycling.Black plastic of any kind, such as take-out containers and black garbage bags aren’t accepted in the City’s recycling program.
newspapers, magazines and advertising material (remove plastic wrapping) Blue Bins (Metals). Make sure youre properly equipped to deal with your refuse with a wheelie bin. Washable and durable, wide mouth of easy entry of waste. We all need to take responsibility for our own waste and recycle as much as we possibly can.Black bin, make up for the third category, which is used for domestic hazardous waste like sanitary napkins, diapers, blades, bandages, CFL, tube light, printer cartridges, broken thermometer, batteries, button cells, expired medicine etc.On September 1, a large portion of a garbage dump collapsed in Delhi’s Ghazipur killing two people and sweeping several others who were on a road nearby into a canal. It needs to be told that a fused bulb and leftover food cannot be thrown in the same bin. According to an estimate, 40% of municipal waste in the city is ‘wet’ waste, which can easily be composted and used as manure.
Do not put the following items into your blue lid recycling bin:Your blue lid bin is for loose paper and cardboard items, including:© 2019 Waverley Council | ABN: 12 502 583 608