Not as recognizable as a song as Rhiannon or Layla.This name is stunning, with adorable nickname options.
More of a GP for me. The only problem is that I can't find a boy's name half as unique that I like as much. See the popularity of the girl's name Cordelia over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. 2758 Cordelia, an asteroid, named after the Shakespearean character. I toyed with Cornelia but didn't care for the Corney nn. The name Cordelia is ranked on the 8,480th position of the most used names. The name Cordelia is ranked on the 8,480th position of the most used names. Cordelia is on 1,706 members' favorite name lists. It means that this name is commonly used.English: name used by Shakespeare for King Lear's one virtuous daughter. Not my favorite, but definitely pretty.I LOVE THIS. The name Cordelia means Jewel of the sea. Send us will publish.Cordelia name hasn’t been found in the Bible/Torah/QuranThe delia was an item ofMale apparel worn over the ?upan by szlachta (nobility) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.Our research results for the name of Cordelia is fit name.You can give to your baby with complacency. So far, everyone has been able to spell her name right, even if they haven't had to spell Cordelia before.
I've only heard it pronounced Cor-DEE-lee-uh. in Welsh. Even though my favourite names for girls especially constantly change, Cordelia has been up there for quiet awhile. What Does Cordelia Mean and History? I like the nickname "Delia".All I see is Cord.
Daughter of Shakespeare's King Lear Cordelia Stats. All the nickname possibilities makes it easy for me to imagine a girly Cordelia and a tomboy Cordelia.I used to not be able to stand this name when I was younger, but now it's really growing on me. I grew up reading the "Anne" books, and loved that Anne wanted to be named Cordelia. My husband likes the nn "Cordy" while I prefer the more uncommon "Cori/Cory". Me...I still need to be sold on it. Queen Cordelia was a legendary Queen of the Britons, as recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. I would love to use this one day but none of my family like it (I'm currently trying to win them round because it's one of my favourites) :)Very positive. Firstly it was a epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, the Hunter. Even though the Shakespearean character is weak and sniveling, I would prefer this association rather than that dumb story Anne … What are her siblings named?Of uncertain origin, Cordelia is thought to be from the Celtic name Creiryddlydd (daughter of the sea). It's rare today, so if you want a name no one else is using, somewhat reminiscent of Amelia and the Shakespearean Cordelia, Cornelia should be on your list. Browse for all the origins, histories, and meanings of Cordelia and over 40,000 other names. Just makes me think of cordial (drink). Its origin is "Literary".This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Famous real-life people named Cordelia From Cordeilla, possibly a Celtic name of unknown meaning. The grandparent generation may have heard the name before, but the 30-35 crowd usually remembers the name from Buffy, although I don't consider that a bad thing. The name Cordelia is a girl's name of Latin, Celtic origin meaning "heart; daughter of the sea".. Cordelia, the name of King Lear's one sympathetic daughter, has style and substance, and is exactly the kind of old-fashioned, grown-up name that many parents are seeking today. Also a queen in Celtic Mythology.American Horror Story made me really get into this name, I think Delia would be a cute nickname.I love this name: It´s very sophisticated, elegant and from the bottom of its meaning "heartwarming". The character wasn't particularly pleasant until the third season so the namesake isn't brilliant but she was very beautiful & so was her name! I call her Cordelia, because if I wanted to call her anything else, I would have named her that!I do not like the name Cordelia.
Browse for all the origins, histories, and meanings of Cordelia and over 40,000 other names.
Thank you!The content is copyrighted to The Meaning Of The Name and may not be reproduced on other websites without written permission.We do not have a name day for Cordelia. I have a Dylan which means "son of the sea", so this seems the perfect pair "daughter of the sea." I also love the nickname Cordie.