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Reduced infant mortality plus better nutrition and sanitation increased life expectancy from 63.6 years in 1970 to 71.8 in 1990. But really, does it take a certified geopolitical genius to recognize that there is something terribly wrong with this picture?• Allende’s administration was thoroughly packed with Cubans, Soviets, and other international Communists.The Allende socialists did indeed use the insidious weapon of inflation to add to their program of planned chaos, wiping out personal savings and earnings with the power of the printing press. Less than three years later, in September 1973, Chile had a deficit of more than $300 million, or a net loss of approximately US $650 million. Chileans were introduced to a standard feature of socialism: the rationing queue.

It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. Around 10 supporters spent the entire night in front of the hospital, some praying, and more had gathered earlier in the day.Vergara said doctors decided there is no need for bypass surgery as the angioplasty performed yesterday to clear Pinochet’s heart artery obstruction “has been successful and things are under control”.“Today, near the end of my days, I want to say that I harbour no rancour against anybody, that I love my fatherland above all and that I take political responsibility for everything that was done which had no other goal than making Chile greater and avoiding its disintegration,” he said in a statement read by his wife.In 2004, a probe was launched after a US Senate committee reported that Pinochet had millions deposited at the Riggs Bank in Washington. ”We cannot say he is out of his critical condition before 24 to 48 hours from his admission to the hospital.

General Augusto Pinochet (shown), former President of Chile, is being persecuted for his successful stand against Communism.

Moreover, the military government never tried to build a political party or movement that would support it.”Earlier that month, on August 8th, the General Council of Chile’s Bar Association issued a declaration charging that Allende’s egregious violations of the Constitution threatened “collapse of the rule of law,” and asserting that the “obvious fracturing of our legal structure can no longer be tolerated.” Still earlier, on May 26, 1973, Chile’s Supreme Court issued a unanimous resolution denouncing the Allende regime’s “disruption of the legality of the nation” by its failure to uphold judicial decisions.Chile’s Senate had voted in November 1972 to remove Alfredo Joignant, an extreme radical of the Socialist Party, as mayor of Santiago because of “repeated violations of the Constitution.” Not to be deterred, Allende appointed Joignant head of the Investigations Department, which was gradually transformed into a Gestapo.One of the preparations involved obtaining funding from foreign Communist Parties. The Allende Government’s officially acknowledged rate of inflation was 508%. They were cockahoop, after all, when Britain arrested their old bogeyman, General Pinochet, at the request of Spain. A few went from Britain, many more from Spain, where the Franco regime did not tolerate their Marxist fantasies. We had cut and run from Vietnam. They could have Chilean blood on their hands again if they insist on making Pinochet a cause celebre.Do we intend to arrest the President and Prime Minister of China when next they visit these shores? They are the force behind the incredible black propaganda and disinformation offensive aimed at Señor Pinochet.On July 29, 1973, Castro dispatched Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, his number two man as deputy prime minister, and Manuel Pineiro, chief of the Cuban secret service, on an unannounced mission to Santiago. For the past 26 years, the same international network of Communist and Marxist-Left individuals and organizations — the Institute for Policy Studies, the Washington Office on Latin America, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, et al — and their political and media allies, has relentlessly attacked Pinochet and his remarkable achievements. In just a few years, the Pinochet junta transformed the devastated Chilean economy (collapsing under triple-digit inflation, wage and price controls, food shortages, rationing, nationalized industries, collectivized agriculture, expropriated properties, etc.) After Allende was deposed, a huge arsenal of weapons was discovered in Allende’s residence — along with a bill of lading for the Cuban crates. This is a replay for the left, an opportunity to make up for past defeats and humiliations at the hands of a second- division Fascist, a chance to relive their glory years as naive revolutionaries manning the barricades (or, more likely, organising the workers' paradise from the LSE coffee bar).Among the outpouring of leftist bile since the old tyrant was arrested you will not learn that there would never have been a Pinochet if it had not been for Castro. Photos show Paredes instructing Allende in guerrilla warfare and the firing of automatic weapons.

How right His Holiness [Pope] Pius XI was when he said this doctrine was “intrinsically perverse.” I confess that from that moment I felt a profound desire to go into these concepts and study them to find out their purposes, because I was much concerned that such pernicious and contaminating ideas should continue to be disseminated in Chile.Without an understanding of this ongoing network, it is impossible for Americans to understand the forces and motives behind the current campaign to get Pinochet.