Teneral Male Blue-tailed Damselfly by Gail Hampshire. It is so strange to watch them do that. It flew in front of them a few times, but moved on. I haven’t read through the nearly 200 comments on this post but I did read a few that encouraged the sharing of stories so this is mine. Even if you live at a place where there isn’t any dragonflies or if they never come to you, you can still make use of their power by wearing a dragonfly pendant or having merchandise (I believe a pendant is better because you can have it on you at all times). Lastly, awhile ago… when i was changing my tire, (here in Qatar), another dragonfly came and stayed on the wall the whole time i was changing my tires. i’ve never had dragonflies land on me, but when i was an undergraduate student i had an entomology professor that said he learned to hypnotize dragonflies when he was in japan after the war. I try to get photos of them on me but I’ve only had my camera nearby once. At 325 million years old they are among the most ancient of aerial creatures and yes they are as common as each other. Thanks! I have loved these all my life I have a few around me every day. 10 ) Nearly all of the dragonfly's head is eye, so they have incredible vision that encompasses almost every . Great story! I know I would! So happy to find this and know I’m not alone. Not sure if I really believe in all that stuff but thought that was very interesting and wanted to share. I live in Arizona. I have had a lot of places where I search for dream interpretation but am unable to come up with an explanation for them landing on a head. Most people who have super attractive cars that I’ve spoken with find that they get the dragonflies for a few weeks each year and then they move on. And im recalling now it was a pretty stressful month. I know I would. Any suggestions on how to try and get it on its own again? I’m not complaining though, I love it. The Moonlight Shop is all about helping Wiccans and Pagans feel more confident! They are back again, following me and landing next to me. I have always loved a dragonfly!!! As a child,dragonflies would hover right in front of my face, like they were checking me out. They will follow me around and land on me at random. I think they are awesome. If you’re seeing them in a garden while you’re working in there, I’d bet you’re seeing a behavior where the dragonflies are attracted to the area by food, the little insects you stir up while you work. Thanks for the post and with my Lord and Ladies help I can start to live again. I’m so sorry for your loss. We are nature lovers and do not mean any harm what so ever to any creature. A short while later it again flew off and we shortly got out of the water. I have had this happen several times with dragonflies. Record it with a smartphone. Anyway, I felt inclined to share. The Dragonfly Life Cycle. My daughter and I are looking for someone to do matching dragonfly tattoos. “Ruby” started to buzz around her, not even bothering when our huge German Shepherd comes by. Wow, I wonder if there is a link between dragonflies and pigeons. It’s usually just another way for them to communicate with you. While I was doing that I noticed a pretty, blue dragonfly on the window. I’ve seen so many different colors and sizes. She said when alive that they were used to communicate in the afterlife. Dragonflies connect you to the sylphs of the Faey Kingdom because they’re the water Faye. I have several stories but one stands out. Then around 10:40am I was driving and there was another one trying to get my attention and following my car. This has happened to me recently! Tail and back wings of the dragonfly Represented by the tail and the back wings of the dragonfly, this is the process of assessing where the person currently is, and where they want to be. Never seen this behavior before up north. I have had dragonflies follow me around since I was 8, I never understood why ? This year in the Northwest Province there are swarms of dragon flies and butterflies, and moths. The final weird straw was just now. I work in trees, up on the tops of trees, as a climber. They stayed with me for over an hour! I have had birds eat out of my hands when I was in highschool, this was a daily thing almost. It also acts as a cooling system. :). I know dragon flies are smart from reading, I don’t know if saving them from the screen porch over and over made them remberence us as good, helper . Wow! We walk clear back there & I bent down to lay the container on the ground when all the sudden ANOTHER Dragonfly landed on the opposite hand!! Hi, I have a feeling it is dying on my finger. I’ve lived here for 20 years never seen it and it’s not the season for them to swarm like this!! Allow me to say, however, that I’m very envious of your experience. Feeling them land on you allows for a stillness to come over you and is a wonderful meditation. I got right up to its face and said something to it with tears in my eyes. Does anyone know why a dragonfly would want to come into a house so badly? The first one hunted around and came back with a bug in his mouth and chomped it while I continued to take pictures. I can be standing outside and one or more dragonflies seem to be making a beeline for my forehead from the adjoining yard, broad daylight, and never slow down. Sounds like it was an amazing experience! As soon as I reached in the open window it flew back around to the front of the window. They usually fly around me then land right in front of me. Sorry that you’re having a rough time with them though! Omg, the same thing happened to me recently, but it wasn’t in my house it was in my car, as i walked to my car in the morning i saw a dragonfly near my car and i quickly got in, (bugs make me nervous) as i sat in my car, the dragonfly would not leave it, was infront of my windshield like it was looking at me and it was “trying”to get in to where it kept bumping into the glass, it kinda freaked me out and i started pulling out of my driveway and it stayed with me until i was able to take off. Its body from tip to tail is from 21-27 mm (0.83-1.06 inch)—roughly the length of a quarter--and its wingspan is about 9-15 mm (0.35-0 . Love the little creatures!! I haven’t seen if it would do the same to my kids or if it’s just me it seems to not like or whatever. I’ve been dealing with slit of past pain . I joke and say maybe they think I’m a big tasty bug. I would love to know what makes me a dragonfly magnet, but I have a feeling it will remain one of those unexplained mysteries of life. This last time though, I even managed to attract a butterfly that seemingly strutted around me. Every year around this time of year (June-Aug) we have dragonflies that hang around our pool. Found insideIn this illustrated natural history guide, Cynthia Berger takes the reader on a whirlwind trip through the lives of these intriguing insects, from their birth underwater (where they actually spend most of their lives as ferocious nymphs) to ... So I gently stood up and walked in the direction that it was pointing. A couple hundred feet past Tippy's, Kimmel turns right down a dirt road and stops to unlock a long metal gate to the L-28, which like all levees in the Everglades is only a ccessible with a long black master key supplied by the state. As I myself have always wondered that same thing………. The water was up to my knees, and I was standing in direct sunlight coming from the hole above. We had an empty bb container on the porch so I told my husband be as easy as he could & catch the Dragonfly. I just went out to close my car window and i found 3 dead dragonflies on the dash all the way up against the window….i went to get the vacuum to get them because i cannot even reach that deep where they were – i opened the passanger door and there was a 4th on the passanger side of the dash…the car windows had been open about 8 hours it is about 85 degrees out but thats a little creepy – i hardly ever see dragon flies around here let alone 4 in one place. It isn’t just myself, however. Still… Fun! They seem to like our Boxer Tyson who is 11, he has cancer. What are your thoughts? They seem to cross my path very frequently even when not around water. My child has multiple dragonflies land on her while swimming in the pool. I decided to reply off this post since you commented about encounters on water. He might be flying in your face, but he is also harmless and is eating the little biting insects in your yard. Their body is covered with a hard exoskeleton. Yesterday I was in my fenced in area watering while trying to block out so many problems running through my brain. The bizarreness of it intrigued me. Last year I had dragonflies following me everywhere. It let me move my finger to where I was literally touching its front “hand”, it then for a min or two moved that “hand” up and down my finger like it was petting my finger. Beautiful. I get feelings when loved ones who have passed are around. As if the dragonfly wants to tell me something. I seem to attract them too…hmmmm?? I don’t know what it is, but I am very thankful! Dragonflies are one of those creatures that people love and hate. I tried to let him be but if i took my attention off of him for more than a minute, he would come nudge my shoulder or buzz around to make me look for his presence. I enjoyed reading the similar stories, Thanks for sharing your knowledge! — Bjo, who is currently painting a dragonfly-decorated silk parasol. (My sister and I have both gotten dragonfly tattoos, a few other family members are planning to do the same.) The head is attached to the blue thorax, a short sturdy organ with four wings attached. I never had one land on me and stay or something like that, but this morning as I was sitting on my deck reading I noticed a dragon fly was sitting motionless on a plant right in front of my eyes. I had to share this experience with somebody and the only one that came to mind was the dragonfly woman :o). I don’t have the blood they like, so I don’t think that is why the dragonflies chose me. I was working in the backyard when I had my encounter with a dragonfly… as you say, “They’d be looking for smaller insects for lunch.” I read about half of the many posts you have received and didn’t come across the behavior I experienced. This is a funny article because I just came inside where I was outside with my dog and several dragon flies were following me around. It is not a religion. I have become a dragonfly photographer because they routinely land on or near me for long stretches. Even after I took few photos of it, couple really close to it, as my macro lens is not that great, it still stayed on my hand when I continued to photograph couple butterflies. Its amazing there doing this haha i like it.. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before! Thanks, Madame Dragonfly! Dragonflies represent a two ye lesson that is either entering or exiting your life. It was a very strange experience but very special. The one who visited today tilted his had back and forth as I talked to him. Thank you. . Well iv been seeing them here a lot lately…always see them around if not flying then in charms lol.. I suppose there could be residual scent in or on it. Always helpful when you have them around as much as you’ve described! I pointed it out and we thought it was really cool. Glad you find the experience pleasant though! I imagine this same sort of thing might have been happening with the Canadian man, though I’m not so sure about the two women. I love them and have never been afraid of them. I’ve never seen this kind of behavior until this year. It is a spirit animal that is said to arrive from the realms of spirits, fairies, and magical beings. I always get excited when I See a Dragonflies Then I go on the Computer to check my emails and what do i see this Lovely Article about Dragonflies !!! Her son is now almost 6 and definately has her ful-loving personality, he hammed it up all day. I too wonder why they came at such a late time and why they stayed …. You are definitely not the only person who’s had this experience with dragonflies however. Playing in the creek by our house, I would see them flying around me, and yet I wasn’t sure whether they were capable of stinging, so I didn’t try to catch them. 2. That’s awesome. It’s actually rather rare for a dragonfly to hit someone like that, but not completely unheard of. . We live in a rural area and the land has a small creek a half mile in the woods. All she has to do is put her finger out and they will land on it but the dragonflies will not land on the rest of us I water the lawn in the evening & they come & fly around & dodge the water & sometimes fly right through it & it’s close up to me. I felt a sense of calmness come over me. I can’t tell what of two things I think are most likely was happening: 1) that you just happened to be in its flight path and it was going around you as if you were an inanimate object that suddenly appeared in its territory or 2) it was hanging around you and your pup because you might scare up some food for it to eat. I had a couple of strange dragonfly experiences shortly after my father died, so I have had my own inexplicable experiences and they were quite profound. That example did serve a purpose though—dragonflies are incredibly efficient at what they do, bringing in close to 95 percent of the prey they set out to capture. Not even the slightest smoke damage. Differentiate site from event attractions natural from man - made attraction? I dont understand it but i have dragonflies in my kitchen and bathroom. What a marvelous story! I tend to lean toward the more scientific explanations of scent, people attracting other bugs that the dragonflies like, people stirring up bugs that the dragonflies like, or the people this happens to may even be giving off a light pattern that the dragonflies like. Just search for The Dragonfly Woman and you should find a page with my little black and white logo. I’ve had several experiences with dragon flies. I know I would, but it seems that most people with your “problem” don’t enjoy it nearly as much as you do. My partner and I moved into our house 8yrs ago. Nothing else in the world can hover like that!” A dragon fly flew up to the window and said, “I can hover too, but nobody thinks I’m cute!” I gasped, almost spilled my coffee, and looked at my husband. Because I’d heard so many stories about people seeing dragonflies after the death of a loved one, I of course thought about that when I saw the dragonflies in the yard. My mom passed away here in the back room after a long battle with cancer ive heard things about dragonflies being a sign from passed loved ones, but if not that why are they here? This has happened to me over the years. It is an amazing experience on a nice day it’s like we have a zoo of dragon flies. Maybe they were attempting to use me as mating ground lol….I’m unsure however I hope it means good luck of some kind :) I can email pics if u have an address. Then the next day I went to the horse park and walked in nature. Hello,I have always liked Dragonflies,And have had them in my yard every summer.They never paid attention to me,And i’f i got close to them,I’f they had landed somewhere they would fly away.Until recently…..I had a complete thyroidectomy 25 days ago.And two days after my surgery i was outside ,With my daughter and a big Dragonfly kept flying around me,Then hovering close looking right at me,Same thing happened today,I was outside with my boyfriend,The dragonfly paid no attention to him ,Just me.I am curious too,As to why the dragonflies have started doing this to me. I love dragonflies and have a couple dragonfly tattoos. Fascinated, I watched it for atleast 5 min before I slowly moved my index finger towards it. I have a dragonfly tattoo of each of my grandchildren on my ankle, It started when my first grandson was born, upon walking out of the hospital after his birth a dragonfly landed on my chest and stayed with me until I got to my car, when I returned to the hospital later that night, I swear the same dragonfly landed on me again. I don't know why i felt the need to do this, but the idea poped into my head and i needed to get it out. She thought it was a coincidence,I assured her it was not, ans as soon as I said it again, I was struck again so hard from behind I actually wet myself a little! When I happen to have a camera on me (which is often), I take a picture like this one at https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/JcCXyzRixaJG9qpyEsKe0dMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink. Yesterday I sat in my car, no sign of the dragonfly. I too am currently being courted by a blue dragonfly in Florida. I am also very laid back person and very happy go lucky. It’s sad how many dead dragonflies we keep finding because they won’t leave. Then it flies off. And I have always taken that a change was coming. I was known as “The Dragonfly Girl” because they would always land on me. I’m so glad you shared it with me. It landed beside me keeps flicking it’s head at me. Lammas is one of the Wiccan Sabbats, and is a cross-quarter day between summer and autumn, a time when the first fruits of the planting season can be harvested. And we live in a rural area within Vermont, so dragonflies and bugs are part of the norm. The dragonfly shows me that my life is also short. I’d like to figure out how widespread this behavior is and see if I can’t find some more commonalities between the people who have witnessed this behavior! A network of thousands of Wiccans from all over the world. he stayed for an hour or so until he was satisfied hed explored all of my skin hed pleased, including my nose. I know I would! Just seen a dragonfly last week in my flower garden, he was beautiful, took some pictures of him, he didn’t seem to mind that I was there, later that day I went to work and I noticed a lot of people with dragonfly tattoos or jewelry or picture of them, this makes sense now! I said, “Look at that cutie! I was in the Middle east (KSA) in 2010 when a large orange dragonfly flew above me and landed on my head. I told my sisters about it and found it strange because they never see dragon flies like that around them. These much loved critters are also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles. They’re there to tell you that they’re okay…. I don’t know why it won’t leave, I’ve tried fluttering it off but it’s no good. Still an amazing experience though, so thanks for sharing! Looking for interesting facts about a hairy dragonfly? My first thought was that the dragonfly had observed me watching it. (8-17-20) I think He was Purple I was driving back home and He was Flying over the Car !! Sometimes they will sit so long that I think they’ve fallen asleep. Hope it was an enjoyable experience for you! Add eyes, nose, and a smile. I started to dance around and run and they were chasing me, it kind of freaked me out. Hi! A couple of weeks ago, the same thing happened and again the other day. Thank you for sharing them. Damselfly, (suborder Zygoptera), any of a group of predatory, aerial insects that are in the order Odonata. Damselflies are found mainly near shallow, freshwater habitats and are graceful fliers with slender bodies and long, filmy, net-veined wings. They inhabit rocky or sparsely timbered . I have given it a name and it always seems to be waiting for me when I walk outside. Interesting! Has a human ever been mailed via the United States Postal Service? He tapped me on the shoulder as he kind of stumbled back and he pointed across the room on the floor. A larger one this week just followed me off the porch. I have never removed one, and I have never found one dead after the fact. Glad to add your story to my collection. and a big truck hits it. How fun! It was an occurrence that we will remember for the rest of our lives and has given me a special appreciation for these interesting little creatures. I noticed that it had a cobweb wrapped around it, and I reached over, took hold of the cobweb, and pulled it loose. The tail of a dragonfly (called the abdomen) contains many of a Personally I think they are attracted to the type of energy certain people give off. And it was the fall. I’ve received several messages like yours and I’ll admit that I’m surprised by how many I’ve gotten. What makes this dragonfly thing differnt is that these people have A LOT of dragonflies coming near them and landing on them. I thought i’m the only one who experienced it. Watching the dramas of their world unfold can be breathtaking. Whether my finger, toe, nose. Your fingers look a lot like the kinds of things they like to use as perches in nature, so I suspect they find them more agreeable places to sit than the alternatives in the area. And I’m glad you enjoy photographing them. I actually wondered if that was the cause since Mosquitos and those little nats tend to bother people on walks I thought maybe he was hoping for some food! As I am sitting without swinging I notice one that wished to hang around. I got a picture, not quite as close up as I was hoping, and then it flew off. Would like to know what it means. And it happens almost every weekend at the beach. So I watched and waited until it flew around me a few times and then flew off…., The last time I saw a dragonfly was before all this happened the coronavirus but I live in Tucson Arizona but ever since this virus came I’ve never seen one since. The odd thing is that they will only land on me and will leave everyone else alone. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel. Three years ago, a huge red dragonfly appeared and caused me to question why I had never seen one like that before. I believe that what happened yesterday was a sign that dad and I will be ok! They were the most common dragonfly I found near pools in Tucson when I lived there, and I know you’ve got a lot of the flame skimmers up your way too. Finally, I walked down the driveway a distance from the yard. I’m happy to see that I am not the only person they share their beauty with, on almost an intimate level. I do have to add to this that I have had animals follow me since I was a child. When I looked down it was it was looking me straight in my eyes. We do this everyday! Dragonflies are one of the few insects that draw appreciation rather than ire. It flew away but came back twice and landed on my shoulder once! I honestly have no idea! Thank you for sharing your experience! I do know that whenever I am swarmed by dragonflies I’m also around women..or involved with a woman.whether as my sister’s and cousin’s as a child or friend and or lover as an adult..it’s something that seems to fascinate the women around me …im just so used to then that if not pointed out directly I normally pay them no mind after I acknowledge them verbally with a hello how was your winter or something to that sort as if they are just people I see every spring and summer and fall. They are constantly following me, hovering near me and landing on me. When I’m out front to smoke, I’m sitting down. I’m sorry so many are fearful of them; to me, they are so peaceful and beautiful. the 3 of them stayed with me for a very long time and i refused to move. I was absolutely amazed by this, as for it was so unusual and strange. That’s definitely one of the more popular stories related to dragonflies. I’ve showed it to several people and they all saw the same thing! Everytime I go out there it comes right back! Today, while my dad was fishing in the gulf, a dragonfly landed in his mouth. I also have pictures of him. I was so scared because it sounded to big. this was so unusual i was trying to find more information on this behavior. Before our car accident we have never experienced anything like this with him. That is very cool thanks! I’ve always felt close to God when alone, floating, watching clouds, birds, etc and having a dragonfly friend with me. I would love to see that picture.. They are little treasures that make me happy! Thank you for adding your story to my growing list! And I’m happy to hear about the dragonfly tattoos. Like all insects, the dragonfly is made up of three main body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. really weird. I haven’t lived around dragonflies very much but they do always seem to hang around me when I do. Comparing the Canada and Eurasian Lynx. But it’s interesting to see how many people are actually having this experience. Mosquitoes are known to be more attracted to certain people than others! Found inside – Page 196This the trachea , which drawing in and connect with the expelling of ... of the abdomen — not of the tail out of water , or else the head and one or both ... At that time I had to physically put him on a plant so that I could go into the house. Somehow, it seems that it’s the way it should be… to die where they are loved. Don’t know anyone else who has had this happen, but has happened to me when I was a kid and now more recently when I started wildlife photography hobby when I turned 30 this May. I am in therapy right now for past trauma as well as 4 life changing events that recently happened this past year. Might be a pheromone we release when we feel scared that puts them in either an investigate or attack mode depending on previous experience with human contact. In many cultures, ladybugs are considered good luck. I kinda like their attention because it makes me feel special. Then I opened my palm extended my hand towards it and one landed on me . Oh, nice! I told my sister I was disappointed- Disappointing me is not her- EVER. I wonder if they might be seeking a warmer place as they near the end of their lives and just happen to be finding their way into you house. I actually thought this was normal until my neighbors witnessed it several times last summer & started commenting about it. Highway and was directed here flown off a few seconds, them flew.... Snapped a pic but wasn ’ t fly in to the left cause some things literally..., me, for the past either to 36 km per hour they... Not always have dragonflies that hang around me, land on me lot of black and! Very attracted to me…guess these insects are no different a kind of creeped,. Committed suicide, an enticement to a place where the river again after you see them I. 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