NASCIO. Find anyone in the NASCIO Community in the 'Directory' tab! (membership cycle on fiscal year July-June) This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Private-sector firms join as corporate members and participate in the Corporate Leadership Council. The association highlights the importance of its corporate membership at this year’s annual conference. Click here to view a complete list of NASCIO's corporate partners. The NASCIO Annual Conference features two and half days of topical sessions and networking events to allow state, local, academic, nonprofit and corporate members to share ideas, best practices and expertise. Corporate members are limited to 3 paying representatives per conference; additional registrations are included in sponsorship packages. NASCIO Voices By NASCIO. Former Montana CIO Rob Baldwin, now a specialist executive at Deloitte Consulting, will be the vice chair. Meet our newest Corporate Members. Private sector firms may join as corporate members and participate in the Corporate Leadership Council. Nominations must be made by the state CIO office or other state agencies with the state … The NASCIO Enterprise Architecture program was developed to enable the mission of state and local government. 10 years later, as reported in the 2016 study, that number was 100%. No commission, no charges, no fees. The Nationwide Cybersecurity Review is a no-cost, anonymous, annual self-assessment designed to measure gaps and capabilities of state, local, tribal and territorial governments’ cybersecurity programs. Found insideBM&FBOVESPA, CME Group, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), ... and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). Learn how to Get Involved. Request Quotes. NASCIO Member Honored with 2009 Laureate for Timely Case Study. Find Incredible Venues. Contact Copyright © 2021 National Association of State Chief Information Officers NASCIO, NASCIO’s mission is to foster government excellence through quality business practices, information management, and technology policy. A stone’s throw from the waters of the Potomac River and the monuments of Washington, D.C., dozens of state CIOs are gathering at the NASCIO Midyear 2017 Conference to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities they face. Sponsoring NASCIO Events. Found inside – Page 156... to the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), ... of Indiana Interactive had been working for that company for 6 years. Packages and registration open date will be shared via email with the organization’s primary contact, typically about 4 months prior to a conference. Watch a how-to video tutorial. We support State CIOs and the ecosystem that supports them. Schafer also pointed out that this is the first time that all 50 states are actually members of NASCIO. Online registration by Cvent. Explore the NASCIO membership! Found inside – Page 9832 The National Association of State Chief Information Officers ( NASCIO ) has ... city business and issues without the public or other council members ... The Corporate Membership Longevity Award is a significant accomplishment for companies in the state, local and education (SLED) market, because of NASCIO’s respected standing in the industry. Opportunity to sponsor NASCIO conferences (corporate members) Organization profile featured on NASCIO membership webpage and organization representatives listed in members-only online directory; Eligibility to serve on and lead Corporate Leadership Council (corporate members) Insight. KPMG is pleased to participate as the Headshot Photo Lounge Sponsor at the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) Annual 2021 conference. Lane said there will be five of these events and more information will be released during the virtual event’s corporate member … We work to advance the (IT) information technology industry and our onsite IT events give CompTIA members the chance to collaborate and push the boundaries of IT. End-of-Year State IT Celebration When: Dec 10, 2020 from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM (ET) Found inside – Page 86Drew Mashburn , chief enterprise architect for service components and deploying them in applications the state of Arkansas , contributed to the NASCIO ... The networking opportunities are always helpful and meaningful. If your position resides within the State CIO Office, you will be granted access automatically. Selvi Stanislaus. Conferences are open to NASCIO members only. Announced during NASCIO’s Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, the group’s new corporate leadership aligns with a common refrain from state government officials at the event, who refer to industry representatives not merely as vendors, but as “corporate partners” essential to the success of their technology initiatives. Private-sector firms and non-profit organizations participate as corporate members. Found inside – Page 211... large number of partners including government, business and higher education. ... NASCIO (National Association of State Chief Information Officers) has ... 4. ALL REGISTERED CORPORATE MEMBERS WELCOME. In this capacity, Matt works with association partners, Congress, federal agencies and the White House to advance the national priorities and initiatives on behalf of the state chief information officers (CIOs). As FTB’s fourth executive officer and the first woman to hold the post, Selvi oversees the second-largest tax department in the nation, with more … October 06, 2019 •. For more information about NASCIO visit “Right now we have 185 corporate members for NASCIO and so our role is to work with them to bring programming, encourage them to be parts of committees, really in a support role to the public-sector members, the CIOs,” Webb said. Found inside – Page 273NASCIO sponsors national annual and midyear conferences, producing proceedings available to members. Moreover, NASCIO facilitates peer-to-peer communication ... Book Event Space. We are proud to have been recognized by NASCIO in 2020 for 15 years of membership. NASCIO’s mission is to foster government excellence through leadership of quality business practices, information management and technology. Baldwin said their leadership will help provide representation to the corporate NASCIO members who sit on its executive council. Announcements. In corporate contexts, ... RSA found 500 social media groups dedicated to fraud, with a total of 220,000 members. Have a question about your membership or need to update your info? Found inside – Page 597GMIS membership is comprised of CIO , Information Technology and ... 5367 * NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICERS ( NASCIO ) 167 W Main ... Don’t miss out for a minute—continue accessing your benefits. NASCIO has increased the number of corporate members, which now stands at 111. Yes, provided there is a 30-minute buffer from the conclusion of NASCIO’s event and the start time of your event. Amy and Matt talk with Rick Webb who is NASCIO's current Corporate Leadership Council Chair about his background as a former state CIO in North Carolina in the late 1990s, his long career in the private sector, how the CIO role has changed and hasn't changed, chairing the CLC through the pandemic, his advice for new state CIOs and the importance of legacy building. “It helps tremendously,” he said. Found inside – Page 75... governments with consultants from its wide network of member companies . ... BJA supported the development and enhancement of the NASCIO Enterprise ... [See also: NASCIO's 9 tips for starting NIEM.] Employees in the Judicial or Legislative branch are not eligible for membership access; you may, however, take advantage or our, Access to a network of state CIOs and other state policy officials, Opportunities to network with, learn the needs of and explore potential partnerships with public and private sector technology professionals, Participation in yearly educational and networking conferences – No trade show booths, just conversation, Opportunity to serve on operational and issue committees, Special opportunities for participation in social media campaigns, conference programming, guest blogs and ad hoc projects, Opportunity to sponsor NASCIO conferences (corporate members), Organization profile featured on NASCIO membership webpage and organization representatives listed in members-only online directory, Eligibility to serve on and lead Corporate Leadership Council (corporate members), Access to all NASCIO Resource Center items and members-only studies, Premium content in bi-weekly newsletter, NASCIO Connections, Participation in Corporate Member Exchange calls featuring insights from state CIOs (corporate members), Participation in NASCIO’s online collaboration tool – the NASCIO Community. Event overview. Explore Our Members. Winston Churchill famously observed, "The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Contact The Corporate Membership Longevity Award is a significant accomplishment for companies in the state, local and education (SLED) market, because of NASCIO’s respected standing in the industry. Found insideAccording to NASCIO, collaborative partnerships are extralegal working ... with all decisions made by locally elected board members (Burr 2004). Found insideThe National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) Maturity Model will help designers determine the success and growth of the system. Additionally, NASCIO — which is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2019 — recognized corporate members for their longstanding support of the organization. Search by name, state, email, job title and even city. I can't imagine trying to do this job without the support and relationship with NASCIO and its members! Additionally, NASCIO — which is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2019 — recognized corporate members for their longstanding support of the organization. The first time NASCIO documented the number of enterprise wide CISOs in states was in 2006 when 83% of states had a state CISO. Government must continually reinvent itself to remain relevant by effectively and efficiently providing services to … All of the changes were aimed at providing NASCIO members with the information they need to meet their growing responsibilities. The NASCIO Annual Conference features two and half days of topical sessions and networking events to allow state, local, academic, nonprofit and corporate members to share ideas, best practices and expertise. The access to key research, white papers and support through forums, expertise, conferences and state visits help me bring new ideas, creative thinking and solutions to bear for our state. Follow @NASCIO and #StateCIOsRock for updates; State IT Recognition Awards now open. Amy Glasscock and Matt Pincus interview guests (state CIOs, NASCIO members, strategic partners and colleagues) to get their unique stories and perspectives on … Industries; Our business process services help businesses and governments deliver quality services to the people they serve. This session will allow for quick, introductory conversations focused on the needs and vision of states and the complementary solutions, services and expertise offered by NASCIO corporate partners. If you’re in the business of technology, we’ll help you form lasting partnerships, find new routes to market, and gain knowledge on leading-edge technologies that drive success. Daniel Lohrmann , Dan Lohrmann. A popular portion of the webinar is the Executive Director Q&A. NASCIO’s mission is to foster government excellence through leadership of quality business practices, information management and technology. NASCIO's programs and services provide state and corporate members with vital resources and opportunities to share information, knowledge, and solutions. “It’s really an organization where we test ideas, we use it as a networking opportunity to learn about what states are doing.”. Webb was North Carolina’s first statewide CIO, departing the position in 2000. 5 Multi-factor Authentication âMust Havesâ for a Zero Trust Architecture, Why Identity Is a Foundation for Digital Government. A 2018 corporate membership annual dues invoice was emailed to the primary membership contact for each corporate member on 11/2. Last month, Arkansas CIO Yessica Jones briefed the NASCIO Corporate Member Exchange on some of the recent changes in her state. NASCIO provides state CIOs and state members with products and services designed to support the challenging role of the state CIO, stimulate the exchange of information and promote the adoption of IT best practices and innovations. At the beginning of each year NASCIO and PTI come together to forecast trends for the coming year. If you support public sector IT, you’re our kind of people. (RSA 2020 Hiding in Plain Sight Report) ... Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Survey (2018) The State of IT Security in Germany 2020. Final Thoughts 10 years later, as reported in the 2016 study, that number was 100%. If your IT-related position is within the executive branch, but outside the State CIO Office, the state CIO is required to approve you as a membership beneficiary before benefits are granted. Private-sector firms join as corporate members and participate in the Corporate Leadership Council. Found inside – Page 195Arlington, VA: The PricewaterhouseCoopers Endowment for The Business in Government. Number of E-Commerce Systems 7 19 NASCIO. (2002). NASCIO 2002 Compendium ... Other IT officials participate as associate members and private sector representatives may become corporate members. NASCIO represents state chief information officers and information technology executives from the states, territories, and the District of Columbia. Sponsoring NASCIO Events. John Gillispie, Chief Operating Officer, Iowa and Malcolm Fry, advisor to NASCIO corporate member BMC Software are slated to appear today, September 20 on the subject of ITIL, according to news from the association. Michigan Recognized for Technology Excellence Contact: Kurt Weiss 517-335-0050 Agency: Technology, Management & Budget October 4, 2011. The first time NASCIO documented the number of enterprise wide CISOs in states was in 2006 when 83% of states had a state CISO. Baldwin was appointed as the CIO of Montana in 2013 and held the position until, © 2021 Scoop News Group | All Rights Reserved. Found inside“ NASCIO members are uniquely qualified to provide information of real value ... Of Gumay be Citizens • Business Governments Online Services Online Services ... As the demand for the sponsorships have increased over the years, the association heard from their members that the buying process had become very stress-inducing as … Submit nominations by Thursday, May 4; Meet Our Newest Corporate Members Pick a state, watch the timer and network! Membership applications for the current program year will be accepted until 12 business days prior to the start of the annual conference. NASCIO state and territory members in good standing may submit a nomination. Membership is granted at the organizational level. Rick Webb, a former North Carolina CIO who is now Accenture’s North America industry lead will serve as the committee’s chair during NASCIO’s 2019-2020 program year. Found inside – Page 36... National Association of State Chief Information Officers, or NASCIO — and ... security alarm business, was one of the first state CIOs in the country. Found inside – Page 6It is now also being dis- ing out to NASCIO , Gartner and the more cost effective , more user cussed with Roundtable members corporate sector for models ... Government must continually reinvent itself to remain relevant by effectively and efficiently providing services to … As an enhancement to your online member profile, NASCIO is adding a feature that will allow your profiles to be searched by business/market area. For more information about NASCIO visit 5. Corporate membership dues will not be pro-rated – they will be $8,000 regardless of the date of application. Corporate membership provides everyone in your organization with the insights and connections necessary to grow your business. Packages and registration open date will be shared via email with the organization’s primary contact, typically about 4 months prior to a conference. NASCIO corporate members, partner entities, conference sponsors, and attendees are expressly prohibited from holding events that run concurrent with NASCIO conference sessions, meetings, meals, receptions or any other conference-related events. (membership cycle on fiscal year July-June) Found inside – Page 164The Interstate ISAC shown in table 3 was established by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers ( NASCIO ) and is intended to provide a ... NASCIO is the premier network and resource for state CIOs and a leading advocate for technology policy at all levels of government. NASCIO corporate members include such household names as Amazon Web Services, Dell, HP, Microsoft, J.P. Morgan Chase and Oracle. NASCIO’s mission is to foster government excellence through leadership of quality business practices, information management and technology. Corporate Member Jan 2015 - Present. NASCIO's Awards committee, comprised of NASCIO state and corporate members representing leading public and private IT organizations selected the 2008 award finalists. Amy Glasscock and Matt Pincus interview guests (state CIOs, NASCIO members, strategic partners and colleagues) to get their unique stories and perspectives on state information technology, leadership and lessons learned. Michigan Recognized for Technology Excellence Contact: Kurt Weiss 517-335-0050 Agency: Technology, Management & Budget October 4, 2011. Corporate partners help finance the organization and want to engage directly with state CIOs, he added. The Corporate Membership Longevity Award is a significant accomplishment for companies in the state, local and education (SLED) market, because of NASCIO’s respected standing in the industry. The Challenge The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) provides its corporate members the opportunity to sponsor at two conferences each year – their Midyear and Annual Conferences. The leaders of NASCIO’s corporate leadership council, which represents the government IT industry’s vendor community, were also re-appointed. Found inside – Page 1023NASCIO's corporate members include private sector firms and nonprofit organizations . Number of Employees : 12 Conferences : October 15-18 , 2006 ( Annual ... Found inside – Page 28Gerry Wethington, cio of Missouri, is serving his second term as president of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (Nascio). Private-sector firms and non-profit organizations participate as corporate members. Recipients were selected by a national panel composed of 60 NASCIO state and corporate members. Found inside – Page 55Served on the GeoSpatial One Stop Board of Directors , National ... of State Chief Information Officers ( NASCIO ) 2004 National Technology Champion Award . Found inside – Page 358It assembles multidisciplinary and multi-institutional research teams able to ... National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) NASCIO ... Corporate Member – $8,000 /year The Corporate Membership Longevity Award is a significant accomplishment for companies in the state, local and education (SLED) market, because of NASCIO’s respected standing in the industry. NASCIO elects new heads of corporate leadership council. 60% of those were on Facebook. CompTIA Corporate Membership. Build name recognition and a good reputation for producing positive results and helping with white papers. One representative will be designated as the prime contact, but there is no limit on the number of individuals that can receive benefits. What benefit does the state receive from participating in this membership? Use the drop down menu to filter by type of member to find areas of focus and contact info. NASCIO’s Awards committee, comprised of judges from NASCIO’s state and corporate members, selected the 2009 award finalists. The value I gain from being a NASCIO member is invaluable. NASCIO will not endorse companion events. Found inside – Page 9I would like to start by saying I am representing both NASCIO , which is the National Association of State Chief Information Officers , as well as NGA today ... The networking opportunities are always helpful and meaningful. These clients include the majority of Fortune … Opportunities are available on a first-come first-served basis. Where is your event? Learn more about membership// Member Benefits. by Colin Wood • 2 years ago. In this provocative book, Brian Cantwell Smith argues that artificial intelligence is nowhere near developing systems that are genuinely intelligent. The Corporate Membership Longevity Award is a significant accomplishment for companies in the state, local and education (SLED) market, because of NASCIO’s respected standing in the industry. The American Alliance of Museums' mission is to champion museums and nurture excellence in partnership with our members and allies. Registered 501(c) nonprofit organizations and academic institutions, Government Member – $500 /year NASCIO Midyear Conference. What state CIOs can learn from Texas’ identity and access solutions. Found inside – Page 18NASCIO knows by way of its work with all the states , that other federal agencies ... We have drawn on the goodwill of our corporate partners to provide the ... The software company Information Builders and Oracle were each presented with a Corporate Longevity Award for supporting NASCIO for the past quarter-century. Lane said NASCIO will also extend its programming with a series of weekly “roundtable” chats featuring its members discussing what’s going on in their states. See our list of high-profile corporate members—and find out why you should become one, too. Select Member Profile State/Territory CIO Profiles Corporate Profiles Nonprofit Profiles Academic Profiles Local Government Profiles International Government Profiles Federal Profiles. Click to view the member benefit information along with the Corporate Member Policy. The Corporate Membership Longevity Award is a significant accomplishment for companies in the state, local and education (SLED) market, because of NASCIO’s respected standing in the industry. For more information about NASCIO “But we’re there to participate and to add our views in the conversations that the executive council has when they meet.”. NASCIO educational programs are centered on policy issues, trends, best practices and information technology issues that affect the public and private sectors. , information management and technology Roszman at ( 859 ) 514-9167 Version 1.3, 2003 13 was North Carolina s! Each presented with a corporate member Exchange on some of the states Conduent supported... And nascio corporate members to share information, knowledge, and solutions re our kind of people,. This membership 's Video ; Call for Roundtable Topics now open yes, provided there is Foundation! Additional registrations are included in sponsorship packages Page 147... ( ACC National. ) the state receive from participating in this membership build over time meet our newest corporate and! 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