VIBURNUM LEAF BEETLE. From summer through fall, adults will continue to be active, mating, laying eggs on terminal twigs, and feeding upon foliage until the first killing frosts. In our area, Viburnum dentatum (Arrowwood Viburnum and all of the cultivars associated with the species) seems to be the favorite viburnum of the beetle so far. Use pesticides safely and wisely; read and follow label directions. Viburnum dentatum and Viburnum trilobum are more susceptible than other species. distinguishing characteristics: University of Connecticut Woody Plant Database, Small, creamy white flowers in flat clusters
A sticky barrier like Tanglefoot® applied to stems may keep some larvae from crawling to the ground to pupate. This site designed and maintained by CFAES Marketing and Communications. This pest has been more mellow in recent years, with occasional reports of them. A pair of adult viburnum leaf beetles. The crown consists of ascending branches that have a tendency to arch, while the trunk (if present) is up to 8" across. Arrowwood does have a sworn enemy: the introduced viburnum leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni). When a female lays eggs, she will typically chew pit after pit in the young stems. pink, rose and finally to blue-black, Petiole:
about We look forward to seeing you soon! The head, thorax and elytra (wing covers) are generally golden-brownish, but the shoulders of the elytra and front edge of the front wings are darker brown. Zones 3-8. Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago) Grows from 14 to 16 feet with a spread of 6 to 12 feet. Here is a selection of the viburnums that thrive in the Catskills and that are available from some of our local nurseries. Larval feeding continues through late spring to early summer. The adult beetle is brown and about ¼" long. VIBURNUM LEAF BEETLE.
Since both the larvae and the adults can feed, damage occurs over the majority of the growing season and it can be quite extensive on highly susceptible species. Nannyberry is susceptible to attack from the Viburnum Leaf Beetle. This smaller growing non-native viburnum is not bothered by the viburnum leaf beetle and actually is a pretty decent plant for wildlife. Found inside – Page 413Maple - leaved viburnum has tightly closed flower buds . ... Butternut has 3 - inch - long leaves and its flowers , in 2 - inch catkins , are just beginning ... Found inside – Page 83... 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 155 The Mint Flea - Beetle L. G. GENTNER AGRICULTURAL ... tatarica grandiflora 34 Lonicera tatarica rosea 35 Mapleleaf Viburnum 73 ... Mature larvae are thick-bodied with the thorax having six obvious legs, grow to a length of about 1/2", and are yellow-green in color with a pattern of black spots, and black head and legs as shown in Figure 3. Well, maybe the tomato hornworm, on an ambitious day. viburnum leaf beetle. Current Distribution: As of July 2008, the Viburnum leaf beetle has been confirmed in the following Massachusetts counties: Berkshire, Bristol, Franklin, Middlesex. It gets its name from the viburnum plant on which it preys upon. The viburnum leaf beetle is now established from the Atlantic coasts of southern Canada and New England to the Great Lakes; and in British Columbia. Stunning orange- red fall color. In 1994, VLB was detected in the United States in Maine and Cayuga County of the state of New York in 1996 (Weston 2005). Found inside – Page 814... R. hirtellum , and R. missouriense ) ; roundleaf , alternate - leaf , redosier ... nannyberry ( Viburnum lentago ) ; blackhaw ( V. prunifolium ) ; witch ...
Once larval feeding is complete, larvae abandon the host plant, transverse down the plant to the soil, enter the soil and pupate. Common viburnums that are considered susceptible include: V. acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum), V. lantana (wayfaringtree viburnum), V. rufidulum (rusty blackhaw, southern black-haw), and V. sargentii (Sargent viburnum). Frequently the young larvae lay parallel to the leaf veins. Which viburnum is it? viburnum? They are brown and about ¼ inch in length, with the females being slightly larger than the males. As the larvae grow, their feeding becomes more aggressive and holes are produced through the entire leaf. viburnum leaf beetle. Thus, host plants have the potential to be defoliated twice each growing season. (Be aware that in the case of Viburnum dentatum, it is a bit more complicated, so see the blog) Purchase a straight species viburnum and a cultivar of the same species, which are in bud or bloom at the same time. In 2015, the beetle was reported across the Chicago region with some regularity. Zones 2-8. Adult beetles have a typical leaf beetle appearance as shown in Figure 5, are between 1/4" and 3/8" in length (females tend to be larger than males), and mostly golden-brown in color. The viburnum leaf beetle, ( Pyrrhalta viburni) was first detected in Ontario in 1947 and has since spread to New Hampshire and Vermont. It was first found in Illinois (Cook County) in 2009. There are some beneficial insects that will attack the viburnum leaf beetle. Check with your local nursery to see if it is a problem in your area. Guide to identifying Viburnums
This beetle, which is native to Europe and Asia, was first detected in North America in 1947 in Ontario, Canada, but established breeding populations were noticed only in 1978 in the Ottawa/Hull . Found inside – Page 814... R. hirtellum , and R. missouriense ) ; roundleaf , alternate - leaf , redosier ... nannyberry ( Viburnum lentago ) ; blackhaw ( V. prunifolium ) ; witch ... Other types include the Blackhaw Viburnum which has black fruits and reddish-purple fall foliage, the Nannyberry Viburnum which can grow into a 20-foot tall tree and the Wild Raisin Viburnum which has berries in fall. Guide to identifying viburnums
There are four species of Viburnum native to Minnesota (V. edule - squashberry, V. lentago - nannyberry, V. rafinesquianum - downy arrow-wood, V. trilobum - American high-bush cranberry), and one considered naturalized (V. opulus - European high-bush cranberry). They are often in rows. A leaf beetle called the "viburnum leaf beetle" is a pest that has the potential to become a serious problem in nurseries and landscapes in Pennsylvania. Wilson, M. 2011. Susceptible species are eventually destroyed, but usually are not heavily fed upon until the most susceptible species are eliminated. Pyrethroid and other contact insecticides are useful for control of the larvae once they are actively feeding. The viburnum leaf beetle (VLB), Pyrrhalta viburni (Paykull), native to most of Europe, can cause severe damage and possibly death of ornamental viburnums. The female beetles will lay their eggs in the cavities they chew into the stems. Fungal Leaf Spots. Distribution The native range of the viburnum leaf beetle includes most of Europe. Viburnum Leaf Beetle Citizen Science Project: Summary of 2003 findings. These rows of capped pits can be observed from July through the following spring. Clusters of white flowers give way to . Express key
The young (larvae) are tiny upon hatching and will only reach about 1/3 of an inch in length at maturity. These recommendations are provided only as a guide. Pest Alert: Viburnum Leaf Beetle. It wasn't found in New York State until 1996 when it was discovered in four counties bordering Lake Ontario from Niagara to Cayuga. Leaf drawings by Marcia Eames-Sheavly. The VLB is listed as a secondary target pest species by APHIS for Cooperative Agricultural Pest Surveys. The beetle made its first North American appearance in Ontario in 1947, expanded as far as New York State by 1996, and reached Massachusetts by 2004. Viburnum Leaf Beetle Guide to identifying viburnums Which viburnum is it? Some patches still grow in the First Fork of the Sinnemahoning in Potter County. Both adults and larvae feed on the foliage of the host plant; larvae feed on the foliage from mid-spring to early summer and adults feed on the foliage from mid-summer into the fall. Pupae are approximately 1/4" to 5/16" in length and start out bright yellow in color, but are not often seen because they are hidden in the soil. CFAES Diversity | Nondiscrimination notice | Site Map. The egg-infested twigs can easily be seen once the leaves have fallen. It is a relatively new pest to the Chicago region. Found inside – Page 227... 52-59 Viburnum acerifolium ( maple - leaf viburnam ) - ( I ) 103 , 110-11 ... dilatatum ( linden viburnum ) - ( XII ) 90-97 Viburnum lentago nannyberry ... Viburnum Leaf Beetle—. In late summer 2014, there were numerous . There is some evidence that oils and soaps can also kill the adults, but since there is no residual activity of these products, numerous reapplications will be needed in order to prevent adults from laying eggs. Viburnum leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni), a pest of Viburnum species including arrowwood and European cranberry bush, has been confirmed in three new counties in Massachusetts.The Viburnum leaf beetle was first discovered in Massachusetts in 2004, in Berkshire County. The viburnum leaf beetles can completely defoliate plants, causing dieback or eventually death. The viburnum leaf beetle overwinters as eggs and requires a chilling period of approximately five months (Weston and Diaz 2005). Found inside – Page 243Tsuga canadensis Cannabis sativa Viburnum trilobum Apis mellifera Gleditsia ... tea Ladybird beetle (ladybug) Lady's mantle Large milkweed bug Leaf-cutting ... tomentosum (doublefile viburnum), V. rhytidophyllum (leatherleaf viburnum), V. sieboldii (Siebold viburnum). Fragrant viburnum V. lentago, Nannyberry viburnum V. macrocephalum, Chinese snowball viburnum V. x pragense, Prague viburnum V. prunifolium, Blackhaw viburnum These same insecticides may also have to be used later in the season in order to eliminate any adult beetles that have flown in from untreated plants. Spots may begin small but enlarge or merge and may be reddish to grayish brown. In fact, there were two previous sightings in Chippewa (2003) and Genesee (2010) counties and viburnum leaf beetle is now confirmed in Oakland County. Pruned twigs should be removed from the area and buried, burned, or placed into an active composting pile. A preliminary list of susceptible and resistant cultivars has been developed by Dr. Paul Weston of Cornell University (see for a full list.). As of 2015, VLB has spread into British Columbia, Canada, and portions of Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin (Liesch 2015, Murray 2004, Tiddens 2015, Weston et al. Species name Common name Origin Defoliation (%) 2009 2010 1) V. 3 bodnantense Aberc. Weston, P., and Nuzzo, V. 2008. The caps are dark and stand out against the bark of the twig, making them easy to see. Watch the plants carefully as the adults can move into an area from July through September. Found inside – Page 17... but the foliage of deoi duous trees showed injury which varied according to ... Acer rubrum Modium marginal and spotting Nannyberry , Viburnum lentago ... They can be removed from October through April. No damage occurs during the pupal stage. Deciduous
images by Paul Weston & Craig Cramer, Leaves:
Adults appear in mid-summer (late June to early July) and may be found on host plant foliage and stems until the first heavy (killing) frost. Michigan State University entomologist Howard Russell feels viburnum leaf beetles may be more prevalent in Michigan than we . The Garden Lover's Guides were devised for gardeners on the move, profiling points of horticultural interest in various countries. In 2012 and 2013, the number of reports increased from Cook County and also from DuPage County. Viburnum leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni) is a beetle native to Europe and Asia that feeds exclusively on Viburnum foliage. ID
After that time, the adult beetles will emerge and they will also feed on the leaves, continuing to skeletonize them. Viburnum Leaf beetLe Pyrrhalta viburni (Paykull) A leaf beetle called the "viburnum leaf beetle" is a pest that has the potential to become a serious problem in nurseries and landscapes in Pennsylvania. Common viburnums that are considered. New larvae will start to hatch out around mid-May in most years and will move to the new leaves to feed. However, repeat sprays may be needed for adults in July if adults migrate back into plantings. Help trees thrive in the Chicago region and around the world. Light: Full sun, Part shade. Spraying against adults alone is not an effective control strategy. Viburnum leaf beetle was introduced to North America before 1947; the pathway has not been described. Adult beetles are fairly non-descript and are easily over-looked. The pits are easy break points on the stem and points where moisture loss occurs. The pupal stage lasts 10 to 14 days. Disclaimer—This publication may contain pesticide recommendations that are subject to change at any time. (Pyrrhalta viburni) Viburnum leaf beetle belongs to the leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae) family and is indigenous to Asia, Europe, parts of the United States, and Canada. Viburnum leaf beetle now in Michigan. I focus on varieties most resistant to the viburnum leaf beetle. The capped egg pits are easy to see on the stems after leaf-drop. A native of Europe and Asia the Viburnum Leaf Beetle (Pyrrhalta viburni Paykull was discovered in 1978 in the Ottawa-Hull region of Canada.It was first recorded from the U. S. in 1994 and from Michigan in 2007. Common viburnums that are considered, If insecticides are used, it is best to treat young larvae as they are the easiest to kill. The viburnum beetle (Pyrrhalta viburna) feeds on leaves and can kill a shrub in two to three years. If larvae can be killed early in the season, the amount of feeding damage can be lessened. The nannyberry viburnum can grow into a small, 20 foot tall tree and is adapted to wet soils. After leaves are no longer providing enough sustenance, larvae will move to the new, green-stem growth and chew the bark off of the young stems causing stem dieback. Found inside – Page 169For the shrub has the habit of wavy - winged margins of the leaf stems is a ... Call it nannyberry , sheepberry , nannybush , sweet viburnum or wild raisin ... The stems are weakened by the pit-chewing process. Contact the Plant Clinic (630-719-2424 or, — Oups. Found inside – Page 94like , and feed gregariously on viburnum foliage . ... adults chew holes through leaves in the summer ( JulySeptember ) ; and female beetles produce ... Viburnum leaf beetle has been known in some eastern states since the early 1990's. It is a relatively new pest to the Chicago region. Both the larva and the adults feed on the leaves of thin leaved Viburnum species. Cornell University. Found inside – Page 61... like the North American native species, such as nannyberry (Viburnum lentago, ... lady beetles are helping out by feeding on viburnum leaf beetle larva. Found inside – Page 814... R. hirtellum , and R. missouriense ) ; roundleaf , alternate - leaf , redosier ... nannyberry ( Viburnum lentago ) ; blackhaw ( V. prunifolium ) ; witch ... Viburnum Leaf Beetle Pyrrhalta viburni (Paykull); Family: Chrysomelidae Larvae and feeding damage. Some species of viburnum are more susceptible to the beetle than others. We connect with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. Found inside – Page 814... R. hirtellum , and R. missouriense ) ; roundleaf , alternate - leaf , redosier ... nannyberry ( Viburnum lentago ) ; blackhaw ( V. prunifolium ) ; witch ... It attracts butterflies and bees to it's very fragrant flowers, birds to it's fruits, and it is even a host plant to that same native caterpillar that likes our Redbud leaves (Spring Azure). The beetle larvae hatch in early May, As infestation progresses, leaves . Most species in all susceptibility groups exhibit more feeding damage when grown in the shade. (fragrant viburnum) (except ‘Nanum’, which is highly susceptible), show little or no feeding damage, and survive infestations rather well. Found inside – Page 17... but the foliage of deciduous troos showed in fory which varied according to ... Acer rubrum Medium marginal and spotting Nannyberry , Viburnum lentago ... Elliptical to egg-shaped
Both the larvae and adult feed voraciously on the foliage; heavy infestations can defoliate shrubs, cause dieback, and eventually kill plants. Valued plantings of the ever-popular European cranberrybush viburnum can be especially ravaged by larval and adult feeding. Zones 3-7. Once the twigs have been removed, destroy them by burning (where permitted), chipping , composting or burying. Logo
Neonicotinoid insecticides and other systemics can be used for adult or larval control, but these treatments should be avoided if you are treating species of viburnum that are within 4 to 6 weeks of flowering. In 2012 and 2013, the number of reports increased from Cook County This insect overwinters as eggs in the tips of twigs of the host plant. This is a relatively new pest and it attacks certain types . Both adults and larvae feed on the foliage of the host plant; larvae feed on the foliage from mid-spring to early summer and adults feed on the foliage from mid-summer into the fall. Viburnum plants have only one major pest: pyrrhalta viburni, the viburnum leaf beetle (VLB). In 2009, it was first found in Illinois (Cook County). Feeding by the egg-laying process skeletonize the leaves of thin leaved viburnum species is intended products. Loss occurs and the adults feed on foliage of thin leaved viburnum species easiest ways to reduce population! 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