(vi) Providing materials and equipment that promote language development and communication such as soft books, interactive storybook reading, rhymes and songs, and finger puppets. (3) Thawed breast milk that has not been served within twenty-four hours must be labeled "do not use" and returned to the parent or guardian. In the clinical setting, TIC includes the prevention, identification, and assessment of trauma, response to trauma, and recovery from trauma as a focus of all services. (1) To be properly prepared for an emergency, an early learning program must have an emergency preparedness plan pursuant to WAC. Most children will experience some type of trauma during childhood, and many children suffer from significant adversities. (2) An early learning program's health policy must meet the requirements of this chapter including, but not limited to: (a) A prevention of exposure to blood and body fluids plan; (b) Meals, snacks, and food services including guidelines for food allergies and food brought from home; (d) Observing children for signs of illness daily; (e) Exclusion and return of ill children, staff, or any other person in the program space; (g) Medical emergencies, injury treatment and reporting; (i) Medication management, storage, administration and documentation; (j) Care for pets and animals that have access to licensed space and the health risks of interacting with pets and animals; (k) How general cleaning will be provided and how areas such as food contact surfaces, kitchen equipment, toys, toileting equipment, and laundry will be cleaned, sanitized and disinfected; (m) Caring for children with special needs or health needs, including allergies, as listed in the child's record; and. A commitment to working with the family over time may prevent or reduce feelings of abandonment or rejection, especially when community and mental health resources are in short supply. (9) When applying for an initial or nonexpiring family home license, a family home licensee with at least two years' experience and: (a) Working alone may request a capacity of up to ten children ages three years through twelve years of age; (b) Working alone may request a capacity of up to twelve children for school age children only; and. Statutory Authority: RCW. Statutory Authority: RCW. (3) In addition to reporting to the department by phone or email, an early learning provider must submit a written incident report of the following on a department form within twenty-four hours: (a) Situations that required an emergency response from emergency services (911), Washington poison center, or department of health; (b) Situations that occur while children are in care that may put children at risk including, but not limited to, inappropriate sexual touching, neglect, physical abuse, maltreatment, or exploitation; and. (3) A center licensee must not exceed the total capacity or age range stated on the child care license at any time except as provided in this section. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention. Changing early learning program space or location. Found inside – Page 663Provide the parents with recommendations for safe inexpensive toys appropriate for the age and developmental level of the child. (a) A program supervisor must meet the following qualifications: (ii) Have an ECE state certificate or equivalent by August 1, 2026; (iii) Have two years of experience as a teacher of children in any age group enrolled in any early learning program; (b) A program supervisor performs the following duties: (i) Guide the planning of curriculum philosophy, implementation, and environmental design of the early learning program; (iii) Act as a teacher or director as long as it does not interfere with the program supervisor's primary responsibilities; and. (v) The department's child protective services. (a) Center early learning program space must provide fifteen additional square feet for each infant or toddler using a crib or playpen if the crib or playpen is located or placed in the sleeping or play area. (2) The requirements of this section do not apply to licensed early learning programs that have temporary closures beyond thirty calendar days as part of their regular schedule, such as programs based on the school year or seasonal occupation. (iii) If directed to do so by the department, discontinue child care operations until repairs are made to the water system and water tests indicate desirable results pursuant to (a) of this subsection. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0485, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Paper records may be discarded once entered into the electronic workforce registry and confirmed by the department; (c) Updated to delete staff names from the electronic workforce registry when no longer employed at the early learning program; and. (g) Never leave children unattended in the vehicle. (d) How the provider may appeal and request a hearing. (b) A center early learning program may allow a person to be employed or volunteer on the center early learning premises if the person provides the center early learning program with a written certification signed by a health care practitioner, as defined in RCW, (4) An early learning program's health policy, pursuant to WAC. (iv) Be on moisture resistant, washable material that horizontally or vertically surrounds and extends at least two feet from the diaper changing station and handwashing area; and. Pediatricians have a powerful voice and reach that could promote the policies and procedures necessary to transform pediatric health care into a TIC system. (h) Cribs and playpens placed end to end must have a moisture resistant and easily cleanable solid barrier if spaced closer than thirty inches. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. Until, that is, the Napville Police Department buys a police dog named Gloria. Unbeknownst to Officer Buckle, Gloria has her own way of demonstrating safety tips-one that makes Napville sit up and take notice! Findings from two longitudinal studies from the U.S. and Poland, Secondary traumatic stress and burnout in child welfare workers: a comparative analysis of occupational distress across professional groups, The prevalence of compassion fatigue and burnout among healthcare professionals in intensive care units: a systematic review, Professional quality of life: elements, theory, and measurement, Cross-Cultural Assessment of Psychological Trauma and PTSD, Subcommittee on Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children, Clinical practice guideline for screening and management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents, Child abuse, resting blood pressure, and blood pressure reactivity to psychosocial stress, Adverse childhood experiences and blood pressure trajectories from childhood to young adulthood: the Georgia stress and Heart study, Council on Foster Care, Adoption, and Kinship Care, Health care issues for children and adolescents in foster care and kinship care, Adverse childhood experiences and weight status among adolescents, Making the case for ACEs: adverse childhood experiences, obesity, and long-term health, Association between cumulative exposure to adverse childhood experiences and childhood obesity, Adverse family experiences during childhood and adolescent obesity, Adverse childhood experience and asthma onset: a systematic review, Childhood adversity and adult chronic disease: an update from ten states and the District of Columbia, 2010, Mental health problems in teens investigated by U.S. child welfare agencies, Clinical significance of a proposed developmental trauma disorder diagnosis: results of an international survey of clinicians, Psychological and pharmacologic treatment of youth with posttraumatic stress disorder: an evidence-based review, Stress predicts brain changes in children: a pilot longitudinal study on youth stress, posttraumatic stress disorder, and the hippocampus, The neurobiology of stress and development, Measuring trauma: considerations for assessing complex and non-PTSD Criterion A childhood trauma, The impact of the developmental timing of trauma exposure on PTSD symptoms and psychosocial functioning among older adults, Childhood trauma, the neurobiology of adaptation, and “use-dependent” development of the brain: how “states” become “traits.”, Developmental considerations for diagnosing PTSD and acute stress disorder in preschool and school-age children, Working with Relational and Developmental Trauma in Children and Adolescents, Biological sensitivity to context: the interactive effects of stress reactivity and family adversity on socioemotional behavior and school readiness, Biological sensitivity to context: I. (2) An early learning provider must keep a complete first-aid kit in the licensed space, on any off-site trip, and in a vehicle used to transport children in care. (d) There is a risk that the child's illness or condition will spread to other children or individuals. (3) For all foods offered by the provider or given to an enrolled child by a parent or guardian, the provider must: (a) Provide appropriate refrigeration to preserve foods from spoiling. (c) Provide information to the parent or guardian of the child that includes, but is not limited to, community-based resources that may benefit the child. (d) Documentation of special medical procedure training by parent or guardian, if applicable; (e) Medical and dental care provider names and contact information or what facility parents or guardians would prefer for treatment; (f) Dates of the child's last physical and dental exams, if available; (g) Consent to seek medical care and treatment of the child in the event of injury or illness, signed by the child's parent or guardian; (h) Signed parent or guardian permission for visiting health professionals who provide direct services to children at the early learning program; (i) An incident or injury report, pursuant to WAC. Small parts from larger equipment, material, or objects that have a diameter or overall dimension of one and three-quarter inches or less, that may become detached from the larger equipment, materials, or object are also considered items that may pose a risk of choking, aspiration, or ingestion; (b) Eliminating and not using in the licensed space, pursuant to RCW, (i) Window blinds and other window coverings that have been manufactured or properly retrofitted in a manner that eliminates the formation of loops posing a risk of strangulation are allowed; and. (3) An early learning provider must have and follow written policies requiring staff working, transitioning, or covering breaks with the same classroom or group of children to share applicable information with each other on a daily basis regarding: (a) A child's health needs, allergies and medication; (b) Any change in a child's daily schedule; (c) Significant educational or developmental information; (d) Any communications from the family; and. (D) Is large enough to prevent the area underneath the diaper changing area from being contaminated with bodily fluids. Furthermore, atypical behaviors among children with disabilities may themselves disrupt social interactions in addition to the play itself. The 10 NAEYC Program Standards. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0010, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Encourage providers to accept responsibility for preventing injuries in their child care setting. (5) Saws, power tools, lawn mowers, toilet plungers, toilet brushes, and other maintenance and janitorial equipment must be inaccessible to children. Although TIC is common in social services and other mental health settings, in a health care environment, TIC can be conceptualized by using a medical model. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0355, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Facility licensing compliance agreements, nonreferral status, probationary license, and provider rights. (4) Center early learning programs licensed after the date this chapter becomes effective must have: (a) A handwashing sink separate from dishwashing facilities; (b) A food preparation sink located in the food preparation area; and. (c) Written notices to parents or guardians, to be given at least twenty-four hours before field trips are taken. (6) A center early learning provider must ensure that the child care health consultant: (a) Conducts at least one on-site visit monthly, if an infant is enrolled, during which the consultant: (i) Observes and assesses staff knowledge of infant health, development, and safety and offers support through training, consultation, or referral; (ii) Observes and assesses classroom health practices including, but not limited to, infection control including cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting, and provides technical assistance to correct any practices of concern; (iii) Observes and assesses behavior, development, and health status of individual infants in care and makes recommendations to staff or parents or guardians including if further assessment is recommended, as requested or otherwise determined appropriate. (c) In a microwave if the food is to be cooked as part of the continuous cooking process. The last 20 years have brought a shift in parental and societal perception of toys, with parents and other caregivers increasingly likely to view toys as being important for children’s development, self-regulation, and executive functioning.1,2 A number of interrelated underlying factors have contributed to this shift, including: (1) increased recognition of early brain and child development as critical to educational success; (2) increased recognition of early experiences in the home and in child care settings as facilitating early brain and child development3; (3) increased marketing of so-called “educational” toys as critical for enhancing early experiences; (4) the perception (perhaps misperception) of toy play rather than interaction with caregivers around toys as important for the child’s development, inclusive of self-regulation3; and (5) increasing sophistication of digital media–based virtual “toys” replacing physical toys and often incorrectly perceived by caregivers as having educational benefit.4,5, Although high-quality toys facilitate child development when they lead to the engagement of caregivers in play-based interactions that are rich in language, pretending, problem-solving, reciprocity, cooperation, and creativity4 (and potentially for older children in solitary play1), many of the claims advertised for toys are not based on scientific evidence. This must be done as soon as possible or prior to access by children. This clinical report strives to provide pediatric health care providers with evidence-based information that can be used to support caregivers as they choose toys for their children. These attendance records must be on paper or in an electronic format and clearly document: (a) The name of each staff member (including staff assigned to care for children with special needs and one-on-one care) and volunteers; (b) The number of children in each classroom or family home program; (e) Start and end times of the assigned staff or volunteers. (c) A copy of the water testing results must be kept on the licensed premises or in the program's administrative office. The lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress. (1) An early learning provider must provide culturally and racially diverse learning opportunities. Questions such as “Has anything scary or concerning happened to you or your child since the last visit?” are a way to more specifically explore the possibility of adverse experiences.85 Recognizing that certain symptoms may indicate exposure to childhood adversities, we can ask, “What has happened to you (or your family)?” For adolescents, these questions can be asked as part of the HEADSSS (questions about Home environment, Education and employment, Eating, peer-related Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide/depression, and Safety) psychosocial interview.101,102 Questions that are considered less threatening are asked first and followed with questions that may be perceived as more intrusive.101 Providers may be concerned that asking questions about a family’s needs, a child’s trauma history, or a child’s symptoms may distress the child or caregiver, but studies in which this topic has been explored indicate that, when the topic is raised, families respond well to having the issues acknowledged and addressed in a supportive setting.85,103,104. A child in diapers does not count for purposes of toilet calculations until the child begins toilet training. Training must include the prevention of child abuse and neglect as defined in RCW. Program based staff policies and training. (v) Labeled as safe to use on food surfaces if the product will be used to sanitize: (B) Items such as eating utensils or toys used by the child or put into the child's mouth; and, [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0240, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. As used in this chapter, "not related" means not any of the relatives listed in RCW. These agencies may include, but are not limited to, the Washington state department of labor and industries, the Washington state fire marshal, the Washington state department of health, and local health jurisdictions. When possible, each time a toy has been in contact with saliva or other bodily fluids, it should be sanitized. (b) Provides a dated, signed, written summary to the early learning provider for each visit that includes topics discussed with parents or staff, any areas of concern related to discussion, observation, assessment, or screening outcomes; and. (ii) Methods to be used for sounding an alarm and calling 911; (iii) Actions to be taken by a person discovering an emergency; (iv) How the early learning provider will evacuate children, especially those who cannot walk independently. A list of community library locations for the office should be considered. A simple explanation of the pathophysiology of trauma may help the caregiver to move from frustration with the child or adolescent’s behaviors or symptoms to empathy. (a) A family home licensee must receive department approval to care for a child with special needs, pursuant to WAC, (b) A child with special needs who requires individualized supervision pursuant to WAC, (c) A child who turns thirteen years old permitted by chapter. In addition to physical safety characteristics, close attention should be paid to a toy’s contact with harmful substances that may be used to treat its materials (eg, arsenic used to treat some wood products, lead paint, or chemicals such as bisphenol A18). (c) Knowledge of parenting and child development; (d) Concrete support in times of need; and. (4) On special occasions, such as birthdays, an early learning provider may allow parents or guardians to bring in snacks that may not satisfy the nutritional requirements for all children. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as § 110-300-0486, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Then write a short essay of 300 -350 words summarizing many guidelines regarding toy safety and developmental appropriateness. , we summarize current, practical advice for rendering trauma-informed care across varied medical settings atypical in.. Be met by completing college courses that align with the child to create your account doing the best can. 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