(Photo by Michael Abramson/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images). February: Members of the National Organization for Women (NOW) stood up in the U.S. Senate gallery to demand attention for the Equal Rights Amendment. The victories started to accrue. Betty Friedan: “Don’t Iron While the Strike is Hot!”. The Women’s Strike for Equality caught Americans off guard in 1970, highlighting discontent about women’s status in America that had been brewing since pioneering Rosie the Riveters were fired from their jobs and told to go home to make way for the boys returning after World War II. She provides an interpretive framework for the work of such prominent Black feminist thinkers as Angela Davis, bell hooks, Alice Walker, and Audre Lorde. Women's Equality Day Is a Reminder That the Fight for Women’s Rights Didn’t End With the 19th Amendment. Communication Studies, 50(2) (Summer 1999), 143-157 SPECTACLE, SPECTATORSHIP, AND GENDER ANXIETY IN TELEVISION NEWS COVERAGE OF THE 1970 WOMEN'S STRIKE FOR EQUALITY BONNIE J. DOW This essay examines television news coverage of the A ugust 2 6, 19 70 Women's Strike for Equality, the first major media event of the second wave offeminism in the U.S. This picture was tweeted in 2014 on Women’s Equality Day. A Brief History. Women’s Equality Day, annual event in the United States, observed on August 26 since its inception in 1971, marking American women’s advancements toward equality with men. A scholar and media critic takes a provocative look at the portrayal of women in American popular culture from the 1950s to the present day and assesses the impact of such images on women's real lives Daughters of 1968 is the story of French feminism between 1944 and 1981, when feminism played a central political role in the history of France. Organizing the 1970 Women’s Strike for Equality. Time was, you didn’t need a strike to create “A Day Without a Woman.” That’s just how things were. Celebrating the 50 th anniversary of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, women around the country engaged in marches and protests on August 26, 1970 as part of the Women’s Strike for Equality. On August 26, 1970, the Women’s Liberation movement spearheaded by Betty Friedan held the Women’s Strike for Equality. At th… Dragon Ladies explores the emergence of a distinct Asian American feminist movement through the rich perspectives of well-known Asian American activists, writers, and artists who analyze personal experiences through a political lens. Fifty years after the 19th (the Suffrage) Amendment had passed, tens of thousands of American women abandoned their husbands, their desks, their typewriters and their waitress stations to march down the avenues in a number of cities to press for a new set of issues. (08/26/70) On the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, NOW organized the “Women’s Strike for Equality.”. August 10 brought the first hint of actions to come. Let’s zoom into a historic day in the fight against men's tyranny. A founding member of the National Women’s Political Caucus (1971), she said it was organized…. The 1970 Women’s Strike for Equality was the largest women’s rights demonstration since the era of suffrage — and more inclusive than anything that had been seen before. One of the more noteworthy rallies was the Women’s Strike for Equality where an estimated 50,000 women marched in New York and another 100,000 women across the country in August 1970 to mark the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave U.S. women … Also challenging the contemporary “lean-in,” trickle-down feminist philosophy and asserting that women’s histories all too often depoliticize politics, labor issues, and divergent economic circumstances, Dorothy Sue Cobble, Linda ... There were chants, buttons, signs (“Don’t Iron While The Strike Is Hot”) and props such as a giant typewriter chained to several marchers. (08/26/70) On the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, NOW organized the “Women’s Strike for Equality.”. Women's History Archives. The enthusiasm of that day spanned the nation, with marches and other events in 90 cities and 42 states. Sometimes they struck out. Tens of thousands of women (and men) marched along Fifth Avenue towards Bryant Park to demand equal opportuntity in employment and social equality. She organized the Women’s Strike for Equality on August 26, 1970 on the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage, to raise awareness about gender discrimination. In addition, in 1971, Friedan was a co-founder of the National Women’s Political Caucus with Congresswoman Bella Abzug, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, and feminist Gloria Steinem. Advising a prize-winning Girls Inc. overachiever now headed for college, she said, “You fall down seven times, sister, you get up eight!”, Or, as the woman from Vermont put it, “Why am I taking part in the strike? On the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, NOW organized the “Women’s Strike for Equality.” There were demonstrations and rallies in more than 90 major cities and small towns in 42 states. NOW sponsored the Women’s Strike for Equality. It led to the enormous advances so many of us enjoy today. XV, No. Page 4", "When Women Went on Strike: Remembering Equality Day, 1970 – Ms. Magazine Blog", "Women's Equality Day | National Women's History Project", TIME Magazine "New Victory in an Old Crusade", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Women%27s_Strike_for_Equality&oldid=1034758453, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 July 2021, at 16:53. It was described by Time magazine as “the first big demonstration of the Women’s Liberation movement.” But they had better show up, because every media outlet would see August 26, 1970 as the test of feminism’s credibility and power. Gift; Gary Yanker; 1975-1983. In Watching Women's Liberation, 1970: Feminism's Pivotal Year on the Network News, Bonnie J. Dow uses case studies of key media events to delve into the ways national TV news mediated the emergence of feminism's second wave. “I thought, to heck with it. “Susan B. Anthony didn’t live long enough to see women get the vote, but her tireless dedication shines through on every page.”—The Washington Post Book World Failure Is Impossible brings together—for the first time—a wide ... The development of the era known as the 'second wave' of US feminist protest. Women’s Strike for Equality. About 50,000 women gathered for the protest in New York Cityand even more throughout the country. August 26, 1970 – The Women’s Strike For Equality. Eugene Gordon, August 26, 1970. It celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment, which effectively gave American women the right to vote. What 1970 women’s demonstration was the largest since the suffrage parade? The event, under the auspices of the National Organization for Women (NOW), was held on the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, the amendment that allowed women in the US to vote. The Women's Strike For Equality Of 1970. Women’s March in New York, August 26, 1970. The Women's Strike for Equality of 1970 was a powerful. There were “baby-ins” at offices by employed mothers to show the need for day care, and a plaque “consecrating” a site to a future statue of Susan B. Anthony was placed in a New York park to highlight the fact that the only statue of a female in the nation’s largest city other than the Statue of Liberty was one of Alice in Wonderland. Make your voice heard by distancing it from the microphone. The event, called the Women’s Strike for Equality, was sponsored by the National Organization for Women. The National Organization for Women calls the strike to mark the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment’s ratification. A fresh new look at the productive partnerships forged among second-wave feminists Ten thousand women marched down New York's Fifth Avenue on August 26, 1970, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Despite significant progress, the struggle for equality continues for the over six million women who make up almost half of all union membership. Forty-five year ago today, a Women’s Strike for Equality commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of woman suffrage. Finally, the moment of truth: How many would be at the assembly area to march? Betty Friedan’s 1970 Call to Women: Strike for Equality. Men are starting to fight back against the backlash. Men on Strike explains their battle cry. She organized the Womens Strike for Equality on August 26, 1970 on the 50th anniversary And how. Friedan had called for the strike in a March 20 speech in Des … Women's Strike For Equality. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WASHINGTON POST BESTSELLER The author of the celebrated Victory tells the fascinating story of the intertwined lives of Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first and second women to serve as Supreme ... Honoring the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment to the Constitution, this “indispensable” book (Ellen Chesler, Ms. magazine) explores the full scope of the movement to win the vote for women through portraits of its bold leaders ... 2, pp. Our power is scary when you realize what it can accomplish. In 1970, following a nationwide Women’s Strike for Equality to demand equal opportunities in employment and education, a bill was passed to designate Aug. 26 as Women’s Equality Day, a symbol of women’s continued fight for equal rights. The Women’s Strike for Equality was a strike which took place in the United States on August 26, 1970. The women’s movement had gone mainstream. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment's ratification, it had a number of political aims, but at the forefront was combating inequality in the workplace. Communication Studies: Vol. If they would stop their helping the men for six months, we would have equal suffrage granted us.” The concept so amused Anthony, she later joked about “the men’s howling over the idea that the women might possibly take our advice and sit down with folded hands refusing to do another thing to help them until the right of self government was accorded.” She teased a reporter in Chicago about men’s fears that “all women should cease even to cook dinner.”. Women's Strike, August 26 Title from item. The Women's Strike for Equality was a strike which took place in the United States on August 26, 1970. It was described by Time magazine as “the first big demonstration of the Women’s Liberation movement.” The leadership called the object of the rallies "the unfinished business of equality." Before the Women's March, the largest feminist demonstration in U.S. history was the Women's Strike for Equality, staged in 1970 by the National Organization for Women. Many organizations, libraries, workplaces, and other institutions have observed the day by participating in events and programs that recognize women’s progress toward equality. Women's Strike for Equality 51st anniversary. Played more for laughs than liberation, it nonetheless paved the way for centuries of similar tactics, some of which — depending on what talents women withheld — actually worked. But on March 20, 1970, when Betty Friedan gave her farewell address as outgoing president of NOW and called for a nationwide women’s strike on August 26 (the 50th anniversary of winning the vote), the other officers in the room were surprised, to put it mildly. Full of original and insightful observations, and based on extensive archival research, American Patriotism, American Protest transforms our understanding of the Sixties and their aftermath. It celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment, which effectively gave American women the right to vote. In case something is wrong or missing you are kindly requested to leave a message below and one of our staff members will be more than happy to help you out. Because no day should ever be without a woman — unless it’s our choice. (1999). Her speech was drafted on a plane from LaGuardia to O’Hare. They worried that the legislation would undermine state protections of women. In New York the Strike was set for Tuesday, August 26, 1970 at 5 pm to accommodate the thousands of women office workers who would pour out of Manhattan buildings at that hour. “Life hands all of us setbacks,” Hillary Clinton told a thousand cheering supporters at a New York luncheon Tuesday, accepting an award from Girls Inc. for her lifetime of inspiring girls and women. By 1970, women's liberation was in the news and a part of many women's lives The Women’s Strike for Equality was a nationwide demonstration for women’s rights held on August 26, 1970, the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage. I’m talking about 1970 and the Women’s Strike for Equality. Lib_02-14a 001 (1999). BILLMOYERS.COM is taking a break. The rally was sponsored by the National Organization for Women (NOW). About 50,000 women gathered for the protest in New York City and even more throughout the country. At this time, the gathering was the largest on behalf of women in the United States. The strike, spearheaded by Betty Friedan,... The strike was called for by Betty Friedan, the Queens-based author of The Feminine Mystique and the first president of NOW. 143-157. As a young reporter for the Associated Press (there were pockets of sanity in American society), I chronicled the journey of a self-described housewife and mom, 28, who lived in a conservative Republican section of Queens, New York. Friedan spent her life working to establish women's equality, helping to establish the National Women's Political Caucus as well as organizing the Women's Strike For Equality in 1970… However, it soon gave way to a backlash exemplified by the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), a proposed constitutional amendment that would protect women's … 143-157. "1970" and "1971" pencilled on verso. Betty Friedan argues that once past the initial stages of describing and working against politcal and economic injustices, the women's movement should focus on working with men to remake private and public tasks and attitudes. According to an Associated Press article the following day, about a hundred women went out to “liberate” the Statue of Liberty, unfurling a banner on her pedestal reading “Women of the World Unite” as a way of publicizing the upcoming strike and march. When women marched on Washington almost 60 years later to demand equal pay and greater political power, they did so in an ostensibly more inclusive environment. This short film documents that event. Chronicles the sexual discrimination class action lawsuit that women journalists brought against their employer, Newsweek, in 1970. Never mind looking for a woman switching telephone lines, flying a commercial airliner, or rising to the level of US Army general. It was the first big demonstration of the Women’s Liberation Movement, and the largest gathering of women protesters in … On August 26, 1970, Fifty Thousand women gathered to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage and to show support for Women's Rights. And when someone asked — pre-empting my own concern — what had really been accomplished, or was it just a feel-good event, someone else pointed out the rise of political activism, the rush to run for office, the numerous lists of Things You Can Do Every Day being emailed around cyberspace. Women Strike for Equality Day. Two speeches by Betty Friedan, author of "The Feminine Mystique" and first president of the National Organization for Women (NOW), are examined in this paper. As a study of a dissident group grounded in prescribed female culture, and the struggle of its members to avoid being trapped within that culture, this book adds a crucial new dimension to women's studies. New York : Darien House, 1972. It decreed that the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation annually in commemoration of woman suffrage and the 1970 Strike for Equality. Friedan called on “every American woman” to demonstrate and strike for 24 hours. By the late 1960s, despite half a century of suffrage and the doubling of women in the workforce over two decades, women were still undervalued, underpaid and underrepresented in leading professions. It’s simple: I’ll keep going because I have to.”. Approximately 50,000 women marched in New York and another 100,000 women participated in demonstrations and rallies in 90 cities, 42 states. New-York Historical Society Library. That much has changed, thanks in part to women’s strikes, like the one being organized around the globe for Wednesday. 50, No. NOW officially endorsed the idea, and three days later announced that the strike on August 26, 1970, would commemorate both the date that the 19th Amendment was ratified and “signal the start of a major political effort for the liberation of the women of the United States of America.”. Found insideIt tells the stories of more than two thousand individual women and a few notable men who together reignited the women's movement and made permanent changes to entrenched customs and laws. Politics was still mostly a boys’ club. How racial and class differences influenced the modern women's movement When, at her farewell address to NOW, Betty Friedan proposed the Women’s Strike, the organization became an official sponsor of the event, and Friedan gathered enough fellow activists to her cause to create an organizing committee. Education and school sports are far closer to equality than back in 1970, and political access has changed to the point that the election of a woman as President of the United States in 2016 is possibly a better than 50% chance, although large numbers of women actually support her male opponent. “Oportunidades Iguales Para Las Mujeres En El Trabajo y La Educaccion”, Women’s Strike for Equality, New York, Fifth Avenue, 1970, Eugene Gordon photograph collection, 1970-1990. How did World War II affect the lives of Mexican women in the United States? There were demonstrations and rallies in more than 90 major cities and small towns in 42 states. Our power is scary when you realize what it can accomplish. On August 26, 1970, the 50th anniversary of the amendment's passage and a year before the first Women's Equality Day, the Women's Strike for Equality March saw 50,000 women … Fifthteenth in a series of articles commemorating Women’s History Month by spotlighting a significant speech or testimony delivered by a woman in the U.S. on this date. Known today as the Women's Strike for Equality, 20,000 women marched in the streets of New York City in 1970 … Women’s Equality Day 1 August 26, 1970, marked the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted full woman suffrage. Restore American Democracy — Mobilize Your National Network, The 1970 Women's Strike: A Bit of History. Sometimes they struck a blow for history. Women's Strike for Peace and Equality, New York City, Aug. 26, 1970. On Aug. 26, 1970, a full 50 years after the passage of the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, 50,000 feminists paraded down New York City’s Fifth Avenue with linked arms, blocking the major thoroughfare during rush hour. According to Congress’ joint resolution, Women’s Equality Day celebrates both the certification of the 19th Amendment, and 1970’s Women’s Strike for Equality, a … But on March 20, 1970, when Betty Friedan gave her farewell address as outgoing president of NOW and called for a nationwide women’s strike on August 26 (the 50th anniversary of winning the vote), the other officers … A demonstrator shows her stuff during the Women's Strike for Equality March in August 1970. A busy activist throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Friedan helped found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws in 1969, later renamed National Abortion Rights Action League and more recently NARAL Pro-choice America. The August 1970 Women's Strike for Equality, a nationwide wave of protests, marches, and sit-ins, captured this spirit of optimism. Found insideExamines how and why American women voted since the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920. Some 50,000 women marched on Fifth Avenue in New York and across the country more than 100,000 women were involved. When the alarm sounded that morning, she bucked tradition and decided not to nudge her husband awake. Not in the United States, not in most of the world. Contributor: August 26 Women's Strike Committee Date: 1971 Found insideAs her doctors persuade her to agree to an operation, Connie struggles to force herself to listen to the future and its lessons for today.... From the Paperback edition. We all do. It easily rivaled, and according to some estimates exceeded, the largest suffrage marches the city had seen more than half a century before. According to a New York Times article on March 21, 1970, Friedan (who is called “militant leader” in the headline) wanted “an instant revolution against sexual oppression” and proposed that: The women who are doing menial chores in the offices as secretaries put the covers on their typewriters and close their notebooks and the telephone operators unplug their switchboards, the waitresses stop waiting, cleaning women stop cleaning and everyone who is doing a job for which a man would be paid more stop … And when it begins to get dark, instead of cooking dinner or making love, we will assemble and we will carry candles alight in every city to converge the visible power of women at city hall … Women will occupy for the night the political decision-making arena and sacrifice a night of love to make the political meaning clear. Far from a simple celebration, the march was part of a "Women's Strike for Equality" organized by veteran feminist leader Betty Friedan. So on Aug. 26, 1970 -- the 50 th anniversary of women gaining the vote in the United States -- tens of thousands of women marched and protested in … It would take another 25 years, but women’s constant agitation won the right to vote in 1920. The 2016 election proved just how wrong we were. In this enthralling narrative-the first of its kind-historian and journalist Ruth Rosen chronicles the history of the American women's movement from its beginnings in the 1960s to the present. Employers stopped asking for proof of legalization because they needed all the workers they could find. Although this 1976 law did little to change the disparity in wages and employment for women, it was a large political step towards true equality. The next year, Iceland’s parliament passed a law guaranteeing equal rights to women and men. “Freedom Trash Cans” were set up from Syracuse, N.Y. to the Pentagon, where “objects of oppression” such as aprons and hair curlers were deposited (no husbands, however, despite many wry predictions.) Over the years, women would also strike for peace, for improved working conditions, for whatever they were denied. Spectacle, spectatorship, and gender anxiety in television news coverage of the 1970 women's strike for equality. But while there were hints of a groundswell of support as the Big Day drew near, there was really no way of knowing whether the turnout would match the expectations. Women’s Strike for Equality. So Equality Day should really be a double celebration, honoring the events and pioneers of both 1920 and 1970, as the younger feminists of 2010 join veterans of the movement in the next stage of the battle for equality. There were demonstrations and rallies in more than 90 major cities and small towns in 42 states. Released for the first time in paperback, this landmark social and political volume on feminism is credited with being responsible for raising awareness, liberating both sexes, and triggering major advances in the feminist movement. It celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment, which effectively gave American women the right to vote. On August 26, 1970, 50 years after women gained the right to vote in the United States, 50,000 women paraded down Fifth Avenue in New York City; it was described by Time magazine as the largest gathering for women’s rights since the suffrage protests. A friend from Vermont giggled over a photo she took of two women carrying brass instruments and the hand-lettered sign, “Fallopian Tubas.”. On August 26, 1970, Betty Friedan organized the Women’s Strike for Equality, where 50,000 feminists paraded down Fifth Avenue commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 19th amendment and demanding more rights. On a summer speaking trip through Kansas in 1895, suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony was asked what women should do to speed up the process of getting the right to vote. Bold moves and high-risk strategies have been a feminist tradition since the days of Alice Paul and Susan B. Anthony. Women's Suffrage And Gender Equality 1389 Words | 6 Pages. First Published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. August 26, 1970. The 1970 Women’s Strike for Equality. The march down Fifth Avenue was still to be restricted to only one lane, a plan city authorities felt was more than adequate for the number of marchers they expected. Frauenstreik Schweiz - ETH-Bibliothek Com LC0479-002-002.tif. The event, under the auspices of the National Organization for Women (NOW), was held on the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, the amendment that allowed women in the US to vote. Fifty years ago, feminist organizing in the United States entered a vibrant new phase of activity. This book offers, for the first time in English, the proceedings and decisions of the last congress of the Communist International held in Lenin’s lifetime. Synopsis. "The Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education- and health-based criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups, over time"--Page 3. Strike is Hot! ” Friedan brings to extraordinary life her bold and contentious leadership in the face of glum! Images Collection/Getty Images ) the women's strike for equality 1970 involved ERA known as the 'second wave ' of US general. Hot! ” of teachers Local 860, Yonkers, New York,! 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