Found insideHow can workers get ahead while making sure their families don’t fall behind? Heather Boushey shows in detail that economic efficiency and equity do not have to be enemies. It is . All our stories relating to the pandemic and the vaccines can be found on our coronavirus hub. April 12, 2021, Backgrounder As The Economist went to press, it was due to issue guidance on how to work safely in offices . That suggests that home-working had its advantages. But in the current coronavirus crisis, the economist fears productivity will plummet. There are far more benefits to working remotely than negatives. Not Bartleby, who used to work from home that day before the pandemic struck, completing the column (taking out the typos, axing the non sequiturs and polishing the puns). In this hands-on book, Bailey and Black present the best of these workouts, helping you tackle the most common challenges at work and home: How to win people around to your point of view How to repair broken relationships How to get more ... There is no need to risk experiencing this managerial suspicion. by Lindsay Maizland WhatsApp. Banks’ exposures are sizeable: the stock of loans made to the sector by American banks exceeds $2trn, or about a fifth of their total lending. Companies are taking note: Facebook announced that it would allow as many as half of its nearly fifty thousand employees to work from home permanently, following some smaller tech firms such as Twitter. The long-term nature of property leases and the continued availability of debt mean that losses from the pandemic may not materialise for several years. Other industries are considering similar changes; the insurance giant Nationwide announced it would adopt a hybrid model, maintaining offices in four locations with remote work elsewhere. A paper published in 2017 in the American Economic Review found that workers were willing to accept an 8% pay . September 21, 2021, By In early May only one in 20 buildings in America had occupancy levels above 10%, compared with a third in Europe and Africa, and roughly half of buildings in Asia, according to Freespace, a property-tech firm. . . Copyright © The Economist Newspaper Limited 2021. Your browser does not support the