However, when one considers that, unlike today, to qualify as a voter one had to own property worth at least $500, the turnout seems not to have indicated voter apathy (Artibise 1975, p. 39). Winnipeg, MB: Telegram Job Printers Ltd. Hering, R., F. P. Stearns and J. H. Fuertes. Our staff test Shoal Lake and the intake at Nevertheless, and despite the city’s location on two rivers both with significant watersheds, providing that supply was a problem. Three thousand acres of the band’s traditional land became City of Winnipeg property and split the reserve into three separate parcels. Agnew, N. 1884. ^ A century of water: As Winnipeg aqueduct turns 100, Shoal Lake finds freedom. At the time, Kildonan straddled the Red River, but it was changed to become East and West Kildonan in 1914. In 1906, on the authority of an act of the Manitoba Legislature, the City established a Water Supply Commission to develop an adequate supply (Scott 1938, p. 1876). We take samples at the intake every week during the open water season and every two weeks during the rest of the year. Information collected will be used to improve our website. Found inside – Page 221Plans for a new water supply from Shoal Lake moved rapidly ahead and construction for the aqueduct to the lake began in late 1913 . On March 29, 1919, the first flow of water from Shoal Lake arrived at the McPhillips reservoir, and distribution throughout Winnipeg began on April 5. Ultimately, its outflow goes through the Nelson River to Hudson Bay. Grade: 10-12 (Science, Health, Social Studies) Topic: The plight of Shoal Lake 40 and how they became an island as they were carved off a century ago for construction of an aqueduct to provide water to the city of Winnipeg. This situation defies logic, an entire generation has come of age in the Shoal Lake 40 First Nation Community knowing only bottled water, while the City of Winnipeg supplies its residents with clean safe drinking water. Despite drawing water from the same source as the City of Winnipeg, Shoal Lake 40 has never had a centralized water treatment facility. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Found inside – Page 268VII GREATER WINNIPEG WATER DISTRICT 1. For approval of the use of the waters of Shoal Lake and the Lake of the Woods , for domestic and sanitary purposes . Not unexpectedly, given the stipulation in the Ontario Order in Council, the Town of Kenora was represented by legal counsel. Shoal Lake falls under special and specific developmental guidelines in order to protect its water quality and unique wildlife. An IJC caveat cautioned that only up to 100-million gallons of water a day could be diverted from the lake for Winnipeg domestic and sanity purposes. Winnipeg, MB R3T 5S3. The second article will deal with the engineering and construction aspects of the aqueduct. Share this story: Next Story. Both men later served as mayors of Winnipeg and were also instrumental in the success of the Administration Board of the GWWD in accomplishing the Shoal Lake project. Found insideThe project flooded Shoal Lake 40 and turned it into an island.3 Today, the aqueduct meets the water needs of the city of Winnipeg, but residents of Shoal ... Apr 29, 2013 Shoal Lake #40 First Nation Position Upheld: International Joint Commission Rejects Winnipeg’s Water Sale Scheme. Province of Manitoba. One of the first construction tasks in the building of the Winnipeg Aqueduct was the laying of railway track to facilitate access to the intake on Indian Bay. The Red River Valley is also the birthplace of the Métis. Among the earlier matters that the Administration Board had to deal with was obtaining permission to take its water from Shoal Lake. An ironic example of this disparity is at Shoal Lake, about two hours east of Winnipeg. Found inside – Page 502Case Study: Kashechewan First Nation Water Crisis Indigenous communities in ... to Winnipeg because the city's drinking water source is in Shoal Lake 40's ... Winnipeg’s Drinking Water Source of Frustration for Indigenous Community. Found inside – Page 338GREATER WINNIPEG WATER DISTRICT . 1. For approval of the use of the waters of Shoal Lake and the Lake of the Woods for domestic and sanitary purposes . This is the group on whose land Gustafson's Lake is located. Seven persons gave testimony on the expected effect on the water level. However, with the source of an artesian well not being “visible,” confidence in a well’s continuing reliability is not high.) While Rainy River feeds Lake of the Woods, it also gets water from Shoal Lake, Kakagi Lake, and other smaller water sources. Communities near Lake of … The Water is pumped from Shoal Lake Ontario to Winnipeg Manitoba. Its hardness was also a major problem for the owners of industrial boilers because the scale build-up caused high maintenance costs. The Shoal Lake community was isolated long ago by the construction of an intake for Winnipeg’s water supply, and has been on a boil water advisory for 18 years. Indigenous efforts over the years to negotiate some kind of deal have gone nowhere. July 23, 2015 Straddling the Manitoba-Ontario border, Shoal Lake 40 First Nation has existed as an artificial island for a hundred years since the City of Winnipeg built a 155-kilometre aqueduct to transport water from its lake to supply the provincial capital. Greater Winnipeg Water District. If you have heard something about First Nation flooding claims on Lake of the Woods, Shoal Lake and the Winnipeg River and would like to know more about what is being considered, your best opportunity to do so is in person is by attending either of our two Summer Meetings. The GWWD Administration Board began its operations with the hiring of William Gregory Chace (1875–1937) as its Chief Engineer. Le présent formulaire ne vise pas à recueillir des renseignements personnels. ... Red, and Souris River Basins that ultimately discharges into Lake Winnipeg and Hudson Bay. Michelle Karlenzig. Found inside – Page 118opinion on January 14, 1914, concerning the application of the Greater Winnipeg Water District for the diversion and use of water from Shoal Lake and the ... 90th anniversary of Shoal Lake aqueduct—first phase was construction of GWWD Railway, Winnipeg Real Estate News, 16 October 2009. Found inside... as will water from the underground mine that is discharged into Shoal Lake. ... 300 cottages on the lake, many of them owned by residents of Winnipeg, ... That would be $276 million in 2019. In his mayoral campaign, he made a pledge of “providing at once for the people of Winnipeg an ample and permanent supply of pure soft water which will forever remove the menace now hanging over Winnipeg of a water famine.” (Shropshire 1994, p. 3). "It's their territory. It is noteworthy that, while Winnipeg was guaranteed the Chairmanship, it did not have a majority position on the governing Board and could not dictate. Gerald Lewis, chief of the Anishinaabe community that lives on the sole source of Winnipeg's drinking water, says it's high time to negotiate compensation. More than 1,200 hectares of the First Nation's ancestral land around Indian Bay was expropriated, including a burial ground that was excavated, to make way for construction of the water intake for the aqueduct that still brings drinking water from Shoal Lake to the city of Winnipeg. Winnipeg: A Social History of Urban Growth 1874-1914. It was put in service in 1919 and cost nearly CDN $16 million. His letter of transmittal to the IJC was dated 25 August 1913, and the Commission began its hearing on 13 January 1914 (IJC 1914, pp. Acts of the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba: Third Session of the Thirteenth Legislature. Source: Manitobans As We See ‘Em, 1908 and 1909. Found inside – Page 347Radha Krishnan Thampi, “City Admits Liquor Link to Shoal Lake Spill,” Winnipeg Free Press, 14 June 1990. Val Werier, “City's Claim to Clean Water Must Be ... ... Shoal Lake Motor Inn. Winnipeg has NO agreement with Shoal Lake for the water. Thomas Deacon’s “menace of a water famine” had been subdued. Source: Winnipeg Water and Waste Department. That was after four years of involvement in the First World War with all its effects, and three months after the City’s population had been severely affected by the Spanish Flu epidemic. Canadian Public Works Association, Manitoba Chapter (CPWA). Source: Winnipeg Water and Waste Department, GWWD #264. The Water Supply of The Greater Winnipeg Water District. One stipulation stated that the GWWD would be required either to remedy or pay damages should the removal of the water appreciably reduce the amount of hydro-electric power that the Town of Kenora could generate with its facilities at the outlet of Lake of the Woods (Water and Waste Department nd, Box 1-I, Doc 19). The limitations on its service area would have had an effect on commercial expansion, and the use of the river water as the source of supply was a detraction. In 1919, Winnipeg began siphoning water from the Manitoba edge of the lake — home to the separate Iskatewizaagegan 40 — via a specially constructed pipe, and has been doing so ever since. But with the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, just as construction expenditures in the range of $7,600,000 were being committed, arranging credit became much more difficult. He was a consistent proponent of that area as the source for Winnipeg (Shropshire 1994, p. 3). 07140203 -- Shoal. One option quietly kicked about in the community is to somehow try to shut off the tap, the chief said. Water resources information from the US Geological Survey: About Water Resources. In the early 20th century Winnipeg was touted as “the Chicago of the North.” Between 1890 and 1910, the population of Winnipeg proper had grown from 23,000 to 132,000, and by 1913 the population of the area that became known as the Greater Winnipeg Water District (GWWD) stood at 215,000. Water entering the aqueduct intake passes through screens before being treated by chlorine on a periodic Since 1919, around 100 million gallons of water have been taken from Shoal Lake 40 by the City of Winnipeg. "It's just something that they don't see, that they don't recognize.". Source: CPWA 2000, page 8. While this accommodation has been happening, Shoal Lake Band 39, whose reserve adjoins Band 40 in the vicinity of the aqueduct inlet, has been claiming payment from the City of Winnipeg for use of water to which it claims ownership. 2000. As I understand, the original agreement that provided us in Winnipeg with water, also ensured that no harm would come to the residents of Shoal Lake 40. Thomas Russ Deacon (1865–1955) was a Winnipeg city councillor when the Shoal Lake water supply was first discussed, later implementing the plan when he was elected Mayor in 1913. A) The City of Winnipeg draws all its drinking water supply from Shoal Lake and is concerned about how zebra mussels will affect water intakes. The water of Shoal Lake was, and remains, of immense importance to the people, the community says in its unproven statement of claim. Drought continues for Lake of the Woods, Lac Seul. They averaged 18 feet in diameter with depths ranging from 46 to 102 feet (Scott 1938, p. 1875). It is a 135 kilometer "aqueduct". That success is a testimony to the administrative and engineering leadership of the. 1918. By: Melissa Martin Posted: 7:58 PM … the year. 11. Found inside – Page 113north ; the great depth of Lake Winnipeg at this point , which I was assured by half ... mould again as we approach Shoal Lake , an extensive sheet of water ... Found inside – Page 300The Greater Winnipeg Water District applied to the commission in 1913 for permission to divert water from Shoal Lake . Since that lake , which is entirely ... Water supply had been an issue in Winnipeg civic politics for many years before the decision to use Shoal Lake. Winnipeg's drinking water comes from Shoal Lake, which is part of the Lake of the Woods. Construction features of the water works of the Greater Winnipeg Water District. ^ Shoal Lake 40 celebrates start of on-reserve construction of Freedom Road. Another “outlet” is the aqueduct in Shoal Lake that provides water to the City of Winnipeg. A 19 km (12 mile) branch was added in 1960. He used that knowledge, together with the concept of an inter-municipal corporation modelled on one that had started in England, to assist the two cities and the municipalities in coming to an arrangement. The structures near Rome were simply a means of maintaining the necessary gradient for the operation of the conduit. Aqueduct Construction Scheme: What it Is, What It Means. Shropshire, L. Mayor Battles Critics. A major concern raised by activists is the possibility of a spill so close to the water supply. The certainty of supply and hardness of the water continued to be an issue for the business community. contact us. Prior to 1882, water was taken from the City’s rivers and delivered to homes and businesses in barrels carried on horse-drawn conveyances. We're still continuing to look after this water for the best interests of the city of Winnipeg," Lewis said. (GWWD minutes, 6 September 1913) Once again, the GWWD Act required that the debt be approved by the Winnipeg voters through a money by-law. Winnipeg's drinking water source of frustration for northern Ontario Indigenous community | CBC News Loaded, Judge dismisses Ontario motion to be removed from Shoal Lake water taking lawsuit, Ontario First Nation fights for compensation for Winnipeg taking water from Shoal Lake, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. For years, the residents of Winnipeg have benefited from the water of Shoal Lake 40 as that is where the city pulled a majority of their own drinking water. (John Woods / The Canadian Press files) Scott, W. M. nd. The Board of Consulting Engineer’s report was delivered on 20 August 1913 and, on 6 September 1913, it was quickly adopted by the Administration Board of the GWWD, which at the same time, passed a by-law to create a debt of $13,500,000. Until the recent completion of Freedom Road, Shoal Lake 40’s access to the mainland was cut off for 100 years by Winnipeg’s water infrastructure located on their reserve; The First Nation has a … However, in a separate initiative, it had also asked the recently appointed, and first, Manitoba Public Utilities Commissioner, Judge H. A. Robson, to recommend a secure system of permanent supply. 1917. The Water Supply of Greater Winnipeg. Mr. Chace, from Ontario, had been previously engaged by the City of Winnipeg as a senior engineer on the construction of the recently completed Pointe du Bois hydro-generation project. However, the Shoal Lake aqueduct’s physical appearance differs greatly from the massive stone structures in the vicinity of Rome which for many people are synonymous with aqueducts. In 1914, Shoal Lake 40 First Nation was isolated from the western part of their reserve on the mainland as a result of the Greater Winnipeg Water District's diversion of the Falcon River. Siamandas, G. nd. Proximity to those wells was the reason for the present location of the McPhillips reservoir, which was also the beginning of the City’s distribution system. However, Ontario did have ownership so permission to take water was also required from both those governments. 1.0 Introduction . In 1907 the Commission received a report from a Board of Consulting Engineers; two were from the USA, including J. H. Fuertes (who later became the consulting engineer for the Shoal Lake aqueduct), and two from Canada. 210–212). Free call. "Back in the day, we were never consulted," Lewis said. Judge Robson endorsed Slichter’s recommendation, and in his report of the same date added that, The advantage of the undertaking should not be confined to mere corporate boundaries. © 1998-2021 Manitoba Historical Society. That expertise had been recognized by Winnipeg politicians. Apart from the higher cost of using Shoal Lake, there was also a concern that despite its purity, the water would still require treatment to overcome coloration from the effect of Falcon River that discharged into Indian Bay. In so doing they were confronted with and overcame unique physical and environmental conditions using creative design, testing and construction processes. "So that would mean if zebra mussels were to make it to Shoal Lake via a boat (or other means) there is the potential for a large population to become established. Found inside – Page 224The Greater Winnipeg Water District is at present constructing an aqueduct from Indian Bay on Shoal Lake , as part of a gravity water supply for the City of ... the Lake of the Woods nearest to Winnipeg. That position was further diminished with the 1914 amendment that gave representation to both East and West Kildonan. basis for slime and Zebra mussel control. "We never made an agreement with the city. Mr. Reynolds had been the Assistant City Engineer in Winnipeg under H. N. Ruttan from 1902 until 1907. Listings in Waterworks Equipment, Railway Ties, Furnace & Duct Cleaning, Transmissions, Clothing Family, Lounges And Nightclubs, Tire Dealers Service And Repair and Windows Winnipeg has been taking this water since 1913 without compensating our Nation. The lake is fed by the Rainy River, Shoal Lake, Kakagi Lake, and other smaller water systems. New York, NY: Stovel Company Limited, Winnipeg. Nineteen hundred and seven was a time of world-wide recession, and a substantial financial commitment had already been made to build a City-owned hydro-electric generation facility at Pointe du Bois on the Winnipeg River. We never signed no rights away with the city," Lewis said. Those residents qualified to vote on money by-laws approved the formation of the GWWD by a margin of 2226 to 369. "For the city, if they had no drinking water, where would they be at?" 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