This includes the sacred design of your Higher Self component which becomes manifest for you to consciously access knowing and knowledge. This book contains question and answer sessions between Essene and the Hathors, in which she probes sacred geometry, power rods and the human fulcrum point. When such of power it's used in a . Simultaneously the Light is expanding, growing daily. The 3rd dimensional illusion, this drama is explosive. This higher essence of light has been building since New Year and carries the vibration of the era of the Aquarius Age. The key to this is accepting our humanness; embracing ourselves as 'perfectly imperfect'. Earth At Point Of Tipping On Axis!! A Pleiadian Message: Anchoring the Essence of Oneness. Pleiadian Star Seed T-shirts ((click here) Dear brothers and sisters, in analyzing this ascension process, I realized, unfortunately, that an intervention must be made, if this process want to speed up its course because . You are being repositioned, moved into a higher space of potential expression of Self as an expanded vibrational wave of light energy has moved within the arena of Earth. Found insideLaura Lynne’s beautiful and compassionate heart shines through every page. This book is both excellent and important, and I highly recommend it to all.”—Brian L. Weiss, M.D., author of Many Lives, Many Masters Change, change, change! The Sun is a mirror to the true brilliance of who you are on a multidimensional level. Sunrise is the most potent time to engage with the Sun’s rays, however anytime during the day will greatly benefit you. This will continue the realignment of the flame’s frequency to transform and reawaken your Heart. We honor your free will and will not come to you without your permission. To activate your pre agreements. Each time you witness the rising Sun these series of imprints from the flame expand the Heart cells multidimensional functioning. Beloved Ones, We are immersed this week in the Pleiadian portal, until May 24, as we have the Seven Sisters in alignment with our Central Sun. Through your Heart connection you can utilize transformative energy to shed further the old shells, which have been encasing you, preventing you from experiencing abundance in your life. These frequency expansions on Earth are creating a sacred synergy with the rest of your resident Universe. Cosmic Messages; Search. Newer Post Older Post Home. She holds the platform for us to move into our enlightenment in this lifetime. A sacred covenant is to be activated. Pleiadian Message a Wake Up Call for the Family of Light. When you choose to witness the moment of the Sun rising above the horizon, the rays of the Sun can penetrate through to you, embodying your Heart cells. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. May 10, 2021 Maryann 0 Opinions Messages major arcana, Nine of Rods, Nine of Wands, Nine's Path, Pleiadian tarot, reversed, Ten of Cups, The Emperor, weekly tarot "The time has come for you to know the truth about the way the world will change in the near future. Greetings today beautiful people of this beloved earth, Gaia. This expansion of the ‘letting go’ energy is designed to create a shedding of the old to support you in moving beyond the misperception of the Ego mind, enabling you to make the transition from operating solely from the mind and aligning more completely to your Heart’s truth. My heart is full of love and gratitude for you and all my brothers and sisters on earth. It takes only one moment in time for you to choose to harness these light frequencies within your Heart. I was out walking in nature. We are the Pleiadian High Council. Even if we are all ONE, as has already been said, for a clearer and more comprehensible understanding, we will explain better. Pia and Cullen. Moments To Shine Together January 2021 . Many people are drawn to the Pleiades star system as have many ancient cultures for thousands of years. The Abbotts paranormal specialists explain that 80% of all men and women born since 1971 are Starseeds or ex- Pleiadians. FreedomAndTruth4All. Beloved ones we greet you, Your Planet is about to enter a next phase of its transition. This flow is carrying the sacred current of communion of God consciousness. Messages from Family of Taygeta (IKAI, AYA, LAKA, NEIOH, AKATU, KABAMUR), Pleiadian Collective, Galactic Federation of Light +++ I will try to . 6 Replies to "Pleiadian Message: Phase of Change" . This expansion of the ‘letting go’ energy is designed to create a shedding of the old to support you in moving beyond the misperception of the Ego mind, enabling you to make the transition from operating solely from the mind and aligning more completely to your Heart’s truth. The Pleiadian High Council on the energies of May 2021. These higher components of consciousness contained in the flame, within the rays of the Sun are designed to support you in your next phase of awakening. If my content resonates with you, please like, share and subscribe so that others may. This is our destiny. This transmission is expanding the energetic frequency emanating from . This resurgence within you is to arise within your collective Hearts. Your planet is being realigned to the vast vibrational flow with the consciousness of the Universe. There is a process that will support you in engaging within these higher elements of light within the rays of the Sun. Your experience may be subtle or intense. Beloved ones we greet you, A profound phase of change is coming onto your Earth in the upcoming weeks. James Carwin serves as a medium who delivers messages from his Pleiadian spirit guide, Deltavash. This compilation of channeled writings features astounding information told from an extraterrestrial perspective. This book is a collection of channeled messages from higher dimensional beings, such as: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, The Hathors, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Quan Yin, and many more. Open up to the light of the Sun by bringing your awareness towards the Sun. This is a reunion, which begins to build in momentum between those of you who are awakened, shifting the energetic dynamic on Earth. This process is a returning, a natural process of moving from the illusion of the Ego mind back to the space of peace and clarity of your Heart. Through choosing to change your reactions to the illusionary aspects perpetrated by your Ego mind you set in motion a new wave of liberation for yourself. You can call our energy forward at any time for support. Christine's Message May 2021 . Beloved ones we greet you,  A profound phase of change is coming onto your Earth in the upcoming weeks. The Pleiadians are here to assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation in the years leading up to December 2012. Bring your awareness to where your hands are connecting to your Heart. The Shell Breaks. Pleiadian Messages for 2021 ~ 2022 148 ⚠️ It Will Be The End Of Energy Companies | The FORBIDDEN Technology of Nikola Tesla 99 Earth Intelligence Report ~ July 2020 93 Continue to move back and forward between the Sun and your Heart cells utilizing this sound until you see, sense or feel a pathway birthing between the Sun and your Heart. For Starseeds: Healing the Heart-Pleiaidan Crystal Meditations, twenty-eight healing meditations open the spiritual seeker to higher consciousness and heal the heart. The first Course comprises a program, or series, of Light Initiations called Language of Light... Christine Day © 2015. This is a must-read. Star Wisdom is a great experience in the discovery of higher consciousness. Read on to learn of the real truths about life and death, God and man, and religion and spirituality. Hello, my fellow Light Warriors! A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council for Valerie Donner May 2, 2021. This frequency light enables you to realign to a higher aspect of your consciousness. Found insideWhen Justin learns to practice compassion, he becomes one with all of creation. Through this adventure, he finds Luminous Mountain and the true meaning of his lifes journey and he realizes that "You are Never Alone". by Jason Shurka - May 12, 2021. You are doing some amazing things of which . Much joy! Place both palms of your hands on your full chest area (your full chest area is your Heart space. Again, I want to reiterate how important your presence . This action by you to meet the Sun with your awareness is you choosing to rebirth consciously by utilize this higher, ‘letting go’ energy held within the essence of the Sun. Continue to move back and forward between the Sun and your Heart cells utilizing this sound until you see, sense or feel a pathway birthing between the Sun and your Heart. We hold our commitment to humanity creating an energetic balance of light on Earth, while not interfering with the playout of drama taking place on Earth. These frequency expansions on Earth are creating a sacred synergy with the rest of your resident Universe. The pearl itself may be beautiful, but it is merely a shell guarding a treasure more deep. This is the time for adventure of your spirit, to take alternate paths to unfold into your destiny and allowing the wheel to turn. The 3rd dimensional illusion, this drama is explosive. a special pleiadian teaching message to the starseeds of new earth, for immediate planetary broadcast… begin transmission… great one, down through the ages, the pleiadians have brought vast amounts of knowledge to earth, assisting humanity in their evolution. These frequency expansions on Earth are creating a sacred synergy with the rest of your resident Universe. Found inside – Page 113The most well-known human to have channeled messages from the Pleiadians is Barbara Marciniak, who has been receiving messages since May of 1988. Pleiadian Portal ~ May 22, 2021. Your Ego mind will want to interfere and make suggestions and will want to assess you and your progress. This is also true for Maryann's other book ("Opalescence"). One of the most important books I've come across during this life of mine :)""Remember!Speaks straight to the heart! Beloved ones we greet you, Your Planet is about to enter a next phase of its transition. This paperback book from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council contains 240 channeled transmissions, and they are broken down into 7 chapters - Chapter 1: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension; Chapter 2: Creating Your Reality; Chapter 3: ... That is because some of it is designed to confuse you and distract you. To understand that you must fulfill the guidance only from your Heart. Lia Shapiro channels the pleiadians, bringing New Messages of Hope, Light and Spiritual Growth. Found insideMind Body Spirit. This frequency light enables you to realign to a higher aspect of your consciousness. This includes the sacred design of your Higher Self component which becomes manifest for you to consciously access knowing and knowledge. This is a natural unfolding process. Thanks to the ever-stunning reporting from James at World News Report Today, which appears to confirm Hatonn's words, that there's a great . Summary: The time has come for you to break the shell of your own encapsulation, to free your inner evolved being from the confines in which you have protected the seed. ?. I am so glad that we found each other. The platform of your humanity, your Ego mind, has placed you in a prison for lifetimes, breaking down your ability to fully experience joy, preventing you from fully engaging within the unlimited elements of your multidimensional expression. To Many Of You That Live In The Light, Our Messages May Seem Repetitive, Though Different Words And Thoughts Come Forth. Saturday, May 08, 2021. Take A Rest From The Chaos February 2021. Soren: I have some time to talk to you, Sharon. Found insideA step-by-step tour through our spiritual home in the Pleiades • Recounts the author’s spiritual trials to reach the highest levels of her soul’s celestial mansion and her encounters with immortal wisdom teachers such as White Buffalo ... They have opened up an exciting opportunity for us to receive the very first program in a series of unique Courses that they wish to teach us. A higher vibrational phase of light is entering and anchoring on your planet. You must have your support team in place and work with your team. Pleiadian June 2021 Message. we've got finally got the cross-ahead because all the hiding locations, bases and laboratories had been revealed and brought down by the Galactic Federation and by the Alliance. Laarkmaa's quote under the above picture addresses the thirteen-day energetic period that we begin on Thursday, 13 May. Only you can choose the way of your Heart by moving back to the pathway beyond the illusion of your human Ego mind and return to your natural state of Being. Mira of the Pleiadian Earth Council . Take a Conscious breath, place it like a soft wind into where your hands are physically connecting to your Heart space (the Conscious breath is a breath taken in the mouth and then released out of the mouth). Many Lightworkers who have incarnated into human souls on Planet Earth at this time have studied with us in the Pleiadies or are indeed incarnate Pleiadains. Take moments during the day to place a hand on your Heart space and take a Conscious breath. As you do this place the sound, EENAH LEANE (pronounced ee nah lee arn) towards the Sun. As you know this doorway will last for more than a week, for the energies will continue to be very present within our Planet, for us to consciously align with them, and integrate the unconditional . When you choose to witness the moment of the Sun rising above the horizon, the rays of the Sun can penetrate through to you, embodying your Heart cells. The plan is for you to simply open into moments of conscious connection within the vastness of your own Heart. Tuesday, June 01, 2021. Take another Conscious breath where you find yourself and let go. By Family Of Taygeta. Christine Day-December 1, 2020 0. A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Found inside​From November 24, 2014, to December 2, 2014, this book was written by Shi-Ji through Peter Maxwell Slattery (“Pete”) in nine hours over nine days. Beloved ones we greet you, winds of change have entered Earth as the vibrational essence from the Covenant continues to evolve and unfold throughout the earth plane. What is essential is to be within the experience of what is presenting within your Heart. We feel your suffering and your anguish. A profound higher ‘letting go’ energy has been released throughout your communities to support you in navigating your way past the illusion of the Ego mind, to support you in shedding the belief systems, the feelings of fear, guilt and shame which has been perpetuating the old cycles of self-sabotage within your life. May 2, 2021. Per Staffan June 4, 2021. It sounds extraordinary, I know, but this is exactly how it happened. P1 or Pleiades 1 are. The Pleiadian Message: A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light - 2012 The control grid is coming down… September 4, 2021 Mira from the Pleiadian High Council & Apollo: Valerie Donner. Christine Day-March 1, 2021 0. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Here is a question posed by one of my readers: First thing I will state, I am not an authority on such matters, yet, I have been brought up as a Pleiadian rather than a Venusian, so tend to adhere more to the spiritual practices of my Father's people, the VaCoupe Family. Know that you are not alone, we the Pleiadians work as part of a Universal team to support all humanity on Earth. Thank you Pleiadians. Your planet is being realigned to the vast vibrational flow with the consciousness of the Universe. Found inside... to receive a message. There is a universal law that we are allowed free choice, and those in higher dimensions may not interfere with our choices. As you do this place the sound, EENAH LEANE (pronounced ee nah lee arn) towards the Sun. Join Cosmic News on fb & Gettr. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet. We are the Pleiadians. Pleiadians - We Are Happy ~ August 24, 2021. This is truly a time of letting go and of allowing our selves to be realigned to the multidimensional purpose of our missions. Mira of the Pleiadian Earth Council 1st of May 2021 Channeled by Davey Greetings today beautiful people of this beloved earth, Gaia. Much joy! Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council. Even if we are all ONE, as has already been said, for a clearer and more comprehensible understanding, we will explain better. All Rights Reserved. Saturday, May 08, 2021. Cosmic News. Bring your awareness to where your hands are connecting to your Heart. Messages from Family of Taygeta (IKAI, AYA, LAKA, NEIOH, AKATU, KABAMUR), Pleiadian Collective, Galactic Federation of . Found insideRevealing the very nature of how evil gets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy, and spirituality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a golden new age. Every thought you think and action that you take is part of the great awakening. Pleiadian Spirituality. I bring you good tidings today from all of us on the Earth Council and from everyone who is working for the betterment of the planet. This is the third in a series of Spiritual, Self-Help books or guides. This third one being the most in depth of the series. The platform of your humanity, your Ego mind, has placed you in a prison for lifetimes, breaking down your ability to fully experience joy, preventing you from fully engaging within the unlimited elements of your multidimensional expression. P1 or Pleiades 1 are. For the next thirteen days, we will be under the influence of MOVING Earth energy, and we are likely to feel both highs and lows in all of our . A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner June 2, 2021 Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Simultaneously the Light is expanding, growing daily. Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner June 2, 2021. As you place your breath, feel see or sense the space opening up, allow your awareness to open further within the space. Found inside – Page 1Bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow shows how the Mayan Calendar is a bridge to galactic wisdom that fosters personal growth and human evolution • Unearths the meaning behind the calendar, its message for modern civilization, and what ... This is such a departure from what you have experienced and may believe, as you have become wired through time to conform to what the outer world dictates. The Pleiadians: The Leader Within. Natalia Alba - Pleiadian Portal - May 20, 2021 Pleiadian Portal . Here's the latest from Apollo on July 26, 2021: "You may find it challenging to grapple with all that is going on right now. 04.05.2021 21:48 Valerie Donner. We witness you as you unfold within the light of your Heart. Found insideThe Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Each time you work within this process you unfold further. Posted by Terran Cognito at 8/23/2021 02:30:00 PM. Christine Day © 2021. Beloved ones we greet you, At this juncture on your Earth there is an energetic diversity building between the play out of illusion and Truth. the data in this transmission is derived from direct pleiadian channelling, from nde's, from professional quantum hypnosis . There is a marked time of Year for all of us on the masses or the drama playing on... 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