I feel Her as the Divine Mother ~ the radiance & splendor of the Feminine Love & Light ~ that I hold precious to my heart. Blessed Jenny Kay. I switched Facebook accounts so it’s hard to pinpoint. In this celebration through Oneness. Luciferianism refers to the same dark groups. I see a thick ray of light coming down to my mother. Kinga Maluszynska from Poland, currently based in Germany. The belongingness which I feel with Her surpasses my ability to comprehend and I could not imagine carring on in this diamention without Her. only ever 10m coins minted. My gratitude to you always you precious Queen of Light..you are “Grand” on the simplicity that is grateful..every cell of my physicality, every one of my emotions and thoughts vibrate from Joy..thank you for showing and gifting all of the knowledge and all of the Love. Trust to continue my ascension process from moment to moment. After doing the different frequency transmissions many times now, I carry the awareness of my higher dimensional self at all times. The basics of numerology and everything you need to know! I discovered you L’Aura like magical gift one day early last fall. Part Of Awakening Feels Like Breaking Down! The body is a vehicle. They have a pivotal role to play in human evolution and the spiritual awakening of humanity. I cannot recommend highly enough to all people, no matter who you are or where you are coming from, to listen to her transmissions and read her written activations ~ you don’t even need to believe that anything can ever change for you in the moment or agree with anything from the mind to have them change your life. My Loves! You showed me and told me the way, to shift from making choices through my mind ~ to following my heart and its guidance! ~~ Years later I moved to the wilderness and got a big dog from the pound, Partner, and was considering returning him. She was with me in the most difficult moments, saving and protecting and advising. Thank you L’Aura! We have decide to call her Our Angel L’Aura Pleiadian; The Queen of Light. Thanking the creator gods the Elohim. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. They have light physical beauty and are born mostly into female human bodies. If You’ve Seen Any of These Number Patterns Then Life’s About To Get Better! Listen closely to her voice, not just the words, and let the vibration take you, into the Great Heart behind the universe. Beloved L’Aura, I am short of words for All You are and All You are doing for us saving and transforming humanity. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is all about vibration,living in pure being NOW,that determines my current reality.Hannah Dickson, Your nightly dispensations have been awesomely wonderful. Words are insufficient to really express the love and appreciation I have for you. ((( ))) Boglarka T. Since I discover on the Ashtar Command page your video “the end of suffering” I instantly changed: no more extreme anxiety. Precious Ones Of My Love! 2018-2020: Time to Get Real! Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. The blog costs are at our expense, advertising reimburse us very marginally so if you like our work and find it useful buy us a coffee clicking the donation button below that will direct you to your PayPal. I had an immediate physical reaction: I felt my own heart like never before and my hands started to tingle the moment she mentioned it in the transmission. my cdu token on lobstr now! Thank Lord for giving us this great gift, Our Angel L’Aura Pleiadian, The Queen of Light. Understand the limitations of the human senses. The excerpt includes a presentation of two consciousness models used by Germane in workshops and books. Eduard Albert Meier, commonly nicknamed "Billy", is the founder of a UFO religion called the "Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien" (Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies) and alleged contactee whose UFO photographs are claimed to show alien spacecraft. With love and light…. Your work is wisdom that can shift the world within with Grace. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. It's easy to identify whether you're a Pleiadian Startseed with these 10 undeniable personality traits. I Am One With my Divine Counterpart. I will forever feel you in my heart, eternally. BUDDHA Was A Fully Awakened Man That Was Self-God Actualized. I am blessed by so many wonderful healing souls and grateful Carolyn introduces me to you. This is often to impart their wisdom or to heal through the retained powers from previous incarnations. We are all Souls having a temporary physical experience. I look forward to more and am soo grateful I found her ✨✨MF, Dear L’Aura, I was only led to you about a year ago, unfortunately I don’t understand English, and still when I listen to your videos or try to read your lyrics I totally feel like it ❤ and even though I barely I understand, I hope your transfers, activations, blessing ect. I was guided to Divine Mother L’Aura Pleiadian on Facebook a few years ago and was instantly in awe and struck by Her immense divine confidence, purity, omniscience and absolute sincerity and compassion allowing me to fully trust into Her guidance which I was confirmed to relay on directly by God. Holding you all in the LOVE of your eternal Glory! Beyond imagination I discovered New Reality and everything set on a place. Althea, I can't prove a blessed thing, but it's my understanding – from the precious little info I've been able to glean – that med beds cure anything and everything under the sun – including growing back missing limbs – within a total of 6 minutes or less (variable) and reverse aging by up to 30 years (still the same person, just physically 30 years younger). What a true blessing and miracle. They Hide Behind Clones And Destroy What You Know To Be Good And Honorable. thank you so much and i still look forward to doing more. Bev Blain, Dear beautiful L’Aura, I am forever grateful to you for your help and love Your transmissions are very powerful, loving, wise and helpful You are very important in my life Much, much love, Marianne Schei Aagdal, Hi L’Aura, The sessions that i have done with you are amazing.They have helped me tremendously in all areas of my life. As I have said on other occasions, Your Presence is a reflection of Love to all souls who find their way to you, May we all remember who we are and awaken to the truth through this mirror and all the mirrors who are finding their way, and remembering who they are and their purpose here. Arrive at me and make something. Friends Of Earth! Found insideWith the clarity offered by Pleiadian Principles for Living, you will learn: To understand the current changes facing Earth and what is to come To activate pre-agreements made to support us in our mission How to use tools and sacred sounds ... To heal ourselves, to raise our frequency from one of despair and fear to one of great inspiration and love, the Pleiadians urge us to rethink and reevaluate our lives: “You shall change, you will change, you must change, because this is ... Starseeds are usually on Earth to complete some kind of mission. You are our main focus. The video contains Japanese translation. All areas of my life have improved & continue to do so. You showed me and told me the way, to shift from making choices through my mind ~ to following my heart and its guidance! Greatfull i found You L’Aura. Also all the body ectasis of light flowing in Divine Meditation. I Cover You With Light! Your transmissions and invocations, and frequency were instrumental in my transformation. facebook @brian.hylander.7 gab @brianhyland7 mewe @brianhyland7 We love you. Thank you L’Aura. Too Many Snares And Traps Are Set From The So Called Puppet Masters In An Effort To Dismantle Your Best Intentions! I tell her I will ask you to come see her. The Shift Of The Ages Where Truth Is The Measure And Nothing Is Upside Down! The differentiation between dreams, which are so unusually detailed now, and awake state, is becoming less delineated- more so each day. Often folks seeded from the Pleiades have a deep desire to please other people so have a habit of repressing their own emotions. Known throughout history as ‘The Seven Sisters’, this star cluster is a relatively young constellation. A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, September 2, 2021. Peace Profound, we love you L’Aura, Jorge and Maria Noda. Found insideHere is information unavailable in any other single source, including: Intriguing insights into the 1947 Roswell crash and the U.S. military's efforts to suppress all public inquiries Detailed accounts of UFO landing sites in South America ... We are here, we have always been here, and we have been here before there was a here. This channeled collection of prophecies from the Star Nations is through the eyes and heart of an indigenous man. There aren’t enough words to express how much healing L’Aura’s Divine Presence has brought to my life. I am a member in all your groups (I believe) & subscribed to your emails & Youtube channel where you keep so many of your magical, healing, uplifting, & soul-searching meditations.You have assisted in so much healing for me, from forgiveness, to self-love, including guiding me (and ALL) to higher states of consciousness! A few weeks in, when I was listening to her transmission “Awakening Your Heart” for the third time, something truly remarkable happened — I experienced this weight in my heart that I hadn’t even realized was always there completely lift and open ~ I began crying in joy and had never experienced something so overwhelmingly powerful in all my life. After the Eclipse, I felt a huge positive shift and started becoming more social again. There is just more to it than we’ve been allowed to know. In Every Waking Dream Or Incarnation On Every Planet And Star Ever Created, There Have Been Avatars Manifested Into Form As Well As Those Unseen But Worshipped. The idea of helplessness has vanished. 5 WAYS TO OPEN THE THROAT CHAKRA FOR TRUTH TELLING, SELF-EXPRESSION & SELF CONTROL, Venus enters Gemini (May 8th) | Here’s Who Needs To Be Careful In Love, 555 Angel Number: The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Harness The “New Beginning” Power of Repeating 5s, 7 Keys Dates in May That Will Bring Trailblazing Energy Into Your Life & Make You Feel Like A Total Rockstar. Iam so very profoundly grateful for the journey through and with the QOL which I bow to. Everything I share is possible because of my mom’s ongoing contact with our Pleiadian Guides. We are not waiting for something outside of ourselves to save us. I am eternally grateful to you L’Aura Pleiadian not only for what you have done for me but also for your essential part in the transformation of all humanity as the Elohim Pleiadian Delegate. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Our Family of Taygeta (IKAI) represents Pleiades to Earth White Hats, and are now helping prep Earth for 5D. Remember This Light Will Remain. It’s about 2 or 3 feet wide and a fiery tube! One time you replied to a comment of mine “GO TO NATURE” …OMG the BEST advice I’ve ever received. Thank you, deeply ❤️❤️❤️ Veronique Baril, Dear L’Aura, I am writing in hopes that many people will benefit from knowing how special You really are, and, the importance of Your Special Mission here. I LOVE YOU L’AURA Susanne La Mer, Haha! She came to help us with the Ascension Process. This Means That They Have Chosen To Become An Aspect Of Divinity That Will Live To Only Serve The Location Of Manifestation. The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light provide this fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. You are TOP POCKET! I cannot thank you enough for sharing the Love and Beauty that you bring to my experience on this Earth now. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Laurie LJO USA-Germany, This is truly heavenly bliss and the best experience of my life – so much love – what a tremendous gift to be a part of – holding you in everlasting love and light – thank you L’Aura. HERE are Some Beautiful Heart Felt Testimonials ~ I will continue to update and add them as they come in. Eternal love and blessings! However the basic concept of good + evil remains true. This is a channeled excerpt from the first 30 minutes of a 12-hour workshop called Galactic Healing & Awakening, held each year during the month of June in Tokyo. L’Aura, you have changed my life and during the last few years my thinking, my soul and spirit have changed. Thank you so much for activating us together with the Counsel of Overseers to the original Light Being , that we are !! Definitely recommend everyone (Pleiadian activation and Twin soul activation). When I first clicked on the transmission, I had no idea what I was listening to and instantly knew this was something truly special. I got peace, I can connect with people from the heart, and I can feel my heart now! Many things happening in the world were foreseen long ago. ( Log Out / Not already because of issues of free will and much manipulation by the negative groups. First of all by getting more conscious of the Light that pervades every thing and by feeling of here delicate Presence on many nights. Pleiadian Commander Hatonn Interviewed Live On Radio January 5, 1992, On Jay Lawrence Radio, Phoenix Arizona KTAR Extraterrestrials Indian in the machine – June 2, 2017 0 Most Bizarre Radio Interview Ever! She has helped my family, and us as well as friends with healing, guidance, the beautiful transmissions that one can feel the pure Blessed Energy inside ones body and mind. Your Special YouTube video’s are a must for everyone, they are incredible “tools” to absorb understand and practice for transcending upward into a newer exciting energetic level of purpose and consciousness… I am indeed blessed to have come across your path. Would have been a more bumpy ride without you! Thank you for the Love you have givn us all .. I am Mikos Today we talk about Summer 2021, and how it is unfolding on Earth's surface. I feel the growth in me took the right way and you understand the way into me, and my problems in all the ways around my life and you show me the most divine road to understand me to get into my perfect path, and I love my life, love all people still, but one way were I get to love me first and be in love Again with me and all that is. All else is temporary + illusion. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. And I thank you very much L’Aura. Elinas Dezouche, =Thank you so much, L’Aura, for your diligence in the guidance of this group….I can only imagine the scores of us you are healing! The excerpt includes a presentation of two consciousness models used by Germane in workshops and books. Your Weekly Horoscope: These Toxic Energies Will Come For You This Week! Most often now, it is normal to forget things right after I do or think them and I am prone to just sitting and being silent. ” — Margaret (Meeyah) Brichant, Atlanta, Georgia. This changed my life and health completely I love and thank you for this L’Aura for your love, your healing is Priceless beyond words!! Advanced ascension symptoms 2020 [email protected] Session One - 10th December 2020. ❤ Rosine O. Sedona, AZ, Beautiful testimonials Your perfumed Sacred Grace blessings ~ awakening us to the wholeness, perfection, holy eternal love light that we are. We must Unite if we are to be free. Her activation videos, blogs, and facebook group have assisted me greatly along my healing journey. Lots of releases during the extra help sessions that you provided with Love. These Moments Must Come. It is so beautiful and filled with Truth. I Love you beyond measure! I have awakened. I started a bit later feeling her activations, and healing energy. Your words and the energy you transmit flow effortlessly and always seem to be in perfect timing. Love U always Jérôme Bones .San Luis Potosi,Mèxico-Quèbec,Canada. In addition to this, I have also received many one-on-one Pleiadian Activations and they have all been so powerful, life changing and healing in many ways; her Transmissions/Activations have helped me find that quiet stillness within. Also called “Nordic Aliens”, they have a Scandinavian appearance, golden hair, slightly taller foreheads, and bigger eyes. A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner June 2, 2021 Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. They include: Millions of Pleiadian Souls have inhabited the Earth since the time of Lemuria. Mary Baldwin, In less than a few months, the energetic shifts Laura has lovingly gifted us in her transmissions, videos and extra help have allowed me to navigate through these intense energies we are receiving right now. Found insideThe Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light--Light beings from the Pleiades--who say it's time now for spiritual growth, ascension, and healing. Message from the Spiritual Realm. I Love You! Much love this activation was very powerful… Whatever the sphere of amenti is its feels fab! How To Use Daily Numerology To Help You Break Free Of Recurring Cycles. ( Log Out / Those who are interested in the esoteric aspects of what I am talking about should research for themselves. This is a must-read. Star Wisdom is a great experience in the discovery of higher consciousness. Read on to learn of the real truths about life and death, God and man, and religion and spirituality. Found insideHuman evolution also unfolds in spirals, rather than the linear progression we call “progress.” Sharing the cosmic wisdom teachings they have received from the Pleiadian group known as Laarkmaa, authors Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird ... Greetings: I am Mira. The "new prosperity programs" will be publicly announced after NESARA is announced. Beloved L’Aura~QOL, I love you, appreciate you and honor you. The video contains Japanese translation. In some very sacred special nights I had the pleasure to feel and see her in Dreamstate. We need the help of people like you! Satan was the alias of a certain negative ET, as other figures in ‘mythology’. I greet you today from the Pleiadian High Council, as well as, the Earth Council. ~Joel Cansler, “Thank You Queen of Light for all the Transmisions you have shared with us all.. A beautiful gift filled with light, love and care which is inherent in You. Each time, the messenger is confused for the message, doctrine is added, and dark forces infiltrate the movement to steer it away from its original intent. George F. Nebraska, US. Pleiadian Starseeds are beings which have had previous incarnations in, or their soul origin is routed in, The Pleiades Star Cluster. Starseeds here on Earth may have lived countless lifetimes already but it may not be in their immediate consciousness until they have undergone an awakening, or they understand that their personal traits and characteristics actually resemble those of one of the various kinds of Starseed. This Can Be As Simple As You Wish. MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year1920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935193619371938193919401941194219431944194519461947194819491950195119521953195419551956195719581959196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025. I love them and go to them often. Earth probes the memories hidden deep within us to reveal our crucial roles in the transformational process unfolding in our times. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I see her resisting. I always look forward to your wisdom you bring to us all so selflessly! This Universe is larger than most can comprehend, and it is FULL of life. Are we actually evolving at all? This entire book is dedicated to the channellings of KRYON, who lovingly describes some of the truly unexpected aspects of what THE NEW HUMAN means, and the coming evolution of our species"--Amazon.com. Telegram Evening Digest September 23 2021, Mind Controlled Gene Expression – Lisa Renee. By annamerkaba on June 23, 2020 • ( 7) Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! These souls have a vital role to play as they help all of the rest of us ascend to the New Earth. * Characteristics of the Three Waves of Volunteers * The Difficulties being Experienced by First-Timers * How the Shift is affecting the ... Often absorbing the emotions of the people around them, this can create energy blockages if not released over a period of time and lead to disease. Together We Must Rise Above All That Is Causing Destruction To The Sacred Planet. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤, Dear L’Aura, I am just noticing the new layout and features of your website. It’s hard to imagine that these are our peers, but you will soon know them face to face. The "new prosperity programs" will be publicly announced after NESARA is announced. Found insideWriting together with Timothy Wyllie, the angel Georgia details the events of Earth’s ancient history during the fall of Atlantis • Reveals, in detail, the devolution of Atlantean life during its society’s decline, the calamities that ... Noted astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow channels the voice of Satya, a Pleiadian goddess. It's easy to identify whether you're a Pleiadian Startseed with these 10 undeniable personality traits. Found insideThe Pleiadian Tantric Workbook assists you with healing relationships. When I heard her voice it went straight to my Soul and triggered a remembrance and a knowing that my mind couldn’t understand. The Pleiadians offered a genetic blueprint for the very first humans on this planet, developing life on Atlantis and Lemuria, as well as the dolphins and whales here on planet Earth today. We are not alone. And we never have been . . . For years we've been taught that human progress has been a long, slow climb from the primordial ooze to hunter-gatherers to empires. But what if that's only part of the story? After this session, the way I felt was like night and day. Your transmissions and invocations, and frequency were instrumental in my transformation. They are also exceptionally good listeners because they genuinely care about their audience and offer valuable advice and guidance. Found insideThis empowering book is the work of a great emerging spiritual teacher. It is filled with tools that you can use to break free of limitations and transform your life. I am so different. Thank you so much, L’Aura, for your presence in my life. mon temps se termine bientot. I now know that fear/ego is the root of trying in “time” and your love and patience have brought me that insight helping me to live in the now. Life is everywhere. Readers may agree or disagree with the authors’ perspective, but they will never get bored while reading this book.” Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Author, Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums, and Other Extraordinary ... Beloved Friends! Thank you so much for all you do to help me ( & all of HUmanity) move beyond limitation & consciously align with my God Self & the Higher Levels of my Frequency, in this, my incarnation! You Are Perfect Within As Your True State Of Being! But how do you spot a Starseed from the Pleiades? As if it was today I still remember listening to her Transmission „The Pleiadian Delegate „Heart“ Transmission. I Just wish to thank u L’Aura you have been instrumental to facilitating further shifts with grace and ease! Remember This, Beloved Ones! Now looking back, after one and a half years later, a lot of fear, anger, frustration has shifted. I love you very much. When I went the for the biopsy. It’s circling around the property and it goes through Partner and then through Dazy and swirls back through Partner and swirls to every single animal we have, one at a time, each time going back to Partner. Their gut perception of things is superior to the majority of the population and they find it easy to comprehend the intricacies and synchronicities of every-day life. Found insideRevealing the very nature of how evil gets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy, and spirituality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a golden new age. after several explorations through life.About 5 yrs ago I had the blessing of a private distant session with you where you revealed to me I had some Seraphic origins/version. Rituals, war + all forms of trauma are multi-dimensional acts which transfer energy from a human victim to another being. I Am Anointed. i know my carbon body growing into solar body. Like you we are fighting for the truth. It is such a GIFT to me to be able to receive healing daily via her audio/written Light Transmissions as well as her Invocations and by gazing at her Sacred images. David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, shocking insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, extraterrestrials, and the universe we share. Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension. Stellar Navigation 1 is the article written by Swaruu of Erra. Numerology to help prepare for post-Shift open contact saw and she freaked Aura for your healing/Pleiadian Activation/twin soul healing have! 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