I don't think we are responsible for anyone's feelings but our own. PS: I haven’t read that poem, but my ears pricked up at the name Derek Walcott as he’s a favorite of my husband but I’ve yet to read any of his work. Please hear something loud and clear: We should always be sensitive to others’ feelings about our choices, but we should never take responsibility for how they feel. When you marry someone, you take on the burden of loving your spouse deeply and caring for him or her as for no other. Others around you are going to live their lives the way they choose. Found inside – Page 170Conclusion us that we are not responsible for the feelings of others—that people get wounded only to the extent that they “allow” themselves to be affected ... Emotional boundaries - mean you are responsible for your feelings and others are responsible for their own feelings. Like if we said "oh I'm not responsible for your feelings" if I hurt a friend with what I did then that would be unempathetic wouldn't it? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There is no normal to emotions or feelings, everyone will have their own emotions and feelings towards a specific thing, That is what that makes us interesting and different. In this book, Meyer blends the wisdom of the Bible with the latest psychological research and discusses: the 4 personality types and their influence on one's outlook, the impact of stress on physical and emotional health, the power of ... Found inside – Page 59For example, your feelings and others' feelings. ... or identifying the things you are not responsible for and giving them to God to take care of. You Are Not Responsible for Your Spouse. Practice saying, "I am responsible." Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. But most importantly, that responsibility is all one sided-- we are always to blame; they never are. That's being mean and petty. This is what they call the people pleaser, at the extreme martyr. Unfortunately, while everybody learns to speak, not everybody learns to … You get to decide what you’re willing to put up with. i have on the other hand seen people be mean to folks and then say hey its their problem im not responsible for their feelings. You always have a choice. Others can attack you directly, claiming that you made them feel bad with your words or actions. Presented in a brilliantly engaging and witty style, this is a unique portrait of the universe of queer thinking. I don't know that any of this wall of text made sense...but I hope it helps. TY for being you and sharing with all of us out here doing our best to be better humans. How Emotions are Connected to Stopping Feeling Responsible for Others. You want everyone around you happy and make yourself unhappy and at the extreme miserable in the process by sacrificing your OWN needs and desires. Not that AT TIMES you help or make a sacrifice. You Are Not Responsible For Other People's Feelings. It's still a mouse. YOURS FREE! They fall within our boundaries. And it’s hard to tell what’s really happening from the short description, but one thought that occurs to me is, what is your intention when you speak up? Our feelings are our responsibility; others’ feelings are their responsibility. A couple of thoughts that came to me…. Please help me understand this, I think he does suffer with some sort of depression or maybe even SADD a form of depression. I know that this topic resonates with so many of you as you genuinely care about others. There is no shortage of examples of people who seem to have it all, … And what one feels responsible for, can vary and depend on many factors. As a Christian, it's your responsibility to manage / take advantage of your influence, always considering its impact relative to Christiandom / the gospel. If you are feeling over-responsible for someone in your life, you are likely picking up some of the slack that they should be tending to. Yes I’ve definitely been guilty of this! God has given us the gift of other believers who can share our burdens and whose burdens we share (Romans 12; Galatians 6:1–10; … When I was talking about it being arrogant, I was referring to my tendency to go way over the top and to fuss about people and really worry about how they were feeling way beyond being thoughtful or kind, and it was done with a sense that they needed me to. I would say that this world perception is responsible for us believing that it is other people who make us feel happy or sad—not ourselves. Found inside... you practise self-care; and you take responsibility for your own feelings and behaviour, but do not think that you are responsible for others' feelings. Argh. I felt like I had to keep the world happy, or at least the world around me, happy. Human beings are social creatures. One can feel a sense of maturity and that they are doing what any adult should do. However, i still found myself to be caring of others feelings byt its nit like put them first. I got that email at the most perfect time. Or is it my responsibility as an adult to understand that the child is being a child? You shouldn't make a habit of saying shitty things to people, though...you still have a responsibility to express emotions in the healthiest way possible. So much so that we feel we must take responsibility for how other people feel, and how they react to us. Sharing our feelings with others is also helpful in managing emotions. 1. Thanks for this great post and heck, let’s be queens of something else, shall we!? They can easily place themselves in the other person’s shoes – being able to experience their pain and happiness. Functional Examples. Honestly, I do what I do for others because it makes me feel good to help…so I guess it would be more selfish than arrogant of me to help as I do. It didn't start out as chomping on the cat for shits and giggles--it only began biting after continued harassment. This workshop will be full of practical tips and how-tos to help make your relationships better, deepen your intimacy with people you care for, and cultivate more love, understanding, and respect between you and others. 3. I know what you mean about them being pissy with you, I find too. I know that this topic resonates with so many of you as you genuinely care about others. Stop Advice Giving. And thanks so much for reading my blog and saying hi!! I shall check it out! Dr. Henry Cloud will show you how to have a helpful and effective confrontation with another person. I am that kind Lisa..but i hae been so different!..smiling , happy So I’m gonna focus on not worrying about what you’re thinking about my post, LOL! There they will meet the one person that will betray them the most.”. Some of you may think that this approach to boundaries is mean and insensitive. I was really bad at this growing up but I am happy to report I am much better now. There are plenty of other reasons in someone else’s life that they feel and act the way they do. Not every HSP struggles with this. Because codependents do not deal directly with their feelings, they develop techniques to lie to themselves about others’ behaviors. We’re hard wired to care what others think. I thank you (once again) for sharing your life lessons with us. It’s our feelings that determine whether we are happy or sad, content or frustrated. I see a lot of people here say how we are not responsible for N's feelings if we have done something that hurts them. Then, you may be feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, or unloved. that dont work either. When we take responsibility for others’ feelings, we are crossing over their boundaries. 1. None of us gets everything we want. There may be other people who will be affected by this decision and by putting it off, you are not helping them. an unhealty life style and disarmony.. Hi Christina, Do you sometimes think you’re responsible for other people’s feelings? Just don't let the person with greater power in a relationship gaslight you into thinking you have more power, and thus more responsibility to "be the better person" regardless of what they do. You … Guilt is your worst enemy, because it is a false accusation. Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens is a workbook that can help. In this book, you'll find new ways of managing your feelings so that you'll be ready to handle anything life sends your way. “Helpful idea”, hmmm…I have been trying to digest this statement. How to Stop Feeling Responsible for Others’ Emotions. As the parent in this scenario, the words spoken by the 5 year old may have caused me to feel hurt, but they're not "responsible" for my hurt feeling. But saying something in anger? 1) Set your boundaries! Very hard. The fact that why I do what I do for others is because I think I can do it better didn’t really come into play until I read your story. If we dare to do something truly horrible like plan to move out? And I completely agree. Please share your stories, your questions, your histories, your fears and your triumphs. Others are responsible for their own reactions, especially the irrational reactions. Found inside – Page 240WHAT OTHERS DO IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY ( AND VICE VERSA ) You can take 100 ... criticizing yourself when others fail in some way , and feeling superior ... If they have a bad day at work? Found inside – Page 158For much of my life, I felt responsible for others feelings and this ... to others most of the time that the feelings are about me, not the other person. You own only your feelings, no one else's. My rule is. And it’s arrogant. If yes, then why not next time just for curiosity’s sake, try not speaking up. I get it but, never thought of it that way. I'm not going to apologize for being unaware that what I did would hurt someone if there's no way I could have known in advance. Found inside – Page 107mon to excuse certain forms of behavior by feelings. ... All these sentences have a hidden meaning: »I am not responsible for my reaction. The others ... Nope – “we can both be queens of something else”. Discussing feelings and issues with others who are working with similar clients can decrease isolation through a process of shared responsibility (Briere, 1989). I do. Hi Joan! A codependent person loses themselves in others. If I did something and someone is claiming I hurt the person when what I did had nothing to do with them I will not apologize. So trying to make other people happy not only causes one to lose awareness when it comes to their own needs and wants, it also causes the other person to lose touch with the role they are playing. My thoughts are probably gonna be all over the place so I'm sorry if it's hard to understand. Thinking of you. What a beautiful poem! Right, but with N's they don't feel emotions and pretend to feel things. Discusses the creation of healthy boundaries and reinforced consequences to help children develop a sense of accountability for their own lives. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when collecting the specimen? A. You don't have to. They can heal, and they can destroy. But if I had no idea about that situation - well, kids in one's family are a very common discussion topic. Imagine a cat cornering a mouse and playing with it. Having a awareness was such a big help—but I still do it all the time! In other words, our beliefs and expectations about a person or event or situation directly influence and, many would argue, cause our feelings. Exactly! But most of the time, this isn’t the case. Found inside – Page 126We get exhausted from feeling responsible for others ' emotions and end up neglecting our ... not guilt or our own need to fix them or take care of them . February 8, 2020. Sometimes I try to help as a peace maker in conflicts that is being boosted by others throwing words and playing the devils advocate I usually try to encourage peace and harmony and end up being accused of being pushy and too nosy.I sometimes wonder if they are right and I come off as Mother Theresa trying to fix the world. Found inside – Page 25And I am not responsible to fix anybody else's emotions, however deeply they ... Her compliance with others' feelings in order to get her needs met causes ... It speaks of so many ego things-insecurity, control issues, anxiety -all in the trick of the mind that poses as love and concern. Try using, “I am not responsible for the emotions of others.” Notice your emotions each day. When examining your guilt, you need to check your feelings of omnipotence. But, here’s the mind-blowing part: Believing you cause other people’s feelings does not make you a kinder, nicer person. Guilt is the one negative emotion that seems to be universal to all survivors of suicide, and overcoming it is perhaps our greatest obstacle on the path to healing. Boundaries in Marriage will help you: Set and maintain personal boundaries and respect those of their spouse Establish values that form a godly structure and architecture for their marriage Protect their marriage from different kinds of ... Filled with charming illustrations, this book will be the friendly voice in your head to counter your negative thoughts, and it will teach you how to finally be at peace with all that you are. Think back to a time when you were listened to and really felt … The folly of this perspective is that, in truth, we are responsible only for ourselves, and our own feelings. 1) Commit to the idea that your partner is not responsible for your happiness Other people need to take responsibility for their own feelings. A lucid report from the cutting edge of emotion science, How Emotions Are Made reveals the profound real-world consequences of this breakthrough for everything from neuroscience and medicine to the legal system and even national security, ... Should be more aware of others people feelings. There is no doubt that everyone is free to express their opinions and feelings. rent of a small appartament which I had to live afterwards.. than they invited me to live by them and since than I am living Words are powerful. Lack of feeling awareness. Love and Light and Joy Always! I realized the arrogance of thinking I can control others and the world by constantly evaluating others thoughts and feelings (from my own filter-may not be accurate) and deciding what is best for them. But the context really matters. Even bad people will have feelings. If we are always trying to keep everyone happy, then we cannot make the choices required to live correctly and freely. Maybe you know the feeling… a manager asks if you can work a couple of extra hours one night. Be Responsible For Their Thoughts & Feelings. Be open to the ideas and opinions of others. Thanks for saying hi! we are responsible for how we treat each other not how others feel. Sympathy is when we feel a sense of care and concern for other people. If someone is personally offended by everything, then they lack control of their emotions and they need help. [00:39] We hear why Vicki is focusing on this topic today. I don't think we are responsible for anyone's feelings but our own. You feel it’s your fault when other people feel bad. Yes it was you friend, but not your daughter. The weight will be lifted and you’ll be able to show up for your loved one AND yourself. A report on the roles of gender, emotion, and power in the workplace counsels readers on how to thrive in emotionally charged business environments and promotes rational behavior during conflicts. Required fields are marked *. [03:10] There are consequences and distorted beliefs that arise from thinking we’re responsible, Vicki explains. Not enough strength, resources or knowledge to carry the load. Does the thing you need encroach on the rights of anyone else? Always a pleasure to hear from you. Very liberating!! Wanting to be liked. They can be used as a guide to forgive oneself for events beyond one’s control. “When he said ‘such-and-such,’ he hurt my feelings.” Many over-responsible people who work next to under-responsible people bear the consequences for their coworkers. Helping you feel calm, confident, and excited about life. You take … The tricky thing about self-esteem is that some people think highly of themselves, but it’s only a camouflage for really feeling unlovable or inadequate. Found insideAfter all is said and done, YOU are NOT responsible for changing anyone but ... Unconditional acceptance of others becomes much easier for those who focus ... I wish I could give you Reddit gold but alas I'm a broke college student but thank you so much this really helped a lot :). Found inside – Page 82These emotions manifestly are not equivalent, and their differences can also ... emotional experiences (we do praise and criticize others for the emotions ... That no one felt left out. “You make me so angry!” is one of the most common phrases or “That person fills me with bad energy.”. Is it because you feel uncomfortable at the discord around you? You'll also find out about our workshops, courses, and more. XOX. I'm not saying you should take out a gun and shoot them as a response to something wrong that they did. Be more “sensitive.”, Me (left) and Jane (click to see Jane’s gorgeous textile art!). Found insideBearing in mind the subjective nature of sex, the book explores cultural concerns around sexualisation, pornography, and sex addiction, as well as drawing on research from sexual communities and the applied area of sex therapy. Our feelings, whether good or bad, are our property. Being an empath is not about having the ability to feel sympathy. You feel ashamed or fearful when you make a mistake. And they always want control, so if they can scare you, make you cry/yell/scream then they're happy. Nice to hear from you:) That is such a good point about people not really being that interested in us anyway! Hi Sally, L. I love your blog helpful and insightful . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the raisedbynarcissists community, Continue browsing in r/raisedbynarcissists. Please help me wrap my head around this. Much peace and love, We can’t determine how successfully we are living our lives by who is unhappy with us. I’d watch my brother and sister and if I saw something I thought would upset my mother I’d try and compensate. It's our job to make them feel better. But if people-pleasing and feeling personally responsible for others’ emotions has always been an issue for you, this four-step process will help: Step 1: Evaluate Your Needs. If you do something like that, you need to get a handle on your anger, and you are responsible for the actions you took based on your anger. 9. The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. Changing our focus changes our lives If we feel responsible for other people’s displeasure, we are being controlled by others. How to not hurt people's feelings: 10 easy tips No one can feel what you feel. Don't assume that how you feel is how other people feel about a situation. ... Don't put expectations on others. One of the easiest ways to hurt someone's feelings, including your own, is to assume that another person should act a certain way. ... Consider what your intentions are in the situation. ... More items... If someone shoots an arrow at you and you cringe, are you responsible for the pain you feel or the cringe you make when you feel the pain? This way, if someone around us does not feel good, we feel responsible and try to do something to make that person feel better, as if we had a formula to solve the suffering of others. It’s such a great question you’ve asked – and something I relate to. I am so glad I read your post and looked up Derek Walcott, Love After Love. They fall within our boundaries. The last episode was 3 weeks ago, he seems out of sorts I said together we are strong and our love will get us through this at least we are ok and love each other, you know I am here for you. Narcissists think they are the only good and worthy people. Serious help. Also how do we tell the difference? The illusion of transparency. The issue is really one of sorting through boundaries and gaining clarity about how we interact with the other. Write it down. It bites the cat because it's scared and desperate. We just ask that you keep the link to our website or give us credit for it, so that others may find inspiration here. Found inside – Page 77You may not be responsible for others' feelings, but you are responsible for what you say and the way in which you do so. Posted August 22, 2019 | Reviewed by Davia Sills My birthday In Feb was so wonderful, he was so loving, his feelings in his card were amazing. Love your wisdom and writing style. If we are always trying to keep everyone happy, then we cannot make the choices required to live correctly and freely. In today’s Age of Outrage we are constantly facing demands to consider other peoples’ feelings before we speak our minds. To add to number 2 a little bit, if it's something that no reasonable person would have been hurt by, I won't apologize - but if the person is otherwise reasonable, I'll agree to not repeat whatever it was. ” to move on alone worrying what I might be thinking of your own needs, and are. Style, this isn ’ t realize is this: you are not responsible for her feelings? couple extra. 'S explain what an individual is responsible for other ’ s even more challenging for us let ’ s the. Perhaps have done myself a favor and explained my ideas around this a little bit more and... Become distorted rights of anyone else ’ s reactions of those around them them feel bad by the and! 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