Thank you. I appreciate you sharing. Ugh. Afghanistan has historically been a major source of lapis lazuli, a deep blue, semi-precious stone that has been mined in the country's northern Badakhshan province for . When I first saw your post about Afghan Lapis I also stopped buying any lapis – yep, done, not in alignment with the energy I want to be putting into the world. Features the cultural and historical treasures of Afghanistan that were smuggled out of the National Museum by guards, curators, and antiquities lovers, who protected them from destruction by the Soviets and the Taliban. I know that artist pigment in the past has had lapis in it , so I did a search to see if they still use it in some paints, and they do! I agree with everything that has been stated here, I do not support this kind of thing, I do not purchase lapis anymore either, thank you Hibiscus Moon for your courage to get the information to us all ♥️.           • Mp3 audio recording and transcript I’ll continue to do mine now as well. KABUL: President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in his visit to Herat has inaugurated Lapis Lazuli Corridor. By halting purchasing I feel In a message to Radio Free Afghanistan, he said only locals were involved in mining in the region. Found insideA "debut novel about a young Afghan orphan and the harrowing, intractable nature of war" With clarity and urgency, Blood and Oil delineates the United States' predicament and cautions that it is time to change our energy policies, before we spend the next decades paying for oil with blood. Monitoring Desk BADAKHSHAN: A lapis lazuli deposit in KeranWaManjan district in the northeastern province of Badakhshan fell to the Taliban after a clash between the security forces and the militants on Monday evening, multiple sources from the province confirmed. We as a collective need to stand against this and say “NO THANKS”!!! Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president now in exile, thought that the abundance of mineral deposits were a . It’s very important not to buy it! Biden Moving . Taliban are after Bactrian gold treasure. His deep knowledge of Afghanistan enables him to range widely and knit together a very coherent narrative with a conceptual clarity that is pretty rare. A great deal of learning is evident here, but Barfield wears it lightly. Thank you, I did not know anything about this!!! Good to know. These include the treasury of trillions of dollars, which is the foundation of every country's economy. Humanitarian Invasion provides a history of international development and humanitarianism in Cold War Afghanistan.           • Mp3 audio recording and transcript Uzbekistan Has Good Reasons To Be On Good Terms With The Taliban. In a ceremony held Thursday in Herat city with participation of government high-ranking officials, representatives from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and foreign diplomats to Afghanistan, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani said: "Today, a very big obstacle against our goal changing . KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan's president has thrown his support behind a push to classify lapis lazuli as a "conflict mineral" after a global advocacy group said Monday that militants — including the Taliban — earn up to $20 million a year from illegal mining of the rare blue stone. An extremely motivating way to start off the course; learn HOW and WHY crystals work by exploring both scientific and metaphysical aspects, forming your rock-solid foundation for working effectively with crystal energy. But Zabihullah Mujahed, a purported Taliban spokesman, denied taxing illegal gold mines in Badakhshan. Such is the dilemma I feel we all face in these turbulent times. Found insideTHE COMMANDO reveals Cameron's life, from young boy and aspiring AFL player, who only missed out on being drafted because of injury, to exemplary soldier and leader. Thank you for sharing HM, this is going to sound really weird but this is one stone I have not been drawn to buy, and I couldn’t understand why even though I did not know about all the drama and the Taliban link, so happy I don’t have any, and now thanks to you sharing this info I can make an informed decision going forward. The Taliban ministry of information and culture has said they have begun efforts to track and locate the Bactrian treasure, also known as Bactrian Gold, discovered four decades ago in the Tela Tapa area of Sherberghan district, the centre of northern Jawzjan province . I want to thank you for getting this information out! Apart from gold, many of these were crafted from precious stones such as turquoise, carnelian and lapis lazuli. Lapis Lazuli is a rich blue semiprecious gemstone found deep in the Sar-i-sang mountains of Afghanistan's Badakhshan province. THANK YOU for always having our backs and providing such important information. Thank you for this.           • Q+A Video segment In addition to gold, many of these were crafted from precious stones such as turquoise, carnelian, and lapis lazuli," the magazine said. the importance of the proper environment and specific tools to have on hand, crystal session do’s and dont’s, protocols and procedures, easy-to-follow full crystal session script, ideas for client aftercare and maintenance, add-on services and highly effective marketing strategies, how to effectively use various types of crystal wands for maximum benefit, detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly create powerful gem elixirs, gem sprays and oils along with specific recipes. Thank you Stephanie for telling us about this – I had no idea, and I didn’t see your 2016 post about this. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks for the info. We buy sustainably harvest Palo Santo and Sage. As a nation, we've been talking about pulling out of Afghanistan for many years. The best-known example is “blood diamonds,” long used to fund wars across Africa. When he joined the Marines, Jeff Clement was not a high-speed, top-secret recon guy. The stone is prized for its rich blue color and used in jewelry and other ornaments. Especially with people like me, who are fairly new to this magnificent world of Crystals. Kudos for having the courage to again address a topic that people have been “mum” about in the past and for being able to admit that you may or may not have all the facts straight. Happy to see there is an alternative source ❤️. Posted by on August 26, 2021 10:01 am Tags: . Access to Afghan central bank reserves has been denied to the Taliban by . Perhaps seeing a rising interest in another market will encourage change. Learn how to influence the correct energetic vibrations to encourage healthy chakras using specific crystal protocols. Afghanistan has done better digging for precious stones such as emeralds and rubies as well as semi-precious tourmaline and lapis lazuli, but the business is plagued with illegal smuggling to Pakistan. 2021. We all need to know these things. I wish I had seen your previous article, earlier. These tips (link above) haven’t changed since 2016. Please keep doing the great work you do, it is greatly appreciated!!           • BONUS: Ancestor Anointing Gem Elixir Oil Recipe pdf. I haven’t bought LL since I read your article, and am grateful for the little bit I have. But traders should not be scapegoated, argues Magnus Marsden. Thank you for bringing this to light! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are a-okay with, I’ve already written an opinion piece on that topic here, feel free to dive in deep and comment there on that, Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties, Correspondences and Meanings, Fouling up Afghanistan’s Lapis Lazuli Mines, Take Back Your Sacred Space | (FREE Printable!). For thousands of years it has sustained the nearby mining villages, whose inhabitants lived peacefully in the mountainous landscape-until the Taliban, known in the region as the Horsemen, came to seek the riches . It seems to be the new norm of sweeping things under the proverbial rug. I purchased a few pieces of Lapis, a couple of months ago, for my own collection and one as a gift. The academy is taught by me, Hibiscus Moon, best-selling author of the book Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work. Thank you for all that you do for our crystal community! Then this lab is for you! Monitoring Desk BADAKHSHAN: A lapis lazuli deposit in KeranWaManjan district in the northeastern province of Badakhshan fell to the Taliban after a clash between the security forces and the militants on Monday evening, multiple sources from the province confirmed. In 2019, the US imported 80 percent of its rare earth minerals from . We can disagree and still be friends. OK, so I’m not crazy. Thank you. Every industry can be part of the . Should Afghanistan’s lapis lazuli be classified as a conflict mineral, it would oblige Kabul to regulate the mines and possibly set up a central bourse to ensure accountability and transparency for each stone, a proposal made by Afghanistan’s former minister of mines, Daud Saba, who resigned earlier this year. The Taliban has focused on the province because of its intact deposits of gold and lapis lazuli. September 23, 2021 12:05 GMT. • Video Class I stopped buying Lapis when I learned about it also. Maybe I’m wrong about this. Global Witness said the Badakhshan mines have also become a “strategic priority” for a local Islamic State affiliate, which emerged over the past year mostly in the country’s east, along the border with Pakistan. Would love your take on this. • Crystals: How Do They Work? Buzzfeed, Vox, fail in more ways than just 'diversity and inclusion' . USA News. I had no idea! sensitive to crystal energies as we are. There are many matters that are not believable to us—monsters, deities, and places that we do not think exist, nor ever existed. Yet we can perceive in Gilgamesh a person like ourselves. This is the story of a man, not a god. The Bactrian treasure was excavated more than four decades ago from the graves of six wealthy nomads in the Tela Tapa area of . much larger than their lapis lazuli trade. You’ll discover how to be a prosperity and abundance magnet while learning practical techniques to focus your attention on your dreams and desires. Of course, not being there in person to witness this, I’ve been going off of the many reports from both media and first-hand eye witness of mineral dealers from that area. Thank you for your work & honesty always. One seller told me that Congo Citrine in particular, or Congo in general. But it does plant seeds – so keep sharing it . The government should not remain silent,” said RaeesKhaliq, an MP. Taliban to track, secure 2000-year-old Bactrian gold treasure: Report. I have posted this on my Instagram and MeWe Crystal Lovers group. It’s sad and disheartening to me!! The report said the Taliban and local strongmen earn up to $20 million per year from the lapis lazuli deposits.(TOLOnews). Perhaps you can post a good solution or idea in the comments below? But let’s please keep the dialogue OPEN on this and not shut it down. Thank you for not only sharing what is going on but also listing alternatives and options! I appreciate all you do in keeping us informed. which crystals you should have in your Basic Crystal Kit and why, 4 easy methods for selecting specifically which stones to work with, • BONUS: Ancestor Anointing Gem Elixir Oil Recipe pdf, • Class Resource pdf, PLUS Chakra Chart and easy, practical related assignments, • Class Resources with easy and relatable assignments, PLUS exercises, Class Resource pdf, PLUS Chakra Chart and easy, practical related assignments, We use cookies to ensure you receive the best experience on our site. By mining lapis lazuli, the Taliban earns at least $300 million per year. The Taliban managed to penetrate the panjshir valley, with its 5000 meter mountains, its lapis lazuli and emerald mines, where the Afghans defeated the Soviet invasion.. This profoundly powerful class will teach you how to use crystals as energetic tools for powerful manifestation. However, due to a lot of unanswered reasons, you may call it a conspiracy, some districts were fallen to the Taliban without any resistance. It was your post from 2016 that brought awareness of this issue to me; I’m grateful every time I see you post about it again. “Afghanistan’s natural resources are the main target for not only the Taliban, but also a big number of other terrorist groups,” Sediqqi said. . Completely agree with your approach and choices around this topic. Very well done blog post…as always! Copyright © 2021. Always happy to do whatever I can. I’m completely with you in that there needs to be much more awareness within our Crystal community and within the World , tbh .. especially now. This remarkable volume of photographs is accompanied by insightful texts from experts on Afghanistan and the Taliban. The images themselves are captioned with places, dates, and Nickelsberg's own extensive commentary. In May 2019, the group briefly took control over lapis lazuli mine in Kuran wa Munjan district. If you’d like my help in steering clear of them you can download my FREE 9 Tips for Spotting Fake Lapis Lazuli pdf! Thanks for the reminder about this. I wish you the best of luck in spreading the word. If it has been transferred (out of Afghanistan), it is treason against Afghanistan," Ahmadullah Wasiq, deputy head of […] This module walks you through our exclusive and highly effective Hibiscus Moon Crystal Therapy Method, with step-by-step procedures for before, during, and concluding a crystal session, breaking everything down into simple, easy-to-follow steps that finally make you feel confident about conducting a crystal therapy session. A new report charges lapis lazuli smugglers with funding the Taliban and ISIS in Afghanistan. It is important to me to be an informed, well educated student (and future crystal practitioner). August 26, 2021 August 31, 2021. Mohammad Yahya Akhlaqi, head of the ministry's transit department said the Afghan cargo received good support and cooperation by the member countries of the Lapis . Creating the best client experience will make YOU their go-to expert. Does Pakistan even mine for lapis?? “Know your sources” is always a good rule of thumb. Take this opportunity for self-care while we embark on a relaxing crystal journey to cleanse and restore chakra energy while bringing your entire subtle energy system into a state of harmony and balance. The socially and ecologically mindful harvesting of our mineral wealth has been a hot topic around the world for years. We need to pay attention to what is behind the curtain. I recently picked up a couple small square pieces that look just like the Lapis from Chili that you showed in the picture. Exciting, huh?! The book examines five major dimensions of the conflict: - Relations between the central federal government and the constituent republics - The importance of ethnic identity in intercommunal relations - The significance and impact of ... Lapis Lazuli Deposit In Badakhshan Falls To Militants. However, the Taliban already have experience in extracting rare stones. Taliban confirmed the news to have begun tracking and locating the 2000-year-old Bactrian treasure which is commonly known as "Bactrian gold". The Taliban now controls one of the world's biggest lithium deposits. I read your original post about it and was shocked. This Lapis is from Chile, show more grey (calcite) and no pyrite… but it’s still the real deal. I am new to the community and didn’t know as much. This provides for an enormous amount of the Taliban's funding and has assisted greatly in making inroads to previously anti-Taliban strongholds like the North. Very informative. Do I think it will have an impact on the Trillion dollar business?, no but it will definitely make a difference in my soul✨and that’s what matters most, Thank you HM for your honesty, truth and courage , Thank you. Much appreciated. It really does make sense to ask where the Crystals come from! Get the scoop on how to infuse more crystal goodness into your life.           • Class Resources with easy and relatable assignments, PLUS exercises. I’ve been reporting on it, researching, and trying to bring attention to this matter for five years: This is a topic I’ve been quite passionate about —. Pomegranates and saffron, the cool beauty of mountains and rocky passes, dun coloured villages and the snow leopard. The Taliban has given its guarantee that they will not allow anyone to use Afghan territory to plot attacks on neighboring countries. I think your account of all this is very true to yourself without putting pressure on anyone, as we are all free to have our own options and our own way of how we deal with any situation , thank you for your news on this it was great reading. ♥ But please do remember to mind my rules from above. The Taliban have long illegally tapped the country's minerals (especially lapis lazuli, a gem) as a source of up to $300 million in annual revenue for their insurgency. The last time I actively bought lapis was the day your first blog came out. There are many inconvenient truths that need addressing and this is one of them! The stories and histories that unfold, interweaving and overlapping, span nearly a quarter of a century and tell of the terrible afflictions that have plagued Afghanistan—as well of the love that can blossom during war and conflict. So today I want to AGAIN, address the topic of the Taliban fouling up Afghanistan’s cherished Lapis Lazuli mines (and that of other minerals too). You also get to view and compare an in-person as well as a distance healing session. Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president now in exile, thought that the abundance of mineral deposits were a curse for his country. August 17, 2020. Taliban replace it with 'vice and virtue' Scholars believe the graves belonged to six wealthy Asian nomads, five women and one man, according to National . I am a seller and have pulled them from sale but not sure what to do with them?? Thank you for shedding light on this situation. The most important of these is the Lapis lazuli, a precious mineral. At least 20 security force members were deployed to protect the deposit but there is no […] Yet there exists an equally thriving shadow economy revolving around precious stones such as emeralds, lapis lazuli, and increasingly from minerals and ores such as … Continued . In this highly experiential and super-fun module, we’ll be interacting with crystals, pendulums, and unseen energies firsthand! Afghanistan has done better digging for precious stones such as emeralds and rubies as well as semi-precious tourmaline and lapis lazuli, but the business is plagued with illegal smuggling to Pakistan. The part you wrote about “taking off a shelf would leave a void” really resonated. At least 20 security force members were deployed to protect the deposit but there is no […] I never knew about the mining situation in Afghanistan. . Many mineral deposits are located in disputed areas between the security forces and the Taliban in different parts of the country. The United Nations has approximated that the Taliban’s mineral income is their second-largest source of revenue. Irresponsible armed people collecting revenues of lapis lazuli mine Karano Manjan district of the province since years, instead of going to government's depleting coffers, according • Video Class They advised that nothing in that land is being done ethically, and the women and children there are suffering. Thank you, HM <3. I too will make a post on my business page and sell what I have left and that will be it. This wonderful beautiful resource is caught in the middle. The report says the government lost at least $17.5 million in revenue from lapis lazuli in 2014 and $10 million in 2015. Yes, there is a huge mineral wealth in Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban. I had no idea. TY for sharing! A big-hearted novel infused with crackling wit, Andrea Busfield's brilliant debut captures the hope and humanity of the Afghan people and the foreigners who live among them. Prosperity and Abundance Crystal Intensive: Ready to give yourself permission to manifest Abundant Prosperity in your life? • Video Class Please take care and be well! Remind my Lapis that I love each one of them unconditionally. I don’t mind a respectful debate at all. Lapis scarab. Thank you! For both certain sellers and for some who wanted to go on blissfully collecting their Lapis and perhaps pretending false ignorance, ignoring + burying their head in the sand gave them a handy permission slip I suppose. Are there any other particular crystals from Afghanistan inquire where my stones are coming from and to those suffering corruption... Precisely how to infuse more crystal goodness into your life for reminding us all about extremely! The region Places to use crystals as energetic tools for powerful manifestation and. Us crystal lovers, I had seen your previous article, earlier the reason I enrolled in your.. 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