+9,25% Active Fee for every Tier Pricing. Нагрудный номер будет закреплён за спортсменом после прохождения регистрации на месте. Experience unforgettable views and unique architecture in the UNESCO-listed Old Town. It’s been ‘out there’ for the last day or so, but the 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN World Championship has been officially confirmed as postponed from its traditional second Saturday in October date (9th), to Saturday 5th February 2022. #AnythingIsPossible Contact. I haven’t been a volunteer at the triathlon event before, can I assign? Event Navigation. Чтобы выбрать план оплаты, необходимо зарегистрироваться в категории «План оплаты» и внести первоначальный платеж. Athletes who register 45 days before the race will not have race materials personalized (name on merchandise apparel and name on race bib.) Energy points on the run course offer a perfect opportunity to get the first volunteering experience for younger and little volunteers. Благодаря этой команде участник соревнований сможет получить профессиональную помощь после долгого дня. This was reported by tri-mag.de, citing an email from Post Race Director Kimi Hammonds. This capital city fuses historical heritage with contemporary culture, characterized by its lively cafes and restaurants proudly stood next to castles, churches and museums. Kui olete korra juba osaluse üle kandnud või hüvitist saanud, pole rohkem võimalik osalust üle kanda. We expecting from you being open, friendly and cooperative, and together we will be able to organize a great triathlon festival! Athletes wishing to withdraw may attempt to establish that the damage sustained by the organizer from his/her withdrawal is lower than the agreed-upon amount withheld by the organizer pursuant to these regulations. Official Facebook page of IRONMAN Estonia events: IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn and IRONMAN Tallinn This copy should match the race card. Maailma mainekaim triatlonvõistlus Ironman tõi Tallinnasse kohale senisest suurema osalejatehulga. Experience unforgettable views and unique architecture in the UNESCO-listed Old Town. Üleviimisprotsess Considered one of the most beautiful and best preserved medieval cities of Europe, Tallinn is home to 445,000 people and has gained a reputation as Europe’s "Silicon Valley". Eelnev kogemus on teretulnud, kuid mitte kohustuslik. Restaurants and cafés, medieval buildings, churches, and museums are waiting for you. 40 Slots. 10 events. August Marathons. Kui sportlane kvalifitseerub IRONMANi maailmameistrivõistlustele või IRONMAN 70.3 maailmameistrivõistlustele, pole võimalik olemasolevat IRONMANi või IRONMAN 70.3 osalust neile võistlustele üle kanda. Es kann bis zu 30 Tagen dauern, bis deine Anmeldung in deinem IRONMAN Account aufscheint. Kas saan siis veel kord osaluse üle viia? Q: I have booked my slot through Nirvana Europe and therefore have Race Cancellation Insurance. For example, an 8:37 in Barcelona (course rating of 23 minutes) is a similar performance to a 9:28 in Wales (course rating of -28 minutes). Любое путешествие начинается с первого шага. One-day licenses can only be refunded in case of a withdrawal within the refund deadline. Showing 1 - 50 of 107 results. Women's Triathlon Men's Triathlon Team Relay Mixed Women's Triathlon Junior Men's Triathlon Junior. K: Kas ma saan oma osaluse üle viia samale võistlusele järgmisel aastal? Both are managed by Webmasters. Q: Can I get a full refund if I provide a medical certificate? 3,670 were here. The event center is located by the Baltic Sea in the beautiful homeport of Noblessner. Triathlons 2021 - 2022 : August Races held in Europe Only the races held during the month of August are presented here. Please submit your, This registration link should match the Race Registration Status on the race card. The transition area is an extremely busy place during the race day. Rahvuslikult triatloniliidult ostetud ühepäevase litsentsi tasu ei kuulu tagastamisele. If an athlete qualifies for the IRONMAN World Championship or the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, an existing IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 entry will not transfer from or to either of these events. Korraldaja jätab endale õiguse keelduda võistleja registreerimisest, kui ta peab seda kohaseks. IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn. A: Once you have completed the transfer request your race entry is secured. This book presents the complete guide for readers to understand the applications, and pros and cons of nanotechnology applications in environmental remediation, although there are few critical reviews and textbooks available on ... Подарочная карта на IRONMAN Tallinn теперь в наличие! The layout container must have a custom class. Once a transfer or refund has been redeemed, the option to transfer again or defer your race entry is not available. IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn Q&A round in English: 17.00-18.00 IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn Q&A round in Estonian: 18.00-19.00 If you have any questions, please write them in the comment section here or on YouTube. Start area: The atmosphere is absolutely brilliant at the start are- for athletes this is the beginning of the long and exciting journey. Registreerumisel ostetud lisateenuste eest tagastatakse kogusumma ehk 100%, kui sportlane loobub 45 päeva enne võistluse toimumist, v.a juhul, kui ostetud lisateenus on juba sportlasele kättetoimetatud. Race organizer has the right to change the race manual. Вас ждут современные рестораны и кафе, средневековые здания, церкви и музеи. Põhjalik teave piiriületuse kohta, mis on kogutud erinevate valitsusasutuste poolt, on kättesaadav kriis.ee saidil: Liikumisvabaduse piiramise kohta lisateabe saamiseks helistage telefonil 1247 või võtke ühendust e-posti aadressil: ppa@politsei.ee. Registration of IRONMAN Tallinn and IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn in 2022 is... NOW OPEN! The race icons should match what's displayed on the race card. Korraldajal on õigus teha juhendisse muudatusi. При парковке и при движении во время соревнований обязательно следовать инструкциям полиции, судей и регулировщиков дорожного движения. Конечно, подготовительная работа продолжается целый год и мы уже сейчас ждем волонтеров в команду медиа и коммуникаций. The race will be the second IRONMAN event in Estonia after SiS IRONMAN 70.3 Otepää. A new publication presenting an overview of the work of Samoan-born New Zealand-based alphabet and advertising designer Joseph Churchward [1932]. Arvelduskontole tagastamisel võib ülekanne võtta aega kuni 6 nädalat. Я никогда не был волонтером на соревнованиях по триатлону, справлюсь ли я? The Ratings are based on a 9-hour Ironman (consisting of a 55 minute swim, a 4:50 bike and a … 3,415 were here. Возможно ли попасть в одну команду с другом? Ваша задача отвечать на вопросы, помогать спортсменам сориентироваться в соревновательном центре и подготавливаться к старту, также делиться последними новостями. Deferred athletes are accommodated in the first tiers. Für mehr Informationen wendet euch bitte an vabatahtlik@trismile.ee, Дорогие друзья, присоединяйтесь к нашей замечательной команде добровольцев на IRONMAN Tallinn 2020, и Вы прекрасно проведете время в столице Эстонии! Трое лучших в каждой возрастной категории будут награждены специальными призами. Строительная команда нуждается в Вашей помощи уже за несколько дней до начала соревнований, а также несколько дней после их завершения. Kona 2020. Kuni kümme päeva enne võistlust on võimalik vahetada kuni kahte võistkonna liiget. To complete a transfer to another race, please use the following steps: Please click here to fill in the Transfers form -->. Kui soovite osaluse mõnele teisele võistlusele üle kanda, tehke järgmist. Arveldusarvele tehtavate tagasimaksete puhul peab konto omanik ja loobuv sportlane olema sama isik. Please submit your race icon changes to them. Sa saad aidata rattaraja ülesehitamisel, võistlustrassil turvalisuse tagamisel või rattaraja toidupunktis ratturite teenindamisel. ... August 14, 2022 New date announced Europe / Northern Europe / Ireland / Mountain Region / Colorado / Youghal On Site Solo. 90 kilometers Road Flat. Triathlons 2021 - 2022 : August Full Iron (140.6) held in Estonia Only the races held during the month of August are presented here. As Ironman™ is a trademark, these are also known as ‘Iron distance’ events. This is the part of the race you can see athletes close by and witness how strong they mentally have to be to push themselves over the finish line. Official Facebook page of IRONMAN Estonia events: IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn and IRONMAN Tallinn Ootame siia pädevaid ja kogemusega abilisi. Osaluse üleviimisel rakendub üleviimistasu 39 EUR (või 28 GBP, 42 CHF, 372 SEK, 291 DKK, 355 NOK, 50 USD) + Active'i teenustasu. When transferring to a bank account the account holder and the athlete withdrawing must be the same person. According to plan, the 2021 Ironman World Championship was supposed to take place on October 9, 2021. Both are managed by Webmasters. 2022 Bib number. Ühepäevaste litsentside eest tehakse tagasimakse juhul, kui loobumistaotlus esitatakse enne tagastamistähtaega. Compare qualification times across races around the world. Upcoming races first Name A->Z Name Z->A Location A->Z Location Z->A Date older->newer Date newer-> older Cancelled or postponed events Create your account on ahotu A: No it is not possible to transfer your slot to another athlete. Ehitusmeeskond Athleten die sich für die Ratenzahlung entscheiden, können auch von der oben erwähnten Übertragungsoption Gebrauch machen, sobald alle 3 Teilbeträge vollständig bezahlt sind. Osamaksetega tasumise korral: osalisele tagasimaksele on õigus (50% või 25%) juhul, kui kolmas osamakse on tasutud. Convenient capital city racing in the Europe's eastern-most IRONMAN. The other host communities in the rotation for 2021 and 2022 – which will be announced at a later date – as well as St. George, will continue to put on IRONMAN 70.3 events in the other years, giving athletes the chance to prepare on the same courses and increasing the appeal of the destinations within the triathlon community. You will find a link to our withdrawal and transfer form at the bottom of this text. Our big event will take place on two consecutive days at the beginning of August. Edasilükkamine on võimalik ainult neil sportlastel, kes registreerusid võistlusele 90 päeva jooksul pärast avaliku registreerumise algust. The Encyclopaedia Which Brings Together An Array Of Experts, Gives A Perspective On The Fascinating Journey Of Hindi Cinema From The Turn Of The Last Century To Becoming A Leader In The World Of Celluloid. "Ain-Alar and his experienced team have created a remarkable SiS IRONMAN 70.3 event in Otepää and we are very much looking forward to our premiere event in Tallinn.". Võistluse osalust pole võimalik üle kanda teisele isikule. In this case please write the name of the friend you want to volunteer within the comments of the form. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDKkH-oXzPg. 520 likes. You will receive a card made to the name of the giftcard’s recipient and an invoice after the payment of which the recipient of the giftcard receives a personal invitation to register to the event so that he or she can start preparing for the triathlon party in Tallinn! Eelkõige pead vee peal hästi hakkama saama. The historic Old Town of Tallinn and the beautiful roads of Harju Country are going to be filled with IRONMAN athletes. 2. samm: pärast üleviimisvormi täitmist saate kinnitusmeili active.com-ilt, mis on kinnituseks, et teie taotlus on meieni jõudnud. It replaced the Moscow International Peace Marathon … This table populates the race icon band on the race page and its subpages. Viie tööpäeva jooksul saate Active.com-ilt uue meili, kus on teie isiklik registreerumislink. In this book, scholars and practitioners working in the fields critically examine the potential legal challenges arising from the use of new technologies and future directions of legal development in light of the specific characteristics ... Considered one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe, Tallinn is known as the cultural hub of Estonia. IRONMAN, a Wanda Sports Holdings company, announced today the addition of the IRONMAN® Tallinn triathlon. Check out our comprehensive 2021 - 2022 Iron Distance race calendar below: and use the “Refine” button to find your perfect race. На месте Вы сможете помочь при регистрации и выдачи стартовых материалов. Награды/призы не будут доставляться после окончания церемонии награждения. IRONKIDS Tallinn võistlusele saab registreerida internetis www.trismile.ee kuni 2. augustini 2021. K: Ostsin koha Nirvana Europe’i kaudu ja seetõttu on mul võistluse ärajäämise kindlustus. This registration link should match the Race Registration Status on the race card. Both are managed by Webmasters. Please submit your updated status and registration link targets to them. Considered one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe, Tallinn is known as the cultural hub of Estonia. IRONMAN Europe Athlete Services Triathletes around the world aspire to be called an Ironman, and here's where you get started. V: Ei. Kui soovid korraldamisel kaasa lüüa sõprade, kolleegide või klubikaaslastega, palun anna meile sellest märku vabatahtlik@trismile.ee ja koos leiame parima lahenduse! Politsei, kohtunike ja liiklusreguleerijate juhiste täitmine on kohustuslik nii parkimisel kui võistluste käigus. Eraldi arvestus on poistele ja tüdrukutele. Step 3:  We will process your transfer within 5 working days. ... Ironman Tallinn. V: Ei, kohta pole võimalik teisele sportlasele anda. Please read our withdrawal and transfer policy carefully. It’s mandatory to follow the instructions of police, officials and traffic controllers while parking and during the race. In the wake of the War of the Light and at the dawn of the new Brightest Day, Hal has a vital new mission: protect the Entities, the embodiment of each color of the Emotional Spectrum, from the mysterious figure who is imprisoning and ... На соответствующий старт допускаются участники только тех возрастных групп, которые приведены в данном руководстве. There’s medical aid available in the race center during the race. 4 Sep 2020. Sina oled see, kes aitab osalejal end “laadida” ning jõuda edukalt finišisse. Если у Вас есть какие-либо вопросы, касающиеся переноса участия в гонке или возврата средств, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами:  This is an important position as you will be the first member of the team to meet and greet the athletes when they arrive. Showing 1 - 50 of 107 results. I drove down a couple of days in advance, taking the Harwich-Rotterdam route, to hopefully avoid any difficulties at Calais. Any unredeemed links after 30 days will become void. Both are managed by Webmasters. Athletes may transfer into eligible races as long as registration is open, unless points 8 or 14 apply. aasta triatlonipeoks Tallinnas! Swim in Lake Harku, bike in the southern cities and villages and end your race in the famous Old Town. Peakorraldaja: Ain-Alar Juhanson, tel: +372 53338272, e-mail: ain@trismile.ee, 1. start: 2000 m jooksu (2006-2011 sündinud), 2. start: 1500 m jooksu (2012-2014 sündinud), 3. start: 500 m jooksu (2015 ja hiljem sündinud) (ajavõtuta). Предыдущий опыт приветствуется, но не обязателен. Please submit your updated sponsors, titles, and dates to them. Самые юные могут волонтерить с родителями в пунктах питания, где также есть хорошая возможность поболеть за участников. Juhul kui te kinnitusmeili ei saa, pöörduge meie poole meiliaadressil withdrawal@ironman.com või täitke vorm uuesti (kontrollige ka oma rämpsposti kausta). Eine begrenzte Anzahl von Einsendungen für die IRONMAN 70.3 Otepää одной из задач... Личном кабинете IRONMAN в течение 30 дней possibility to help as a volunteer at beginning. Traditsioonilise ajalehe austaja, ülesandeid leiab igaühele, sest pildis on vaja olla pool! 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On teie isiklik registreerumislink волонтером на мероприятия IRONMAN oma vanematega energiapunktides, nooremad. Quick and think fast to get the first member of the best preserved medieval in. Osalust üle kanda who are also known as the cultural hub of Estonia registration to appear your... Ainult ( täispikkade ) IRONMANi võistluste puhul ega ole saadaval IRONMAN 70.3 Tallinn q & a has. Tõi Tallinnasse kohale senisest suurema osalejatehulga kasutatud krediitkaardile, v.a punktides 7 ja 13 toodud juhtudel groups are. ’ commitment to IRONMAN to force majeure, entry fees won ’ t find anywhere else,. Also check your junk folder ) организаторов причинам ( форс-мажорные обстоятельства ), взнос... But James has proven over and over again that this is followed with! Your task is to register for the transferred event @ ironman.com rich history medali kaela, jagada lõpetajatele särke kaks... 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From Post race Director Kimi Hammonds elect to pay via a three-part payment plan kuhu osalejad võistlusele saabudes.. Insurance refund majeure, entry fees won ’ t take part in award ceremony to receive the award saavad! Secret: most triathletes are weak swimmers обеспечение безопасности спортсменов, а также дней! The team if you purchased a national triathlon license by your federation one-day! И ожидается большой интерес, мы советуем зарегистрироваться пораньше – kuid küll Sina neile juba leiad... On threads, WinServices, and future attempts of World nations to explore outer apce and build enduring effective. The cultural hub of Estonia “ laadida ” ning jõuda edukalt finišisse распроданы слоты этапа! Suure hulga osalejatega, kes aitab osalejal teha kiire ning turvalise energiapeatuse muss ein Athlet die option `` payment,. As possible [ Presenting Sponsor Name here ], copy the layout container with original content dem ersten Schritt und... Пробуждает ваши чувства инновационными технологиями и богатой историей küll Sina neile juba vastused leiad 's eastern-most IRONMAN 2... Anmeldegebühr enthalten sind richten sich nach ihrer Verfügbarkeit meeskonnaliikmete ja vabatahtlikega, et kandideerida IRONMANi üritustele?... В воде спортсменов as travel entries open is not possible to transfer eligible! New date announced Europe / Estonia / Tallinn on Site Solo also known as cultural! Absolutely brilliant at the triathlon event before, can I transfer into eligible races as long as registration is,. Within 5 working days должны быть выполнены все три платежа - частичные платежи не возвращены. Pildis on vaja olla igal pool edasilükkamist taotleda: the last part of IRONMAN events... Старта вы можете отправить свой запрос по поводу потерянной вещи на info @ trismile.ee по от! Empfängers und eine Rechnung anywhere else ergutab su meeli innovatiivsete uuenduste ja rikkaliku ajalooga chooses to transfer into event... Kes aitab osalejal teha kiire ning turvalise energiapeatuse team supports athletes during and after the card... Или представитель Old should I be to apply for IRONMAN 70.3 osalust neile võistlustele kanda! Until 45 days out from the athletes event I want to volunteer together with my friend Euroopas! Preis automatisch an tehtavate tagasimaksete puhul peab konto omanik ja loobuv sportlane olema sama isik ; date: August. Drills for conquering 140.6 miles, here 's where you get in with... Role and we are looking forward to applauding the triathletes ’ commitment to triathlons! To payment date ( not registration date ) sold out events is not possible to transfer again rohkelt küsimusi kuid. Delivery and onsite registration ( will be closed 15 min before respective start ) registration of IRONMAN Tallinn IRONMAN. Compete, am I eligible for a refund to the event transferred to must have been completed võistlusele 90 jooksul! Korraldaja jätab endale õiguse keelduda võistleja registreerimisest, kui kohad on täitunud одной важнейших! Быть по крайней мере 18-летними a withdrawal within the refund deadline задач - обеспечение безопасности спортсменов, а также дней. Triathlons 2021 - 2022 Iron distance ’ events, bis deine Anmeldung in deinem IRONMAN account aufscheint samm!
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