Users can get information about fruits, commercial varieties of fruits, name of varieties, their salient features, recommended areas for growth, ecological requirements, etc. Other details like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode … 4,000 crore (US$ 551.08 million) was allocated towards implementing Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY-PDMC). Users can view agricultural statistics by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. One of the greatest problems of Indian agriculture is its growing indebtedness. The rural people are borrowing a heavy amount of loan regularly for meeting their requirements needed for production, consumption and also for meeting their social commitments. Thus the debt passes from generation to generation. Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy. Home Top 10 Countries - Economy National Income National Accounts Statistics National Accounts Statistics (Methodologies) National Accounts Statistics (1980-1981) - Methodology 02. According to FAO estimates in ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2020 report, 189.2 million people are undernourished in India. In view of the importance of reliable estimates of crop production, the States should take all necessary measures to ensure that the crop cutting surveys under the General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES) are carried out strictly according to the prescribed programme. Raising agricultural productivity per unit of land: Raising productivity per unit of land will need to be the main engine of agricultural growth as virtually all cultivable land is farmed. The rates used to apportion the areas of constituent crops of major crop mixtures should be fixed for the recognised mixtures at sub-district and district levels and updated periodically. Indian Agri exports is likely to reach US$ 60 billion by 2022. degree in the stream of Agriculture, Agro-Forestry, Horticulture, Sericulture, Forestry, Agricultural Marketing or an equivalent degree with 60% of marks from a recognized board. Textile and clothing sector is one of the oldest industries in India. Agricultural yield of food grains has increased by more than four times since 1950-51, and was 2,070 kg/hectare in 2014-15. September 21, 2021 Send to friend Save Share. One can check year wise agricultural statistics just by clicking on the provided links. 23,562 crore (US$ 3,211 million) to Rs. INTRODUCTION 1-4 1.1 Genesis 1.2 Terms of Reference 1.3 Composition 1.4 The Approach II. Between April 2020 and February 2021, the total value of processed food products exports was Rs. Nestle India will invest Rs. Agriculture Census in India. 19.48 lakh crore (US$ 276.37 billion) in FY20. Therefore, the problems of farmers cannot be addressed by the band-aids of higher minimum support prices and cash transfers. The programme of Forecasting Agricultural output using Space, Agro-meteorology and Land based observations (FASAL), which is experimenting the approach of Remote Sensing to estimate the area under principal crops should be actively pursued. Under Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PM FME), an outlay of Rs. To boost farmer incomes and growth of the agricultural economy, the Indian government released funds in June 2021 for farm mechanisation such as establishment of custom hiring centres, farm machinery bank and high-tech hubs in different states. India is expected to be self-sufficient in pulses in the coming few years due to concerted effort of scientists to get early maturing varieties of pulses and the increase in minimum support price. References: Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Department of Commerce and Industry, Union Budget 2021-22, Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Press Releases, Media Reports, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Crisil, *as per 3rd advance estimates, PE- Provisional Estimates, Note: Conversion rate used in February 2021, Rs. India has the second-largest arable land resources in the world. GVA from agriculture, forestry and fishing sector India FY 2012-2019 Gross value added from the crop industry India FY 2012-2019 Area of cultivation for food grains in India … The new policy aimed to increase India’s agricultural export to US$ 60 billion by 2022 and US$ 100 billion in the next few years with a stable trade policy regime. Users can get information on policy re-orientation, recent initiatives, major policy goals, asset reforms to empower farmers, support services, special categories of farmers, etc. The agri export from India is likely to reach the target of US$ 60 billion by the year 2022. India. Gross Value Added by agriculture, forestry, and fishing was estimated at Rs. Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s population. IRREGATED INDIA An Australian View Of India And Ceylon Their Irrigation And Agriculture|HON, Loose-leaf Version For Using And Interpreting Statistics & LaunchPad For Using And Interpreting Statistics|Eric W. Corty, Solid Waste Engineering|Debra R Reinhart, Hamlyn Pocket English Dictionary|Hamlyn Details of varieties of crops are also provided. Top 33 Agricultural Statistics(Agriculture)Colleges In India by Fees, Ranking, Admission and Placement. The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) should establish a Statistical Cell either independently or within Market Research and Planning Cell (MRPC) with sufficiently trained statistical personnel to undertake comprehensive analysis of survey data and aid the decision-making process. With 20 agri-climatic regions, all the 15 major climates in the world exist in India. 1. A review of the number of centres, methodology, sample size, the existing schedule and questionnaire, etc. Data available from surveys conducted under schemes like Improvement of Crop Statistics (ICS) over the years should be used for deciding the crop mixtures and their ratios. India is the sixth largest shareholder in IFC with a 4.01 percent stake. Found inside – Page 153INDIAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OFFICE BEARERS , 2006 President Executive President Sessional President Dr . Mangala Rai Prof . Prem Narain Prof . About Ministry. The atlas also provides methodological details and guidance on utilisation of atlas for locating watersheds. [7] However, as seen in Figure 6, India’s yield is low when compared to countries such as China, Brazil and the USA. Related Links. Already a member? As per the 2014 FAO world agriculture statistics India is the world's largest producer of many fresh fruits like banana, mango, guava, papaya, lemon and vegetables like chickpea, okra and milk, major spices like chili pepper, ginger, fibrous crops such as jute, staples such as millets and castor oil seed. Applications are invited for the post of Young Professional. Timely Reporting Scheme (TRS) and Establishment of an Agency for Reporting Agricultural Statistics (EARAS) scheme should be regarded as programmes of national importance and the Government of India at the highest level should prevail upon the State Governments to give due priority to them, deploy adequate resources for the purpose and ensure proper conduct of field operations in time. This pocketbook presents, at a glance, selected key indicators on agriculture and food security, and is meant to serve as an easy-to- access and quick reference for all stakeholders and partners involved in policy formulation or decision ... Login / Retrieve Password, Copyright © 2010-2021 India Brand Equity Foundation, All material, information, data, images or content on this website is subject to copyright or other applicable intellectual property laws and no part of it can be reproduced in any form (including paper or electronic form) without prior written consent and approval from IBEF. By ranalyticalsolutions • Posted in Year / State-wise • Tagged 1981, 1982, Agricultural Statistics India, All India Agricultural Statistics 1980, All India Cotton Production Years, All India Rice Production Years, All India Wheat Production Years, Rice Production. This is the factual information about the Indian Agriculture Sector. Need for mechanisation was specially felt with the advent of Green Revolution in 1960s. Users can get details related to cost of production, trends in market prices, inter-crop price parity, international market price situation, effect on general price level, etc. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Agriculture in India" and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. The Vehicle Scrappage Policy, launched on August 13, 2021, is a government-funded programme to ... Overview Evolution of the Indian pharma industry began in the 20th... A foreign trade policy provides a set of guidelines that help a country achieve its domestic pr... Join now. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. For FY22, the government has set a record target for farmers to raise food grain production by 2% with 307.31 million tonnes of food grains. India, being trade-surplus on commodities like rice, meat, milk products, tea, honey, horticultural products, etc. Outlook brings to you today news from India along with top headlines, current news and live updates on politics, national issues, Covid pandemic in India and news from the states India is largest milk producer, ranks 2nd in vegetables and fruits, 3rd in fish production, 4th in egg and 5th in poultry production in the world. The Indian food processing industry accounts for 32% of the country’s total food market, one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. It uses the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, math, statistics, biology and economics and business management. With significant interest from the investors, India ranks third in terms of agritech funding and number of agritech start-ups. Providing comprehensive information about India’s agricultural sector, this latest set of agricultural statistics from the Indian government includes a wide range of data—crop production and productivity across states and regions, ... Agriculture is the main source of income for 65% of families in India. 1991 - 2019. Indian Agriculture Industry: Market Drivers. Investment worth Rs. Arrangements should be made for storage and speedy transmission of forestry data through Information Technology devices. Detailed information on farmers’ insurance, agricultural storage, crops, extension activities, seeds, pesticides, farm machineries, etc. The Census Monitoring Board should be revived to oversee the Agricultural Census operations. India has one of the world’s largest network of government, semi-government and private organizations for collecting and reporting various agricultural, climatological, hydrological and economic statistics. Detailed information on the Marketing Research and Information Network (MRIN), construction of rural godowns, marketing reforms, Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), strengthening of agricultural marketing infrastructure, grading and standardization, etc. Users can find detailed information about the PGS India. September 21, 2021 Send to friend Save Share. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. The Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI) should be entrusted with the task of developing appropriate methodologies for filling up the remaining data gaps relating to estimates of mutton, pork, poultry meat, and meat by-products. Indiastat is the most comprehensive e-resource of socio-economic statistical information/data of India. 17,072 crore (US$ 2,327 million), Spices: 11.5% from Rs. 2 hours ago View more . Modelling repeated measures with multiple endpoints. India is the second largest producer of wheat and rice, the world's major food staples. Samanta, S., Paul, R.K. and Roy, A. The nine-fold classification of land use should be slightly enlarged to cover two or three more categories such as social forestry, marshy and water logged land, and land under still waters, which are of common interest to the centre and States, and which can easily be identified by the patwari through visual observation. This book presents the first comprehensive account of the history of economic growth in modern India. As per WTO’s Trade Statistics, the share of India’s agricultural exports and imports in the world agriculture trade in 2017 was 2.27% and 1.90%, respectively. Focused attention should be paid to the proper organisation and management of the Cost of Cultivation Studies. The outlook for Indian agriculture and farmers. Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) a government owned insurance company and development finance institution under the ownership of Ministry of Finance, Government of India that offers yield-based and weather-based crop insurance programs in almost 500 districts of India. Find the Watershed Atlas of India by the Soil and Land Use Survey of India (SLUSI). Gross Value Added by agriculture, forestry, and fishing was estimated at Rs. Crop Loans. 4.1 Agricultural Land by use in India 19 4.2 Percentage Distribution of Gross Cropped Area 20 4.3 Changes in Share of Area under Major Crops 21 4.4 Number and Area of Operational Holdings by Size Group 22 4.5 South West Monsoon Rainfall (1 Jun- 30 Sep.) 23. Information collected through General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES) and the scheme for Improvement of Crop Statistics (ICS) should be compiled to generate estimates on various inputs such as fertilisers, pesticides, multiple cropping, etc. The agencies designated for the collection of information on marketable surplus and post-harvest losses of food grains should be provided additional manpower, wherever necessary, for the conduct of these surveys. One can check year wise agricultural statistics just by clicking on the provided links. Site Owned By : Special Data Dissemination Standard Division, Directorate Of Economics & Statistics, Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. Users can get state-wise Handbook in English and other regional languages. In view of the unavoidable nature of the divergence between statistics from the two sources – land records and State Forest Departments – because of different coverage and concepts, the two series should continue to exist; but the reasons for divergence should be clearly indicated to help data users in interpreting the forestry statistics. 75,000 crore (US$ 10.73 billion) by 2025 from Rs. Table 93: State-wise Average Daily Wage Rates in Rural India (Men - Construction Workers) 11 kb: 113 kb: Table 94: State-wise Average Daily Wage Rates in Rural India (Men - General Agricultural Labourers) 10 kb: 113 kb: Table 95: State-wise Average Daily Wage Rates in Rural India (Men - Horticulture Workers) 10 kb: 113 kb Need of Data by Operational holding. Efforts should be made to design, develop and maintain a comprehensive database on plant protection for effective long-term uses. Efforts should be made to reduce the diversity of agencies involved in the fieldwork of crop cutting experiments and use as far as possible agricultural and statistical personnel for better control of field operations. India has the largest livestock population of around 535.78 million, which translates to around 31% of the world population. 5,860 crore (US$ 799 million), Non-Basmati Rice: 132% from Rs. There should be a concerted effort towards better organisation and management of the Livestock Census operation through comprehensive training of the field staff and regular supervision over their work by both administrative and technical personnel. The survey design for estimating production of marine fisheries should be modified taking into account the current distribution of landing sites and the volume of catch at different sites. The government has set a target to buy 42.74 million tonnes from the central pool in FY21; this is 10% more than the quantity purchased in FY20. India is the largest producer of … These crops together account for nearly 87 %of Agriculture output as per report of All India Agriculture Statistics. Details of Events, Visualizations, Blogs, infographs. Agricultural Statistics course is a 2 year full-time postgraduate agricultural course. It also contributes a significant figure to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Agriculture Loans For Farmers: The following is all about Agriculture Loans in India. India is largest milk producer, ranks 2nd in vegetables and fruits, 3rd in fish production, 4th in egg and 5th in poultry production in the world. In May 2020, Rs. In India, agriculture contributes about 16% of total GDP & 10% of total exports. In the case of the North-Eastern States, Remote Sensing methodology should be used for this purpose after testing its viability. Methodology & Phases of Data Collection. These agricultural schemes are beneficial for the farmers and that they should realize it so on take its benefit. The post of the Agricultural Census Commissioner of India at the Centre should be restored and should be of the level of Additional Secretary to be able to interact effectively with the State Governments. Share of agriculture and allied sectors in gross value added (GVA) of India at current prices stood at 17.8 % in FY20. Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute. Agriculture Informatics Division, National Informatics Centre, Ministry Of Communication & IT,Govt. Indian agriculture is food-grains centric. In November 2019, Coca-Cola launched ‘Rani Float’ fruit juices to step out of its trademark fizzy drinks. Among the 38 crops, Paddy plays a pivotal role in enhancing the total production of food grains in the state. The Growth Rate of the Agriculture Sector in India GDP grew at the rate of 1.7% each year between 2001- 2002 and 2003- 2004. The alternative methodology should be tried out on a pilot basis before actually implementing it on a large scale. The Farmers' Portal of the Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmers' Welfare is a platform for farmers to seek any information related to agriculture. Open Government Data Platform (OGD) India is a single-point of access to Datasets/Apps in open format published by Ministries/Departments. Some major investments and developments in agriculture are as follows: Some of the recent major Government initiatives in the sector are as follows: India is expected to achieve the ambitious goal of doubling farm income by 2022. Providing comprehensive information about India’s agricultural sector, this latest set of agricultural statistics from the Indian government includes a wide range of data—crop production and productivity across states and regions, ... 1. The patwari and the primary staff employed in Establishment of an Agency for Reporting Agricultural Statistics (EARAS) should be imparted systematic and periodic training and the fieldwork should be subjected to intensive supervision by the higher-level revenue officials as well as by the technical staff. The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare is the coordinating agency of the Central Government in all agriculture related matters specially issues concerning agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, dairying, fisheries, training and skill development, research & career development in agriculture sector as well as farmers welfare. That proportion only relatively recently has been declining from levels that were fairly consistent throughout the 20th century. The discrepancies between the two sources of data namely, Livestock Census and State reports with regard to data on fishermen, fishing craft and gear should be reconciled by adoption of uniform concepts and definitions and review of these statistics at the district and State levels. Traders registered on its platform until February 2021 vital role in enhancing the total production of principal crops India! Modified crops will likely improve the recording of area & production of principal crops in is... Families in India is developing into an open-market economy, yet traces of its rural households depend... Price ( Rs. a cent per cent sample of villages imports, India ranks second worldwide in output!, Civil services etc., facilitating multiple cropping and thereby increasing production 2020-2021. Nearly three-quarters of India is going to increase public health spending to 2.5 % of total... To friend Save share, Spices: 11.5 % from Rs. 6.6 %, occupation, etc )... 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