This blog is a component of a project we are working on regarding the communication challenges that think tanks have in conveying complex research to diverse audiences. Jeb Bush. Indiana voters are much more likely to favor charter schools (66%), rather than oppose such schools (16%). – A Think Tank on K12 Education,” ... Teachers aren't being heard in education reform policy debates, but they should be, writes Professor Jeff Henig, guest-blogging for Rick Hess on Search; Menu Menu; ... Ladner has written numerous studies on school choice, charter schools and special education reform and coauthored the Report Card on American Education: Ranking State K-12 Performance, Progress and Reform for the American Legislative Exchange Council. Works collaboratively with several other news organizations. If you believe free markets can solve all educational woes, this is the place from which to build your arguments. Social care plan ‘a clear improvement’ on current system but leaves key problems unresolved, says IPPR. Reform think tank responds to school opening announcement. Click on any organisation’s name to see their website, ‘About us’ page, jobs vacancies page, Twitter handle, address and year of founding.  The Rand Corporation has an education division doing lots of large scale studies, “Bringing accurate data and objective analysis to education policy.”  A decent resource when they publishing anything on assessment. Utah: Parents for Choice in Education EPI believes every working person deserves a good job with fair pay, affordable health care, and retirement security. Dollars for these activities come from dues payments, which the state is required to deduct, by law, and send to unions. It’s about educating people on the issues. As part of a coalition that we helped found—and in the face of intense opposition from defenders of the status quo—we lobbied Congress to vote for the Murphy-Booker amendment to the Senate’s ESSA bill that strengthened accountability and directed more money to low-performing schools. We are exposing what’s not working in public higher education systems across the country. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By Enrique Mendizabal. This is an objective organization that attempts to do its work without trying to support positions. The group uses professors from around the US to do original research, and more often to reexamine the research of others to evaluate the quality of research that is being used to drive educational policy decisions. A few useful assessment articles can be found here, like “Using Student Progress to Evaluate Teachers:  A Primer on Value-Added Models, by Henry I. Braun, found at Complete List of UK Think Tanks. The result is that under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states much address inequalities in the assignment of teachers and work to ensure an equitable distribution of great teachers for all students. CHILD USA is the leading national nonprofit think tank working to end child abuse and neglect in the United States. A good read:  “Error Rates in Measuring Teacher and School Performance Based on Student Test Score Gains”, at QandO looks at old school organizations (MSM and politicians, among others) dipping a toe in the blogosphere and notes this:. Education Sector is an independent think tank that challenges conventional thinking in education policy. They have a staff of policy analysts that are often coming out of journalism, but as I read their commentary, they feel like reporters and not promoters. Call the Center for Education Reform at 1-800-521-2118 for more information or check these resource pages frequently for updates. The Foundation for Excellence in Education is a conservative education reform think tank founded by former Florida Gov. As an expert in a certain policy area, they may be called upon to testify to Congress. We’re here to help keep reformers honest and defenders of the status quo on their toes.”   Chester Finn is the President of the Board of Trustees. Florida: Step Up for Students Two staffers for the new group were eagerly shaking hands of Tea Party activists while asking them to fill out a survey about their perception of the Dodd Frank Wall Street reform law passed last year. By promoting its policy proposal in an election year, Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales (ASIES) helped put large-scale educational reform on Guatemala’s national agenda. Consider the position, the rationale and whether their voice really presents those they claim to serve. eye on the news Education Reform That Works ... (MI), a leading free-market think tank.  points out that none of the NCLB four school improvement processes have any basis in school reform research. Ted Purinton and Amir ElSawy at the American University in Cairo have set up a blog for the project where they will keep us updated of their progress. This was another project out of U of Arizona and was originally edited by Gene Glass. CER commissioned a poll to find answers to those fundamental questions and found that while Americans lack a clear understanding about the nature, purpose and “charter” of charter schools, they solidly support several of the key principles that govern charters. Education reform, a traditionally contentious policy issues in America, is one that has gotten short shrift in the current race for the White House. Largely overlooked in surveillance studies, the area of This page includes a pretty good brief summary of value added, but one must read it with a few caveats. The aim of the Education Policy Institute is to raise standards in education through rigorous data analysis, research and the exchange of information and knowledge to help inform the public and hold government and decision-makers to account. Grover Whitehurst, formerly the controversial head of the US DOE Institute for Education Sciences, is central to this workgroup. We play an active role in co-leading coalitions in Colorado, Louisiana, New York, and Washington, DC that mirror those at the national level and that succeeded in ensuring their state’s ESSA plans met high standards for accountability. It lobbies for profit-making schools, and great private sector involvement in education. We were a lead advocate behind New Jersey State Senator Teresa Ruiz’s (D-Newark) groundbreaking teacher tenure reform legislation. The Ad is just one of dozens run throughout the year to solidify the union’s base. This tension highlights an interesting area of study for those interested in issues of surveillance. Found inside – Page 135... educational reform and improvement, the Grattan Institute is consulted. The Centre for Independent Studies, a conservative think tank currently running ... 53% of respondents would prefer additional resources for their school.”, While a majority of respondents would support additional resources for their schools, support for an alternative school choice option rose eight (8) percentage points in two years. Found inside – Page 125The Education First Task Force found that leadership was “an indispensable ... For instance, the independent North Carolina think tank, the John Locke ... Students for Ed Reform (SFER): Catharine Bellinger puts college career on pause to create group that gives college students a voice in the reform debate. We … The unions, as well as school boards and others in the establishment also have a captive audience for literature distribution, in meetings and in local and community events. Found inside – Page 351... Prime Minister Iulia Gillard enlisted Tom Bentley, whose work for the UK. think tank DEMOS underpinned many of the Blair government education reforms. I recommend searching their publications online and reading articles of interest to you. Found insideWhen Linda Brown, one of the essayists here, led the Pioneer Institute in ... as just producing excellent and influential education reform research. That’s just one illustration of the kind of advocacy battle that ensues nationally. “Getting Teacher Assessment Right: What Policymakers Can Learn from Research” by Patricia Hinchley, 2010, comes out of NEPC and can be downloaded from This book brings together 21 of those reviews, focusing on examining the arguments and evidence used by think tanks to promote reforms such as vouchers, charter schools and alternative routes to teacher certification. Georgia: Center for an Educated Georgia You can imagine these have published countless articles and publications on education. Sometimes a state think tank weighs in with position papers and research to help. Additional national and state resources include: National Organizations We are sounding the alarm on the moral imperative to reform America’s higher education system and developing new, groundbreaking high-school-to-higher-ed policy ideas so that ‘free’ college programs are also high-quality and focused on degree completion. ( View the data on a map .) Creating school choices require ongoing education of and support from those who are in a position to make change — the lawmakers. Half of sexually active students have never had a test for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) 22 July 2021 by Michael Natzler. Its researchers have studied the impact of various assessment models for many years, and are scholarly authorities that look at how assessment designs impact results on students. Found inside – Page ixPrior to joining the Education Reform and Innovation team at the Faculty of ... Director at the HEAD Foundation, an education think tank in Singapore. Found inside – Page 118Responses to the Political and Corporate Takeover of Education Arthur T. ... think tank and influential broker of convergent education system reforms. The education think-tank believes that the delay is affecting education reform in the country. On a television set up at the booth, a video played on loop claiming Wall Street reform is an “unconstitutional takeover of the U.S. economy.” We are guiding state policymakers, advocates and political candidates around the country on what a quality ‘free college’ policy should look like. This book recommends a mix of approaches to health education improvement, including those related to oversight processes, the training environment, research, public reporting, and leadership. The Centre for the Study of Market Reform of Education is a London-based education reform lobby group (think tank).. is the website of the Thomas B Fordham Institute. Consider the state wide advertisement run against New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican, and Senate Present Stephen Sweeney, a Democrat, who are advocating for a bill that would give the poorest residents in their state attending failing schools scholarships to attend a private school of choice. The Commission on School Reform was set up by privately funded think-tanks, Reform Scotland, which has strong links to the Tory Party in Scotland, and Centre For Scottish Public Policy. Some of their work is useful, but even I find them at times a bit too knee-jerk in their commentary. The use of value-added measures of teacher effectiveness in Policy and Practice.”   It should be one of the first articles to read—it discusses the New York City model which is making news these days. Most recently, ERN’s report on Massachusetts –. Education reform, a traditionally contentious policy issues in America, is one that has gotten short shrift in the current race for the White House. Found insideThis book offers practical solutions to real-world problems like outdated staffing models, declining enrollments, and increasing special education costs, along with frameworks for tackling other tough resource-allocation challenges.” ... Ohio: School Choice Ohio Most Americans — even most of those who follow politics closely — would probably struggle to name a think tank or to explain precisely what a think tank does. We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to achieving measurable impact in education policy, both by improving existing reform initiatives and by developing new, innovative solutions to our nation’s most pressing education problems. The council’s “Education Reform Report” says it is intended to help DeVos and Trump map a path toward change. Education Next is a propaganda outlet for corporate education reform policies such as charter schools, school vouchers, and merit pay. Found inside – Page 81Many organizations, including the National Educational Association (NEA),—the professional organization for teachers,—and the think tank Council for Basic ... Because parents and citizens respect their schools and turn out for events related to issues of education, advocates against education reforms often have an easier time getting their message across. Think tank hires UA education researcher. Here’s a good sample from multiple authors:  “The Promise and Peril of Using Value-Added Modeling to Measure Teacher Effectiveness.” At, Your email address will not be published. Education reform backed by the wealthy ... the Regents Research Fund team makes up a little-known think tank within the education agency. CHILD USA engages in high-level legal, social science, and medical research and analysis to derive the best public policies to end child abuse and neglect in America. Even today, uttering the name "Michelle Rhee"-the city's first schools chancellor appointed in 2007 after a major shakeup in the district-still evokes heated reactions from local residents. Reform describes itself as independent and non-partisan with an aim "to produce research of outstanding quality on the core issues of the economy, health, education and law and order and on the right balance between government and individual." This book presents the evidence. Drawing on the work of the nation’s most prominent researchers, the book explores the major elements of these reforms, as well as the social, political, and educational contexts in which they take place. The National Education Policy Center (NEPC), a university research center housed at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education, sponsors research, produces policy briefs, and publishes expert third-party reviews of think tank reports. Washington, D.C.: D.C Parents for School Choice We are dedicated to making our public services better and smarter. We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to achieving measurable impact in education policy, both by improving existing reform initiatives and by developing new, innovative solutions to our nation’s most pressing education problems. Thus in every state, school choice advocates must vie for attention and space on private dollars, which, while generous, are just a fraction of what the unions pay. We lobbied Congress to fix the problem that students of color and students from low-income communities are often taught by the least experienced, qualified and effective teachers.  Educational Testing Service. From their website: “The mission of the National Education Policy Center is to produce and disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed research to inform education policy discussions. Albert Cheng, an assistant professor of education reform, is a senior fellow at a faith-based think tank where a research team is looking at how schools shaped students now in their late 20s and 30s. a continual effort to modify and improve the institution of education.  The Center for American Progress is a liberal think tank covering many areas, one of which is education. On a daily basis, literally dozens of groups are stationed in state halls, school district meetings and even the nation’s capital, working to influence the adoption — or dissolution — of school choice programs. The story of New Orleans' path from failure to revolution is fascinating, but, more importantly, it reveals the true role of power, whose full effects normally cannot be observed, because power has a 'second face' that is hidden and ... The United States' failure to educate its students leaves them unprepared to compete and threatens the country's ability to thrive in a global economy and maintain its leadership role. The 2020 U.S. News and World Report Best College ranking list is out. Home - Coalition for Cannabis Policy, Education, and Regulation. By contributing their research to this platform the think tanks are reaching a wider audience for their ideas and policy recommendations. Congress must take swift and bold action in order to preserve and, where necessary, reform public higher education, reinvest in social mobility, and offer education … As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, donations in support of MI and City Journal are fully tax-deductible as provided by law (EIN #13-2912529). If you’re a social studies, sociology, or economics maven, this is a great site for progressive commentary. Found inside – Page 58Similarly, the authors of the nonpeer-reviewed report from the private think tank The Thomas Fordham Institute confused difficulty with rigor when they ... Conservative think tank that looks at public policy issues such as the federal budget, missile defense, crime, education ,energy, government reform, health care policy, technology, national security, social security, and more. The new law overhauls the state’s antiquated tenure law, replacing it with annual evaluations to ensure only effective teachers remain in the classroom. Please see their website for more detailed information. Found insideThis book will be of interest to educational leaders and staff developers, educational researchers and policy makers, in the US and internationally. It is a common evaluator of Federal programs across a spectrum of health, family. NEPC also hosts the Education Review, which is a free, online educational policy journal—one of the first peer-reviewed journals on the Internet. We identified and analyzed the extent proposed changes to the federal state and local tax deduction (SALT) would undermine public education funding. A look at how "school choice" turned children's lives around in a tough New York neighborhood describes the lives of those students who have flourished under the system. 15,000 first printing. Tour. New Jersey: Excellent Education for Everyone “Among the findings in a report presented today to the Indiana State Board of Education, 41% of Indiana respondents would prefer a private school choice program or the ability to transfer their child to another public school if enrolled in a public school on academic probation. In the statewide sample, there is a sizeable gap between those who favor school vouchers (66%) and those who oppose (24%) school vouchers, equal to 42 percentage points. The established groups are well-funded and ubiquitous. Quality of Education? They summarize, and occasionally sponsor excellent research. While the article here is a cautionary tale done for the USDOE, the group also advises states on the development of value-added assessment models. Think tank Center for Market Education proposes ways to reform, modernise Malaysian tax framework July 28, 2021 - by admin PETALING JAYA: The Center for Market Education (CME) has outlined the need to reform and modernise Malaysia’s tax framework to … O ne of the most peculiar, and least understood, features of the Washington policy process is the extraordinary dependence of policymakers on the work of think tanks. Policy Careers an Option for Law School Grads. Found inside – Page 11I think as soon as we get back to Washington next week , we'll be ... For several years the Institute has advocated market - based education finance reform ... Found inside – Page xivJian Li is the assistant professor in China Institute of Education and Social Development, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University. You are likely to find several items of interest here.  The National Center for the Improvement of Education Assessment is an excellent source for scholarly work on assessment. For economic reasons ECE is used as a revenue… From their website: The Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a non-profit, non-partisan think tank, was created in 1986 to broaden discussions about economic policy to include the needs of low- and middle-income workers. Reform is established as the leading Westminster think tank for public service reform. Historically, polls always show that Americans embrace the basic ideas of choice and competition. Education Policy. Most states where school choice is hot have active groups. Feels like a middle of the road group—no obvious political leanings. Our work is a subset of a larger project organized by GDNet. Found insideIlluminating the struggles and triumphs of the emerging educational justice movement, this anthology tells the stories of how black and brown parents, students, educators, and their allies are fighting back against systemic inequities and ... Think Tanks are groups of Inside-Out alumni (both incarcerated and non-incarcerated) and faculty who meet regularly on a voluntary basis at a correctional facility. We exist not just to create fresh ideas but also to work with a new generation to make them a reality. Many state think tanks have robust education reform centers, like the Reason Foundation at the national level, or the Heartland Institute in Illinois, whose School Reform News also has the pulse on everything education. He worries that the current partisanship in the … The think tank providing a new perspective on education and skills. These expert assessments provide the public, policymakers, and the press with the information needed to make informed judgments about the value of the conclusions drawn and recommendations made in the reviewed reports. Government proposals for ‘cap and floor’ would help thousands of families avoid catastrophic care costs.  The Hoover Institute at Stanford is a very conservative, free market policy think tank that includes an education work group. After a half-a-century of school reform, a majority of Americans consider the public schools as worse today than when they attended school. Some of their recent polling results include: Indiana From their website:  They offer  “Authoritative reporting on a wide variety of topics, from pre-school through adult education.”   Includes several blogs, research reports, case studies, and publications. Found inside – Page 155HEIs in Cambodia are classified into three basic categories, the royal academy, university, and institute or independent specialized school. While that consensus creates great opportunities, it also carries the risk of groupthink. Rosalind Franklin and the discovery of the DNA molecule (Women in Science PODCAST) It noted that Ghana's education sector is in the middle of an education reform that is … Pioneer Institute’s document library holds 30 years of fact-based, timely research on how to achieve world-class schools, affordable healthcare, a reliable public transit system, an attractive economic climate, and so much more. "The book is, in part, the product of the May 2004 Cato Institute conference, 'Looking Worldwide : What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries'"--Introd. He’s relatively well-known for his policy writings. Privacy Policy   |   © 2021: Center for Education Reform. They have not been shown to be effective anywhere, and they ignore the research on effective schools. We are guided by the belief that the democratic governance of public education is strengthened when policies are based on sound evidence.”. They are also seeking to moderate the pension burdens by increasing the contribution of public workers.  Education Sector describes themselves as “an independent think tank that challenges conventional thinking in education policy. The group has been involved in the evaluation and/or design of assessment systems in many states, including New York. This volume, in stark contrast, meticulously studies the road ahead, seeking out tripwires, pitfalls, and boulders, making it a must-read for anyone who hopes to avoid total Common Core disaster.” —Neal McCluskey, associate director, ... admin. For example, in taking note of drops in SAT scores over the years, they use the drop as a demonstration that NCLB has failed. In Washington State, we partnered with Representative Frank Chopp and Representative Pat Sullivan to deliver $18.5M in new money to the State Need Grant program that helps low-income kids pay for college, and advanced a bill that would add $970M per biennium to the K-12 public education budget. We succeeded in securing funding to replicate and expand high-quality public charter schools, one of President Obama’s most enduring legacies on education reform. Found inside – Page 29At each teacher think tank meeting participants give updated reports of the ... Conscientious teachers challenge education reform because the typical reform ... Its editorial board consists of the members of the Koret Task Force, the education task force of the conservative think-tank the Hoover Institute.Although it purports to be free of ideology, it frequently takes the conservative point of view. Advocacy need not be political. Arizona: AZ School Tuition Organization Association About PPIC. Are you interested in supporting the magazine? The heroic stories of 9/11 are … Indiana: Institute for Quality Education For example:   Does Teacher Professional Development Have effects on Teaching and Learning? NCLB’s Ultimate Restructuring Alternatives: Do they Improve the Federal Education Funding. He does contribute to the blogs at, and made waves recently when he and Linda Darling-Hammond actually agreed on something. You can imagine these have published countless articles and publications on education. Here you’ll see quite a bit of general information on value added based on the EVASS model from Bill Sanders in Philadelphia schools. Education Reform Now Lexington Institute. This one is very readable:  “Can teachers be evaluated by their students’ test scores? Read more from this blog. With support from the sexual health charity Brook, the Higher Education Policy Institute is publishing Student Relationships, Sex and Sexual Health Survey (HEPI … According to Berner’s CV, she has served as an academic advisor for the Center for Education Reform, a right-wing think tank funded by the Koch donor network that advocates for charter schools, and she also currently sits on the editorial board of the “Journal of School Choice. San Diego is hostile to education reform because city leaders avoid school issues and “the teachers’ union wields considerable influence” in San Diego Unified School District, a think tank is arguing in a new report. We connect academic knowledge of diplomacy and strategy with the people who use it. He’s a sociologist and statistician, once working for the National Center on Educational Statistics. We are also tireless watchdogs on alert to turn back efforts to weaken state ESSA plans. Their funders are listed on the website, and include a range of foundations who have supported educational initiatives for many years. Found insideEducation reform has become part of a political imperative in a number of developed countries, including the USA, Japan and the UK. This book questions why this reconstruction occurred at the same time in different places and asks, what ... Reason Foundation’s nonpartisan public policy research promotes choice, competition, and a dynamic market economy as the foundation for human dignity and progress. Aaron Garth Smith is the director of education reform at Reason Foundation, a non-profit think tank advancing free minds and free markets. Betebenner, D.  2008, “A Primer on Student  Growth Percentiles.”. ASIES: Reforming education in Guatemala. ... business and think tanks. Founded: 1884; Overview: Britain’s oldest think than and founders of the Labour Party, the Fabian Society is a (soft-left) socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism through democratic reform. Found inside – Page 17Two groups that played important roles in this work were the Reform Party and the Fraser Institute . The Reform Party worked with independent think - tanks ... Reform is an independent, non-party think tank whose mission is to set out a better way to deliver public services and economic prosperity. You’ll never see progressive commentary here, but some blogs do attempt a reasoned analysis of current issues. Hispanics for School Choice We were the primary group involved in developing the ASPIRE Act, authored by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Johnny Isaacson (R-GA), which will spur some of the nation’s most selective colleges to improve access for low-income students and devote funding to help boost completion rates at schools that serve disproportionately high numbers of low-income students. Academic knowledge of diplomacy and strategy with the legislators that need to understand them help learner! Support positions they attended school do attempt a reasoned analysis of current issues educational initiatives many! Hit post-2010, with reduced office space Michael Natzler from dues payments, which the state is required deduct. ”, at best, minimal improvements in Student performance at a price! Health, family U.S. News and world Report best College ranking list is out ranking is!, they may be called upon to testify to Congress page and look for the of. 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