Jenna Middleton is a grade 10 teen mother. Dave and Alli are finally happy, until she hears news from Ms. Oh. She is a drama major and helps Alli meet other people in Johnnyâs dorm and collect different clothes and a wig. She slowly realizes her suspicions about Jenna were false, and gives friendship with Jenna a try. Alli tells her she has seen a mean side of Drew, and Jenna asks if she's over him. In Spiderwebs, Alli shows up at Clare's house with two coffees. Alli has disappeared and Sav and his parents are on a search for her. At Clare's Alli is preparing for the dance and talking to Jenna about how happy she is for a break, to relax and be away from school. During graduation, she is in the bathroom with Clare, when she tells Alli that she thinks she might have cancer. In Still Fighting It (2), she bought Drew at the bachelor's auction. He gets angry when Alli reveals she told her friends about when he hurt her, and he decides not to go the dance. Alli tries to apologize again, but Leo gets mad and slaps her across the face. She informs Madame Jean-Aux that Clare is at an appointment after she announces that two students are missing. ", (To Clare) "Oh... so I guess judgy Clare is back...", (To Clare) "Just because you kissed Eli on the lips, doesn't mean you have to stay with him forever! Alli talks about her problems to him, and he, in turn, gets her to have some fun by taking her to a pool, where he usually goes to clear his head. But Alli's hoping Drew can be her boyfriend. Leo says she has his word and Alli tells him not to let her down again and Leo agrees he won't and kisses her hand. She is seen waking up in the morning and forgot to do her homework the night before. Dallas and Alli are both in the student council and participate in the welcome back assembly. Leo says he can't get help without her and he also mentions that he's "broken" and begs her to "fix him". Alli asks Leo to make a promise that if he gets upset he will talk to her because if he abuses her one more time she explains that she's gone and he will get no more chances. Alli says yet, and their relationship is formed. Eli says he can't believe Clare didn't tell Alli and walks off. A few days later, Alli is surprised to see Clare in school looking happy. Alli says she's loves Dallas's mum and hopes to take her to the spa next time she's in town and she also reminds Dallas they have her dad's birthday dinner the next day. looks on, uncomfortable and Alli laughs behind him. In Drop the World (2), Clare decides to break up with Eli. Alli begrudgingly notes his stubbornness and allows it. ("You make it sound like cough syrup.") They both graduated in the Class of 2006. Alli and Dallas say they are partners when Drew turns up and they leave with a nurse. He and Alli go to look at other projects before she presents, leaving Dallas alone in front of the presentation. When Alli shows up at the dance, she runs into Mike Dallas. She is later seen in Perino's class when Clare gets a call and walks out. helps Clare with a book when she falls on the steps. 1 Friendship History 1.1 Overview 1.2 Season 2 2 Trivia 3 Timeline 4 Quotes 5 Gallery Their friendship began in the 2012-2013 school year and developed more through the 2013-2014 school year. After the fight ends Clare is seen pulling confetti out of Alli's hair. She and Dave are then seen at The Dot before their game. Clare tells her to leave him alone but she takes his pencil. Later when Campbell is confessing to Alli, he tells her that Dallas just screamed at him for being a screw up, causing Alli to say, "He did, did he?" When he throws off his jacket and it lands on the burner, catching fire, she tells him to get out and extinguishes the flames. (. This news angers Dallas, and he says that he could crush him and that Leo deserves a lot worse. Alli says he can tell everyone he ruined prom before walking off on him. After her parents were made aware of her former ways through her permanent record, she realized she needed to change her life for the better. Alli helped Dallas apologize to her best friend Clare through a rap. Pill wants to talk to them. He comments that she is acting like a crazy person, but Alli gets the idea that Clare would forgive him if he "rapologizes" to her. Not wanting to leave Dallas there, Alli finally leaves after a hug from Dallas to try and find Jenna and Connor. She goes over to yell at him, but no one is there, which scares her to the point where she decides to quit the pills. Though it sucks that he sided with the guy that cheated on his sister, Sav fires back at her, telling Alli that Drew didnât make her date Johnny, dress in revealing clothing or get in a fight with Bianca, those were all her decisions. Leo agrees to Alli's request and they share a kiss. He asks if they can still and she agrees saying they have short time before her parents are home. Later in the day, Alli is working on cheers for her team alone in a classroom when Campbell storms in, and is visibly upset. After some persuasion, he lets her go off to Vancouver as long as she calls when she gets there. Alli, unable to deal, tells Dallas that she can't, and runs away. She enrolls in photography classes and takes rather intimate pictures of Johnny cuddling with a stuffed animal. So, yes, I have, (To Dave): "No, nothing's wrong. When Clare leaves after giving Wesley a hickey, Alli goes to cheer her up. Drew later tells Alli that he still wants to spend time with her, and she suggests that they go see the movie. In Mr. Brightside (1), Alli is sick of hiding a boy from her parents once again, so she brings up the idea of having a boy who is a friend to her parents. Leo is angry and tells her that he thought he was her dream and walks away. In Degrassi Takes Manhattan, on the steps of Degrassi, filled with student celebrating summer and watching Janie and the Studs perform, Clare asks how Alli fit all the skimpy clothes in her arms in her locker. She . Alli tells Clare she can come with them, but Clare rejects her offer because she doesn't have a partner. It's the Johnny I see the one I like! Presents a collection of recipes for each month of the year, with a focus on seasonal ingredients and menus for celebrations and holidays. In Bitter Sweet Symphony (2), Dallas and Alli are in the same room while Mo, Marisol, Fiona, Connor, Becky, and Jenna are discussing Campbell's death. Alli says she might need to find a boat with a plank. After her parents were made aware of her former ways through her permanent record, she realized she needed to change her life for the better. Later, she seems conflicted when Dallas sends her a text saying, "Counting the days till you get home. Jenna then asks Connor if he sent the flowers, and Connor admits he did, because he wanted Alli to find a new boyfriend so they could spend more time together. Previously known as Degrassi: The Next Generation, the suffix "the Next Generation" was dropped this season, due to . Hair Color Clare then presents her story on different countries' culture. Alli asks if that what he wants and Dallas says it's clearly what she wants. Dallas offers to be Alli's new lab assistant. In Basket Case, Dallas watches Leo as he heads home, but does nothing. This causes Adam to think that Alli wants to have sex, so he tells Dave that he better get some condoms because that's what is going on. The others being: She and Clare both share the same line: "Most guys just buy flowers. Alli disagrees and says she has one last detail to iron out. In Get It Together, Dallas and Alli are seen together with Clare, Jenna and Connor. Alli then helps Jenna cover up her baby bump with a boa. I also think that the writers and TPTB really seemed to go out of the way in not dealing with Sav and Holly J. I would've thought that Alli being missing or Holly J being ill would've been a good time to try and bring Holly J and Sav together but that was never going to happen because Holly J is ill and off dealing with her own issues. When Jenna jokingly suggests her to cut out sleep, she takes it to heart and asks Dallas for some pills, which he agrees to. Alli obliges with her wishes and drives herself crazy trying to get the ticket back, to the point where she hunts down Dallas to his prom committee meeting and to his house. Alli caves and says a day or two and Dallas demands that Clare tells Drew now. He apologizes for leaving her, and asks if she still has to finish her French project. Alli is last seen giggling and fixing her hair in front of the mirror with Jenna. if he wears boxers or briefs for a magazine quiz and at that moment, Clare makes the robot shoot sparks. Cute and fr. Alli tells Dallas she knows they can make it work and she's excited for him but her problem isn't with that. Jenna tries to comfort her, but ends up convincing Alli to try a long-distance relationship with Leo. She says me too. In You Don't Know My Name (2), she is seen sitting outside The Dot with Jenna. Alli tries to hush Connor, but he says "Isn't that why we're here? So, yes, I have trust issues." From school musicals and dance committees, to top of the Power Squad pyramid, he wants it all. back when she turns and walks away. At the dock, Alli and Dallas are waiting with everyone for the boat when Dallas shows Alli the letter he got and Alli realizes he booked it for next year not this year. In Chasing Pavements (2), they do well in the tests, Mr. Simpsonâs job is saved, the school gets a dance and everyone is happy for the time being. Allia Bhandari I don't get why you act like such a loser it's, (To Clare): "Dave's kind of a guy right? Alli covers Dallas's eyes and says she doesn't know. They discuss options and future and after a long 3 minutes, they find out that Jenna is pregnant. She reads the note out loud, "Will you be my girlfriend? Alli tells Dallas to call his parents, as Dallas runs to the hospital saying he is Rock's parent. Johnny is surprised to hear that. Things are going great with their practice. So, he decides to work with Drew and pray that Alli wonât find out. Alli is obviously mad, and later, Alli kisses K.C., during lunch and promptly realizes it was a mistake. Found insideThe villains are dead. Alli freaks out that she might have messed up her brain and throws away the pills. Alli is then seen with Clare, walking into their exam, discussing Clare's recent kiss with Eli. Later on in the night, Jenna, Connor, Alli, Leo and Clare are all sitting together. Alli relates how she felt at the top of her game when she was alone in the lab, to which Dallas relates how she has fallen to being kicked out of the Ice Hounds. She greets him back. In The Kids Aren't Alright (1), Alli and Dallas are volunteering at a hospital. Clare says he doesn't have to make an exception now. That night, Alli is setting up their romantic dinner and Dave shows her the condoms that he bought. Drew comes up to her, saying that he is looking for his girlfriend, and Alli says that she is looking for her boyfriend. Alli asks her mother for her to spend the night there. . . Me and You, Inc. is a modern-day allegory, filled with mergers and acquisitions, love, lust and greed. In short, it is the romance novel Corporate America doesn't want you to read . . . Clare says he said he couldn't make an exception for one student. She is one of many present and former Degrassi students who don't go by their full name. Alli lies to Dallas about why Leo didn't show when he asks her about her boyfriend. He yells at her that she should have done something and that she did nothing to help him, leaving Alli crying as he walks away. In Degrassi's gifted program. Dallas says it will be as long as they are all together. Alli says they are so going to win "best couple" and then they can hopefully win prom king and queen and Dallas says his mum would love that. The next day at school, Alli avoids Johnny. Dallas gave Alli pills to help her stay awake while she was fast tracking. K.C. Later, Alli is in her room, studying with Leo. Later, Clare tells Alli that her cleavage is showing. She strictly approaches Leo, and tells him that she is giving him another chance. Clare then smashes a camera, and Alli helplessly watches her as she destroys another camera. During the memorial, she talks to Dallas and then hugs Eli because Clare can't touch anyone. In Uptown Girl (1), Anya is arriving at school on the first day back and runs into Peter, Darcy, and Clare. Dave thought that when Alli was talking about her boyfriend she was talking about him. She says she thought they weren't letting their hormones get in the way of bot wars. Clare tells them she's read everything about being a parent and Dallas asks Clare and Eli to baby sit his son later because he has a hockey interview. The next day, Dallas approaches Alli at school, and she says she would have kept her kid a secret too if she were in Dallas's shoes as well. Before the other guys go off the police bust in, one of them being Dave's father, who is disgusted that Dave's girlfriend is a gambler. Then, her partner Dallas comes in late for the science fair as the judges hear about Alli's project Dallas makes a rude comment to one one of the judges after they walk away she says to Dallas how could he do that and that he wrecked everything they have been working on for weeks and she says now it's all over so Dallas tries to make it right by apologizing to the judge as he he explains that had a rough time getting blamed for stuff he didn't do because he is black. In Smells Like Teen Spirit, Alli waits with Dallas on the front steps of the school on the first day back from spring break. Later, Alli is presenting her prom idea to Ms. That night, while the party's going on and Drew's playing (supposedly Rock Band, Band Hero, or Guitar Hero, any of those games) on the guitar, Alli hypothetically asks Dave that if she had a crush on him what would he think, and he says that he would be the luckiest guy in the world. She feels that Jenna is trying to take her place as Clare's best friend when Clare and Jenna are partnered up for projects. Alli leaves a not in his locker telling him that she has a surprise and he needs to come over tonight, but not for sex. In Karma Police (2), Rocky spends the day at Drew and Dallas' house. At school, the two meet up again for Alli to admit that she got her results and that she isn't pregnant. (, (text) "I know you're at school. When Alli reveals to Jenna and Clare that her date was with Leo, they are upset, with Jenna calling him insane and that he can't be trusted. He bets Alli that if his team loses Spirit Week, then she would go on a date with him, which she agrees to. Dave was beaten by Adam. In You Oughta Know , Alli is giving Clare advice about her journalism entry for a national magazine. Dating Status Unfortunately, once Jenna became pregnant and gave her baby up for adoption, she lost the bubbly side of her. Alli tells her what she needs to do. Alli is later looking at pictures of her and Leo on the computer and at the damage Leo did to her face. and Connor and Clare runs out, embarrassed. When Alli tells him that they can't hang out since Jenna needs her, Leo looks disappointed, but he agrees to set Jenna up with a friend of his. Reason: Alli told Holly J. they were dating, but Johnny wanted their relationship secret. She asks about coaching and kinesiology programs. ", (To Dave): "And if that's true, then we should break up. Drew declines, saying he has too much work to do to get his grades up. Pill says yes and adds that it sounds like it's the perfect prom. In Finally (1), Alli is seen frantically planning prom when Dallas comes up to her and asks if Drew can join their limo and sit at their table. After running away from home, her . looks upset. In Firestarter (2), Alli and Clare are running the snack stand for the cheer event. ", (To Degrassi students at a Football Game): "We are- Well, I AM The Big D Dance Crew! Leo takes the phone, sees the message, and assumes that Dallas is the reason why Alli wanted to break up. — Leo's text message to Alli in Better Man. They notice Fiona putting up the Spirit Week poster, and Alli asks him if he is still planning to win the bet, to which Dallas says all he can do is try. Alli's feelings are hurt. Later she and the other minor niners are working on their robot in the hallway. In Nowhere to Run, Alli is at Clare's house and she helps her get ready for Clare's mom's wedding. seasons, "Degrassi," in all of its many rebooted incarnations, has dealt with so many different problems. Daphne Hatzilakos. Alli asks where she will be. Alli rejects the idea, saying that Clare isn't there to support it. In I Want It That Way (2), Alli is still taking the pills Dallas gave her, even though she had promised Dallas she'd only use them for a few days. Alli and Clare sneak around Mr. Simpson's house after going home with Connor, and they snoop around in Simpson's room while "looking for the bathroom." Alli says that if he had told her, then she would have understood, but tells him that he wrecked everything they have been working on for weeks. Alli forgives them and tells them she can make other friends. Degrassi is a Canadian serial teen drama television series. Manny sometimes wore risque outfits to school and had to hide her clothes from her parents, just like how Alli would change almost every day out of her home clothes into her school clothes. Instead, he suggests they go make out some more, and they go back to Alli's house. Dallas says he's just kidding and feeds her the cake this time, he says if she wants even more desert they can go back to his place as everyone is out. However, they both lost theirs in the same school year. Almost all of Alli's boyfriends have been in a physical altercation and lost: Johnny was beaten by Spinner. They met in the eighth season of Degrassi: The Next Generation. They all decide to prep their robot at Connor's house since Alli complains it's been at Clare's house every other time. Production They go back to the coffee shop that he works at, and he encourages Alli to not give up on Paris, but to learn the ropes of a different country. Alli leaves and Leo tries to follow her, but Dallas stops him, telling him to get on that plane and to never contact her again. The next day at school, Drew asks a few of his teammates to help him out after Adam gives him some advice that the 'right girl might need some effort'. Alli and Clare smile at each other. Network She sees Sav is upset about his breakup with Holly J., so she encourages him to go out and get some fresh air. You've got the next Christiano Ronaldo in there! Drew thinks she's smart and beautiful, but cites his busy schedule to not be Alli's boyfriend. Later, she sees Drew and Dallas talking about FaceTiming each other, and tells them jokingly that she'll be the one who gets her first FaceTime. Alli is surprised and excited to receive one herself soon after, though it is blank. Alli is happy to hear that he has enrolled in Toronto University, has a job at The Dot and is living with his godfather. Dallas asks if his girl got into MIT. She is best known for starring as Alli Bhandari in the television series Degrassi: The Next Generation (2008-2015) and as Indira "Indie" Mehta in the YTV series How To Be Indie (2009-2011), for which she won several awards, including a Canadian Screen Award in 2013. After Drew gets a picture of breasts, he has Dallas look at the picture, but Dallas claims if Alli ever finds out, then he was only looking for science. I love Degrassi but it never handled the aftermath of the distribution of child pornography correctly. Clare exclaims that he's back and Connor shows off his newly safety-proofed desk lamp. Jenna tells her to just get a blood test since she has to wait for a pregnancy test and her mom walks in to reveal a new dress. Dallas makes sure she's not bailing on him. Alli is then outside of Degrassi with Clare and Leo shows up. As she says this, Mr. Simpson proudly smiles. Leo takes the phone, sees the message, and assumes that Dallas is the reason why Alli wanted to break up. Alli says, "never have I ever liked someone in this room," and removes her jacket when Dave points out she can't remove an article of clothing. The franchise is a pivotal landmark in Canadian history. Almost making out with a niner?" Alli, excited by this idea, says it could be a dance club. Connor asks Clare if it's true and Clare says not now because the competition is starting. The next day, Alli tells Drew and Dallas they got a great night last night thanks to them. When she tells him Drew cheated on her and that Drew is a nasty pig, he says that he is a moron and agrees with her. Although only two school years have passed in the story timeline since season six, part one of season eleven is set in the second term of the spring semester . Clare then enters, and Alli mocks her outfit for the dance. N'T play hockey with a busted up knee Better things to worry HPV vaccine, and jumps into his as. Hockey with a stuffed animal 's project Jenna when Clare stresses out, Leo Dallas... Take down Shep 's signs yelling, `` I give you a 9 making! 'S in trouble Dallas happily have a partner and ditches Alli, however is determined, and Dallas can their!, turns around and laughed girl in the boiler room are keeping her moving. 'S suicide, and he decides to try to carefully tell Alli bus ride home, but awkward... 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