This list will be updated regularly as the meta evolves and new decks become dominant. negated monster effect, prevent attacking, burn Lp. Don’t be overwhelmed by the wall of text in his description. Trading Cards Duel Devastator Box - 56 Ultra Rare Cards | Genuine Cards, Multicolor (083717846239). This is where your synchro cards come in. Their primary methods for Synchro Summoning are… That sounds like Lunalight, and sometimes Superheavy Samurai. Its attack boost might not be significant, but it allows you to search for more monsters with Whirlwind. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. It is not for nothing that at the beginning of Duel Links … If your strategy is established and there are still spaces for cards, try to fill them … The latter is incredibly strong because it can be played from your hand when your Blackwing synchros are on the field. Of course, the whole deck depends on That Grass Looks Greener card. lol cubic deck is a combination from alien A deck and burn deck. - May 25, 2020; Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Reddit Buffer. However, …, Android gaming is getting bigger and better every month it seems and there is always a slew of new titles coming to Google Play. … Card games are a fantastic form of entertainment. Balance D/D/D! However, to get this chain going you need two other essential cards. The Ignister archetype has currently received support from Eternity Code and Lightning Overdrive. Aleister can then be discarded once more to boost a fusion monster’s attack. Building a Deck. Top Tier Deck … Noble Knight Deck Duel Links {Dec} Excited For New Card! Solitaire allows you to summon another Shiranui monster once per turn, Samurai adds a monster to your hand, Spiritmaster destroys an opponent’s card and so on. Price: $100-150+ (depending on Extra Deck) Imgur | DuelingBook Dragon Link is a Link-centric combo deck that has dominated competitive play since the September banlist. The Ignister archetype has currently received support from Eternity Code and Lightning Overdrive. Three copies of Cosmic Cyclone are an essential part of the Elementsabers deck. It’s a great fit for any player that loves beatdown decks and it’s one of the best decks Duel Links has to offer at the moment. With many support cards now in the game thanks to recent events and the new Future Horizon Box, Dark Magician is now a tier one deck. This gives you the ability to make come back plays even when faced with difficult matchups. The other solution is changing attributes in the graveyard — something all Elementsaber monsters can do. Build your very own Deck with the Deck Editor! The best Hearthstone decks: Master the meta and rise through the ranks. Because most of the archetype cards are located in the Soul of Resurrection mini box, it’s as close to free-to-play as you can get in the current meta. This works excellently with Raikiri the Rain Shower’s card destruction ability. Let us know in the comments below. A slew of new boxes and events has transformed the Duel Links meta in recent months. We will be continually updating this page as we launch new reviews. Editor’s note: The deck recipes are based on top decks used in tournaments and in the KC Cup. Duel Links. The aptly named Cyber Dragon Core is the first of your essential cards. Don’t underestimate the other cards in your extra deck either. Glow-Up Bulb A Tuner Monster used by Akiza in the 5D's anime! This zombie samurai deck relies on a quick and explosive offense and has multiple variants that all work incredibly well. This makes the deck not only incredibly consistent and self-sustaining but one that assures quick victories in most matchups. It’s also worth investing in because it’s an archetype that might see further support in future boxes. This Yami Yugi skill allows you to draw a random spellcaster monster every time your life points decrease by 1000. Zane Truesdale’s Cyberdarks were all the rage last year, but this time his original … It then shuffles the fusion materials back into the deck instead of sending them to the graveyard. However, because getting these cards are dependent on events, this deck is at the bottom of this list. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Squiresaga, on the other hand, can boost your attack and destroy a spell, trap and/or monster on the field. We spend 80 hours on researching and comparing 34 of popular models to determine the Best Structure Deck Duel Links 2020 you can buy. The best news, however, is that you don’t need to spend a fortune or buy any structure decks to pummel opponents with it. Related: The best Hearthstone decks: Master the meta and rise through the ranks! It’s not often that we see a single box provide almost all the necessary materials for a tier one deck, but this is the case with Dark Dimensions and this new and explosive archetype. Finally, for trap and spell cards, you’ll want Hey, Trunade, which can clear the way for an OTK , as well as Blackbird Close. 4 Pure Prank-Kids Deck December 2020 December 3, 2020 December 4, 2020 CerBal 1,680 3 Comments Fusion , Link , Prank-Kids How to prank your opponents and win here’s the Answer There are multiple versions of this deck in the meta, but all of them have three cards at their core. It’s a best-of-both-worlds fusion deck, which combines card destruction with high damage output. Getting them out on the field requires meticulous play and a good understanding of all your cards’ synergies. Non, normal. You never know what your opponent might have in stock (usually a Treacherous Traphole). 16:38. Cyberload Fusion is a fusion card as it name implies, but it works differently from Polymerization. Cocytus is an even safer bet because it’s immune to enemy card effects and can attack even when it’s in face-up defense position. Elementsabers is an OTK (one turn kill) deck that relies on its powerful fusion beasts to crush opponents — Invoked Cocytus and Invoked Purgatrio. Zane Truesdale’s Cyberdarks were all the rage last year, but this time his original archetype is picking up speed — Cyber Dragons. With its help, one of your first targets to summon is Chimeratech Rampage Dragon: a powerful effect monster, which can clear your enemy’s backrow and attack up to three times per turn in exchange for sending two Light Machine monsters to the graveyard. It’s a staple of every Dark Magician deck because it allows you to search for spells and trap belonging to the archetype. We will be continually updating this page as we launch new reviews. 106k members in the DuelLinks community. If this monster is in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon it by sending the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard! Adopt wild cards. Feb 1, 2021 BOX BOX [ Photon of Galaxy ]; Jan 12, 2021 BOX BOX [ STRUCTURE DECK EX - Blue-Eyes Evolution - ]; Jan 12, 2020 Campaign "Yu-Gi-Oh! It’s without a doubt one of the best Duel Links decks. This in turn activates the core card — Burgeoning Whirlflame. Once you have that figured out and you’ve performed your fusion summon, you can shuffle Invocation back into your deck, allowing you to add the banished Invoker back to your hand. It was about time for a Synchro deck to shake up the meta. This is why three Cosmic Cyclones are an essential part of it. Noble Knight Deck Duel Links Review 2020. The best way to get it out on the field is to play the deck with Zane’s Cyber Style skill. It is a tuner monster that will enable you to bring the big bads from your Extra deck out. We should note, however, that Invoked Elementsabers is not a cheap deck. To use it, you need to banish Cyber Dragon monsters with different levels from your hand, graveyard or field. Thankfully, you can obtain it from the Card Trader. J'ai rarement perdu avec contre des decks Yeux Rouges, qui sont les decks les plus banals et répandus chez les joueurs lambdas sur Duel Links, donc c'est pas un deck de noob. A variety of decks, both old and new, are now viable and can take you far. Last update on 2020-09-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Once we’ve tested a sufficient number we’ll start to compile lists of the Top Rated Structure Deck Duel Links. Your field spell Palace of the Elemental Lords can add the monster with the right attribute to your hand, but at the cost of skipping your next battle phase. 11 [Deck] KoG with Gladiator Beast. Yugioh Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Structure Deck Powercode Link, Ocg Duel Monsters Structure Deck Cyber-links, Yu-Gi-Oh! DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. News, reviews, deals, apps and more. They are also needed to trigger the skill this deck is usually played with: Sorcery Conduit. Use this effect to get Cyberload Fusion or Cybernetic Overflow. However, it’s still recommended to add one Black Rose Dragon to your Extra deck in case you need you find yourself in need of a field clearing ability. Latest posts by AxelKaptoe . 11:44. Seto Kaiba is Yugi’s famous rival. is reader-supported. These events feature a Legendary Duelist appearing in Duel World. Magician’s Rod is the most important. Noble Knight Deck Duel Links Review 2020. Blackwing is not a cheap deck, but like Elementsabers, pretty much all of its cards can be found in one main box (Aerial Assault). This is why the deck usually features both Cyber Dragon and Cyber Dragon Vier (five and four stars respectively). So, how does the latest iteration of Dark Magician work? It’s what makes Shiranui so great. Don’t worry if you don’t own enough copies though. Summoning Invoker adds the fusion spell Invocation to your hand. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. The two most important cards are Aleister the Invoker and Invocation. Land to swarm the board enough to summon most, if not all, of the Ignister boss monsters through every Extra Deck summoning method in existence. But it’s one of the best Duel Links decks for another reason too. Carly Carmines Duel Links Spotlight! Nous sommes de retour pour une nouvelle saison sur Duels Links. Whether you're a casual gamer or you want something with a …, We all know that free Android games aren't always free these days, but many of them are very close if you have a little patience. All that’s left is to resummon Raikiri and wipe the opponent’s board. KONPLSD Powercode Link Structure Deck, Yugioh TCG Trading Card Game Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck - 42 cards, Yu-Gi-Oh! Don’t think any of the above decks are the right fit for you? Duel Links] - Duration: 17:19. If you have Purgatrio on the field, using this move is almost always a guaranteed win because the fusion monster inflicts piercing damage and can attack every monster your opponent controls once per turn. After wiping out the field with the effect, Special Summon a second copy of this monster from your hand, so that you can end the Duel immediately! So, how what makes Cyber Dragons tick? ... Duel Links Best Decks 17,913 views. Here is where you need to be careful though. The Ignister archetype has currently received support from Eternity Code and Lightning Overdrive. Duel Links, meilleurs decks et meilleures cartes, notre guide (MAJ) 01/06/2017 à 15:20. But what if you’re facing beefy monsters that your Chimeratech Rampage Dragon can’t take care of by itself? However, you can also play the deck with Draw Sense: Low-Level to ensure you get your Cyber Dragon Core copies when you need them. Cyber Dragon. Warriors, spellcasters and fusion monsters have joined forces to gives us one of the best Duel Links decks: Invoked Elementsabers. They are there to give you a chance against the other top deck lurking in ranked — Elementsabers. Onimaru the Divine Thunder is immune to destruction from card effects and can gain 3000 attack if its special summoning conditions are met. Masked HERO Koga - June 7, 2020; Pure Playmaker Cyberse - May 30, 2020; Cyber Dragon 2020 (Better One?) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Duel Links Meta 64,387 views. Comment. Gozuki and Bacon Saver are two other cards that are great additions, which will only compliment the archetype and “grass” strategy. Invoked Element Sabers has one weakness, however. ©2021 Android Authority | All Rights Reserved. Land to swarm the board enough to summon most, if not all, of the Ignister boss monsters through every Extra Deck summoning method in existence. Adopting the full array of attributes available, Ignisters aim to repeatedly activate Ignister A.I. theres only 1 thing ... hide behind hand traps and grit? This is yet another OTK synchro deck that specializes in swarming and quickly dispatching with your opponent. At the core of the Blackwings deck lie two powerful searching cards. You can use Concentrating Current or you could rely on your Cyber End Dragon. Power of Dark is another skill you can use. This deck has a history in Duel Links, as it was once the most powerful deck in the game. YuGiOh! 694 votes, 68 comments. Almost all of your Shiranui monsters are fire type and have effects which can be triggered upon banishment. It’s a good time to duel! Unlike most of the decks on this list, Blackwings prefer going second. 1 Unlock events 2 Roaming events 3 Event Duelists Permanently at the Gate 4 Other events The following events all allow the player to unlock a new Legendary Duelist. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. We recommend the second, since it makes the Shiranui deck the most consistent. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. Once in the graveyard, Magician Navigation can also be banished to negate an opponent’s spell or trap. You then need to fuse Invoker with either a Fire monster for Purgatrio or a water monster for Cocytus. flower cardian otk deck | ¡el deck f2p perfecto para divertirse, viva el hanafuda!- duel links - duration: 35:34. joha senpai 37,819 views Most free to play bottlenecks occur when players get impatient …, 10 best Android hack and slash games and beat ’em up games for Android, The best free-to-play games on any platform, 10 best WWE apps and WWE games for Android, Huawei Mate X2 launched: This Galaxy Z Fold 2 rival costs almost $3,000, Asus ROG Phone 5 official images, specs leak in early review. There are a bunch of great synchros at your disposal. This opens the way for a safe direct attack, which usually results in a one turn kill. Once we’ve tested a sufficient number we’ll start to compile lists of the Top Rated Structure Deck Duel Links. It’s possible to acquire it with some gem hoarding and a lot of luck, but you might need to spend real cash as well. Once per turn, when normal summoned, it allows you to add one Cyber spell or trap from your deck to your hand. Tag Duel Tournament [Nov 2020] [UR] 2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it can attack once again in a row. he negated my monster, i just recycle, he reuse monster from GY, i banish the monster. Noble Knight Deck Duel Links Review 2020. if youre scrub f2p like me, ofc you still have the chance getting kog, but you'll get rigged matching/hand more frequent at promotion game. Which ones are your favorites? Black Whirlwind is the key to getting monsters to your hand — every time a Blackwing monster is normal summoned to your side of the field, this spell card allows you to add another Blackwing monster with less attack from the deck to your hand. DUEL LINKS* JUNIO 2020 Visio Games. This is a list of events that have appeared in Yu-Gi-Oh! This achieved with the help of two cards — Magician Navigation and Dark Magical Circle. To ensure you draw it in your first hand, you need to use either the Restart or Spell Specialist skill. This deck used to be pay-to-play, but through various events, their cards became available to all. From there, you’ll want to summon Blackwing – Oroshi the Squall via Whirwind’s effect. Optimized! Unlike Polymerization, Invocation can use monsters in either player’s graveyard as fusion materials. There have been some strong archetypes floating around in the past, but none as effective as Shiranui. So, if you haven’t bothered to level up Arkana yet, take advantage of the current 1.5 XP campaign and do so.