Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. C’est un système d’exploitation grand public, Open Source et gratuit que vous pouvez facilement utiliser. PROBLEM: Linux Mint vs Lubuntu for an old laptop?. Linux Lite and Lubuntu, both are high performing, efficient and stable Linux distros and are two different flavors of Ubuntu, based on Debian. Lubuntu vs. Linux Lite. So the answer is simple. In this article, we compare the original creation, Ubuntu, with the most popular Ubuntu flavor, Lubuntu, highlighting both their similarities and differences. Your search has now come to an end because the right piece of information about Linux Lite and Ubuntu has been clicked and opened by you. You can easily prefer it on various other popular Linux distros such as Ubuntu. 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How to Create Python 3 Virtual Environment on Ubuntu 20.04, Copyright ©2002-2021 Esselbach Internet SolutionsPowered by Contentteller® CMS System, Already registered on this website? Entreprises : Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, SUSE. There is always a way to tweak it to your liking. Encore une de plus, me direz-vous, mais je pense qu’elle mérite qu’on s’y attarde un peu. You can opt for more interesting gaming distros if you are a gamer. It is more friendly for beginners that are completely unknown to Linux Lite. Pro. Required fields are marked *. Let’s have look at its requirements and features. Linux Hint published a comparison between Lubuntu and Linux lite.Lubuntu vs. Linux lite You can go for Lubuntu and Linux lite as they offer excellent compatibility for low-end devices. It is a life-giver of Old computers and Laptops. La distribution Linux Lite basée sur Ubuntu peut-elle remplacer Windows sur le desktop ? But, since your system think so. You can use it for doing coding tasks but it is not meant for this purpose. Download lubuntu, a fast and lightweight Linux operating system. Linux Lite est présenté comme système d’exploitation passerelle mis sur pied pour rendre la transition de Windows à un système d’exploitation basé sur le noyau Linux aussi aisée que possible. Not so much with Lubuntu. The most important reason people chose Ubuntu MATE is: The goal of MATE is to maintain the look and feel of Gnome 2, while maintaining compatibility with Gnome 3. However, it is confusing to choose between Lubuntu and Linux Lite. So all the credit for its development goes to this great creator. This release includes a new and refined Software Center, as well as other known tools like Zorin Look Changer, Zorin Internet Browser Manager, Zorin OS Lite Extra Software and other programs from earlier versions in Zorin OS. One reason why Ubuntu has remained so popular for such a long time is the availability of several flavors of this open source Linux distribution based on the Debian architecture. Lubuntu uses LXDE/LXQT and a selection of light applications. The community of Linux Lite is very actively helpful and supportive. But you can’t run both of them together. The documentation of Linux Lite is like a wonder. Some users consider it as the most stable and smooth functioning among all the Linux distros. Congratulations! The default apps available in Ubuntu cover the gamut of … An Ubuntu flavor is a variant … A free disk space of … Red Hat enterre CentOS Linux, ressucité en Rocky Linux - LeMondeInformatique. You can control and customize all the settings of your desktop icons, menu bars, number of icons and folders, panel location, and panel appearance. It is specifically developed to ease Windows users – particularly those with old machines – into the world … Lots of support. Pro. Linux Lite makes the transition to a linux based operating system by offering a full, Microsoft compatible Office suite, familiar software like Firefox, Chrome, Teamviewer, VLC as well as full system back up tools, a comprehensive - easy to follow Help Manual to guide you on your journey, Steam so you can keep playing your Windows games and so much more familiar … Consider donating! Lubuntu vs. Linux lite This website can use cookies to improve the user experience Cookies contain small amounts of information (such as login information and user preferences) and will be stored on your device. These are lightweight Linux distros that provide appropriate features and options for low-end devices. Linux Lite VS Lubuntu: Which one should you choose in 2021? Your email address will not be published. These cookies do not store any personal information. Debian est une excellente distribution, mais fait attention si tu prend la version dite "Stable", elle commence un peu à dater et si tu a du matériel récent tu risque d'avoir quelques (petits) soucis. Je pense que pour débuter la Debian Stable est plus appropriée que la version Testing mais je suis sous Debian Testing PC 64 bits et je n'ai pas de problème. 8/10 (25 votes) - Télécharger Kodibuntu Linux Gratuitement. Ubuntu Software Center takes ages to load, heavily eats up resources, and is slow while interacting with it. Linux Lite is a bit behind in gaming and is not actually for gaming. Read our. Sometimes, It becomes difficult to work with local files. How to decide and install a perfect distro on your old PC? Quand on parle gaming, on pense rarement à GNU/Linux comme premier choix. Sign up for a new account or log in below: Reviews 50086 Xubuntu Vs Lubuntu Most of these two distros are put in the same brackets because there is a lot of commonness between them. They are always recommended when one is looking for a lightweight Linux desktop OS.When you have a really old PC and you are looking for a replacement for something like Windows XP to bring the life back to it, or even if you want to … Le Projet Edubuntu veut que chaque étudiant ait accès à un système d'exploitation libre adapté au software nécessaire pour toutes les branches d'études. Also, the creator of this amazing distro is active and very helpful. Also it provides a piece of tremendous information about installations, alternate and minimal installations, ISO checking, customizing of desktop, settings of mouse and keyboards, and application of different themes. You can get answers to all your questions by it’s detailed FAQs section. What is Lubuntu? Ubuntu n’est plus un système à présenter dans le monde des logiciels libres. But for Linux Lite we can not consider it as the best distro for gaming as it is not developed for gaming. And both of these qualities are found in both Linux Lite and Lubuntu. MX Linux is a close relative to Antix, but not lightweight. The reason for this said is that an old PC or laptop needs a lightweight smooth running distro to work efficiently and effectively. It gives all the necessary suggestions to keep the system smooth running and up to date. Plusieurs distributions Linux ont cessé le support PC 32 bits et n'offrent plus que le 64 bits pour PC. This website uses cookiesto remember your preferences when you revisit the website. En outre Ubuntu est une très mauvaise distribution (et pas que pour Unity), j'ai également un peu de mal à conseiller Linux Mint, en revanche Linux Mint Debian Edition est bien meilleure. These are lightweight Linux distros that provide appropriate features and options for low-end devices. Vous pouvez également vous aider du site qui, à partir de vos réponses, sélectionne pour vous les distributions Linux les plus appropriées Si vous débutez, je vous recommande … Xfce4 est un bon choix. Sous Ubuntu ou Linux Mint, vous pouvez télécharger les pilotes propriétaires au moyen des menus des paramétrages du système. Our ongoing mission is to make the transition from Windows to Linux Lite, as smooth as possible. Is there anything that can decide the best among both? You can go for Lubuntu and Linux lite as they offer excellent compatibility for low-end devices. Serveurs : Debian. Lubuntu also has fewer packages installed that make it lighter and faster than any other Ubuntu-based Linux distribution. Because of this, Lubuntu has very low hardware requirements. Lubuntu has a friendly and familiar user-interface that is more like a usable graphical interface. It’s based on Debian too. You can play games, but the results will not be according to the desired results of a gamer. Test de Linux Lite 2.8 XFCE basée sur Ubuntu Télécharger Linux Lite Linux Lite en image Dernière version de Linux Lite. Because of this, Lubuntu … Because of this, Lubuntu has very low hardware requirements. Kodibuntu est une distro Linux concentrée exclusivement sur Kodi : il s'agit de la meilleure façon de transformer un vieux PC en un complet media center. Pour simplifier, Xubuntu est une distribution Linux qui est basée sur Ubuntu mais avec l’environnement XFCE. Lubuntu is actually very easy to install. Also, it requires a very little storage space to get installed on a PC or laptop. Then I see why you think that. Linux Lite is one of them. Linux Lite parvient à allier la puissance d’Ubuntu avec une interface agréable à l’œil et fonctionnelle. But Lubuntu is not just about using it on older or low specification hardware but it can also be used on modern computers. An effective coding can also be performed using Linux Lite. Linux Lite is a free operating system based on the Ubuntu LTS (Long term Support) series of releases. Linux Lite is developed with a user-friendly interface. Pour créer une clé USB bootable d’une distribution GNU/Linux, vous aurez besoin : d’une clé USB d’au moins 2 Go (peut varier en fonction de la taille de l’image ISO à flasher). The astounding thing about Lubuntu is that it is an open-source Linux distribution. A question may arise to your mind that whether it is good for programming and coding or not. It takes what’s great about Ubuntu and fits it into a “lite” package. Ce système d'exploitation libre est une dérivation officielle de Ubuntu … Sparky might be good (it’s based upon Debian). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ubuntu MATE is ranked 9th while Linux Lite is ranked 22nd. Lubuntu is one of official flavors of Ubuntu. It traditionally uses the LXDE interface. Bien sûr, il est … Linux Lite is highly customizable. DVD Drive or USB port is mandatory for ISO image. But I think now I can give a second thought, I can replace the Ubuntu with the Linux Lite. In this article, we compare the original creation, Ubuntu, with the most popular Ubuntu flavor, Lubuntu, highlighting both their similarities and differences.