x Offset … 7. Overview of consumer offset management in Kafka presented at Kafka meetup @ LinkedIn. The offset is the position of a Kafka - Consumer in a Kafka - Topic An offset is not the Kafka - Key but an automatic Kafka - (Record|Message) position id For versions less than 0.9 Apache Kafka - Zookeeper was used for managing the offsets of the consumer group. The two main settings affecting offset management are whether auto-commit is enabled and the offset reset policy. This wiki provides sample code that shows how to use the new Kafka-based offset storage mechanism. Consume from kafka topic/partition & offset. Step 1: Discover and connect to the offset manager for a consumer group by issuing a consumer … kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --topic --offset --partition Consume from kafka topic and specify consumer … In this first scenario, we will see how to manage offsets from command-line so it will give us an idea of how to implement it in our application.. With the following command, we can browse this topic. For example, in the figure below, the consumer’s position is at offset 6 and its last committed offset is at offset 1. Offset Management¶. 计算指定consumer group在__consumer_offsets topic中分区信息. If the kafka-console-consumer … (March 24, 2015) From Command-Line. 这时候就用到了第5步获取的group.id(本例中是console-consumer-46965)。Kafka会使用下面公式计算该group位移保存在__consumer… This will create 100 records in topic topic-1, with offsets from 0-99. kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server [BROKER1],[BROKER2]... --topic [TOPIC]--from-beginning [record-earliest-offset] [record-earliest-offset+1] Note the following about the tool: This tool prints all records and keeps outputting as more records are written to the topic. kafka-consumer-groups.sh \ --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 \ --describe --group