Dragons and plants. Exuviation has a tiny 6y range on it, meaning you have to use it like Cure III. For dungeons, you won't need this spell. First, Petrify and Freeze *count* as the same status effect, so you can't Petrify something that's already Frozen without overwriting the status effect. White Wind - Restores HP to the party equal to your current HP. Honestly i prefer chimera's breath. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I don't like defaulting to Aqua+Northerlies because there is risk involved in having the mobs unfrozen for one more global than just using ram's voice. That's the main selling point for both of those spells. ". These grimoires greatly enhance the frequency and quality of loot from particular monsters and are worth obtaining as soon as possible (before equipment, magicks, and technicks). How much DPS is lost clipping the GCD to use primal abilities? Imo it's not. Vous pouvez également me contacter sur Discord en cliquant ici. Find out everything "A Requiem For Heroes" update brings, including the new Blue Mage job. Aetherial Mimicry lets you mimic any PC's role that you find. Tanking on Blue Mage isn't like tanking with other jobs. If you can slow your target, this combo averages at 300 Potency per GCD and is extremely easy to use unlike other spell combos. Attention : Les sorts dans le Grimoire de magie bleue ne sont pas dans l'ordre ou vous devez les apprendre. 10 Commentaires Dragoon's Monograph. And if you can, set up parties because the more, the funnier (and you have more chances to get the skill than alone) Although the first part is accurate, more blu mages = more fun! This is basically Succor without any healing. Aetherial Mimicry - To cap off the universal spell list has to be the spell that lets you choose your role. However, it does require you be in melee range to use it. I haven't used Blood Drain since 4.5, how much MP does it restore now? I will break the spells up into ones that are good regardless of role, and ones that are more role-specific. It's Trick Attack, use it. Lvl 24 Nadrs (Nice amount of damage … Sage's Monograph. Moon Flute was mostly used in conjunction with the suicidal spells. The Look is Unaspected Damage, you can replace any of your attack spells with it to save a spell slot. Is it more than the DPS lost to using Mind Blast or Sonic Boom? One Physical 220 Attack - Sharpened Knife (Fast Melee), Kaltstrahl (Melee Cleave), and Abyssal Transfixion (Ranged ST) are your options here, just pick the spell that best fits your playstyle and role. The Ram's Voice (Melee Circle) also works, but I've got it elsewhere on the list. I hate giving numbers that aren't totally backed up, but it seems to be around a 10-15% damage boost if paired with Song of Torment, Eruption, Mountain Buster, J Kick, and Surpanakha. Créatrice / Rédactrice du site Daeva's Fashion. Il lui sera impossible d’utiliser la recherche de groupe automatique dans l’outil de mission “U” ou la recherche d’équipe. -? Il a pour but de concaténer et de réorganiser l'information contenu dans les "posts" bordélique du site officiel lodestone. It does deal 250 Potency on the GCD on a 60s cooldown, so it's good for any role. Elements. For trails or raids though, The Look becomes significantly more important for any case where you have mechanics that specifically require an OT since you need enmity generation that won't compete with the OT. Mimic: Healer increases all healing potencies by five-fold. Missile is good on a single target, dealing 50% damage if it hits. It is very MP expensive and should only be used twice per pull. Moon Flute - 50% Damage boost for 15s, but can't do anything for the next 15s. For ease of use, I take Eruption, Shock Strike, Glass Dance, Quasar, and Surpanakha. Scholar's Monograph. Once you get to where you're going, you're either going to White Wind or Ram's Voice to lock everything in place. Frog Legs is your Provoke ability and Cactguard is an OT damage reduction spell on the GCD. Not much to say about Blue Mage being a DPS since that's their actual role, so let's get into some of the heavier hitting spells you'll want. FunIsAll - Ce site est entièrement consacré au jeu final fantasy XIV. After all, this new limited job class has some weird caveats to it that make leveling a little trickier. There's plenty of potential for crossover. 2nd vidéo sur le #MageBleu ou on vois comment récupérer toutes les magies qu'il reste à récupérer en mage bleu sur #FinalFantasyXIV #ShadowBringer ! Blue Mages may learn special abilities used by the monsters that … 22000 gil. Press J to jump to the feed. Devour - Another one that easily could have went into the universal list, but I found I didn't use this spell as often in any of the other roles as I did as a tank. Transfusion - Restores full HP and MP to one party member by sacrificing yourself. Assuming you're the tank, you can just run through a group of mobs and drop a Quaser or smack them with Supranakra to secure aggro much easier. Pom Cure - 500 Potency Heal. ... Blue Mage Weapons do not contribute meaningful stats, and are therefore used for glamour purposes only. Faze -OR- Bomb Toss -OR- Perpetual Ray + Sharpened Knife - You don't need all three, but you will want access to one of the Stuns. That puts us at 18 Spells in total, leaving 6 spells that can be adjusted based on the role that you're playing. It's a combat rez with a 300s cooldown. Good for the interupt and for grabbing aggro while charging so you can be the one to start the fight while getting in position with your AoE to properly get aggro. Queue forante : Sur les griffes de grès aux Pics, Sud-Est de Ala Gannha (x 26 ; y 8) ; 45. Launcher is for multiple targets. The second level 60 awards the Mask of Azuro. It doesn't matter what role you are, this spell is a must-have. 22000 gil. Good point on the grabbing aggro, but I found the Primal Spells to be better suited for that task. It can miss, but has high accuracy and should kill almost every target in a trash pull if they are the right level. Sinon les bombos à gaz niveau 20 dans Halatali le font aussi ; 29. It's the worst of the three. Read the Notice board 400 times . How about being able to deal 150k damage in a single hit? Damage taken reduced by 90%, but can't move or attack for 10s. For tanks, it's the easiest way to get aggro from the start of the pull. Also has a very expensive MP cost, so use only when necessary. Main Page; Getting Started. Ram's Voice + Dragon's Voice - These are more for dungeons situations. Of course, there are some players who are looking for an FFXIV Blue Mage leveling guide already. Blue Mage Weapon by Level. Please note tooltip codes can only be used on compatible websites. Dragon's Voice lets you pull far away mobs that spawn, and Ram's Voice is good for Freezing them so you don't take damage. À la différence des autres jobs, celui de mage bleu est dit "restreint". What are Blue Mage spells you can learn in Final Fantasy XIV? J’aurai aimée savoir si le bis Ninja va être mis à jou... Shuka: Salut ! Final Fantasy XIV Skip this if you got Fire/Flame Sword.) The Eorzea Database Items page. They deal the same damage regardless. It has a 180s cooldown to keep it from being too overpowered, but you can just cycle it amongst the Blue Mages and you'll be golden. ... Der 60. A bientôt : … However, it deals either 10, 20, 30, or 50% Damage. Pages in category "Blue Mage Exclusive" The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total. serait-il possible de remettre l’option pour classer les sort par niveau etc … cette option était bien utile merci. The base game starts with "A Realm Reborn" and currently has 3 expansions: "Heavensward", "Stormblood" and "Shadowbringers". You can now apply filters when viewing items by category. Originally Posted by Tinibou. It's a screwy status effect. For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What Materia is best for Blue Mage". The Universal Spells are my must-have spells. I've found the Increased Enmity Generation to be high enough that The Look is unnecessary unless you plan on stance dancing. Blue Mage cannot solo very many things outside of the overworld Si vous êtes en groupe, les compétences sont acquises par tous les membres en même temps. You can use Ram's Voice as your Umbral attack spell to free up a spell slot. A new Final Fantasy XIV 4.5 patch has dropped. I can't recommend slotting Aqua Breath though since AOE damage is the one place BLU is never lacking. The accuracy seems to be around the 80% range, but RNG will RNG. I joined in the tongue-spamming, naturally. See Blue Mage Job Traits for a list of the currently known traits gained by spell combinations. 60 Blue Mage Guide + Spellbook ... also known as FFXIV or FF14. Mimic: DPS gives you a permanent Crit and Direct Hit buff. Though for trash Mind Blast is a winner, due to the cleave + 30s paralysis. Hello, mage bleu 60, grimoire full, j'aimerais intégrer votre linkshell, si jamais il vous reste une petite place ;-), afin de profiter de cette classe bien fun. That's Final Sting for you. Lvl 1 Wax Sword +1/Onion Sword Lvl 7 Sapara +1/Sapara Lvl 13 Brass Xiphos +1 or Lvl 13 Scimitar +1 (Personally, I perfer a lower delay at lower levels. L'extension du MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV - Shadowbringers approche à grand pas. A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online", also known as FFXIV or FF14. For DPS, it's the perfect back-up for when someone bites it. The level 60 quest requires that you learn Frog Legs, The first level 60 quest unlocks the Blue Mage log. 200 MP Cost. Demons. 21000 gil. Je me motiverais à faire des mises à jours sur le site, peut être dans le... Zecht: Encore en 2020 ton site et le 1er sur lequel je me log pour continuer mon avancé... Ikuno: Bonjour ! All 5 Primal Spells - Yup, we're eating up 5 spell spots here, but these aren't up for debate. Quick note, Mighty Guard does not decrease healing power, nor does it affect HP% attacks like Missile. 2. Hello merci pour le guide sympatoche mais quelqu’un connaîtrais les % de chance d’avoir le skill en brutal et en extreme, y’a une dif ou pas ? I also found a group of 5 BLUs yanking around an apkallu with Sticky Tongue while another pelted it with sardines. Je crois que le best in slot de l'érudit commence à dater un peu ^^ qu... sakura02000: bonsoir a tous jai un petit probleme je monte un erudit qui va etre 70 je voudra... Zoe Psynode: Bonjour Superbe travail ! I like it. For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Red Mage or Samurai and fastest way to level to 60? This New Video Will Make You Want a Final Fantasy XIV Anime. Déjà merci de mettre des BIS list à disposition c'est vraiment utile. So, being a BLU Healer is an easy transition for the most part, except you have no oGCD heals to rely on. Blue Mage plays a lot like a standard healer does while doing any higher end content instead of like a normal DPS. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Voici la liste des capacités que le Mage bleu, nouveau job implanté dans la mise à jour 4.5 de Final Fantasy XIV, peut apprendre. Si vous avez des informations qui ne sont pas référencées ici, n'hésitez pas à laisser un petit message en bas de page, merci d'avance ♥. Pistosabreur • Final Fantasy XIV : Le guide. This buff is equal to having Devilment on all the time, it's huge. Target takes 5% more damage from every attack for 15 seconds on a 60s cooldown. For dungeons, you don't need these. Constructs. As for Aqua Breath, that's nice to know. Pour les 5 étoiles, il me semble que c’est 5% (j’ai vu passer l’infos sur reddit). If both healers are out of mana and you need to make the sacrifice play to keep someone alive, that's the point of this spell. The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage Home Asura Asura Bahamut Bismarck Carbuncle Cerberus Fenrir Lakshmi Leviathan Odin Phoenix Quetzalcoatl Ragnarok Shiva Siren Sylph Valefor Alexander Caitsith Diabolos Fairy Garuda Gilgamesh Hades Ifrit Kujata Midgardsormr Pandemonium Ramuh Remora Seraph Titan Unicorn Plus, it saves MP for Diamondback as opposed to using White Wind just for enmity generation. Il présente les particularités suivantes : Le mage bleu n'est lié à aucune classe. Fully updated for The Zodiac Age! Blue Magic comes in a variety of different forms, from offensive spells to positive enhancements. Yes the stun is longer, but is it worth the risk cost? Level 60 … Brise-plaine voix du dragon et bélier s’apprennent aussi sur L’abominable Azulmagia, Je ne vois plus les petites flèches dans le tableau qui permettait de classer les sorts par niveaux, c’est normal ? One Astral 220 Attack - Even more options here. You could combo these for damage... but, you're the tank and your damage sucks. 15 janvier 2019 Sharpened Knife can be swapped out as your physical attack if you want to save a spell slot. With the addition of Aetherial Mimicry, this list is going to be a little more complex then my last one since there's basically four roles to cover here. Crache-flammes : Peut aussi s’apprendre sur les deux premiers boss du donjon “Gardien du lac” : Einhänder et Vaisseau magitek ; 21. While it doesn't have the instacast of Flying Sardine, I personally can't justify using a spell slot on something that you've already got access to unless the fight design absolutely requires you to have a fast Interrupt. Item ... Req. It also causes Poison, so you're still dealing some damage with it. I've personally never needed to use it, but I've got to include it on the list since it's a "healing" spell. Vous devez être connecté pour publier un commentaire. 18 seconds is plenty of time to melt trash, and it doesnt require set up. They have a DOT, they have a spammable damage spell, and that's about it. The green mage lends support on the battlefield, shielding allies and crippling foes.Description Green Mage is a job in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, exclusive to the viera race. Contactez-moi sur FINAL FANTASY XIV serveur Cerberus sous le pseudo Osis Miu. Aqua Breath + Northerlies is basically a perma stun on trash if you don’t have Lvl 5 Death to drop on the pack, and can allow otherwise squishy BLU “tanks” to pull very large without worrying about getting flattened before Launcher etc RNG works in your favor. Northelies and Plaincracker have short range and Protean Wave doesn't track your target and the knockback is annoying. Just tap level 59 mobs (Azys Lla is a good place) and let your friend kill them for you (don't be in a party together or it won't work). Angel Whisper - Another utility spell that everyone should have. It's a requirement if you even want your healing spells other then White Wind to be useful, otherwise they're about as strong as SMN's Physick. For optimization with Libra, you'll want Eruption, Mountain Buster, Glass Dance, J Kick, and Surpanakha. It has a very small range though, so wait until everything is grouped up to use it. Missile, Launcher, and Level 5 Death - These are your trash killers. Damage taken reduced by 40%, Damage dealt reduced by 70%, Increased Enmity generation, and gains PLD's Trait of spells can't be interrupted. Gobskin - 250 Potency AOE Shield. Condensed Libra - You were probably wondering why this wasn't in the universal spell list. Libra increases damage from all sources by 5%, but randomly selects either Physical (Brown), Astral (White), or Umbral (Black). Exuviation - 300 Potency AOE Heal + Esuna. Éruption : Peut désormais s’apprendre sur la version normale à 4 joueurs depuis la mise à jour du 24/01/2019. Instead of twiddling your thumbs and doing virtually no damage, you get to build mp to cast more Launcher/White Wind/Diamondback. For healers, it's still your strongest heal. The above tooltip code can be used to embed entries from the Eorzea Database in your blog or website. Your job is all about getting aggro on all the enemies, then weakening them so the rest of the party can kill them faster. There is so much new content for players to enjoy right now in Final Fantasy XIV from the new patch 4.5 to all of the Blue Mage goodies. Let me stop you right there, it's not your Medica replacement. Frog Legs + Cactguard - These are more for trial and raid situations. That being said, a Whistled Cannon deals 1080 Potency on a Petrified target making it your strongest attack that doesn't kill yourself and it's AOE. In Patch 4.5, by popular demand, Blue Mage (BLU) has been added to FFXIV Stormblood. The Blue Mage is the first “limited job” coming to Final Fantasy XIV, which means the Blue Mage is designed for solo play. However, for trash pulls, these will be your best spells 99% of the time. For details, visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Kit page. Bad Breath also has the Interrupt effect on it as well. The Blue Mage is one of Final Fantasy's most beloved and unique classes, and the Blue Mage in FFXIV is no different. The base game starts with "A Realm Reborn" and currently has 3 expansions: "Heavensward", "Stormblood" and "Shadowbringers". Mimic: Tank makes it so you take less damage. Talk with magick shop owner over 25 times . Blue Magic is a Magic skillset in Final Fantasy V. It is the special ability of the Blue Mage, and was the first entry of the Final Fantasy to use magic learned from enemies. Personally I prefer Sonic Boom due to its range, making it useful for a more variety of situations, but as long as it's safe, you can easily J-Kick > Fast Spell > Primal Spell 2 > Fast Spell > Primal Spell 3 > Fast Spell > Primal Spell 4 > Fast Spell > Primal Spell 5. Talk with armor shop owner over 15 times . I feel like blood drain is an option that should be considered on tank. En... Rezubian: Bonjour ! This is your strongest GCD attack that doesn't require any status effects to work. All the tank's spells are chosen with that in mind. With the addition of Surpanakha though, Moon Flute can be used every 2 minutes for a sizable DPS gain. Merci beaucoup, I find that a very useful spell. Talk with any shop owner over 100 times . Whistle - Increases the damage of the next physical attack by 80%. Auto-destruction : Bombos planeurs plus exactement :3 Les bombos normaux ne semblent pas le faire. Alright, you've got access to all of your 80 Blue Magic spells and it's time to pick the 24 that you actually want to use. Aibileen. Il ni a pas de différence pour le taux de “loot” en brutal ou extrême. Northelies (Cone AOE), Plaincracker (Melee Circle) and Protean Wave (Line AOE) are the best fits, but none of the spells are that great. Fire Angon, Sharpened Knife, Mind Blast, & Sonic Boom are all good options. Some of the most useful spells are Blue Magic. It's your basic heal that you'll be relying on so you don't drain your MP spamming White Wind. En tant que tel, il ne peut participer qu'à certaines missions et est soumis à diverses limitations. Lv. Bristle + Song of Torment - Two spells that should always be used together. Level 5 Death is surprising good. You can guesstimate this as a 15% damage buff. If you can get this off on a trash pull, expect things to melt. If you don't care about Libra, you can go down to just one attack spell and free up 2 additional slots. Bonjour et merci. 200 MP Cost. Ce job commence au niveau 1 et peut atteindre le niveau 70. Only one Blue Mage on the party needs Libra, and it might as well be the tank because your damage is gonna suck. It also can work as your Silence/Interrupt if you Swiftcast it. It is pretty fun, but will probably be dying in a few weeks. Il se joue… Final Sting will kill you and has an effective 10m cooldown on it, so use this when you can get the most effect of it. It is a "limited" class, as described by Square Enix (SE), meaning it can only go as high as level 50 at the moment, and cannot be used for any kind of … Vous devez attendre que le monstre lance l'attaque voulu avant de le tuer et avoir une chance de l'apprendre. White Wind will still be your main AOE healing spell. It's main usage is before going into a dungeon/trial/raid, you find someone and copy their role. Bon pour ma part, plutôt positif ce mage bleu pour moi, alors certes le grimoire indique qu'une seule localisation pour les spells, mais certains peuvent s'apprendre sur plusieurs monstres dans diverses régions/donjons. 200 MP Cost. Depuis plusieurs mois …, Hello pour les sorts 33 et 34 La chimere d’horme du cohertas marche aussi, Salut Aquasouffle (le spell n°2) peut s’apprendre également sur Leviathan Brutal, Merci pour vos informations, c’est ajouté 😀, Nix des profondeurs Le val d’aurum sort 31 langue poisseuse.