Connexion à CAREER CENTER En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer une expérience sur mesure. At each step, before and after your course, ESSEC Alumni allows you to: Discover all the services and facilities offered by ESSEC Alumni here. To apply, please contact us at Their principal job functions are spread out as such: At ESSEC in one of our Masters or Advanced Masters : Or in the most prestigious universities worldwide i.e. With unique personalities, they share a common goal, to achieve their career objectives. ESSEC | CPE Registration number 200511927D | Period of registration: 30 June 2017 - 29 June , Kareena The association fosters dialogue and meetings between the School’s former students, students in full-time and executive education and companies from all sectors of activity. To apply, please contact us at All training events and sessions will be conducted online. , Matteo The HEC Paris Career Center (CC) offers a dynamic approach to helping you achieve your career transformation. Publier une offre sur le Career Center ESSEC Vous souhaitez déposer une offre de stage ou d'alternance ? Recruit our students and young graduates. Learn more. Contact them. ESSEC EN FR. Career. His research and teaching focuses on supply chain and operations strategy, information sharing in supply chains, inventory … EDHEC Career Centre will help you define your career objectives and search strategy. As usual, scheduling will be done via our career centre website. 2012 - Present : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School, Singapore) 2009 - 2012 : Assistant Professor ... A. and Marie-Laure Djelic. Full-time academic appointments. ESSEC CAREER CENTER All your career information in one platform Vacancies and opportunities; Events; Employer profiles; Advice & guidance; New user? A full range of on-campus events are organized all year long. current students, will be more than happy to answer your questions. , Gaurang Choosing what you will study is a big decision that will shape your future. Mastère Spécialisé ® Droit des Affaires Internationales et Management (DAIM) / LL.M. If you need more advice, go to our online career center where you can find articles and videos on those topics last, but not least handing out a business card can be a good way to receive one in return. Felix Papier is a Supply Chain Management Professor in the Operations Management Department at ESSEC Business School since 2011. Our individualized approach focuses on giving you the exact tools you need to realize your post-MBA career goals. Your career development and professional success are still very important to us. Attend the various events organized by ESSEC as well as the Chair and Center of Excellence specialized in finance. As programs at ESSEC Asia-Pacific are delivered in English, candidates are required to have a strong working knowledge of the English language and should have a keen interest in pursuing a career in an international and multi-cultural environment. With between eight and fifteen years of professional experience behind them, Executive MBA participants are executives who have reached positions of responsibility that make committing to a full-time MBA impractical. Mastère Spécialisé ® Gestion Achats Internationaux & Supply Chain (GAISC), Mastère Spécialisé ® Centrale-ESSEC Entrepreneurs (ENTREP), Mastère Spécialisé ® Management Urbain et Immobilier (MUI), Mastère Spécialisé ® Management des Systèmes d’Information en Réseaux (MSIR), Advanced Master in Business Administration Research, Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics (DSBA), Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB), MSc in Marketing Management and Digital (Msc MMD), Financial Management and Management Control, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business, Certified professional programme in digital transformation, Driving Digital Change: People & Processes, Executive Master in Digital Transformation, Leading with Data-Driven Strategies & Analytics, Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics, Bridging links between corporations and ESSEC, The International Manager’s Formula for Boosting Creativity, 2016 FT rankings: discover ESSEC Executive Education’s results. ESSEC Alumni already has 62,000 graduates with diverse profiles dispersed in all corners of the world. If you want to be an entrepreneur, ESSEC Business School provides you with the opportunity to join our in-house incubator, ESSEC Ventures and Antropia, which support you whilst you develop and launch your startup project. and Yasmine As programs at ESSEC Asia-Pacific are delivered in English, candidates are required to have a strong working knowledge of the English language and should have a keen interest in pursuing a career in an international and multi-cultural environment. This is, in principal, the lifetime membership, that ESSEC has been the first French Business school with a global reach to put in place. London Business School, London School of Economics, Bocconi University, ESADE Business School, HSG St Gallen, Stanford University, University of Sydney, etc. Country-specific career guides: employment and industry trends, top companies, professional networks, resume writing, practical and cultural information Jobs and internships search engine Companies directory 2005 : HDR ... Career. Our alumni with entrepreneurial talents include: Corinne Vigreux, Class of 1987, Founder of “Tom-Tom”, Patrick Dalsace, Class of 1999, Creator of “La Fourchette”, Nicolas Wolfovski, Class of 2009, Creator of “La Fabrique du Sur-Mesure”, Louis Bataille and Guillaume Caffin, Class of 2011,  Creators of “Les Deux Gourmands”, find an internship or a job in France or abroad, switch career paths, become entrepreneurs or independent consultants, facilitate exchange with professionals with common goals. Finance Career Talks, Recruitment sessions & Workshops. ESSEC Business School educates business leaders on all levels - undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral, as well as providing executive education programs. Aarti Ramaswami, Associate Professor of Management at ESSEC Business School and Academic Director of the ESSEC Global MBA, shares a video on how to make the most of international work experiences to boost your career . By continuing to browse this site, we will assume that you consent to the use of cookies. maintain contact with your cohort and the community. Individual career counselling and mock interviews will be conducted online by our in-house counsellors and external experts upon demand. Verify and authenticate ESSEC degrees via two tools Career. When you join ESSEC Business School, you join a community, yours! Globalization and the Return of Geography. The ecosystem, reputation and networks of our school will ensure you make the most our of your project. For this new year, we hope to see as many of you. 🔎 The ESSEC Center for…” Our corporate approach focuses on increasing the range and deepening the quality of the companies that come to recruit on campus. With unique personalities, they share a common goal, to achieve their career objectives. Diplomas. @esseccareerservices posted on their Instagram profile: “Do you want to get a sense of what other incubatees are working on? Part time visting professor (July 2017-July 2020), ... made to a great extent at the Center for Stochastic Processes, UNC Chapel Hill, USA . You will discover within the community, the power of ESSEC network. Use of the data is authorized for personal use in an academic context only. Major sectors where our graduates work: ICT (Information & Communication Technology) , Luxury, Audit & Consulting, Business & Distribution, Food Processing, and Finance. A community of 62,000 graduates around the world By joining ESSEC Executive Education, you become a member of ESSEC Alumni, ESSEC’s graduate association. Publish internship offers, apprenticeships, and international voluntary work schemes on a single platform. En savoir plus 2017 - Present : Associate Professor (ESSEC Business School, France) 2012 - 2017 : Assistant professor (Université Paris-Nanterre, France ... Other Academic Appointments. , Cecile Wether you are looking for a new position or making a career transition, you will find here all the advices, tools and ressources you need to help you succeed and achieve your career goals. , Rania ESSEC Ventures and Antropia business incubators on the French campuses house start-ups and provide support in terms of coaching and resources. By continuing to browse this site, we will assume that you consent to the use of cookies. 2023, Applying with a French higher education diploma, Master in Management (MIM) / Grande Ecole, Advanced Master Strategy & Management of International Business (MS SMIB), Mastère Spécialisé ® Marketing Management et Digital (MMD). Managers today are working in a global and digital world, and that world is constantly changing. , Hyojeong When you join ESSEC Business School, you join a community, yours! Update your CV and print out a few hard copies. ESSEC Alumni already has 60 000 graduates with diverse profiles dispersed in all corners of the world: 60 countries.With unique personalities, they share a common goal, to achieve their career objectives. All Campuses . Find out more about cookies. You will discover within the community, the power of ESSEC network. , Marcella Join the ESSEC community, a chance to network with your peers and benefit from many privileges (career services, conferences, workshops…). The Career Services Team wishes you a Happy New Year 2021! Mastère Spécialisé ® Gestion Achats Internationaux & Supply Chain (GAISC), Mastère Spécialisé ® Centrale-ESSEC Entrepreneurs (ENTREP), Mastère Spécialisé ® Management Urbain et Immobilier (MUI), Mastère Spécialisé ® Management des Systèmes d’Information en Réseaux (MSIR), Advanced Master in Business Administration Research, Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics (DSBA), Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB), MSc in Marketing Management and Digital (Msc MMD), Financial Management and Management Control, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business, Certified professional programme in digital transformation, Driving Digital Change: People & Processes, Executive Master in Digital Transformation, Leading with Data-Driven Strategies & Analytics, Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics, Bridging links between corporations and ESSEC, Master in Data Science and Business Analytics, Advanced Master Strategy and Management of International Business (SMIB), ESSEC Global BBA - Applying with an International High School Diploma, 97% of students find a job within 6 months of graduation, Average salary after 5 years of graduating: €55,000.