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I‘ll fall on my sword.’”© 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC. The images were processed and combined, then colored, and 17 days later, released to the public.A third is the Hubble Deep Field. People would kill for that amount of time with the sharpest tool in the shed, they said, and besides — no way would the distant galaxies Williams hoped to see be bright enough for Hubble to detect.So, with his job perhaps on the line, Williams went off, put together a small team of post-docs, and did exactly as he’d planned. Bob Williams was a Virginia Tech graduate. Williams had gotten in touch with astronomers at the Keck telescopes in Hawaii ahead of time and asked them to point their Earth-based guns at the same patch of sky.

For 100 hours, between Dec. 18 and 28, Hubble stared at a patch of sky near the Big Dipper’s handle that was only about 1/30th as wide as the full moon. In total, the telescope took 342 pictures of the region, each of which was exposed for between 25 and 45 minutes. And to him, the potential observations were so important and so fundamental for understanding how the universe evolved that the experiment was a no-brainer, consequences be damned. In 2007, Crackhead Bob challenged the winner of the Miss Amputee contest, Jen, to a ping-pong match for a chance to win $2,500. An artist's conception of the X-30 National Aero-Space Plane flying through Earth's atmosphere on its way to low-Earth orbit. He seemed way too cool to be working there BY BOB LUTZ The Wichita Eagle WICHITA (AP) -- There might still be a happy ending to Greg Williams' story.

A couple of months later, Bob would return to the Stern Show again, this time to deliver a stirring speech on Howard’slast day at K-ROCK.In 2007, Crackhead Bob challenged the winner of the MissAmputee contest, Jen, to a ping-pong match for a chance to win $2,500.Unfortunately for Bob, Jen went on to win the best-of-five match with a paddle attached to her prosthetic arm.The Stern Show is sad to report the passing of belovedformer Wack Packer George “Crackhead Bob” Harvey. General, Video Category. After a four year absence, CrackheadBob made a surprise return in October of 2005 withmarkedly improved speech. For 100 hours.As for Williams? For 100 hours. And so many times he has slipped back into the despair that has made his life an insufferable combination of crack addiction and jail time. “It showed that the universe is teeming with these galaxies, and if you do a census of how many galaxies you see, and think about how many more are in the night sky, you can conclude that there are as many galaxies as there are stars in the Milky Way,” Kalirai says.In 1995, astronomer Bob Williams wanted to point the Hubble Space Telescope at a patch of sky filled with absolutely nothing remarkable.

So many times he has made promises. Together, the observations helped astronomers develop something of a shortcut for determining cosmological distances to these galaxies, unlocking large portions of the universe.Except that staring at nothing and coming up empty didn’t seem like the best way to do that.Wiliams suspected the billion light-year stare might capture eons of galactic evolution in a single frame and uncover some of the faintest, farthest galaxies ever seen.