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Another merit of Johnston’sversion of dispositionalism is that it handles what seems to be adifficulty for other versions, the problem of explaining the causalrole of color in the perception of colors, that is to say, the problemof meeting constraint (2) on his list:Accordingly, in the case of shape and size, we can distinguish betweenthree kinds of properties: e.g., vision-independent shape,shape’s visual potential and perspectival shape. We all have our own favorite colors. What does the explaining instead is the texture of the object, the wavelengths of light that are reflected, and so forth. (We have referred to this as “Reductive Physicalism, but as we are noting now, this is but one of various forms of that approach. Berlin and Kay conclude that there are universal, non-trivial constraints on color terms. From ancient time color has its own meaning. To answer these questions is to speak of the red’s boundary. It turns out, however, that, for each surfacecolor, there is no single reflectance curve associated with thatcolor, but many. One might experience a truly blue object as green, because either the viewing conditions are not standard (for instance, in certain kinds of light), or because something is amiss with the perceiver.

Let us pause, however, and ask about color itself.

Or, instead, do the different linguistic resources they bring to experience give them experiences of quite different worlds?
As they argue, if we cangive the right account of how the magnitudes contribute to therepresentational content, then we can explain the similarity relationsamong the hues and the binary/unique distinction, in terms of thecontent of color experience.There has been a strong resistance among philosophers, both to theEliminativist tendency within the scientific tradition, and therelated subjectivism.
What is red? This has provoked some to reply along the following lines: “We started with a belief that objects are colored. But as we have said, the scientific view of reality threatens common sense. Other places where we get these pure peaks of cell stimulation occur at 520 nm and 660 nm–the very ranges that correspond to green and red respectively. It seems to rebut all objectivist theories of color, whetherthe objectivist theory is one of the standard forms of colorrealism—physicalist realism or primitivist realism—orwhether it is framed in terms of a disposition to appear, incharacteristic ways, to normal perceivers in standard circumstances.On the face of it, only two candidates remain: Color Relationalism andColor Irrealism. There are, he points out, many beliefs about color towhich we are susceptible, beliefs resulting from our visual experienceand our tendency to take that visual experience in certain ways.Johnston says that some of these beliefs are “core”beliefs, which we can contrast with the more “peripheral”beliefs. The color blue in many cultures is significant in religious beliefs, brings peace, or is believed to keep the bad spirits away. For example, there is a cell that maximizes its output when hit by light around 610 nm and is at its lowest output around 500 nm. The colorphysicalist seems to be committed to a very arbitrary grouping ofreflectances into the various types.When we see an object as red … [the] color is perceived asintrinsic to the object, in much the same way that shape and size areperceived as intrinsic. Dispositions do not cause anything, but rather the ground of those dispositions does. Examination of their different status will make clearer the goal and nature of Dispositionalism.

People like different colors like they like different foods. (Some would say that the proposal expresses a truththat we can recognize, but it is not part of the ordinaryunderstanding.)