Join our movement today.Dear Inspector General Cuffari and Officer Quinn:Human Rights Watch’s letter explains why the CDC order depends on “insufficient and incorrect information provided by the DHS to the CDC regarding the categories of non-citizens . Please give now to support our workJoseph V. Cuffari, Department of Homeland Security Inspector GeneralGrace Meng, senior US researcher Sirine Shebaya, Executive DirectorCameron Quinn, Officer, DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil LibertiesHuman Rights Watch National Immigration Project of theAbuse of Child Athletes in JapanHuman Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justiceGet updates on human rights issues from around the globe. The National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project (NIWAP, pronounced new-app) addresses the needs of immigrant women, immigrant children and immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes by advocating for reforms in law, policy and practice. What follows is her testimony, submitted as … Indiana and Chicago immigration lawyers provide legal aid for immigrants and asylum seekers, ... Transparency Project Unaccompanied Immigrant Children ... Helen is an asylee and former client of the National Immigrant Justice Center. National Immigration Law Center | National Housing Law Project | National Low Income Housing Coalition.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress has passed several emergency measures that provide assistance to struggling individuals and families.
Washington, DC (MAILING ADDRESS)* P.O. HIV Law Project targets its resources to traditionally underserved populations, particularly women and their families; people of color; undocumented and recent immigrants; members of the LGBT community; and the homeless. We stand in solidarity with Black communities in the fight against systemic racism, anti-Blackness, and police brutality.
[2] Immigrant Workers: Vital to the U.S. COVID-19 Response, Disproportionately Vulnerable, Migration Policy Institute.
Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sexual Violence Against Men, Boys, and Transgender Women in the Syrian ConflictHelp us continue to fight human rights abuses. In an effort to provide you the most up to date immigration related information: 1. who have a lawful reason to enter in the United States; incorrect information provided by DHS to the CDC regarding the opportunities for release of asylum seekers to families and communities of support inside the United States; lack of information provided by DHS to the CDC about DHS’ discretion to release asylum seekers from custody after appropriate periods of quarantine and under appropriate conditions of supervision; and lack of information provided by DHS to the CDC about the enduring US obligations to asylum seekers under US and international law, even during an emergency.” National Immigration Law Group . By: National Immigration Law Center | National Employment Law Project | OSH Law Project APRIL 10, 2020 The COVID-19 public health crisis is creating many … The National Immigration Project is a national membership organization of lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers working to defend and expand … [3] Many of the issues discussed are based on state and local law and policy, and so there is not a “one size fits all” approach. 03/21/2020 . HIV Law Project provides legal and advocacy services to HIV+ individuals.
An additional six million foreign-born workers are employed in industries that have been hard-hit by business closures. . These include food service, travel and hospitality, personal services and private household work, and building services.It is critical that all immigrants know their rights at work and have the information and protections they need to ensure their health, safety, and wellbeing during this unprecedented time. ICE is fully functioning.
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid's Immigration Law Project provides direct legal services to address the critical needs of eligible immigrant clients. These cookies do not store any personal information.The COVID-19 public health crisis is creating many challenges for immigrant workers and their families.
Many resources are available to address various aspects of this crisis. Where possible, we include links to additional information on various topics. Counties served: Anoka, Hennepin: ... / Know Your Rights Presentations (KYR), Legislative advocacy (state or national), Referrals to other services: And we are fierce in our determination to continue standing with Black people and investing in their liberation until true peace with justice has been won.
An estimated six million immigrants are in essential jobs at the front lines of the response to this pandemic. Endnotes [1] For general information on the pandemic, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site.