The London Mulligan rule will go into effect during the pre-release weekend of MTG Core Set 2020 on July 5. If the new mulligan was too strong, that's an environment in which we believe we'd see it break. Welcome back! Si un joueur garde sa main, ces cartes deviennent sa main de départ et il ne peut plus déclarer de mulligan. MTG Arena will run the new ruling for one week during the War of the Spark Chronicles Singles tournament. Pour déclarer un mulligan, un joueur mélange sa main dans sa bibliothèque, puis pioche une nouvelle main contenant une carte de moins que la précédente. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. That's why we chose Mythic Championship II (in London) with its Modern Constructed rounds and open decklist policy as a competitive testing ground. In most cases, sanctioned play nowadays requires that players use the \"London\" mulligan process. Ce processus est répété jusqu'à ce qu'aucun joueur ne déclare plus de mulligan. MTG Arena will begin testing the London Mulligan on June 7 … But it's been a year of many things, and...Essentially, each time you take a mulligan, you draw up to seven cards, then put a number of cards from your hand equal to the number of times you have mulliganed this game on the bottom of your library in an order of your choice. A more detailed explanation of this rule change is available from the Wizards offical website here. After you decide to keep the cards you draw, you may scry 1. The most common type of Mulligan these days is the 'Paris Mulligan', and it is the only legally supported method for sanctioned tournaments. This mulligan style does well at preventing non-games, or games where one player can’t really play because their hand sucks so bad. In this sense, we think of the London mulligan as being a "stronger" mulligan in the player's favor as compared to the Vancouver mulligan.While we'd been very happy with how the London mulligan was playing in Standard and Limited, we knew that the biggest risks would be in nonrotating formats, where the card pool is deeper, games are generally faster, and the best draws from combo decks are stronger.
Mulligans all around to start. For example, in Legacy, I play Turbo Depths where I try to get a big 20/20 indestructible flier by abusing the card Dark Depths. If they don’t like those six, then they will shuffle them back, draw seven again, and choose two to put on the bottom of their deck.Basically, you can shuffle your hand back in and draw seven each time you mulligan, except that you have to put X cards onto the bottom of your library where X is the number of times you’ve had to mulligan. This rule had been modified from the Paris mulligan, to give you the opportunity to Scry after a mulligan in 2015.The primary argument against this rule was that it will give combo decks (namely in eternal paper Magic formats like Modern or Legacy) a huge advantage over the other “fair” decks. Plus, the stronger the mulligan, the more often players will choose to use it, which increases time spent shuffling and making decisions before the game can begin.Double Masters previews are almost upon us, and you can get all the dates and preview outlets right here.Consult the archives for more articles!That being said, make no mistake we do expect metagames to change somewhat with the introduction of the London mulligan. The fact that its -X ability fails to get rid of lands animated with Nissa means that it often dies after one activation.