He was just very much unconvinced that oil was going away anytime soon. He was condemned for being "ruthless as a whirlwind" and praised for his genuine, deep-down piety. You need to say what you believe out loud, and you need to do it a lot.In addition to paying very, very close attention to costs, he was also precise when analyzing business ventures.Having the account book makes you see, penny by penny, where your money is going.
The importance of some decisions cannot be understated, so it’s imperative to make the right decision.However, what actually distinguished his strong work ethic is that it was not to afford luxuries, unlike most of his competitors and peers.Instead of working to buy expensive clothes, a yacht, or other things which he viewed as frivolous and indulgent, he liked to work and grow his business. This is of interest to me because we speak often about a Rothschild Rockefeller Illuminati connection. In order to ensure that you can work as hard as you need to in order to master your craft or stand out in your field is to love what you do, be constantly learning more about it, and to try new things and give your craft a flair that is unique to yourself.This level of precision and curiosity, and fervent study of his business and other things allowed him a leg up over his competitors, because he had the armor of having a knowledge advantage.John D. Rockefeller is a very divisive name.
He knew the answer, he didn’t just believe it.While in the refining business, he further deduced with utmost precision that the transportation costs could and would make or break a refinery.I started to realize how much I was getting into Rockefeller’s head when I was talking with my girlfriend, and I started to speak how he would speak, or at least using the same language that he used when corresponding with letters. John D. Rockefeller was the most hated businessman of the 19th century and the most generous philanthropist of the 20th. By the time he was twenty, his charity exceeded ten percent of his income. Once he had decided on a sound course of action, he acted. but there is a lesson here that I think we all can learn from.“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”It’s the small things in the beginning that are most difficult (so maybe they’re not the small things). He liked it.There were five things that jumped out at me, and they are what made him different from his peers and allowed him to prosper in the long run more fabulously than his peers and competitors.If you’re in line at Starbucks or just made an online purchase, write it down.